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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film


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Well it feels like in nazi germany already with all this stop and search and pee tests and where you go questions...

Oh for F sake... Don't compare Thailand with Nazi Germany. That makes you even worse than the director all are bashing on...

It would be more fair to compare it with the police in NYC raiding people for no obvious reason more than etnicity in most cases, all to keep up the quota, not necessarily to defeat crimes...

But you have to be extremely ignorant to compare the two like you just did... I'm sure you lived in Nazi Germany in those days...

In NYC they don't wear swastikas do they. And gov don't makes nazi movies...

And the Junta wear Swastikas?

And the movie depicts Hitler in a good way as a great leader?

Non of those statements debunks the fact that you just compared the way of living in Thailand with the way of living in Nazi Germany. Stick to the point you brought upon yourself...

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I dont know they are pretty sensitive and rightly so when it come to that man

Whatever the intentions of the movie its insensitive and crass at best surely to use Hitler

I thought the video was mocking the Chula students who put on the Hitler sports day. Did you actually watch the video? Do you speak Thai?

No and No , but I don't need either to realise the use of his image in a Government video could be offensive

You mention its comparing a bad child to Hitler is that correct ? Well its some what dismissive of the 6 million killed in the Holocaust and the 70 odd million killed in conflict

Anyway my main gripe was T-Shirts

Actually there were 11 million murdered during the Holocaust plus all the military that were killed on all sides, plus the civilians that were victims of the bombing raids and the list goes on. There was much more to WW2 than just Nazis against Jews.

I don`t believe that these Hitler stunts are done out of ignorance, they know exactly what it represents. The problem is that many Thais regard Hitler and the Nazis as pertaining to European wars. I have noticed that the Thais rarely, if ever, depict the Japanese involvement in WW2. This is because I believe, the Thais are savvy enough not to wind up the Japanese considering the vast amount of Japanese companies in Thailand that employ probably thousands of Thai people, including careful of not upsetting the Chinese that suffered their own Holocaust during the Japanese occupation of China. This proves that the Thais are knowledgeable enough to know where to draw the line and who they respect more in the pecking order of nationalities and International relationships.

I have yet to see Hirohito tee-shirts or Hirohito fried chicken take a ways or paintings depicting an Imperial Japanese soldier beheading Chinese prisoners or Thai students dressed as Japanese troops waving the rising sun flag, it will never happen. And as for offending Europeans, the attitude is, so what and who cares?

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Actually there were 11 million murdered during the Holocaust plus all the military that were killed on all sides, plus the civilians that were victims of the bombing raids and the list comes on. There was much more to WW2 than just Nazis against Jews.

I don`t believe that these Hitler stunts are done out of ignorance, they know exactly what it represents. The problem is that many Thais regard Hitler and the Nazis as pertaining to European wars. I have noticed that the Thais rarely, if ever, depict the Japanese involvement in WW2. This is because I believe, the Thais are savvy enough not to wind up the Japanese considering the vast amount of Japanese companies in Thailand that employ probably thousands of Thai people, including careful of not upsetting the Chinese that suffered their own Holocaust during the Japanese occupation of China. This proves that the Thais are knowledgeable enough to know where to draw the line and who they respect more in the pecking order of nationalities and International relationships.

I have yet to see Hirohito tee-shirts or Hirohito fried chicken take a ways or paintings depicting an Imperial Japanese soldier beheading Chinese prisoners or Thai students dressed as Japanese waving the rising sun flag.

I agree with you but the video is chastising the chula students for Nazi chic. Why would you not say good on you for finally painting a negative picture of Nazi chic?

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Hitler is not portrayed in a positive light in the film. Have someone who speaks Thai interpret it for you but don't let me get in the way of a good bwana party.

The only way that I can see the truth in what you are saying is if, at the same time as that monster's portrait is being shown under the heading "Learn about democracy", but separate from the children applauding, a narration is being given that clearly states that he was the antithesis of democracy. Prior to signing in and reading your comment, thailiketoo, I posted the following:

Kulp Kaljaruek, director of the film is quoted as saying - "I didn't think it would be an issue," & "As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all." Knowing what that monstrous person was responsible for and yet, he didn't think that "it would be an issue at all"?? To use Hitler's portrait as an icon under the heading "Learn about democracy" and not understand that it would be an issue to those of us who know what Hitler stood for and did!! To those of us who lived through that horrible era, seeing his portrait being used in such a manner has, I imagine, the same visceral effect upon us, that would be suffered by a loyal Thai being confronted with a photo in which the most despicable act of "lese majeste" was depicted!

