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Family of Brits murdered in Thailand say evidence convincing

Lite Beer

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I just hope the families haven't been reading the absolute crap that went on for thousands of posts from the conspiracy theorists on here and if not grizzly photos then the description of the crime scene in graphic detail.

I said it before and I will say again shame on all of you that know as much about this case as me and that's f&$K all.

Bloody disgraceful!

Speak to residents in Koh Tao, then you will know THE TRUTH!

Yes all those brave souls on Koh Tao who have evidence of THE TRUTH but will not come forward to exonerate those falsely accused of these crimes lest they have the rent raised on their noodle shop.

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I just don't know enough about it and if the RTP had not bungled around letting the son of the headman walk all over the evidence field etc. maybe a lot of posters would have withheld their views one way or the other. I just don't know maybe the family does - let's see.

Edited by binjalin
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Now we have a statement from those who have considerable insight into the case from both the defense and prosecution perspectives.

Having read the entire statements by both the Miller family and Witherbridge family with no spin at https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10152642326445677&id=675065676&ref=bookmark

I will respect their wishes and avoid any further speculation on the case until it gets to trial and we can as observers judge the evidence from both sides. This for me was always about finding the correct killers and justice for the victims families.

I feel the support from the statement made by the Miller family for the Amnesty International call for justice on this case here http://www.amnesty.org/en/news/thailand-must-investigate-police-torture-allegations-and-not-violate-rights-tourist-murder-prob was a right thing to do and notable that it has still not been addressed.

"They must respond to these charges, and their arguments must be considered with the same scrutiny as those of the prosecution."

"we stand united and focused on seeing a fair and transparent trial process to bring about justice for our beautiful children."

The RTP investigation has been a complete farce and that is what has led to all the speculation, they brought it upon themselves. But I will now refrain from any more speculation in respect for the victims families until the trial gets underway and we can see the process and evidence unfold.

Edited by thailandchilli
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I just hope the families haven't been reading the absolute crap that went on for thousands of posts from the conspiracy theorists on here and if not grizzly photos then the description of the crime scene in graphic detail.

I said it before and I will say again shame on all of you that know as much about this case as me and that's f&$K all.

Bloody disgraceful!

Speak to residents in Koh Tao, then you will know THE TRUTH!


Edited by hoyism
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Silly comments to make before a trial but if the family and British police are happy with the investigation then it is probably time for the conspiracy theorists to let this one go.

Let's not forget that there are plenty of scummy Burmese as well as scummy Thais on these islands.

And also lets not forget ths "scummy" westener Farangs in their busloads...! whistling.gif

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So now nothing adds up. My doubts that the full British investigations will be made known and will be held back by the British government to SAVE FACE. I hope I am wrong. Are the families getting the unabridged facts,I dont think so.

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I just hope the families haven't been reading the absolute crap that went on for thousands of posts from the conspiracy theorists on here and if not grizzly photos then the description of the crime scene in graphic detail.

I said it before and I will say again shame on all of you that know as much about this case as me and that's f&$K all.

Bloody disgraceful!

I think you want to consider this from the 'conspiracy theorists' angle before jumping in so strongly.

We have all been witness to 'Thai Justice', Red Bull- Boss- does that ring any bells? Zantika Bar - Ekkamai, 50-60 dead, how many arrested and charged?

Coupled with the contradictory daily statements from the police investigation teams, police keystone cops and police spokespersons. As well as clear sentiment from the local population in Thailand, who have no faith in Thai justice and believe in the 'conspiracy'.

Leaving that to boil for a few minutes, add in a large spoon of police brutality, for suspects and witnesses, including Thai witnesses. Add just smidgeon of mistrust around police evidence handling procedures and you have a full flavored conspiracy soup.

We do know a lot more than you admit. We know the police have managed to discredit their own case with stupid statements and police brutality, coercing statements , what does that tell you?

Does that suggest a watertight case, if it was so full of compelling evidence, why force confessions?

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Finding it impossile to believe in the credibility of the police farce force, but if this is what it is, then I guess it's 'good luck to the M2 and hope they have good defence lawyers'. And I hope we won't be reading a statement from the UK and/or the families dispelling this.

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Family statements: Issued on behalf of the families of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

BANGKOK: -- Statement from the family of Hannah Witheridge

UK detectives travelled to Thailand last month to observe and review the murder case of our precious Daughter Hannah, and also that of David Miller. We would like to thank the officers who travelled to Thailand to review the case and the Royal Thai Police for facilitating their visit.

Since their return we have been able to meet with these officers together with our family liaison officers to learn about the investigation. There is a great deal of detail and vast areas of investigative work which has been shared with us. We respect the need for such detail not to be shared publically before Royal Thai Police start their trial process.

We would like to stress that as a family we are confident in the work that has been carried out into these atrocious crimes and want to remind both press and public that they do not have the full facts to report and make comment on at this stage. Current news reporting is causing undue distress to our family.

