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Dog barking..the solution, any electronics experts out there?


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I know I am not the only one who has a problem with neighbour's dog's barking and there is a solution using high frequency sound.

I recently bought a device which emits a high frequency sound when a dog starts barking and it does work, but only up to a point as it only really distracts the dog. Then I think the dog actually gets used to it.


What is needed is a device with an adjustable output for volume, and/or perhaps frequency, so you can adjust it, from distraction, discomfort, right up to pain level for the dog. This may sound cruel (to someone who isn't constantly woken at 4 or 5am) but the alternative is killing the damn thing, as many in fact do.

Could anyone out there build such a device, or modify mine to create a higher volume? Or offer any advice.

I have the same problem with a school outside my apartment,could I use the same device on the children?
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i live in a gated community and the woman accross the street has 3 dogs which she leaves out in her front garden every week day whilst she goes to work from 7a.m. till at least 6p.m. sometimes even later they bark at anyone who goes past at the postman the refuge men the children in fact they even bark at themselves,they are like shitzu dogs with a constant annoying bark, when it was mentioned to her about this all she says is they not welcome inside they make mess and chew things up. I have lived her for only 4 weeks and never seen her exercise them. They are a pain in the arse as even at weekends she lets then out into her garden so she can relax.They are not the kind of dogs you can go up to and pat or stroke,in fact if anyone even goes within 10 feet of her gate they yap like <deleted>, yes i have considered rat poisened meat but there are cats nearby so why should they suffer. Anyone any good suggestions

There are poisons which will do the dogs but not the cats, also they will probably scoff down a bit of luk chin with the added treat inside straight away before a cat got near. There is an artificial sweetener in some chewing gum which dogs do not like. The problem is of course even if the dogs were to disappear she would probably just get some more.

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I bought a Pet Safe Bark Control http://www.amazon.co.uk/PetSafe-PBC19-11794-Outdoor-Bark-Control/dp/B001NI1S0O/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1417863193&sr=8-15&keywords=pet+safe+anti+bark

And it works up to a point, the problem is it is not loud enough, to annoy the barking dog sufficiently to shut TF up. The sensing part works ok, but what I need is a simple adjustable output amp and I guess a microphone. The only part of the amp I need is a tweeter, which handles the HF end, the only bit I need.

If someone came up with something, they could sell them here and judging by the replies, to 90% of farangs in Thailand.

We bought our house in a cul-de-sac of a nice Soi 7 years ago, my neighbour moved here 1 year ago, I am not going to poison or shoot his dog, the owner? perhaps. But either way I will get into trouble, I am a farang and he is Thai, end of story.

It is a waste of time trying to reason with people like this, so a simple subtle solution is needed. Come on lads this can't be rocket science, when I did my O' level electronics 100years ago, I made a sound to light unit, it was just a bunch of resistors and stuff.

Circuit diagram SVP.

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At my vacation house next door they have a commercial dog raising operation and have 25 to 30 dogs in cages in the house believe it or not in a gated community. The barking is constant 24x 7.

If there is a solution I would love to know what it is.

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At my vacation house next door they have a commercial dog raising operation and have 25 to 30 dogs in cages in the house believe it or not in a gated community. The barking is constant 24x 7.

If there is a solution I would love to know what it is.

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Here ya go, just pay attention to the polarities of the diodes.


I bought a Pet Safe Bark Control http://www.amazon.co.uk/PetSafe-PBC19-11794-Outdoor-Bark-Control/dp/B001NI1S0O/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1417863193&sr=8-15&keywords=pet+safe+anti+bark

And it works up to a point, the problem is it is not loud enough, to annoy the barking dog sufficiently to shut TF up. The sensing part works ok, but what I need is a simple adjustable output amp and I guess a microphone. The only part of the amp I need is a tweeter, which handles the HF end, the only bit I need.

If someone came up with something, they could sell them here and judging by the replies, to 90% of farangs in Thailand.

We bought our house in a cul-de-sac of a nice Soi 7 years ago, my neighbour moved here 1 year ago, I am not going to poison or shoot his dog, the owner? perhaps. But either way I will get into trouble, I am a farang and he is Thai, end of story.

It is a waste of time trying to reason with people like this, so a simple subtle solution is needed. Come on lads this can't be rocket science, when I did my O' level electronics 100years ago, I made a sound to light unit, it was just a bunch of resistors and stuff.

Circuit diagram SVP.


