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Family of Brits murdered in Thailand say evidence convincing

Lite Beer

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What did Maung see, if anything, when he returned to the AC bar at around 5am though?

Thai officialdom will do all it can to keep Muang (the 3rd Burmese) from court proceedings. If they can't do that, they'll at least make it clear to him and the other 2 that they have to be very careful about what they say. The 3 Burmese know if they step over the line, and say anything which might implicate the Headman's people, they could be dogmeat. That's at least part of the reason the B2 said they didn't know who did the crime, when the judge asked them.

So basically the MPS went to Thailand and where treated like Mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed ........................... well you know the rest hey.

So it was all smoke and mirrors. They achieved nothing that the RTP didn't want them to. They didn't even have an Embassy provided interpreter. so they don't even know if the translation was true.

David Cameron and Hugo Swire have Mislead the UK public on this issue as well as possibly the 2 victims family's.

Yes. I've posted on that with same conclusions several times. Cameron got a verbal agreement, in person, from the self-appointed Thai MP, that Brit experts could assist with the investigation (with Thai officials leading the investigation). However, the word 'ASSIST' was switched to 'OBSERVERS ONLY' on the next day, by the Thai PM when he returned to Bkk. ....for obvious reasons. It's known ww that Brit crime investigators are among the best in the world. It doesn't take an Einstein to see why Thai officials wouldn't want the Brits doing any investigating on the crime.

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how long would it take the B2 to get home into bed after cleaning off the blood and be asleep by 5?

Nomsod looks to frail to have taken on David we need to focus on those people like the hoe and tooth shark ring man

Nomsod is taller than the B2, for starters. He's a spoiled rich Thai youngster, so is likely prone to emotional eruptions (perhaps we can get some 1st-person verifications of prior emotional flare-ups, for reference). A thin young man can cause a lot of harm if he's so inclined - such things often get sparked by being offended. The shark ring (or Stingray) guy is big and strong and there's circumstantial evidence that he was involved with the crime. He, and others connected to AC bar should indeed be suspects.

Post # 10 the stuttering parrot.

Then nearly 2400 posts later and not only disrespect for the family the CTs still continue with all this crap with no proof at at all.

I was out drinking and dancing welcoming in the new year while this lot trolled through the night in their fantasy world of ifs buts maybes but then agains etc etc .

I actually started to feel sorry for you guys and thought you needed professional help but now I realise you just a pack of a....".les who have no respect for the families wishes and who knows how many forums your on.

You know as much as me about this case.Nothing

If you know that we know nothing about this case, then you know things about this case? Please tell us SP.

You sure sound subjective about putting down everyone who is searching for the truth. You sound like someone with a dog in this fight, so to speak.

It's no disrespect to victims' families for some of us to sincerely search for justice in this case. This is bigger than the victims' families. Besides seeking justice for David and Hannah, these discussions are about trying to keep vile and dangerous killers and rapists out of the public domain.

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A different, parallel tack.

Was out standing in a field this morning thinking about this and it seems the change of focus came about when Gen Panya was replaced.

He had already arrested Mon and was looking for the son after saying there was enough evidence to convict them.

It would seem he was replaced because he was looking in the wrong, right, place (depending on point of view) for as soon as he was replaced they were no longer suspects, so questions :

Who ordered Gen Panya to be replaced ?

Has that person got any connections with Koh Tau ?

Was there any coercion, intimidation, bribery involved in the replacement ?

If there was bribery is there any way to find and follow a money trail ?

Has the person who ordered the transfer or any of their family made any extraordinary purchases since the replacement ?

Have any of the other police involved or their families made any extraordinary purchases since the investigation began ?

Possibly showing that money changed hands could indicate a cover up which would be of advantage to the defense.

Finally, could the defense call Gen Panya as a witness to explain why he considered Mon and the son to be the guilty parties rather than the 2 Burmese ?

His promotion, and replacement, was approved and scheduled since before the murders.

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A different, parallel tack.

Was out standing in a field this morning thinking about this and it seems the change of focus came about when Gen Panya was replaced.

He had already arrested Mon and was looking for the son after saying there was enough evidence to convict them.

It would seem he was replaced because he was looking in the wrong, right, place (depending on point of view) for as soon as he was replaced they were no longer suspects, so questions :

Who ordered Gen Panya to be replaced ?

Has that person got any connections with Koh Tau ?

Was there any coercion, intimidation, bribery involved in the replacement ?

If there was bribery is there any way to find and follow a money trail ?

Has the person who ordered the transfer or any of their family made any extraordinary purchases since the replacement ?

Have any of the other police involved or their families made any extraordinary purchases since the investigation began ?

Possibly showing that money changed hands could indicate a cover up which would be of advantage to the defense.

Finally, could the defense call Gen Panya as a witness to explain why he considered Mon and the son to be the guilty parties rather than the 2 Burmese ?

His promotion, and replacement, was approved and scheduled since before the murders.

Do you know why he got promoted ? Maybe because he was good at his job.

So then explain why his replacement decided to go on a totally different track, ignoring all the work of the previous boss. Not even it seems talking to him as to what work he had put into it.

You really have just got to see how dumb this "he was already promoted" kack sits with normal people.

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A different, parallel tack.

Was out standing in a field this morning thinking about this and it seems the change of focus came about when Gen Panya was replaced.

He had already arrested Mon and was looking for the son after saying there was enough evidence to convict them.

It would seem he was replaced because he was looking in the wrong, right, place (depending on point of view) for as soon as he was replaced they were no longer suspects, so questions :

Who ordered Gen Panya to be replaced ?

Has that person got any connections with Koh Tau ?

