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Koh Tao murder trial date brought forward by 2 months

Lite Beer

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Why the sudden rush?

Secure the conviction get them executed before the inquest in the UK and if it has been a stitch up " velly Solly we already kill for them, we tink they kill farang mai pen rai"

As there is always 30 days to appeal, this scenario doesn't fit.

Since the UK inquest report is due during the trial it indicates more confidence in the case and not less.

Who say the inquest is due during the trial? The last reports was that it would be made public a certain date in February, I doubt the UK shall also decide to publish it overnight. So the trial is on 26 December, can be finished in one court session, so the 30 day appeal and probable execution can already have passed on that date in February.

What is the reason that they decide to bring it forward by 2 months when just the other day the date was set?

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Why the sudden rush?

Secure the conviction get them executed before the inquest in the UK and if it has been a stitch up " velly Solly we already kill for them, we tink they kill farang mai pen rai"
As there is always 30 days to appeal, this scenario doesn't fit.

Since the UK inquest report is due during the trial it indicates more confidence in the case and not less.

Who say the inquest is due during the trial? The last reports was that it would be made public a certain date in February, I doubt the UK shall also decide to publish it overnight. So the trial is on 26 December, can be finished in one court session, so the 30 day appeal and probable execution can already have passed on that date in February.

What is the reason that they decide to bring it forward by 2 months when just the other day the date was set?

The reason is the efficiency...... not

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DM07 you know too much! Seriously, my sense of humour is all I have to keep me sain. I have posted for months on these murders and really I want closure, I want it erased from my mind. Those graphic photos haunt me. R.I.P Hannah. R.I.P David you are angels in heaven now. I'm still going back to Koh Tao the murder or murderers want stop me. I love the island too. Heal Koh Tao. Heal people of Koh Tao. Amen

Nobody forced you to look at the pictures !!

It's alarming that they brought this forward 2 months how on earth are the defence team supposed to prepare a case when they're still not Aware of the prosecutions evidence?

It doesn't need a conspiracy theorist to see what's going on here and fair trial based on evidence and counter evidence isn't on the cards here, why bother with a trail when the result is already known

Guilty and sentenced to death and the sentence carried out within 24-48 hours after the verdict!!

I'll eat humble pie by the truck full if it's not along those lines !!!! ?

I expect that you will have to eat a truck load or two of humble pie... unless of course the case is transferred to a military court where there is no right of appeal.

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Good, the quicker this is put to bed the better for everyone. Happy New Year Koh Tao. See you soon for another great diving holiday on yoir beautiful coral reefs and sun kissed beaches. Amen.

You've changed your tune again. You're welcome to your holiday in that cesspool full of scratchers.

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Why the sudden rush?

Secure the conviction get them executed before the inquest in the UK and if it has been a stitch up " velly Solly we already kill for them, we tink they kill farang mai pen rai"

Mai pen rai, it's the new catchword for TAT

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DM07 you know too much! Seriously, my sense of humour is all I have to keep me sain. I have posted for months on these murders and really I want closure, I want it erased from my mind. Those graphic photos haunt me. R.I.P Hannah. R.I.P David you are angels in heaven now. I'm still going back to Koh Tao the murder or murderers want stop me. I love the island too. Heal Koh Tao. Heal people of Koh Tao. Amen

Nobody forced you to look at the pictures !!

It's alarming that they brought this forward 2 months how on earth are the defence team supposed to prepare a case when they're still not Aware of the prosecutions evidence?

It doesn't need a conspiracy theorist to see what's going on here and fair trial based on evidence and counter evidence isn't on the cards here, why bother with a trail when the result is already known

Guilty and sentenced to death and the sentence carried out within 24-48 hours after the verdict!!

I'll eat humble pie by the truck full if it's not along those lines !!!!

As the defense has 30 days after the verdict to file an appeal, you will be eating heaps of humble pie.

You may also wish to look at what discovery both sides are entitled to.

There is no discovery in the Thai process. You can only call for evidence you know exists. It is ummm, strange I know. For instance you cannot get an order to examine bank statements of a defendant to attempt to follow the money trail unless you happen to know all his account numbers. So people can and do lie their way through the courts in the knowledge you cannot find anything out. A good system isn't it!!!

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Good, the quicker this is put to bed the better for everyone. Happy New Year Koh Tao. See you soon for another great diving holiday on yoir beautiful coral reefs and sun kissed beaches. Amen.

So what you are sayin is that while the prosecutors took months before they finally accepted the evidence that the defence will now only have a couple of weeks to review about 6000 pages and find enough proof to properly defend these guys?

It seems to me that 3 weeks is not sufficient time to do what is needed to even attempt to show innocence.

This is justice thai style and the men are not being treated and will not get a fair hearing

the defence will now only have a couple of weeks to review about 6000 pages and find enough proof to properly defend these guys?

