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Russian 'fights off' thieves with Muay Thai moves in Pattaya

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If someone wonders why I'm so engaged in supporting a Russian:

Not because he is Russian, and not although he is Russian, only because he acted like a human being. That's enough for me.

My roots, my background, and my intentions are of no interest here.

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They wanted the bag....took the bag and they left. I don't see that his Thai boxing expertise was of any great benefit? I hope his father has a work permit?


Thank you.

I wondered if anyone would go to the trouble to ridiculously post "Is there a work permit".


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At least he had the foresight to ask them their nationality before he started fighting back.

Thailand.. your people really suck to continue this "blind" way of blaming others...

Didn`t you read the last sentence:

Thanks to members of the public nearby, one of the men, Mr. Khern aged 18, was apprehended. He later told Police that the other two men were Mr. Wine and Mr. Nes, who are currently being sought by Police.


He was quick to tell on his mates, but that's Thailand for you, ever so brave until it comes on top, then they turn into singers, send him to jail then deport his arse, scum bag


Or drunk maybe. When they say Cambodians you do wonder initially.

Don't get it, they caught one of them, I guess that's how they know?


I do know the fields, even South Pattaya Beach at night.

It's safer there that in cities of Germany where I got robbed.

For hell's sake: it was safer, no Nazis there, so I didn't need to threaten anyone.

I was about to kill a German in summer when he permanently yelled "Heil Hitler"

And a man from Thai security saved his life by getting two Germans' bodies away from each other. I'd like to say "kob cun kap" to this Thai man - for saving my enemy's life, and for saving me from depression.

What on earth are your asking about?

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I do know the fields, even South Pattaya Beach at night.

It's safer there that in cities of Germany where I got robbed.

For hell's sake: it was safer, no Nazis there, so I didn't need to threaten anyone.

I was about to kill a German in summer when he permanently yelled "Heil Hitler"

And a man from Thai security saved his life by getting two Germans' bodies away from each other. I'd like to say "kob cun kap" to this Thai man - for saving my enemy's life, and for saving me from depression.

What are you on about

I'm a certified maniac, so they said in Heidelberg.

They did this when they found out that I had a girlfriend in Thailand.

Then they realised that I was a cultural anthropologist, IT expert and banker.

Then they expatriated me and told me (1) go to Thailand but (2) leave your property in Europe.

Keep taking the meds, you'll be okay

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Next year ,There is free movement in asia,Every crook,will head to places like pattaya,To target tourists.The same thing happend in England,when are borders were opened to other european countrys.Every day ,I read ,There is more and more reasons to avoid thailand.

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Good if Farang trash tourists stay away.

Pattaya is about to become a litterbox for European welfare terror like Mallorca, and those Trash Farangs probably cost more than they contribute to the country.


At least he had the foresight to ask them their nationality before he started fighting back.

Thailand.. your people really suck to continue this "blind" way of blaming others...

One of the attackers was apprehended and he told the police their nationality.

I really regret that our forum members have such a bad attitude towards Thailand. Always complaining and criticising the Thai authorities, so I wonder why they live here if they suffer so much.

What holds them here?


There should be an orientation class for all tourist and ex-pats to show them defensive techniques to ward off "Cambodian" robbers...mace and stun-guns distributed to the elderly...it is time to fight back against everyday criminal activity which has become so ingrained in Thai culture...

I know...this is just wishful thinking...but something needs to be done...like calling a policeman...cheesy.gif


I can't really think of many tourist beaches anywhere in the world that are safe to hang out at 3 am in the morning. If you use bad judgement you will eventually have a bad experience. Even if you have wicked Russian Ninja skills hehehe.

Some of the beaches I frequent in the US, are restricted dusk to dawn and some are 10PM to dawn... I agree being on the beach at that hour is not a good idea!

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At least he had the foresight to ask them their nationality before he started fighting back.

Thailand.. your people really suck to continue this "blind" way of blaming others...

Read the whole article before you start with your Thai bashing .


Ooooh. He used Thai boxing. He must have some mojo

....Used muay Thai, eh? Does that mean he and the perps were told in advance who was to win, then he hugged them and hopped around on one foot a lot?


I do know the fields, even South Pattaya Beach at night.

It's safer there that in cities of Germany where I got robbed.

For hell's sake: it was safer, no Nazis there, so I didn't need to threaten anyone.