I am absolutely shocked that any responsible adult would allow the use of that monster's portrait for any purpose other than inform or remind the listener/viewer of the atrocities for which he was responsible!! His picture under the heading "Learn about Democracy"? Without meaning to minimize in any way the monstrous, despicable acts that Hitler and his "goose-stepping" followers committed, I suggest that this is akin to putting a photo of the Taiji "fishermen" wading amongst dolphins in a sea of blood as the dolphins are being slaughtered, under the heading "Learn about Respect for Cetaceans"!! I understand fully that many of today's youth may not be aware of the atrocities committed by that despicable person, and I lay the blame for that, at least in part, at the feet of such people as Khun Kaliaruek.

I would like to quote the words of a long since deceased great intellectual of our time who said "Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act". All of us who are knowledgeable as to the atrocities committed by Hitler and his Nazi party should make every effort to ensure that our children are made fully aware of what he stood for and believed in! The educators have an even greater responsibility, for in accepting their role as educators, they automatically accepted as being their duty, to seize every opportunity to remove ignorance. I suggest very strongly that, by allowing this portrait to become such a part of his film, Khun Kaliaruek abdicated his role and I truly hope that he revises the film accordingly!

Now, thailiketoo, if the film is available, with English subtitles, I for one, will certainly watch it! If in fact, Hitler is NOT portrayed in a positive light, I would be more than willing to offer Khun Kaliruek my apologies...but what possible conclusion, not being shown the film with or without subtitles, can any reasonable person expect, except what is obviously that of the majority of the readers! By the way, I am certainly not looking for a "good bwana party" and I take offence at the remark which, correct me if I am wrong, suggests that those of us who are disturbed by the photo, feel that Thais are somehow inferior to those of British background? I am a Canadian and I believe the Thai to be every bit my equal in intellect. At the same time, I believe that many of the Thai youth, as in other countries, have been neglected when it comes to world history. The proud wearing of Nazi memorabilia is clear evidence of that in my opinion. And the overlooking by any society of such display is an abdication of its duty to its members!

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Unless it does all I said in my earlier response to you then it is not justified.

A symbol as evil as the swastika should not be used as part of an educational/information/propaganda film.

It should be the sole focus and should make clear how utterly unacceptable it's use is, in the most graphic and honest manner possible, by any one, for any reason.

Anything else trivialises its intrinsic evil.

The photo below and the picture in the video are making a negative statement about Nazi chic. What's wrong with that?

Everything unless its purpose is to show the horrors of nazism.

Nonsenses. There are many areas of the Nazi culture that don't deal with horror. There are scientific advances in rocketry that are not intrinsically evil. There are advances in synthetic rubber and oil and many other technical things that are not intrinsically evil. There is the reaction of normal Germans who were not Nazis and stories about heroism in the Army and tactics and many things. War always brings extremes both good and bad. Your view is extremist and as much in error as extremists on either side of the issue.

Discussions of why Nazism began in the first place is not horrible many mistakes were made on both sides at the end of WWI that created WWII; that's not horror that's history.

Nope. The symbol represents the hatred of the nazi party not Germany. Many of the victims of this regime were German and suffered appallingly at its hands.

It does not represent Germany, the German people or any nation. It was the symbol of a movement based on hate, not a country. It remains so.

The swastika represents hatred, intolerance, bigotry and the most extreme forms of discrimination.

If my opposition to its use to make trivial points about youth culture rather than as part of an on going campaign to educate on the evil it represents, makes me an extremist in your eyes, then so be it.

You know nothing about me and i don't need your approval to know what is wrong or unjustifiable.

Or anything for that matter.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Unless it does all I said in my earlier response to you then it is not justified.

A symbol as evil as the swastika should not be used as part of an educational/information/propaganda film.

It should be the sole focus and should make clear how utterly unacceptable it's use is, in the most graphic and honest manner possible, by any one, for any reason.

Anything else trivialises its intrinsic evil.

The photo below and the picture in the video are making a negative statement about Nazi chic. What's wrong with that?

Everything unless its purpose is to show the horrors of nazism.

Nonsenses. There are many areas of the Nazi culture that don't deal with horror. There are scientific advances in rocketry that are not intrinsically evil. There are advances in synthetic rubber and oil and many other technical things that are not intrinsically evil. There is the reaction of normal Germans who were not Nazis and stories about heroism in the Army and tactics and many things. War always brings extremes both good and bad. Your view is extremist and as much in error as extremists on either side of the issue.

