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Retired At 40


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To the OP: congratulations on your deal with the government there, and sorry to hear about the HIV thing... seems to be a good news-bad news scenario as one might imagine it would be for 100% disability. Maybe all the drama in your life will go away once you're over here in the land of vertical smiles... then again, maybe not. Best of luck to you either way, and please - especially in light of your STD status - don't forget to wrap that rascal when you're enjoying the companionship of the local lasses.

Speaking of drama... terry57 old mate, you're a real top fella from what I read of your writings, but crikey, can you dial back the dosage on the espresso please bro, because you just ain't acting like your good natured self these days.

You've been giving out some real top advice to all us poor rummies here on the forum, how to deal with our love lives, how to stay away from the bar girls and all the crackin bleedin slappers and sheilas and the like, and I really do enjoy reading your work but crikes, I'd hate to see you pull your groin muscle all out of whack on one of those fancy kickboxing moves and then not be able to make your fine contributions to this forum any more.

Cheers old mate, and it's probably none of my concern anyways, so as you were and never mind me and my foolish self.

jing jing,

look im going to tell you strait up and no bull--shiting around here,

i am a real top fella and got a lot of really top mates.

first of all im going to deal with what you said to me and i respect you no end for having the brain matter to deal with the issue up front and may i go further whil'st were having a top chat like this.

not every body likes my strait forward missile busting reply's and you dont have to be a freaking brain surgeon to work that one out.

but let me say this loud and clear so no one has any doub't to what im all about .

love me or hate me i have only one reason to contribute to this forum and that is to be very honest with all the punters and convey my true feelings.

i never sit on the fence as that pathetic and not worth living for.

now im not stupid and i know that i pi--ss some people of but that is not my concern as the people that are with me are my true friends and im never left guessing ?

i never consider my opinion to be the only one, and im always up for a bit of verbal sparing, good natured banter and im never scared to back down if im proven wrong.

this is strait up, meadish and myself are on very good terms as when im a bit hot headed and made a post that is putting myself very close to the edge i get strait on to him explaining what i have done and always apologising for my top self.

cricky's mate meadish must be sick and tired of hearing from me but i respect meadish and think he's a cracker fella.

but i got to be truthfull, when meadish put me in the sin bin, and id only been posting for 5 days mind you, i didn't think he was a top fella at all.

now i cant say that here as id be banned for life but that's the amazing thing about us humans is that we are forgiving and have the brain matter to work things out.

meadish was strait up with me, layed down the rules and we have been good mates ever since.

he just pm'ed me to tell me he's on holidays so hows that for mending fences.

my golden rule is never to personally attack anybody, threaten or generally be disrespectfull.

we are all human beings and most people try to do the right thing but i got to tell you my old mate your observations of my good self are spot on and you have obviously be following my top protificatings.

now when i first started posting i had some fairly strong views of the bar girls.

now being the intelligent handsome and totally middle of the road guy i am id thought id be fair to all involved and blow the lid of this topic once and for all.

i posed a very intelligent, straight up truthfull question to the posters, to give me some bleeding peace.

that being : " why would an intelligent succesfull farang marry a bar girl "

now jing jing my top buddy and very learn'ed friend, what do you think happened ?

look stop straining your brain and just listen up a bit will you.

cricky's mate it blew this forum sky frigging high, and i come close to picking up gold for this little cracker question of mine.

i was getting that many p/m's that my computer through a rod and i had to go down to that top internet cafe on rambuttri street.

my question got 394 freaking reply's before some dickwad abused my good friend dave and jai dee had to pull it.

i learnt that much about the bar girls that ive done a 360 degree turn around.

i was wrong and they truly are genuine nice people only trying to make a living dealing with some horrible punters at times.

there not all good but the same as all off us as some of us punters are <deleted> as well.

anyway getting back to your original question as to whats going on with my good natured self.

ive had a few problems with someone misreading my post and ive had to turn serious and deal with the issue head on .

now your not blind mate and you can see what ive had to deal with.

i was going to get right into him but speaking with you has done the world of good as im feeling absolutely brilliant again.

thanks jing jing,

your a little ripper mate and your welcome to have a drink with my awesome self anytime you wish.

cheers buddy :o

Terry batman here we are :D:D

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i learnt that much about the bar girls that ive done a 360 degree turn around.