I was about to kill a German in summer when he permanently yelled "Heil Hitler"

And a man from Thai security saved his life by getting two Germans' bodies away from each other. I'd like to say "kob cun kap" to this Thai man - for saving my enemy's life, and for saving me from depression.

I never read such a bullshit about german cities for sure everywhere is some crime, in bigger cities more and in smaller less , but to generalize it is just ridiculous.

This german <deleted> who did yelling in Pattaya "Heil Hitler" would never do it in public in germany, caused he would ending up in the court and depending of his Crime report getting a huge fine or/and several month in prison.

And germany is not full of Nazis anyway a lot of Countries having neo nazies organisations around the world.

Crime and gangs existing in any country in this world this is not a question to being a Nazi or not.

The problem is for example Pattaya is full of <deleted> from any country and in higher concentration as in their homecountries in combination with Alcohol and drugs lead this to a lot of trouble.

It is like the Visa rules a small minority destroyed the reputation of all.

Result all getting punished now.



This man obviously knows the difference between power and violence.

Learn techniques of violence, demonstrate you can and will use them if necessary, and then threaten to do so.

If your enemies believe you're sincere, that might frighten them and help them to f*** off - and then you have peace, without hurting anyone.

You sounds like Gandhi, but these is over. The only language what violent ppl understand is violence against them unfortunately.


Classes in defense techniques are a good idea, but please without any arms.

You talking such a bullshit tell this to the criminals, they mostly use knives, machetes and in the worst case guns etc.

Do you using tranquilizer, caused you lost any grip to reality.


He fought back with Thai boxing moves that he learned in Thailand. That's beautiful. I wish i was there to narrate in Thai. In Thailand.

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Classes in defense techniques are a good idea, but please without any arms.

You talking such a bullshit tell this to the criminals, they mostly use knives, machetes and in the worst case guns etc.

Do you using tranquilizer, caused you lost any grip to reality.

I'm far from using tranquilizers.

Yes, I know many of them are armed with dangerous weapons, but I think this is (or should be) illegal in Thailand and therefore a task for the police.



This man obviously knows the difference between power and violence.

Learn techniques of violence, demonstrate you can and will use them if necessary, and then threaten to do so.

If your enemies believe you're sincere, that might frighten them and help them to f*** off - and then you have peace, without hurting anyone.

You sounds like Gandhi, but these is over. The only language what violent ppl understand is violence against them unfortunately.


I'm far from generalizing and saying that all Germans are Nazis. They are a minority in Germany, but they are loud and brutal, and they should not be overheard. In fact, some of them are here in Pattaya, they ruin the reputation of whole Germany, and they terrorize the inhabitants and workers in Pattaya. If you don't stop them from the beginning, they might return to Germany and tell their Nazi companions that Pattaya is a paradise for Nazis and easily to be taken over. Excuse me, but this is the kind of thinking, and it is their language. They would not hesitate a second to wipe you out if you give them a chance.

They come up like rats, you better stop them from the beginning before it's too late.

This is not paranoia, it's a lesson learned from German history.

This kind of ppl could never do this in germany without to be prosecuted, but in Thailand they could do it caused oft he corrupt system.

This is not a false of Germany they are out of reach for the german authorities as long they stay in Thailand.

For me are these kind of ppl just like dogs with rabies, there is only 1 solution possible in my opinion!


In 18+ years of coming to Asia, I have --never-- heard a German shout anything even vaguely resembling 'Heil Hitler' - an absurd claim but I guess these threads really bring out the nutters. Even the 'bovver boy' Brits who came to Pattaya in the 90s seem to have moved on - about the only assaults I have to endure now are from the French and Russian guys in the food courts who seem to have industrial deafness : I cant think of another reason why anyone would feel the need to shout in conversation with a comrade sitting less than a metre away. The German contingent have dropped off noticeably over previous years - I can only assume that the pressure of having to bail out half of Europe is taking it's toll.

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More off topic troll posts removed also replies, the topic is about a Russian gentleman it has nothing to do with Germany or Nazis

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once. It seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.”

What 'unenlightened oaf' chiseled this 'stone age' piece?

William Shakespeare

(Julius Caesar)

He that fights and runs away, may turn and fight another day; but he that is in battle slain, will never rise to fight again.~Tacitus

Shakespeare was a Johnny-Come-Lately.

For every hero we read about, a dozen of them were killed before they even got their chance. Robbing their families of their love, and society of all the good they would have done.

But kudos to the Russkie. Could have easily ended up another story of murder in the late night on a beach in Thailand.

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