One week, I believe. I do not think anyone except the police, prosecutors and judge has seen the "evidence" yet.

the Koh Samui public prosecutor will testify about the case evidence (witnesses and related documents and items) and forensic evidence at least seven days before the date.

I wonder if they will insist on holding the trial behind closed doors to eliminate the risk of independent evaluation of the "evidence".

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Why the sudden rush?

Secure the conviction get them executed before the inquest in the UK and if it has been a stitch up " velly Solly we already kill for them, we tink they kill farang mai pen rai"

As there is always 30 days to appeal, this scenario doesn't fit.

Since the UK inquest report is due during the trial it indicates more confidence in the case and not less.

How about a guilty verdict and double suicide before the inquests? I am not saying that will happen (or even that the inquests will help the Burmese kids) but it could be a neat solution if the fears of some are justified.

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DM07 you know too much! Seriously, my sense of humour is all I have to keep me sain. I have posted for months on these murders and really I want closure, I want it erased from my mind. Those graphic photos haunt me. R.I.P Hannah. R.I.P David you are angels in heaven now. I'm still going back to Koh Tao the murder or murderers want stop me. I love the island too. Heal Koh Tao. Heal people of Koh Tao. Amen

Nobody forced you to look at the pictures !!

It's alarming that they brought this forward 2 months how on earth are the defence team supposed to prepare a case when they're still not Aware of the prosecutions evidence?

It doesn't need a conspiracy theorist to see what's going on here and fair trial based on evidence and counter evidence isn't on the cards here, why bother with a trail when the result is already known

Guilty and sentenced to death and the sentence carried out within 24-48 hours after the verdict!!

I'll eat humble pie by the truck full if it's not along those lines !!!! ?

I expect that you will have to eat a truck load or two of humble pie... unless of course the case is transferred to a military court where there is no right of appeal.

I don't think many detected the sarcasm in my post, the smiley was a clue!!

I think however the only part that is wrong is the 24-48 hours part, and that's not sarcasm it's just my opinion.

The prosecution were pressing for the death penalty before it even got to the courts what was wrong with asking for it AFTER all the evidence was disclosed ? And when found guilty asking for it then?

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The other thing to note is that normally you will wait months between hearings. The prosecution goes first and the evidence may be split across a few months and then there is another 3-6 months until the Defence give their evidence. In one case I have, we are two years in and the court decided to restart the case as someone of the multiple defendants pleaded guilty. So now the case is delayed another year. That will not be the end of it either as it is only the plaintiff giving evidence again. It does give the idea that the courts only finish the cases they want and the others get delayed to death.

Anyway the point is maybe the date given is just for the Prosecutions evidence hearing and then there will be s delay whilst the Defence digest and prepare their evidence. If not then Thai justice will be in the spotlight. The Burmese must be given a chance to formulate their case whether they are guilty or innocent .... Mustn't they?

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I don't think many detected the sarcasm in my post, the smiley was a clue!!

I think however the only part that is wrong is the 24-48 hours part, and that's not sarcasm it's just my opinion.

The prosecution were pressing for the death penalty before it even got to the courts what was wrong with asking for it AFTER all the evidence was disclosed ? And when found guilty asking for it then?

The prosecution were pressing for the death penalty before it even got to the courts what was wrong with asking for it AFTER all the evidence was disclosed ? And when found guilty asking for it then?

The judicial process in Thailand is flawed, but this is going too far.

As a practical mater, death sentences are rarely carried out in Thailand, and never before the appeals process has properly been exhausted.

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The other thing to note is that normally you will wait months between hearings. The prosecution goes first and the evidence may be split across a few months and then there is another 3-6 months until the Defence give their evidence. In one case I have, we are two years in and the court decided to restart the case as someone of the multiple defendants pleaded guilty. So now the case is delayed another year. That will not be the end of it either as it is only the plaintiff giving evidence again. It does give the idea that the courts only finish the cases they want and the others get delayed to death.

Anyway the point is maybe the date given is just for the Prosecutions evidence hearing and then there will be s delay whilst the Defence digest and prepare their evidence. If not then Thai justice will be in the spotlight. The Burmese must be given a chance to formulate their case whether they are guilty or innocent .... Mustn't they?

The OP clearly states:

The hearing of witnesses in the murder case of two British tourists on Surat Thani's Koh Tao has been moved from February 25 to December 26, 2014

Some people that just can't help themselves to jump to conclusions and spin conspiracies seem to just had read the thread title and think that date is for the delivery of the sentence.

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Perhaps the prosecutor can work in between on this case too:



The perpetrators have confessed.
There are CCTV evidence.
And there are witnesses.
The prosecutor has charged until today no charges.
Until today no punishment for the murders.
The murderers go free.
A disgrace to the justice.