Was there any coercion, intimidation, bribery involved in the replacement ?

If there was bribery is there any way to find and follow a money trail ?

Has the person who ordered the transfer or any of their family made any extraordinary purchases since the replacement ?

Have any of the other police involved or their families made any extraordinary purchases since the investigation began ?

Possibly showing that money changed hands could indicate a cover up which would be of advantage to the defense.

Finally, could the defense call Gen Panya as a witness to explain why he considered Mon and the son to be the guilty parties rather than the 2 Burmese ?

His promotion, and replacement, was approved and scheduled since before the murders.

Do you have a source for that claim?

Edited by uty6543
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Then he with the one in the back changed shirts.

I don't know how to post a picture from bookmark. But if you know the pictures. There is one of a guy walking. It looks like Muang. He has on the black long sleeved shirt the same as the back guy. But the black shorts of the middle guy. It doesn't have a time on the picture.

This note is for Willie.[/quote


Do you see my note William.

What do you think? ?

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Lawyer U Aung Myo Thant, a member of the team, told Mizzima they were calling on the court to summon Mr Christopher Ware and Mr Sean McAnna - friends of the two British murder victims Ms Hannah Witheridge and Mr David Millar - as they could be main witnesses in the case.

“Myanmar witnesses testify that they (Mr Ware and Mr McAnna) are related to the case. When they entered into the bar, they had injuries. Bloods stains were on their guitar. And the time was around 4 o’clock in the early morning,” said U Aung Myo Thant. “But they said they had a motorcycle accident and then they were released. Therefore, we officially requested the court to question them again.”

source http://www.mizzima.com/mizzima-news/regional/item/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses

(19th December)


I think Greenchair should add to his timeline that Chris and Sean entered the bar at 04.00. Which bar? AC?

And were was David?

Now what about the injuries? Could there have been some fighting before David was fatally attacked? Were some of his injuries from an earlier fight? And were Chris and Sean there too (or one of them)? OK, Chris claimed later that his injuries were "old wounds" and after a doctor confirmed that he was released. A doctor from Koh Tao?

Only more room for speculations - and for now I agree: speculations, that's what it is......

Edited by HansIsaan
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A different, parallel tack.

Was out standing in a field this morning thinking about this and it seems the change of focus came about when Gen Panya was replaced.

He had already arrested Mon and was looking for the son after saying there was enough evidence to convict them.

It would seem he was replaced because he was looking in the wrong, right, place (depending on point of view) for as soon as he was replaced they were no longer suspects, so questions :

Who ordered Gen Panya to be replaced ?

Has that person got any connections with Koh Tau ?

Was there any coercion, intimidation, bribery involved in the replacement ?

If there was bribery is there any way to find and follow a money trail ?

Has the person who ordered the transfer or any of their family made any extraordinary purchases since the replacement ?

Have any of the other police involved or their families made any extraordinary purchases since the investigation began ?

Possibly showing that money changed hands could indicate a cover up which would be of advantage to the defense.

Finally, could the defense call Gen Panya as a witness to explain why he considered Mon and the son to be the guilty parties rather than the 2 Burmese ?

His promotion, and replacement, was approved and scheduled since before the murders.
We've come to expect such flaccid reasoning from those who are shielding the Headman's people. And this item has been addressed already, but I'll repeat: If a top brass is just starting an investigation, he's not going to pulled from the job, all of a sudden, by higher ups, unless there's a compelling reason to do so. The main reason: He was barking up the wrong tree (accumulating evidence which implicated the real suspects). A secondary reason: the taxi driver who came forth claiming he was offered Bt.300k to snitch, and also claiming police beat him to comply. When the replacement showed up, all the evidence against the Headman's people was trashed, and the frame-up against the B3 was implemented. Since then, no evidence whatsoever has come forth from Thai officialdom which points to the Headman's people. AleG's assertion is as solid as a piece of tissue in a toilet bowl.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A different, parallel tack.

Was out standing in a field this morning thinking about this and it seems the change of focus came about when Gen Panya was replaced.

He had already arrested Mon and was looking for the son after saying there was enough evidence to convict them.

It would seem he was replaced because he was looking in the wrong, right, place (depending on point of view) for as soon as he was replaced they were no longer suspects, so questions :

Who ordered Gen Panya to be replaced ?

Has that person got any connections with Koh Tau ?

Was there any coercion, intimidation, bribery involved in the replacement ?

If there was bribery is there any way to find and follow a money trail ?

Has the person who ordered the transfer or any of their family made any extraordinary purchases since the replacement ?

Have any of the other police involved or their families made any extraordinary purchases since the investigation began ?

Possibly showing that money changed hands could indicate a cover up which would be of advantage to the defense.

Finally, could the defense call Gen Panya as a witness to explain why he considered Mon and the son to be the guilty parties rather than the 2 Burmese ?

His promotion, and replacement, was approved and scheduled since before the murders.
We've come to expect such flaccid reasoning from those who are shielding the Headman's people. And this item has been addressed already, but I'll repeat: If a top brass is just starting an investigation, he's not going to pulled from the job, all of a sudden, by higher ups, unless there's a compelling reason to do so. The main reason: He was barking up the wrong tree (accumulating evidence which implicated the real suspects). A secondary reason: the taxi driver who came forth claiming he was offered Bt.300k to snitch, and also claiming police beat him to comply. When the replacement showed up, all the evidence against the Headman's people was trashed, and the frame-up against the B3 was implemented. Since then, no evidence whatsoever has come forth from Thai officialdom which points to the Headman's people. AleG's assertion is as solid as a piece of tissue in a toilet bowl.

just better to ignore the Famous Four. That would P them off even more. Let them speak alone.