Edited by Guitar God
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At my vacation house next door they have a commercial dog raising operation and have 25 to 30 dogs in cages in the house believe it or not in a gated community. The barking is constant 24x 7.

If there is a solution I would love to know what it is.

Next time you buy a vacation house, check it out first.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yeah, that's no guarantee. I build a house is a very small gated community, before I started construction the neighborhood was quiet, for 6 months during construction the neighborhood was quiet and then within 2 weeks after I moved in, a neighbor 200m away got a rooster and then my nextdoor neighbor got one and put his cage on my lotline. We get along fine with all the neighbors, they didn't do it to piss me off or try to make me leave, they just decided they wanted to keep roosters, although they don't care for them enough to keep them close to their house. As far as possible form their house happened to be as close as possible to mine, I'm sure they gave zero thought to what their neighbors though about them getting roosters. Just like people who have undisiplined dogs think.

I bought an electric mower even though I wanted a gas mower. I got it because I never heard any gas mowers in the neighborhood and I didn't want to be the only one here making noise, silly considerate me.

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Speaking of stray dogs, my wife brought home her sister's small two dogs to stay here until her sister moves to a new house. She lets the dog out in the yard and the stray dog, that I told her a month ago that I wanted to relocate because he seemed to have decided that my yard was his territory, runs into the yard and attacks her sister's dog. She's off to the vet, the dog gets sewn back together, wrapped up and shot full of drugs. He should be okay but has to go back every day for a while.

I came back home and relocated the dog. I hope he enjoys his new home...

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Many years ago, we lived next to a Canadian and his Thai wife. They had a doberman. Whenever the couple left the home, the doberman (outside in the yard) would bark up a storm. Because their home was so close to ours and the dog was extra large, the barking drove us up the wall. One day, the couple left the home for a short errand and left the TV on.......and the dog didn't bark. After that, I suggested they leave the TV on whenever they went out.........problem solved. For that dog, at least.

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Reading everything everyone has written has given me an idea after being chased again this morning by a yappy dog ant poison dogs not very nice but next time I am in uk I will bring loads of cheap chocolate and drop it when the dogs chase me dogs love chocolate and chocolate poisons dogs problem solved if it bites me I treat it to chocolate

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I think they have to scoff a load of choccy to do them in. For strays one of those collapsible rods work well, even the mrs takes it out if walking around the estate, flick it out and they back off. Not great being surrounded by 4-5 aggressive dogs. One woman was bitten last week so down to the hospital for rabies jabs.

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Still not practical solution from anyone, I thought one you electronics boffs would have solution and it seems quite a few other people would benefit.

I would like to build 2 units, one automatic working in the same way as my existing machine, or even incorporating my existing machine, making it a little louder and one hand held manual unit.

We live in a cul-de-sac and two or three times a day a husky enters the area setting all the dogs off barking, the owner lets him out at 6am and now has three other small dogs too who crap everywhere. So the second unit is aimed at these and once they get used to expecting an earful of nasty noise they will go elsewhere.

Please if there is anyone out there who can help, many lives would be greatly improved, I would even make up a few units and sell them at cost. We shouldn't have to move house as a result of these selfish people.

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I think you missed the point. He doesn't have a dog, a bunch of inconsiderate neighbors of his have dogs and they bark next to his house for no reason other than other inconsiderate dog owners parade their dog past all the other yappy dogs at 6am and they bark every morning. Because they didn't train their dogs to behave, he wants to train them not to bark right next to his house.

As I mentioned before, I had a neighbor who had a dog who had a huge yard but chose to sit as close to my lotline as possible to bark at every dog and cat and pedestrian and large insect and bird he saw and every car, bicycle, kid playing or leaves falling that he heard. I put a motion-sensing untrasonic dog annoyer on the side of my garage and the dog learned to go happily bark on the other side of his yard. Solved my problem, dog changed his behavior and didn't seem to mind barking somewhere else.

Edited by Guitar God
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I've got one of these:



It works if you can get near enough to the dog.

When I pointed it at a neighbour's barking dog it stopped in the middle of a bark, look surprised and ran to the other side of the garden. But you have to point it directly at the dog - no walls in the way.

My friend is now using it to see if it will stop his own dog barking.

Another friend has his permanently on - powered by mains supply - and says it has stopped the yappy dog over the road from barking.

Only catch - you have to get someone to bring it in from abroad as they are not available to buy here.

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Our new place is in a normally quiet neighborhood of KK, Umphur Muang. The soi in front of our place has very modest vehicular traffic and, as a result, has quite a number of regular walkers, joggers, neighborhood dogs doing the rounds. I see the same folks on a regular basis.