We ask as a family, as we have throughout, that we are afforded privacy and that Hannah and David are afforded their dignity during this time of immense pain and difficulty.

Our thoughts, as always, are with the Miller family. Together we stand united and focused on seeing a fair and transparent trial process to bring about justice for our beautiful children.

Statement from the family of David Miller

We would like to express our relief that progress is being made in Thailand and this case is finally coming to court.

We would like to reiterate our gratitude to the UK Metropolitan Police, who received the co-operation of the Royal Thai Police in undertaking an independent review into the investigation.

The evidence collected by the Royal Thai police will be presented at court and we hope the suspects are granted a fair and transparent trial. We are thankful of the over-sight of pressure groups such as Reprieve and Amnesty.

In the meantime however, we ask that the speculative theories circulating on social media are not taken as fact. These interpretations are based on incomplete evidence and substantial conjecture.

The increasing sensationalism of this story in the media is emotionally hurtful to us and appears to be wide of the mark.

The support for the Myanmar suspects has been strong and vocal, but please do not jump to conclusions until you have considered the evidence from both sides in full.

From what we have seen, the suspects have a difficult case to answer. The evidence against them appears to be powerful and convincing. They must respond to these charges, and their arguments must be considered with the same scrutiny as those of the prosecution.

Please remember that this is above all a story of two wonderful young people, David and Hannah, killed in the prime of their lives in a senseless and brutal way.

Further speculation should be put aside until all the evidence is made public and appropriate conclusions can be drawn.

We remain united with the Witheridge family in our shared grief.

Ian Sue and Michael Miller

Note to Editors

1. The family request privacy and no direct contact from the media at this time.


Media Office l Foreign and Commonwealth Office
020 7008 3100

-- Samui Times 2014-12-06

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There was a few discrepancies, which were not clear starting with DNA test. Police statements about it. In the end the "guilty" party stayed and not go back to their own country. Stupidity, or recklessness? Many other questionable police statements and behavior. I guess the defense lawyer(s) will be tracking it down and asking the appropriate questions. Whoever did it was (were) a cold blooded killer(s).

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Many TV posters wanted a statement from the UK Police so I admit I am surprised by the timing of the statements from the victims' parents.

As much as I have serious doubts about the handling of the investigation by RTP I will respect the wishes of Hannah and David's parents and stop posting on this topic until reporting on the trial appears in the media and/or on TVF.

I call upon all TV members to act with due respect to the parents' wishes.

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I think evidence places these 2 at the scene but in no way did they act alone (unsure as if I think that they physically committed the crime)

Also trying to place myself in the families shoes. If this was your son or daughter and you had heavy suspicions about the handling of the case that you would speak out no?

Could all just be a formality. Still though my unwavering doubt that these two are completely innocent is now shaken.

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Topic should have been locked here to prevent the predictable b_ollocks that followed.

Yes free speech is a very dangerous animal!!coffee1.gif

....................."Yes free speech is a very dangerous animal!!"..............................

I agree wholeheartedly, and reading some of the stupid comments on TVF is a strong argument against the use of it. thumbsup.gif

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Time for a lot of us to swallow that humble pie. People were crying out for the families to speak out and Now they have. Evidence they've seen from UK investigators looks strong against the Burmese lads. I thought they were scapegoats too but that quote from the statement is pretty compelling.

Much respect --- and who knows, maybe more info comes out later that changes opinions again but based on what is out there now, it seems fairly clear the have the right people in custody but obviously a trial has not happened yet. Amazing that the parents who should be the most emotional about this, seem to have the most logical and respectable view of all of us. Especially considering it is easy for loved ones to want to believe something more meaningful, important or bigger had to be at play than just some random meaningless sick scum bags brutally murdering their kid on a beach for their own pleasure.

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In light of the families comments, we have to see where the court case goes...........

Weeks have passed now....it appears ( I may be corrected of course) that the defence team hasn't been permitted to properly review the charges ....and right now, these 2 Burmese guys are guilty......their defence team has to prove otherwise......

One question I see arising.....will the defence team be allowed to present a skilfull defence....or will they be hushed?

Edited by ChrisY1
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Quote from the article.

"We would like to stress that as a family we are confident in the work that has been carried out into these atrocious crimes and want to remind both press and public that they do not have the full facts to report and make comment on at this stage. Current news reporting is causing undue distress to our family."

Please read the last sentence carefully.

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Convincing to who, a two year old?

Isn't it charming how some people that have been "fighting" for the families and the victims turn on a dime and take a dump on them as soon as they are shown to be misguided, to put it very delicately?

Try to read the statement from the parents again:

"We also support the work the defense team are doing in Thailand"


"Our aim is to ensure a fair trial and justice in the case"

Does that sound like someone, who has been convinced by the excellent work of the RTP??