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Lawyer U Aung Myo Thant, a member of the team, told Mizzima they were calling on the court to summon Mr Christopher Ware and Mr Sean McAnna - friends of the two British murder victims Ms Hannah Witheridge and Mr David Millar - as they could be main witnesses in the case.

“Myanmar witnesses testify that they (Mr Ware and Mr McAnna) are related to the case. When they entered into the bar, they had injuries. Bloods stains were on their guitar. And the time was around 4 o’clock in the early morning,” said U Aung Myo Thant. “But they said they had a motorcycle accident and then they were released. Therefore, we officially requested the court to question them again.”

source http://www.mizzima.com/mizzima-news/regional/item/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses

(19th December)


I think Greenchair should add to his timeline that Chris and Sean entered the bar at 04.00. Which bar? AC?

And were was David?

Now what about the injuries? Could there have been some fighting before David was fatally attacked? Were some of his injuries from an earlier fight? And were Chris and Sean there too (or one of them)? OK, Chris claimed later that his injuries were "old wounds" and after a doctor confirmed that he was released. A doctor from Koh Tao?

Only more room for speculations - and for now I agree: speculations, that's what it is......

Chris Ware injured his hand prior to Davids Murder In fact here is his picture with his hand bandaged and sitting with David.....


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Lawyer U Aung Myo Thant, a member of the team, told Mizzima they were calling on the court to summon Mr Christopher Ware and Mr Sean McAnna - friends of the two British murder victims Ms Hannah Witheridge and Mr David Millar - as they could be main witnesses in the case.

“Myanmar witnesses testify that they (Mr Ware and Mr McAnna) are related to the case. When they entered into the bar, they had injuries. Bloods stains were on their guitar. And the time was around 4 o’clock in the early morning,” said U Aung Myo Thant. “But they said they had a motorcycle accident and then they were released. Therefore, we officially requested the court to question them again.”

source http://www.mizzima.com/mizzima-news/regional/item/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses

(19th December)


I think Greenchair should add to his timeline that Chris and Sean entered the bar at 04.00. Which bar? AC?

And were was David?

Now what about the injuries? Could there have been some fighting before David was fatally attacked? Were some of his injuries from an earlier fight? And were Chris and Sean there too (or one of them)? OK, Chris claimed later that his injuries were "old wounds" and after a doctor confirmed that he was released. A doctor from Koh Tao?

Only more room for speculations - and for now I agree: speculations, that's what it is......

Chris Ware injured his hand prior to Davids Murder In fact here is his picture with his hand bandaged and sitting with David.....

sorry missed the other picture.



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Lawyer U Aung Myo Thant, a member of the team, told Mizzima they were calling on the court to summon Mr Christopher Ware and Mr Sean McAnna - friends of the two British murder victims Ms Hannah Witheridge and Mr David Millar - as they could be main witnesses in the case.

Myanmar witnesses testify that they (Mr Ware and Mr McAnna) are related to the case. When they entered into the bar, they had injuries. Bloods stains were on their guitar. And the time was around 4 oclock in the early morning, said U Aung Myo Thant. But they said they had a motorcycle accident and then they were released. Therefore, we officially requested the court to question them again.

source http://www.mizzima.com/mizzima-news/regional/item/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses

(19th December)


I think Greenchair should add to his timeline that Chris and Sean entered the bar at 04.00. Which bar? AC?

And were was David?

Now what about the injuries? Could there have been some fighting before David was fatally attacked? Were some of his injuries from an earlier fight? And were Chris and Sean there too (or one of them)? OK, Chris claimed later that his injuries were "old wounds" and after a doctor confirmed that he was released. A doctor from Koh Tao?

Only more room for speculations - and for now I agree: speculations, that's what it is......

Chris Ware injured his hand prior to Davids Murder In fact here is his picture with his hand bandaged and sitting with David.....

The Headman only mentioned Sean coming to the bar. I don't know if a time was mentioned.

Timeline update ⏳

11:10 boys on motorbike.

11:12 Muang buys cigarettes.

1:27 David go hotel.

1:56 David last seen.

2:58 hannah last seen.

3:44 run man white shorts

4:51.25 foreigner with thai

4:51.28 run man white shorts.

5:00 Muang sees b2 asleep

5:45 Muang goes ac bar.

5:46 foreigner with thai

4:30-6:00 time of trouble.

6:00-6:30 bodies discovered.

Unconfirmed looking for sources.

Sean at choppers bar 8 o'clock.

15th or 14th. ?

Sean out with Chris cooper.

14th or 15th.?

Could it be Chris cooper that Sean was with when he saw the Headman with blood.

Muang went to get guitar at ac bar ?


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The Headman only mentioned Sean coming to the bar. I don't know if a time was mentioned.

Timeline update ⏳

11:10 boys on motorbike.

11:12 Muang buys cigarettes.

1:27 David go hotel.

1:56 David last seen.

2:58 hannah last seen.

3:44 run man white shorts

4:51.25 foreigner with thai

4:51.28 run man white shorts.

5:00 Muang sees b2 asleep

5:45 Muang goes ac bar.

5:46 foreigner with thai

4:30-6:00 time of trouble.

6:00-6:30 bodies discovered.

Unconfirmed looking for sources.

Sean at choppers bar 8 o'clock.

15th or 14th. ?

Sean out with Chris cooper.

14th or 15th.?

Could it be Chris cooper that Sean was with when he saw the Headman with blood.

Muang went to get guitar at ac bar ? Time

Thanks for putting together a time-line. I wouldn't doubt defense are looking at that, and some other posts herein also. When was 'running man' with dark shorts?