see terry old mate,

you really are a top fella with an open mind and a rippin good heart just like my insightful self knew you were.

next time you find your verbally prolific self in the general vicinity of thailand please let me know with p/m and i will shout you more adult bevvys than your thirsty self can handle

that's a straight up no bullsheeite fact and please make no mistake about it.

only one thing i should point out and its just a small detail but looks like you got our little buddy the Donz to do the math on that bar girl turnaround.

by my calculation 360 degrees puts you right back where you started or maybe that's what you meant to say,

i think i know what you mean but my own baffled self is not too sure,

not that it matters that much either way my good mate.

thanks for the ripping vote of confidence terry,

i do like your style and think you're a cracking member of this forum your top pontificating self.

cheers :o

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What ever you are on you should tell us so that we can all buy some..

Verbal Exlax pills?

thanks cobber,

yep im on those top pills you said here and guess how much they cost ?

four frigging baht :o:D

mate im cranking at 100% again and ive really impressed my self no end with that fantastic giggle.

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i learnt that much about the bar girls that ive done a 360 degree turn around.

see terry old mate,

you really are a top fella with an open mind and a rippin good heart just like my insightful self knew you were.

next time you find your verbally prolific self in the general vicinity of thailand please let me know with p/m and i will shout you more adult bevvys than your thirsty self can handle

that's a straight up no bullsheeite fact and please make no mistake about it.

only one thing i should point out and its just a small detail but looks like you got our little buddy the Donz to do the math on that bar girl turnaround.

by my calculation 360 degrees puts you right back where you started or maybe that's what you meant to say,

i think i know what you mean but my own baffled self is not too sure,

not that it matters that much either way my good mate.

thanks for the ripping vote of confidence terry,

i do like your style and think you're a cracking member of this forum your top pontificating self.

cheers :D

jing jing,

you would have to be the sharpest frigging tool's in all of thailands tool box's.

look im as sharp as a freaking tack and there ain't too many people that come close to me when i really start firing on all cylinders.

now im not just piss and wind here as you all know about v8's, v12's, blowers , turbo chargers and all that <deleted>.

mate im that powerfull when my brain matter gets going im like one of those top saturn rockets heading into outer space at warp speed.

no bast--ard even comes close. :D

to be truthfull with your top self and look mate im starting to like you as you are batting on my team thats for frigging sure.

blind freddy could see that your on my team and you got my respect for that.

there's a few punters that have not earned my respect but you sure have fella. :D

urr, crick'ys mate getting back to your original question about that 360 deg turn around.

look, think quick about my last post to you and throw your brain matter in reverse for a tick.

i said im the first one to admit when i make a mistake and jesus mate i did blow that one.

now to all my fans out there, i meant to say a 180 deg turn around as bar girls have turned out to have my top respect.

about that drink jing jing, everybody on this forum knows ill be back in october to my favorite place on earth and thats LOS. :D

trouble is ive got that many punters who want to have a drink with me that ill be heading for the rehab centre if i dont watch out mate. :D

even the punters that dont like me want to buy me a drink so how tops is that eh. :D

but you jing jing id go to the end of the earth to have a nice drink with you cause me and you mate have got a great future a head of us. :D

cheers me old and toptest new friend, ripper mate.

terry :D:D:o

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To the OP: congratulations on your deal with the government there, and sorry to hear about the HIV thing... seems to be a good news-bad news scenario as one might imagine it would be for 100% disability. Maybe all the drama in your life will go away once you're over here in the land of vertical smiles... then again, maybe not. Best of luck to you either way, and please - especially in light of your STD status - don't forget to wrap that rascal when you're enjoying the companionship of the local lasses.

Speaking of drama... terry57 old mate, you're a real top fella from what I read of your writings, but crikey, can you dial back the dosage on the espresso please bro, because you just ain't acting like your good natured self these days.

You've been giving out some real top advice to all us poor rummies here on the forum, how to deal with our love lives, how to stay away from the bar girls and all the crackin bleedin slappers and sheilas and the like, and I really do enjoy reading your work but crikes, I'd hate to see you pull your groin muscle all out of whack on one of those fancy kickboxing moves and then not be able to make your fine contributions to this forum any more.