Two nearby neighbors have dogs. One has 3 (poodle, German Shepherd, ?), another has 2 Dobermans.

The "threesome" start a frenzy of barking on a "very regular" basis. The Dobermans are very well trained and we never hear them.

What's the difference? The owner!

I will get a "device" and start trying to let them know their barking is not appreciated. If that p***es off the owner, all the better.

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I've got one of these:



It works if you can get near enough to the dog.

When I pointed it at a neighbour's barking dog it stopped in the middle of a bark, look surprised and ran to the other side of the garden. But you have to point it directly at the dog - no walls in the way.

My friend is now using it to see if it will stop his own dog barking.

Another friend has his permanently on - powered by mains supply - and says it has stopped the yappy dog over the road from barking.

Only catch - you have to get someone to bring it in from abroad as they are not available to buy here.

This actually looks better than the device I bought and if it can stop a dog barking 300 feet away it is probably quite loud, the Petsafe one I bought just isn't loud enough, with a range of just 50 feet they simply get used to it. Also mine runs on a PP3 9v battery, mains would be much better.

Although 1.6W doesn't seem that loud and that is input power, if my Petsafe is obviously less, so no wonder the dogs ignore it.

I will take a look around, maybe it is available from China, I am sure it is made there.

Meanwhile I will try to get something made.

Anyway a bit of progress anyway.

One thing, mine seems to eat batteries, so I thought of using a 9vdc mains adapter (from an old phone), which powers up to 300mA, around 2.7w, however, when I measure the true voltage output it is 13.8v, will that be okay?

Edited by AllanB
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I've got one of these:



It works if you can get near enough to the dog.

When I pointed it at a neighbour's barking dog it stopped in the middle of a bark, look surprised and ran to the other side of the garden. But you have to point it directly at the dog - no walls in the way.

My friend is now using it to see if it will stop his own dog barking.

Another friend has his permanently on - powered by mains supply - and says it has stopped the yappy dog over the road from barking.

Only catch - you have to get someone to bring it in from abroad as they are not available to buy here.

This actually looks better than the device I bought and if it can stop a dog barking 300 feet away it is probably quite loud, the Petsafe one I bought just isn't loud enough, with a range of just 50 feet they simply get used to it. Also mine runs on a PP3 9v battery, mains would be much better.

Although 1.6W doesn't seem that loud and that is input power, if my Petsafe is obviously less, so no wonder the dogs ignore it.

I will take a look around, maybe it is available from China, I am sure it is made there.

Meanwhile I will try to get something made.

Anyway a bit of progress anyway.

One thing, mine seems to eat batteries, so I thought of using a 9vdc mains adapter (from an old phone), which powers up to 300mA, around 2.7w, however, when I measure the true voltage output it is 13.8v, will that be okay?

This one also chews up batteries very quickly - 6 at a time! One of the reasons I leant it to a friend was to see how effective it was for him using the mains power supply smile.png as I didn't have a mains socket anywhere near the front of the house.

I'm not sure 300mA would be enough. 6*1.5v batteries can supply a lot of power. Don't forget you need to measure the output voltage of your adapter while it is under load, using a meter with a "battery test" position. The output voltage may read higher when it is not supplying any power.

I would try to get an adjustable mains adapter - one that can be set to 3, 4.5, 6, 9, 12v. Those are often around 1000 - 1500 mA output. I have 3 of them made by "Spike" powering 12v fans that keep my TV and cable box cool. (About 250 baht each)

I should get my device back this weekend so I'll report back how it worked for him and also check on the output of its mains adapter.

If you can get one of these types of dog silencers, please give details. I was thinking of getting half a dozen of them and linking them up all around the garden biggrin.png

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I think a dog patrol should be set up and all stray dogs be collected up and you should have dog licences and owners fined if dogs make a nusceince of them ha ha living in cloud cookoo land please some one do something before I shoot them all can't even go for a ride on my bike dogs everywhere barking chasing aggressive dogs have been bitten but managed to kick it off still have the scar .

And don mega I will happily come and bit you and your family then we can all act like dogs like you seem to do

And I am a dog lover had them all my life but treated them well and they never barked unless someone was attacking me


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I've got one of these:



It works if you can get near enough to the dog.

When I pointed it at a neighbour's barking dog it stopped in the middle of a bark, look surprised and ran to the other side of the garden. But you have to point it directly at the dog - no walls in the way.