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Wasn't Davi1

The Headman only mentioned Sean coming to the bar. I don't know if a time was mentioned.
Timeline update ⏳
11:10 boys on motorbike.
11:12 Muang buys cigarettes.
1:27 David go hotel.
1:56 David last seen.
2:58 hannah last seen.
3:44 run man white shorts
4:51.25 foreigner with thai
4:51.28 run man white shorts.
5:00 Muang sees b2 asleep
5:45 Muang goes ac bar.
5:46 foreigner with thai
4:30-6:00 time of trouble.
6:00-6:30 bodies discovered.

Unconfirmed looking for sources.
Sean at choppers bar 8 o'clock.
15th or 14th. ?
Sean out with Chris cooper.
14th or 15th.?

Could it be Chris cooper that Sean was with when he saw the Headman with blood.
Muang went to get guitar at ac bar ? Time

Thanks for putting together a time-line. I wouldn't doubt defense are looking at that, and some other posts herein also. When was 'running man' with dark shorts?

Wasn't David raped as well. I am sure it came up in the forensic evidence guy interview on TV.

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The Headman only mentioned Sean coming to the bar. I don't know if a time was mentioned.

Timeline update ⏳

11:10 boys on motorbike.

11:12 Muang buys cigarettes.

1:27 David go hotel.

1:56 David last seen.

2:58 hannah last seen.

3:44 run man white shorts

4:51.25 foreigner with thai

4:51.28 run man white shorts.

5:00 Muang sees b2 asleep

5:45 Muang goes ac bar.

5:46 foreigner with thai

4:30-6:00 time of trouble.

6:00-6:30 bodies discovered.

Unconfirmed looking for sources.

Sean at choppers bar 8 o'clock.

15th or 14th. ?

Sean out with Chris cooper.

14th or 15th.?

Could it be Chris cooper that Sean was with when he saw the Headman with blood.

Muang went to get guitar at ac bar ? Time

Thanks for putting together a time-line. I wouldn't doubt defense are looking at that, and some other posts herein also. When was 'running man' with dark shorts?

Yes, we have the still with no time. I am asking everyone to find this time so it can be added. Timeline helps me to weed out some of the speculation.

It is interesting when you see who was out and about and their excuses.

I do notice the absence of footage of the b2 being out.

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Wasn't David raped as well. I am sure it came up in the forensic evidence guy interview on TV.

Ouch. I think we can permanently toss that allegation aside. It was mentioned v. briefly at the very beginning, and I strongly suspect it is unsubstantiated.

What's the latest on the mention the Brits might postpone their inquest until after the trial? If true, that's no good. It not only unfairly hampers the defense case, it increases the chances that the real perps can continue waltzing around to clubs, planning dastardly deeds, and knowing they're untouchable by the law.

Note: At the very first mentions of the crime, in both of Thailand's English lang. daily newspapers, I wrote comments saying: outside experts should be brought in to investigate, because Thai detectives aren't adept at crime investigations.

Edited by boomerangutang
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This is not going to be a popular post, especially as I am going to sound pompous.

Sometimes AleG posts information that is factual and correct. It does not help the case of those of us who doubt the RTP version of events to deny those facts. All it does is help those who want to brand us "conspiracy theorists who speculate in the teeth of evidence to the contrary". Meanwhile, the true issues get muddied. Here is a classic example:

Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen was transferred because he was after Mon and Namsot FALSE The timing was unfortunate, but his promotion had long been planned. Further, it was Pol Lt Gen Panya who made this statement just before taking up his new appointment:

The son of Woraphan Tuwichian, a Koh Tao village headman, was Thursday cleared because he was proven not to be on Koh Tao at the time of the murders.

This does not establish Nomsot's innocence, but it lays to rest the notion that Panya was removed to protect Mon and Nomsot. [Note that I do not know if Nomsot was involved. If the only proof he was in Bangkok is the CCTV, then I am not yet convinced. However, I have not seen any credible source confirming the claims that the furniture does not fit what should have been there. This is surprising, as proof of CCTV falsification would be big international news.]

The replacement of Panya with Pol Lt General Decha Butrnamphech may have been important for other reasons, though, as explained by Sondhi Limthongkul on TV October 15. His amazing long statement is mostly only available in Thai (

) but a short excerpt with English subtitles is at
(click near bottom right to enable subtitles). Main points: police did not dare arrest real culprits and Decha was determined to arrest scapegoats to please his boss.

We really need to try very hard to stick to verifiable facts, and be honest when we are putting forward theories based on incomplete evidence. We also need to acknowledge that the whole truth is not always quite the way we imagined it.

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This is not going to be a popular post, especially as I am going to sound pompous.

Sometimes AleG posts information that is factual and correct. It does not help the case of those of us who doubt the RTP version of events to deny those facts. All it does is help those who want to brand us "conspiracy theorists who speculate in the teeth of evidence to the contrary". Meanwhile, the true issues get muddied. Here is a classic example:

Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen was transferred because he was after Mon and Namsot FALSE The timing was unfortunate, but his promotion had long been planned. Further, it was Pol Lt Gen Panya who made this statement just before taking up his new appointment:

The son of Woraphan Tuwichian, a Koh Tao village headman, was Thursday cleared because he was proven not to be on Koh Tao at the time of the murders.

This does not establish Nomsot's innocence, but it lays to rest the notion that Panya was removed to protect Mon and Nomsot. [Note that I do not know if Nomsot was involved. If the only proof he was in Bangkok is the CCTV, then I am not yet convinced. However, I have not seen any credible source confirming the claims that the furniture does not fit what should have been there. This is surprising, as proof of CCTV falsification would be big international news.]