Cheers old mate, and it's probably none of my concern anyways, so as you were and never mind me and my foolish self.

jing jing,

look im going to tell you strait up and no bull--shiting around here,

i am a real top fella and got a lot of really top mates.

first of all im going to deal with what you said to me and i respect you no end for having the brain matter to deal with the issue up front and may i go further whil'st were having a top chat like this.

not every body likes my strait forward missile busting reply's and you dont have to be a freaking brain surgeon to work that one out.

but let me say this loud and clear so no one has any doub't to what im all about .

love me or hate me i have only one reason to contribute to this forum and that is to be very honest with all the punters and convey my true feelings.

i never sit on the fence as that pathetic and not worth living for.

now im not stupid and i know that i pi--ss some people of but that is not my concern as the people that are with me are my true friends and im never left guessing ?

i never consider my opinion to be the only one, and im always up for a bit of verbal sparing, good natured banter and im never scared to back down if im proven wrong.

this is strait up, meadish and myself are on very good terms as when im a bit hot headed and made a post that is putting myself very close to the edge i get strait on to him explaining what i have done and always apologising for my top self.

cricky's mate meadish must be sick and tired of hearing from me but i respect meadish and think he's a cracker fella.

but i got to be truthfull, when meadish put me in the sin bin, and id only been posting for 5 days mind you, i didn't think he was a top fella at all.

now i cant say that here as id be banned for life but that's the amazing thing about us humans is that we are forgiving and have the brain matter to work things out.

meadish was strait up with me, layed down the rules and we have been good mates ever since.

he just pm'ed me to tell me he's on holidays so hows that for mending fences.

my golden rule is never to personally attack anybody, threaten or generally be disrespectfull.

we are all human beings and most people try to do the right thing but i got to tell you my old mate your observations of my good self are spot on and you have obviously be following my top protificatings.

now when i first started posting i had some fairly strong views of the bar girls.

now being the intelligent handsome and totally middle of the road guy i am id thought id be fair to all involved and blow the lid of this topic once and for all.

i posed a very intelligent, straight up truthfull question to the posters, to give me some bleeding peace.

that being : " why would an intelligent succesfull farang marry a bar girl "

now jing jing my top buddy and very learn'ed friend, what do you think happened ?

look stop straining your brain and just listen up a bit will you.

cricky's mate it blew this forum sky frigging high, and i come close to picking up gold for this little cracker question of mine.

i was getting that many p/m's that my computer through a rod and i had to go down to that top internet cafe on rambuttri street.

my question got 394 freaking reply's before some dickwad abused my good friend dave and jai dee had to pull it.

i learnt that much about the bar girls that ive done a 360 degree turn around.

i was wrong and they truly are genuine nice people only trying to make a living dealing with some horrible punters at times.

there not all good but the same as all off us as some of us punters are <deleted> as well.

anyway getting back to your original question as to whats going on with my good natured self.

ive had a few problems with someone misreading my post and ive had to turn serious and deal with the issue head on .

now your not blind mate and you can see what ive had to deal with.

i was going to get right into him but speaking with you has done the world of good as im feeling absolutely brilliant again.

thanks jing jing,

your a little ripper mate and your welcome to have a drink with my awesome self anytime you wish.

cheers buddy :o

Terry batman here we are :D:D

ur sorry mate,

im pretty bleeding smart but you gone right over me nogging.

cheers anyway as you sound as you got a tad of humour goin as your nearly cacking your daks frigging laughing there fella.

cheers :D

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airborne diver were the firgging hel_l you disappeared to buddy.?

i been going to hel_l and back sticking up for you mate and you bloody done a runner on me. :D

give me a sign there diver. :o

C'mon airbornediver don't keep silent, come out now and give terry a hug. :D

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Guess some people are still grumpy about loosing a war 31 years ago....... way to go Terry. ( isnt that a girls name ? Ah...maybe unisex...great if your a transvestite )

no its bloody not a shiela's name this is how you spell TERRI if you got a front bottom. :D

good bloody god skip, you better watch out talking to my handsome self like that. :D

you know why that is skip ? :D

thats because im a cracker dead eye marksman and i might just decide to go roo hunting one night and guess who's in my sight's. :D

so you bloody watch what your saying about me having a shiela's name. :D

cheers skippy :o:D

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airborne diver were the firgging hel_l you disappeared to buddy.?

i been going to hel_l and back sticking up for you mate and you bloody done a runner on me. :D

give me a sign there diver. :o

C'mon airbornediver don't keep silent, come out now and give terry a hug. :D

thanks for the back up mate, and where has airborne diver really gone to ?

im a bit sad that he's split like,, maybe the boys got to him ?