My friend is now using it to see if it will stop his own dog barking.

Another friend has his permanently on - powered by mains supply - and says it has stopped the yappy dog over the road from barking.

Only catch - you have to get someone to bring it in from abroad as they are not available to buy here.

This actually looks better than the device I bought and if it can stop a dog barking 300 feet away it is probably quite loud, the Petsafe one I bought just isn't loud enough, with a range of just 50 feet they simply get used to it. Also mine runs on a PP3 9v battery, mains would be much better.

Although 1.6W doesn't seem that loud and that is input power, if my Petsafe is obviously less, so no wonder the dogs ignore it.

I will take a look around, maybe it is available from China, I am sure it is made there.

Meanwhile I will try to get something made.

Anyway a bit of progress anyway.

One thing, mine seems to eat batteries, so I thought of using a 9vdc mains adapter (from an old phone), which powers up to 300mA, around 2.7w, however, when I measure the true voltage output it is 13.8v, will that be okay?

This one also chews up batteries very quickly - 6 at a time! One of the reasons I leant it to a friend was to see how effective it was for him using the mains power supply smile.png as I didn't have a mains socket anywhere near the front of the house.

I'm not sure 300mA would be enough. 6*1.5v batteries can supply a lot of power. Don't forget you need to measure the output voltage of your adapter while it is under load, using a meter with a "battery test" position. The output voltage may read higher when it is not supplying any power.

I would try to get an adjustable mains adapter - one that can be set to 3, 4.5, 6, 9, 12v. Those are often around 1000 - 1500 mA output. I have 3 of them made by "Spike" powering 12v fans that keep my TV and cable box cool. (About 250 baht each)

I should get my device back this weekend so I'll report back how it worked for him and also check on the output of its mains adapter.

If you can get one of these types of dog silencers, please give details. I was thinking of getting half a dozen of them and linking them up all around the garden biggrin.png

Thanks mate, please let me know.

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what frequency / wavelength works best and does a dog get familiar with it and ignore it ?

do other animals hear it too ?

Can you make one that is directional like a radar gun ,

Does a dogs bark have a certain frequency / wavelength ? then you could make it the trigger at that frequency / wavelength to turn it on.

and how much does it hurt other non barking dogs who can not get away from your dog silencer ? maybe they are in a cage or restricted area?

I do not have a dog problem how as they moved , but who knows the future and I hate to hurt a non barking dog to try and "teach" a barking one

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what frequency / wavelength works best and does a dog get familiar with it and ignore it ?

do other animals hear it too ?

Can you make one that is directional like a radar gun ,

Does a dogs bark have a certain frequency / wavelength ? then you could make it the trigger at that frequency / wavelength to turn it on.

and how much does it hurt other non barking dogs who can not get away from your dog silencer ? maybe they are in a cage or restricted area?

I do not have a dog problem how as they moved , but who knows the future and I hate to hurt a non barking dog to try and "teach" a barking one

The devices on the market at present don't "hurt" the dog, they distract it or irritate it, rather like their barking irritates the neighbour, I think the problem is they get used to it, rather like the Thais do their dog's barking. Even the loudest of these devices is only 1.6watts, which is not that loud, even though it is at high frequency.

According to another poster 1.6watts is enough, so that is what I would like to aim for, hopefully by increasing the input power to mine using a variable voltage DC mains supply.

I thought I made it clear from the start this is not about inflicting pain in some sort of clandestine attack on the neighbour's poor dog, it is about shutting the dog up from nuisance barking. So nuisance dog owners stop trolling this thread, if there was a product I could aim at the like's of you instead of your dog, I would prefer that, but there isn't. Remember, you are the real problem here.

As I have said before, the woman next door has a barky dog, but after a quiet word she takes her dog in at night and does her best to train her dog the rest of the time. The new guy on the other side, however, has the attitude, "my house, my dog, my country, so go back home if you don't like that." So I have to deal with that, if I want any peace.

So really I am looking for some technical help, for this very solvable problem.

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These are available on Ebay -- a bit dear at ~ Bt 7,000 (includes shipping and import fees). http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stop-Neighbors-dog-barking-Deterrent-Silencer-Quiet-Control-Effect-w-Remote-Bark-/131359906182?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e95a91986

I'm also interested to know if, and how well, the unit works.

If you read the reviews on ebay and amazon they all pretty much agree they only partly work or only work on some type of dogs, unfortunately they are not all that effective.

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