The replacement of Panya with Pol Lt General Decha Butrnamphech may have been important for other reasons, though, as explained by Sondhi Limthongkul on TV October 15. His amazing long statement is mostly only available in Thai (

) but a short excerpt with English subtitles is at
(click near bottom right to enable subtitles). Main points: police did not dare arrest real culprits and Decha was determined to arrest scapegoats to please his boss.

We really need to try very hard to stick to verifiable facts, and be honest when we are putting forward theories based on incomplete evidence. We also need to acknowledge that the whole truth is not always quite the way we imagined it.

I agree with everything you say , I'm not a popular poster in this thread but I hope some of you could try to maybe look at some of the RTP evidence as actual facts . I know it's hard but try.

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Lawyer U Aung Myo Thant, a member of the team, told Mizzima they were calling on the court to summon Mr Christopher Ware and Mr Sean McAnna - friends of the two British murder victims Ms Hannah Witheridge and Mr David Millar - as they could be main witnesses in the case.

“Myanmar witnesses testify that they (Mr Ware and Mr McAnna) are related to the case. When they entered into the bar, they had injuries. Bloods stains were on their guitar. And the time was around 4 o’clock in the early morning,” said U Aung Myo Thant. “But they said they had a motorcycle accident and then they were released. Therefore, we officially requested the court to question them again.”

source http://www.mizzima.com/mizzima-news/regional/item/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses/16046-koh-tao-murder-defence-team-wants-to-quiz-two-british-witnesses

(19th December)


I think Greenchair should add to his timeline that Chris and Sean entered the bar at 04.00. Which bar? AC?

And were was David?

Now what about the injuries? Could there have been some fighting before David was fatally attacked? Were some of his injuries from an earlier fight? And were Chris and Sean there too (or one of them)? OK, Chris claimed later that his injuries were "old wounds" and after a doctor confirmed that he was released. A doctor from Koh Tao?

Only more room for speculations - and for now I agree: speculations, that's what it is......

Chris Ware injured his hand prior to Davids Murder In fact here is his picture with his hand bandaged and sitting with David.....

sorry missed the other picture.

EDIT http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/781951-family-of-brits-murdered-in-thailand-say-evidence-convincing/page-94#entry8878892

The shorts..............check out picture # 2......David is wearing the shorts found at the beach and they appear to be dirty and stained in this photo also........IMO I think these shorts are Davids Day/Play shorts and not his dress shorts as he was seen wearing whilst walking about prior to the Incident...

TC's post from yesterday showing the Shorts on the beach....including a small pic of David walking in what I believe is a pair of dressy beige shorts......and not the dirty faded pale blue shorts found on the beach.........Again only my opinion


Can somebody please post these three pics TVM (Ta Vely Much)

Edited by Willy Eckerslike
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Some Police quotes about DNA

17 Sep 2014
Coroners said Ms Witheridge had also suffered head trauma and that they had found traces of semen in her body, according to Thailand's The Nation newspaper
Prachum Ruangthong, police chief responsible for Koh Tao, said he believed a British man was the likely killer of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.

Police would have closed the case by the end of the day once DNA testing on samples of hair found in Ms Witheridge's hand were concluded, he added.

September 17, 2014
Early reports said Witheridge may have also been the victim of a rapist before she was killed but, according to the bp, tests performed by the Police Hospital's Institute of Forensic Medicinehave revealed she appeared to have engaged in consensual "sexual relations" before her death.

Police major general Pornchai Suteerakhun did not, however, rule out an attempted rape but said Witheridge might have fought the perpetrator off.

Sept 18 2014
BANGKOK: — Laboratory tests of the DNA found at the crime scene where two British tourists were battered to death on Koh Tao on Sunday do not match with the DNA of the suspects held in police custody, including a British national, according to well-informed sources from the National Police Office.

Evidences collected from the crime scene that were sent for tests of DNA include three cigarette butts found about 50 metres from where the two British tourists were killed.

One cigarette has lipstick mark. DNA of two people were found in the second cigarette and the DNA of a third person was found in the third cigarette butt.

However, the tests show that the DNA found in one cigarette butt match with the DNA found in the semen, said the sources.

Sept 18th 2014
Assistant national police chief Jarumporn Suramanee told reporters two sets of DNA that were found both on Ms Withridge's body and on a cigarette butt near the scene did not match samples taken from three foreigners and nine migrant workers who had been questioned.

DNA traces from possible suspects could not be detected on Mr Miller's body because it was smeared with his blood, he said.

18 September 2014
Earlier, Col Kissana, a deputy police spokesman, had said the police had strong evidence linking migrant workers to the killings, but tests carried out on a group of Burmese migrants who were questioned after the deaths showed no DNA matches.

The migrants were arrested after bloodstains were found on some of their clothes, but Thai police said no matches were found between them and two sets of DNA found on Hannah Witheridge's body and on a cigarette butt discovered near the scene of the murders.

Sep 19 2014
Thai police this morning DNA tested WOMEN to see if they were involved in the horrific murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.
Last night, Thai police chiefs last night admitted they were no closer to catching the killer.

Detectives finally allowed brothers Chris and James Ware to return home to the UK after ruling them out as suspects in the horrific murders of Hannah, 23, and David, 24.

Police have already changed their minds twice as to whether Burmese migrants may be to blame.

And three days after the killings, they appealed for help finding three men who were playing guitar and singing.

Assistant police chief Major General Jarumporn Suramanpee insisted his officers had not “messed up”.