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You had been fighting and serving the nation for 14 years, and now a little teasing from some member make you want to get off here. C’mon, airbornediver stand-up and take on to show the world.

yes airborne,

crick'ys mate,

you been shot, stabbed, seen untold death and carnage and you let a few posters get to you?

look, just to make you feel better i'll give you some more of my cracker experiences on this board as im somewhat of an expert if you like.

there was this guy who really took a disliking to me ?

dont know why as im a top fella when you get to know me.

guess what he called me ?

first one was a troglodyte = noun cave deweller

next one was a maggot = noun grub or lava

now this is the best bit. he really done his lolly and threatened me with physical violence.

he even give me his address and challenged me to come and meet him.

now we all know that to threaten a person with physical violence when your not looking at them in the eye is a real dangerous thing to do as you never know who your dealing with right?

anyway im no super man but i sure know how to look after my self as i come to thailand to kick box and been studying the art for 15 years now.

now this guy give me no choise when he threatened me like that and i had to step up so to speak.

anyway of i go to meet my new friend and as things turned out the bloody taxi driver could'nt find the place.

i had to fly home today and that was the end of it.

my point being that this guy could of been a real mean bas--tard and give me a good whooping but i also could of really kicked his arse as im a bit handy but never fight unless i have too.

i let all my aggression out in the ring.

i still got his address but im not going to do anything unless he threatens me again.

ill be back in october and im going to see him for a nice drink.

you just get back on your horse diver and if you need any more cracking advise dont hesitate to pm me as you sound like a top fella to me.

cheers old mate :o

No way thats outragous !! :D terry, who threatened you buddy ?

Boy some people get worked up dont they ! :D

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airborne diver were the firgging hel_l you disappeared to buddy.?

i been going to hel_l and back sticking up for you mate and you bloody done a runner on me. :D

give me a sign there diver. :o

C'mon airbornediver don't keep silent, come out now and give terry a hug. :D

thanks for the back up mate, and where has airborne diver really gone to ?

im a bit sad that he's split like,, maybe the boys got to him ?

maybe airbourne diver , had said what he wanted to say, got fed up with the verbal chndering from you guys :D nignoy
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I understand the desire to share our good fortune with others. I am certain that it is wonderful when a person's level of financial security improves so that 1) the level of financial worry significantly decreases, 2) and the freedom to pursue their interests increases. This is a very meaningful change for a person.

Unfortunately, it appears that there can be a cost to sharing knowledge of our good fortune with others because it can be disturbing and upsetting for those who are less fortunate.

My view, is that the disclosure of financial information often creates feelings of jealousy, envy, and resentment. This can cause people to grow further apart, rather than closer together. These kinds of discussions can bring out the worst in people.

Given any two people, one person will almost always be better off than the other. It is easy for one person to feel bad.

Disclosure of financial information seems to create unnecessary risk, and does not seem to offer much significant benefit. I don't think that the exchange of financial knowledge will change how much people like each other, but it may interfere with their friendship.


Edited by quadricorrelator
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I understand the desire to share our good fortune with others. I am certain that it is wonderful when a person's level of financial security improves so that 1) the level of financial worry significantly decreases, 2) and the freedom to pursue your interests increases. This is a very meaningful change for a person.

Unfortunately, it appears that there can be a cost to sharing knowledge of our good fortune with others because it can be disturbing and upsetting for those who are less fortunate.

My view, is that the disclosure of financial information often creates feelings of jealousy, envy, and resentment. This can cause people to grow further apart, rather than closer together. These kinds of discussions can bring out the worst in people.

Given any two people, one person will almost always be better off than the other. It is easy for one person to feel bad.

Disclosure of financial information seems to create unnecessary risk, and does not seem to offer much significant benefit. I don't think that the exchange of financial knowledge will change how much people like each other, but it may interfere with their friendship.


Plus, when you state you are retired at 40, that typically implies you worked your butt off for 20 or so years and sold the business with enough money to spend the rest of your years golfing. It usually is a sign of success. That may chafe people as they have to work into the 60s to have enough money to retire or collect benefits.