Edited by tomacht8
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Accused's lawyers must prepare defence arguments/witnesses without even seeing prosecution witness list/arguments, so far defence only has the complaint

Koh Tao lawyers must submit defence to court in 7 days but so far have never seen evidence against accused.. Andy Hall tweet

What can I say ?


Edited by englishoak
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Something stinks. I remember a wealthy person ran over a policemen in his farrari and they failed to prosecute until it was too late...... but then again i could be wrong.

You are wrong. One charge was dropped due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, the charge relating to the officers death remains.

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Dec 26th is still Xmas, disrespectful for the foreign witnesses to make them live and travel on Xmas day to be in present.

It sounds like to hope/wish that they wont show up.

There is no Christmas (not Xmas, that is disrespectful to believers) in Thailand, it has no effect on Thai procedures, neither should


Which foreign witnesses did you have in mind anyway, there weren't any were there?

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Wasn't it just yesterday that the date was set for February?

I believe the Brits are about to release a statement and also bringing it forward gives the defence less time to peruse the evidence when and if the get to look at it.
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Dec 26th is still Xmas, disrespectful for the foreign witnesses to make them live and travel on Xmas day to be in present.

It sounds like to hope/wish that they wont show up.

There is no Christmas (not Xmas, that is disrespectful to believers) in Thailand, it has no effect on Thai procedures, neither should


Which foreign witnesses did you have in mind anyway, there weren't any were there?

Well I am amazed I walk around Bangkok and I see big, short, fat and thin xmas (I am a believer and calling it xmas isn't being disrespectful) trees all over the place.

But anyway maybe I didn't really see any of that. Must have dreamt it.

Must be the same as them not celebrating the new year on the 1st of Jan at 00.00 oclock.

Edited by berybert
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Andy Hall: some tweets from the RTP in London.

Tweet 1) Senior official meeting in London all agreed Koh Tao case transparent successful investigation

Tweet 2) Family victims Koh Tao case confident in Police investigation as professional/correct

So everybody agrees the case was transparent & successfully investigated + the family victims are confident this investigation was professional & correct. I wonder what the definition of professional is in Thai. Do they mean uploading crime scene pictures to Facebook as professional? And what about transparency? Do they mean the pancake vendor who claimed the bottle of wine was the second murder weapon was an officially appointed translator? And what about correct? Do they mean people all walking over a crime scene with no forensic DNA expert present is correct?

I tell you what, it is the prefect case!

Apparently the families are buying it, so I guess CSILA can cancel his ballistic dummies experiment. It all seems like a done deal before the defense has even seen the evidence. I fear it is game over for the B2 as some predicted on day one they were arrested.

Most people predicted the Burmese lads would have committed suicide by now, or have been killed by someone being paid to do so in the jail cell.

Are the family buying it ? Not so sure of that. Mark Kent still remains silent on the issue.

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Andy Hall: some tweets from the RTP in London.

Tweet 1) Senior official meeting in London all agreed Koh Tao case transparent successful investigation

Tweet 2) Family victims Koh Tao case confident in Police investigation as professional/correct

So everybody agrees the case was transparent & successfully investigated + the family victims are confident this investigation was professional & correct. I wonder what the definition of professional is in Thai. Do they mean uploading crime scene pictures to Facebook as professional? And what about transparency? Do they mean the pancake vendor who claimed the bottle of wine was the second murder weapon was an officially appointed translator? And what about correct? Do they mean people all walking over a crime scene with no forensic DNA expert present is correct?

I tell you what, it is the prefect case!

Apparently the families are buying it, so I guess CSILA can cancel his ballistic dummies experiment. It all seems like a done deal before the defense has even seen the evidence. I fear it is game over for the B2 as some predicted on day one they were arrested.

Most people predicted the Burmese lads would have committed suicide by now, or have been killed by someone being paid to do so in the jail cell.

Are the family buying it ? Not so sure of that. Mark Kent still remains silent on the issue.

In fact it was the RTP who said they feared they would commit "suicide".........personally I believe that would have been the case hadn't they received adequate protection and thousands of people on social media questioning this perfect case!

Family buying it? So it seems! If not, the RTP makes themselves even more ridiculous by tweeting about how perfect their perfect case is/was.

We'll see.......

Edited by Krenjai
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A post accusing a member of being paid to post has been removed. Unless you have strong evidence, it is off-topic, inflammatory and trolling. If you do have evidence, it should not be presented in the open forum, it's off-topic.

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This may only be a local Thai forum but there is a strong chance that the deceased families could easily read that which is posted here- therefore, please try to refrain from posting heresay, suppositions and so on; things must be hard enough for those family members as it is- whether you believe or disbelieve the prosecution's case, please bear this in mind.

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