General Suramanpee said his staff were liaising with Scotland Yard and he did not think “it was necessary” for Met officers to join the probe.

He was reacting to ­accusations from journalists that the inquiry had descended into chaos.

He said the key to finding the killer lay in a single discarded cigarette butt which had DNA on it that matched samples from inside Hannah’s body.


Evidence gathered from witnesses and the crime scene, including DNA traces found on cigarette butts left near the bodies, now suggests the involvement of more than two people, police say.

"From the available evidence, we believe that there were more than two attackers," Police Lieutenant General Panya Mamen was quoted as saying by Thailand's The Nation newspaper yesterday.
Sep 20, 2014
KOH TAO, Thailand (THE NATION/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - The police will request help from the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to test semen found in the body of a female British backpacker brutally murdered on the resort island of Koh Tao this week.

DNA testing technology in Thailand could only identify whether human secretions came from a male or female, said deputy police chief Somyot Pumpunmuang, while the FBI had "sophisticated technology".

"We will ask the FBI to help identify the DNA in the semen we found - whether it belonged to an Asian or European," he said yesterday.

21 Sep 2014
There are whispers of a possible altercation between Mr Miller and a Thai man, possibly one with powerful local connections, who had supposedly been harassing Ms Witheridge all evening.
Asked if an altercation had taken place, Police General Jarumporn Suramanee, Thailand's assistant national police chief, said: "I cannot say".
September 21, 2014 1:00 am
Semen and cigarette butts seen as key to finding who killed Britons on Koh Tao
Semen found on the body of one of the two British tourists murdered on Koh Tao in Surat Thani province last Sunday will be examined in a Singapore laboratory, national police chief General Somyot Poompanmoung said yesterday.
Somyot said police were trying to pinpoint how long the attackers were at the scene based on cigarettes that were discarded there. Police found, through DNA analysis, that one of the cigarette butts was smoked by two people, and semen from both men was found in the female victim's body.
sept 21st
Somyot said a theory had been established about another possible weapon used in the murder apart from a blood-stained garden hoe found near the crime scene. The theory centred on the weapon being returned from where it was taken from in a hurried manner. - See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/koh-tao-murders-dna-tests-will-be-done-singapore#sthash.HgRb13Ms.dpuf
Monday 22 September 2014
Thai police are to take DNA from all the men on Koh Tao island - potentially hundreds of people - in their investigation into the murders of two Britons.
September 22, 2014 14:02 BST

Police Colonel Kissana Phathanacharoen said: "We still believe sexual jealously is at the heart of this crime."

"The DNA tests reveal that the two culprits are Asians," senior police official Somyot Pumpanmuang told reporters.

Sep 22, 2014

General Somyot Poompanmoung, Thailand's most senior police official, visited Koh Tao on Saturday vowing to do "his best" to solve the crime.

Semen found on the body of one of the two British tourists murdered on Koh Tao island in Thailand's Surat Thani province last Sunday will be examined in a Singapore laboratory, he added.

September 23 2014

POLICE are collecting DNA samples of all people on Koh Tao, an island off Surat Thani province, in a bid to find the killers of two British tourists.

“We are getting closer to solving this case,” Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said on Sunday. “Now, we know for sure that the culprits are Asians.”

The bodies of the two Britons were found on the island's beach early last Monday.

Evidence suggests that the female victim was sexually violated.

The Office of Police Forensic Science chief, Lt-General Kamrop Panyakaew, disclosed that a unit under his office's supervision had been assigned to collect DNA samples of all people on Koh Tao island.

This move is in addition to the collection of DNA samples from 30 suspects earlier.

“We will submit one set of DNA samples and wait for their results before collecting another set of samples. We will do this until we find the culprits,” said Colonel Chaiyasak Uakrissadathikarn, the deputy chief of the local forensic science unit.
September 25, 2014

Meanwhile on Thursday Pol Maj-Gen Suwat Jaengyodsuk, acting chief investigator of the Metropolitan Police Bureau (MPB), who was sent to help local police investigate the murder, said police had collected 30 DNA samples from migrant workers on the island in a bid to find clues to the murders.

So far more than 200 DNA samples were tested but none matched samples found in the body of Ms Hannah Witheridge, 23, and in a cigarette butt left near the scene
Tuesday 30 September 2014
Lieutenant General Panya Mamen, police commissioner for the island of Koh Tao, told the Bangkok Post: “Two of the suspects raped and killed Witheridge while another one witnessed the murder.
"We're confident we have a very high chance of finding the suspects."
Two different semen samples collected from her body are the basis for DNA analysis being used to test hundreds of men.
A spokesman for the Royal Thai Police confirmed that DNA samples were taken from "more than eight" footballers - who reportedly threw a late-night party at the nightclub where the victims spent their final hours - and officers were awaiting the results.
October 2 2014
Lt Gen Panya, appointed assistant national police chief today, said authorities had short-listed 10 potential suspects.

“We are confident that within two or three days an arrest warrant can be issued or a wrongdoer arrested,” Lt Gen Panya said, adding that the list of 10 contained both Thais and Myanmar nationals.

“We have confidence in the forensic evidence that points to the wrongdoers, but we must be careful.”

About 300 people on the island had their DNA taken, and 10 had been at AC Bar, the last place Miller, from Jersey, and Witheridge, from Great Yarmouth, were seen alive. A bloodstained garden hoe, which is thought to be the murder weapon, was discovered nearby.
6:35PM BST 02 Oct 2014
Lieutenant General Panya Mamen, of the Bangkok police said: “Two of the suspects raped and killed Witheridge while another one witnessed the murder."
October 3 2014
Two Myanmar suspects have confessed to killing the pair,” Thai National police chief Somyot Poompanmoung told AFP, adding their DNA matched traces found at the crime scene on Koh Tao island where David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, were found dead on September 15.
Oct 3, 2014

With two suspects in custody, police were gathering evidence and would seek an arrest warrant from a court, deputy national police chief Jaktip Chaijinda said. A third Myanmar citizen had been held since Thursday on suspicion of involvement, he added.