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Is this the Yaba anonymous thread or what

:D:D:D Imagine being stuck with him in a bar... :o

I have to laugh till I cry on the pure character genius :D

stuck would be right. How could you leave waiting for somebody to be kickboxed at the slightest provocation.

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Is this the Yaba anonymous thread or what

:D:D:D Imagine being stuck with him in a bar... :o

I have to laugh till I cry on the pure character genius :D

stuck would be right. How could you leave waiting for somebody to be kickboxed at the slightest provocation.

cricky's mate,

im not silly enough to swallow that bait as im not going there again as there's some real dumb <deleted> on this forum who have absolutley no sense of humour what so ever.

now ill give you a real good example: now move in close and listen up,

take the poster up top who said quote: " imagine being stuck with him in a bar"

now strait up mate, who would you rather spend the night drinking with ?

a fellow that is a decent humourous and entertaining bloke like myself. ?

or drink with a real dead arse, boring, witless, sad, lacking in comic relief, horrible person like him ?

now its only a question but every person nows its got to be me as that fellow would frigging put you to sleep in 2 minutes.

cheers mate :D

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:D Thank you Steve Irwin.

cricky's ubon,

you really are lacking in a bit of brain matter fella as my name is terry.

steve bloody irwin is too busy to play on the forum as he's out there chasing frigging crocodiles. :D

good god mate where you been living for the last ten years ? under a rock or something ? :o

btw. are you feeling better now and have you got your sense of humour back ? :D

cheers my old mate and respect to you :D:D

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cricky's ubon,

Please, Please tell me that was a diliberate pun on the name.

Bash, Bash Bang! OK OK a simple mistake then :D


thats beautifull mate,

ok look ill put you out of your misery ok, :D

ubon was having a little giggle. :D

now run along will you as i can here your mum calling. :D

cheers mate :o

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now run along will you as i can here your mum calling. :D

cheers mate :o

Thanks for that Terry, but please tell me where you can hear her calling, as I havn't seen or heard anything from her since I was 13 and I would like to avoid the place, as I don't particularly want that situation to change.

Good Man


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now run along will you as i can here your mum calling. :D

cheers mate :o

Thanks for that Terry, but please tell me where you can hear her calling, as I havn't seen or heard anything from her since I was 13 and I would like to avoid the place, as I don't particularly want that situation to change.

Good Man


I think she is staying with Terry by the sounds of it.

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I'm 100% for a lot of little things, like gunshot wounds, broke bones, etc. I just kept going back to the doctor complaining about this and that until I finally got it. I served 14 years active so I think that helped as well. I'm able to live a normal life. I scuba dive and go hiking. I enjoy the outdoors a great deal. Anyhow I'm heading East!! I have sold my house at a very nice profit and liquidated most of my things.

That will do it. I am in the process of doing my claim. When I was overseas I lost all my military paperwork in a house fire. My exwife took all my papers out of a fireproof box and put them into a cardboard box. But I got service connected at least, and that was before I started my claim (because of the heart problem, disease, whaterver). I went to the VA and they got me set up for physical therepay, to see a cardiologist and an orthopedist (they want me to wear braces for my knees, that will look sexy). The VA has changed for the better the last few years. Hey, how does being in Thailand affect you getting your prescriptions and going for regular checkups?

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Guess some people are still grumpy about loosing a war 31 years ago....... way to go Terry. ( isnt that a girls name ? Ah...maybe unisex...great if your a transvestite )

no its bloody not a shiela's name this is how you spell TERRI if you got a front bottom. :D

good bloody god skip, you better watch out talking to my handsome self like that. :D

you know why that is skip ? :D

thats because im a cracker dead eye marksman and i might just decide to go roo hunting one night and guess who's in my sight's. :D

so you bloody watch what your saying about me having a shiela's name. :D

cheers skippy :o:D

Real scary dude ...... :D:D

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now run along will you as i can here your mum calling. :D

cheers mate :o

Thanks for that Terry, but please tell me where you can hear her calling, as I havn't seen or heard anything from her since I was 13 and I would like to avoid the place, as I don't particularly want that situation to change.

Good Man


urr, umm,

im real sorry about that and im just going to back right away from that one.

anyway cheers mate :D

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