I am sure, the parents don't want two scapegoats to pay the ultimate price, for a crime they didn't commit.

So no, we haven't turned on a dime!! We are still supporting the parents in their fight to bring the real culprits to justice!!

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On Friday the family of Miller criticised "increasing sensationalism of this story" and said that "speculation" should be suspended until all evidence is made public.

The feeding frenzy is certainly alive and well here on TV. Discussing the homespun facts and fantasies seems more thrilling to some than the excitement caused by Bingo Night at the senior citizens' home.

In statements released through Britain's Foreign Office, the victims' families said they had seen strong evidence against the suspects and expressed confidence in the case.

The Bar Stool Crime Scene Investigators (BS-CSI) here at TV can't be bothered with actual evidence, especially when it conflicts with their carefully nurtured Farang Fantasy Factory world view. It must be quite disappointing that the visit of the Keystone Kops from UK didn't result in anything more than a drain on the police budget for junkets and a big yawn.

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In light of the families comments, we have to see where the court case goes...........

Weeks have passed now....it appears ( I may be corrected of course) that the defence team hasn't been permitted to properly review the charges ....and right now, these 2 Burmese guys are guilty......their defence team has to prove otherwise......

One question I see arising.....will the defence team be allowed to present a skilfull defence....or will they be hushed?


The 2 Burmese men accused of being the killers, are innocent until proven guilty.

I have thought from the beginning that they have the killers in custody, but that is for the court to decide.

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Unbelievable, the letter published by the victims families should shut up all conspiracy theorists on this forum, yet they won't give up and still look for conspiracy theories, this time involving the families of the victims.

Thaivisa should with threads about this case do the same as with threads regarding the Royal family, and that is close them for comments right after the OP.

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Time for a lot of us to swallow that humble pie. People were crying out for the families to speak out and Now they have. Evidence they've seen from UK investigators looks strong against the Burmese lads. I thought they were scapegoats too but that quote from the statement is pretty compelling.

I am afraid that most of the conspiracy theorists will never give up, and never accept what the family has said.

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if those families only want revenge and see somebody killed, understanable ...

do they read the news about possible setup / scapegoat theories ?

what about the dna taken from those british experts ?

compare in/from the girl & the suspects ?

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Credit to (https://twitter.com/Atomicalandy)


Both families call for a 'fair and transparent' trial for the accused and justice to be done in the case. It's an important beneficial statement that also supports the work the defense team are doing here in Thailand. Our aim is to ensure a fair trial and justice in the case.

Here are the statements from both Familys .... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10152642326445677&id=675065676&ref=bookmark

"It's an important beneficial statement that also supports the work the defense team are doing here in Thailand. Our aim is to ensure a fair trial and justice in the case." Quote

To all the posters here having a go at the "conspiracy theorists" on this thread, try to read the above slowly!!

If the parents really had faith in the RTP, I doubt very much, they would be supportive of the defense team!!

They are simply being polite!!

By supporting the defense, they are really saying, that they don't believe in the evidence presented by the RTP!!

Do you have no shame? All of us can read the entire statement, taking it out context to perpetuate what they are specifically asking not be done is just downright shameful.

Edit: And like much of the conspiracy theorist and theories like the above -- it is just dishonest based on the entirety of their statements. You are actually trying to say their statement says " they don't believe in the evidence presented by the RTP!"

Again I say, shameful.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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Quote from the article.

"We would like to stress that as a family we are confident in the work that has been carried out into these atrocious crimes and want to remind both press and public that they do not have the full facts to report and make comment on at this stage. Current news reporting is causing undue distress to our family."

Please read the last sentence carefully.

Since you have been the most active poster on all the Koh Tao threads, the comment of course has nothing to do with you??coffee1.gif

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Why do AFP have to get a slag in on every news item ?

The family may have seen evidence that others have not but it still does not explain the glairing inconsistencies.

The statement from the lawyers that they had not seen the prosecution evidence but would fight as best they could would seem to indicate a not guilty plea, we have to wait till Monday for that.

The big problem with a guilty plea is that the police then never need to make public the evidence they have.

If you haven't seen the evidence that the British police and families have, how do you know what it does and doesn't explain or contain?

Why not respect the family's wish and wait for trial before asserting what evidence that you haven't seen does and does not explain?

Edited by Baerboxer
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Time for a lot of us to swallow that humble pie. People were crying out for the families to speak out and Now they have. Evidence they've seen from UK investigators looks strong against the Burmese lads. I thought they were scapegoats too but that quote from the statement is pretty compelling.

I am afraid that most of the conspiracy theorists will never give up, and never accept what the family has said.

I made that post and am still not 100% convinced that if the evidence places the Burmese lads at the scene that they acted alone. The investigation has been very flawed with lots of incompetence raising doubt since day one. Still though these statements change the game.

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