October 3, 2014
There was clear evidence: forensic evidence, [testimony from] witnesses and other evidence, as well as closed-circuit television footage,” Somyot told reporters. “The police and investigation teams have analyzed all evidence and it’s clear that the two suspects committed the crime on that day.”
Jonathn Head on twitter
Oct 7, 2014 - Thani police chief Somyot says 3 Thai universities involved in testing DNA of 243 people in #KohTao murder case. Pathum Wan, Bangkok.

We will not block the right of the suspects to fight the case and we can even test their DNA again if there is suspicion that they are not the culprits,” Prayuth told reporters.

“The DNA test will be conducted at 10 am on October 30,” Prawut said.
Man says police beat him after he declined to be witness in Koh Tao murder case
A Thai man said he was beaten up by police after he turned down a police offer of reward money if he agreed to be a witness in the murder case of two British tourists in Thailand’s tourist island of Koh Tao, southern Surat Thani Province, according to ASTV-Manager online.
The report says Pornprasit Sukdam, 37, on Tuesday complained to Kobchai Saowalak, kamnan (subdistrict head) of Koh Tao Subdistrict, and asked for protection.
Pornprasit said the police detained him at 1.30 pm on Monday. During the interrogation, the police investigators asked him to agree to pretend to have knowledge of the incident, Pornprasit said. The police allegedly offered him a 700,000 baht (about 21,600 USD) reward and guaranteed him witness status. However, since he was not involved with the crime and did not have any knowledge related to it, Pornprasit declined the police offer.
Myanmar investigators say accused workers are innocent of murdering British tourists in Thailand
Posted 18 Dec 2014, 10:36pm
Edited by StealthEnergiser
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a couple more points of interest

21 Sep 2014

There are whispers of a possible altercation between Mr Miller and a Thai man, possibly one with powerful local connections, who had supposedly been harassing Ms Witheridge all evening.
Asked if an altercation had taken place, Police General Jarumporn Suramanee, Thailand's assistant national police chief, said: "I cannot say".
Over the past two years, there has never been a single violent incident" on Koh Tao, Chatpong Chatphut, the provincial governor, told local media this week.
Monday 22 September 2014
Claims the pair may have argued with a Thai man in a local bar are also being investigated.
Police Colonel Kissana Phathanacharoen said: "We have discovered fresh evidence which could lead to a new suspect who may have had a relationship or one-night stand with Hannah or one of her friends or David the night before they were killed.
We have asked the Metropolitan Police to go back and make enquiries of Hannah's friends on this matter."
Koh Tao: police fail another daySeptember 23, 2014 1:00 am
Pol Maj Gen Kittipong Kaosam-ang, a Surat Thani police commander, asked the media not to report in-depth investigation results, saying it may give some clues to the culprits. But he revealed that Thais may have been involved in the murders and had tried to destroy evidence linking them to the attacks. Some people on Koh Tao had given false information to police in a bid to divert attention.
September 23, 2014
The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.

Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

September 24, 2014 1:00 am
Police seeking former village headman's son who fled island
Police are looking for the son of a former Koh Tao village headman in their pursuit of the killers of two British backpackers on the night of September 14, after learning that the man left the island the following morning.

A police source said the man they want to find landed on the Surat Thani coast and disappeared. Police say they want to interrogate him first.

The police last night released two men, who own Intouch Bar and AC Pub on the resort island, after interrogating them for three hours and finding no evidence linking them to the crime.

One of the two men released last night, who reporters did not identify, said he was unable to contact his son and did not know if he had a hand in the killings.

Another man, the younger brother of the former village headman, who is believed to be the man seen on a security camera near the crime scene, is still in custody.

Pol Lt-General Panya Mamen, who is overseeing the investigation, said yesterday that the headman's son is believed to be hiding in Bangkok. Panya refused to reveal the suspects' names, saying police were questioning one man and expected to arrest another in Bangkok today.
September 25, 2014
The police have ruled out a son of Koh Tao village headman as a suspect in the murder of two British tourists after he has evidence to prove he was not on the island at the time the murder occurred.

They now will also shift focus to foreign tourists in addition to migrant workers and local people.

Police now are trying to determine who left the island in the hours and days after the killing in hopes to revealing new suspects.

Eighth Region Command commissioner Pol Lt Gen Panya Mamen said Thursday investigators have now excluded the son of the headman Woraphan Toovichien, 49, from the suspect list as he was not on the island when the two Britons were brutally murdered.

He was in Bangkok, police said.

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a couple more points of interest

21 Sep 2014

There are whispers of a possible altercation between Mr Miller and a Thai man, possibly one with powerful local connections, who had supposedly been harassing Ms Witheridge all evening.
Asked if an altercation had taken place, Police General Jarumporn Suramanee, Thailand's assistant national police chief, said: "I cannot say".
Over the past two years, there has never been a single violent incident" on Koh Tao, Chatpong Chatphut, the provincial governor, told local media this week.
Monday 22 September 2014
Claims the pair may have argued with a Thai man in a local bar are also being investigated.
Police Colonel Kissana Phathanacharoen said: "We have discovered fresh evidence which could lead to a new suspect who may have had a relationship or one-night stand with Hannah or one of her friends or David the night before they were killed.
We have asked the Metropolitan Police to go back and make enquiries of Hannah's friends on this matter."
Koh Tao: police fail another daySeptember 23, 2014 1:00 am
Pol Maj Gen Kittipong Kaosam-ang, a Surat Thani police commander, asked the media not to report in-depth investigation results, saying it may give some clues to the culprits. But he revealed that Thais may have been involved in the murders and had tried to destroy evidence linking them to the attacks. Some people on Koh Tao had given false information to police in a bid to divert attention.
September 23, 2014
The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.

Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

September 24, 2014 1:00 am
Police seeking former village headman's son who fled island
Police are looking for the son of a former Koh Tao village headman in their pursuit of the killers of two British backpackers on the night of September 14, after learning that the man left the island the following morning.

A police source said the man they want to find landed on the Surat Thani coast and disappeared. Police say they want to interrogate him first.

The police last night released two men, who own Intouch Bar and AC Pub on the resort island, after interrogating them for three hours and finding no evidence linking them to the crime.

One of the two men released last night, who reporters did not identify, said he was unable to contact his son and did not know if he had a hand in the killings.

Another man, the younger brother of the former village headman, who is believed to be the man seen on a security camera near the crime scene, is still in custody.

Pol Lt-General Panya Mamen, who is overseeing the investigation, said yesterday that the headman's son is believed to be hiding in Bangkok. Panya refused to reveal the suspects' names, saying police were questioning one man and expected to arrest another in Bangkok today.
September 25, 2014
The police have ruled out a son of Koh Tao village headman as a suspect in the murder of two British tourists after he has evidence to prove he was not on the island at the time the murder occurred.

They now will also shift focus to foreign tourists in addition to migrant workers and local people.

Police now are trying to determine who left the island in the hours and days after the killing in hopes to revealing new suspects.

Eighth Region Command commissioner Pol Lt Gen Panya Mamen said Thursday investigators have now excluded the son of the headman Woraphan Toovichien, 49, from the suspect list as he was not on the island when the two Britons were brutally murdered.

He was in Bangkok, police said.

In touch. ...= .... Nomsods Brother... and nobody focused on him... its been on Nomsod. That's the distraction.

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Wasn't David raped as well. I am sure it came up in the forensic evidence guy interview on TV.

Ouch. I think we can permanently toss that allegation aside. It was mentioned v. briefly at the very beginning, and I strongly suspect it is unsubstantiated.

What's the latest on the mention the Brits might postpone their inquest until after the trial? If true, that's no good. It not only unfairly hampers the defense case, it increases the chances that the real perps can continue waltzing around to clubs, planning dastardly deeds, and knowing they're untouchable by the law.

Note: At the very first mentions of the crime, in both of Thailand's English lang. daily newspapers, I wrote comments saying: outside experts should be brought in to investigate, because Thai detectives aren't adept at crime investigations.

I know what you are saying but it was brought up in the interview with the man in the white coat on TV. This also explains why he had no clothes on his lower half. Some people have said why was he naked. Well that was why i am sure. I will find the interview later. There was also something about a 3rd DNA on Hannah's Breast. How do you put the video into the the thread. Any pointers. I am going to check tomorrow with the coroners office if it's delayed. I heard it was.

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What happened to the Frenchman ?


Frenchman ‘can ID killers’

Molestation ‘witness’ in protective custody

Published: 23 Sep 2014 at 06.14 | Viewed: 5,148 | Comments: 14Online news: Local NewsWriter: Supapong Chaolan

Police have placed a French tourist in protective custody after learning he might be able to identify the two men police believe were involved in the murder of two British tourists on Koh Tao in Surat Thani last week.

An informed source said the unidentified French national told police he witnessed two Thai man trying to molest Hannah Witheridge, 23, at an entertainment venue.

He was also believed to have seen David Miller, 24, rescue Witheridge from the advances of the men before they left the venue together on the night before they were found murdered on the beach early on Sept 15, the same source said.

He provided the police with photos of the two men he took on his phone, the source said.

Or is this actually Sean ?

Probably no connection but the national police chief was making big business deals about the same time, this is from the 'BKK Business Brief' which links back to the BKK Post

Police chief in big Shinawatra deal
Published: 12/11/2014 at 9:54 AM

Category: Finance / Investment

Tag: telecommunications

Samart Corporation and the national police chief have acquired more than half of handset distributor M-Link Asia Corporation after the stake was offered for sale by the Wongsawat family, which has links to the influential Shinawatra clan.

The 1.2-billion-baht acquisition of the 50%-plus holding in M-Link marks the gradual exit of both families from their vast business interests in the burgeoning telecommunications industry.

“An acquisition contract is expected to be signed next month after the recent closing of the deal,” said a source familiar with the agreement.

Samart, headed by founder and chief executive Watchai Vilailuck, together with the new police chief, Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang, will hold a combined 50%-plus stake in M-Link once the deal is completed…

Yes this is from a couple of reports in the Bangkok Post on the 23rd Sept, its word for word but in the BP it says Scots man so yes must be Sean. But in this statement Sean is saying he saw much more......good find Robby

I only posted the first part of that report there is more for anyone who wants to go to that site.

Can you post the direct link to the Frenchman story. Thx

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An informed source said the unidentified French national told police he witnessed two Thai man trying to molest Hannah Witheridge, 23, at an entertainment venue.

He was also believed to have seen David Miller, 24, rescue Witheridge from the advances of the men before they left the venue together on the night before they were found murdered on the beach early on Sept 15, the same source said.

He provided the police with photos of the two men he took on his phone, the source said.


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