Discussions of why Nazism began in the first place is not horrible many mistakes were made on both sides at the end of WWI that created WWII; that's not horror that's history.

My Dog Bitch comment was not meant to be insulting I apoligise for that. So this last post you have made is a disgrace of the highest order, You are Well Well out of your depth and do not know what you are talking about. I have no Idea where you come from, ,Maybe the moon??

Now come back down to earth, The whole Nazi systim was bad,and still is. The whole set up is still in operation,but involves mainly Geld

But very slowly it will be snuffed out

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Hitler is not portrayed in a positive light in the film. Have someone who speaks Thai interpret it for you but don't let me get in the way of a good bwana party.

The only way that I can see the truth in what you are saying is if, at the same time as that monster's portrait is being shown under the heading "Learn about democracy", but separate from the children applauding, a narration is being given that clearly states that he was the antithesis of democracy. Prior to signing in and reading your comment, thailiketoo, I posted the following:

Kulp Kaljaruek, director of the film is quoted as saying - "I didn't think it would be an issue," & "As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all." Knowing what that monstrous person was responsible for and yet, he didn't think that "it would be an issue at all"?? To use Hitler's portrait as an icon under the heading "Learn about democracy" and not understand that it would be an issue to those of us who know what Hitler stood for and did!! To those of us who lived through that horrible era, seeing his portrait being used in such a manner has, I imagine, the same visceral effect upon us, that would be suffered by a loyal Thai being confronted with a photo in which the most despicable act of "lese majeste" was depicted!

I am absolutely shocked that any responsible adult would allow the use of that monster's portrait for any purpose other than inform or remind the listener/viewer of the atrocities for which he was responsible!! His picture under the heading "Learn about Democracy"? Without meaning to minimize in any way the monstrous, despicable acts that Hitler and his "goose-stepping" followers committed, I suggest that this is akin to putting a photo of the Taiji "fishermen" wading amongst dolphins in a sea of blood as the dolphins are being slaughtered, under the heading "Learn about Respect for Cetaceans"!! I understand fully that many of today's youth may not be aware of the atrocities committed by that despicable person, and I lay the blame for that, at least in part, at the feet of such people as Khun Kaliaruek.

I would like to quote the words of a long since deceased great intellectual of our time who said "Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act". All of us who are knowledgeable as to the atrocities committed by Hitler and his Nazi party should make every effort to ensure that our children are made fully aware of what he stood for and believed in! The educators have an even greater responsibility, for in accepting their role as educators, they automatically accepted as being their duty, to seize every opportunity to remove ignorance. I suggest very strongly that, by allowing this portrait to become such a part of his film, Khun Kaliaruek abdicated his role and I truly hope that he revises the film accordingly!

Now, thailiketoo, if the film is available, with English subtitles, I for one, will certainly watch it! If in fact, Hitler is NOT portrayed in a positive light, I would be more than willing to offer Khun Kaliruek my apologies...but what possible conclusion, not being shown the film with or without subtitles, can any reasonable person expect, except what is obviously that of the majority of the readers! By the way, I am certainly not looking for a "good bwana party" and I take offence at the remark which, correct me if I am wrong, suggests that those of us who are disturbed by the photo, feel that Thais are somehow inferior to those of British background? I am a Canadian and I believe the Thai to be every bit my equal in intellect. At the same time, I believe that many of the Thai youth, as in other countries, have been neglected when it comes to world history. The proud wearing of Nazi memorabilia is clear evidence of that in my opinion. And the overlooking by any society of such display is an abdication of its duty to its members!

Perhaps you should have seen the video before spinning commentary, because there's no portrayal of Hitler in any context related to learning about democracy, I already wrote down my interpretation, after actually seen the video, of what the 3 seconds appearance of a Hitler paining refers to:

"The way I see it is that the "bad" kid was raised in a house with poor values, for example his mother cheats on his friend when the draw straws over the work for the school project they have to do together. That is to say that, IMO, what the imagery of the beginning of the short movie shows is a kid that has been raised to compete, excel and win but with little or no regard to moral values; this is not good, according to the point of the film."

Here's the film, do you disagree with the interpretation?

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Now, thailiketoo, if the film is available, with English subtitles, I for one, will certainly watch it! If in fact, Hitler is NOT portrayed in a positive light, I would be more than willing to offer Khun Kaliruek my apologies...but what possible conclusion, not being shown the film with or without subtitles, can any reasonable person expect, except what is obviously that of the majority of the readers! By the way, I am certainly not looking for a "good bwana party" and I take offence at the remark which, correct me if I am wrong, suggests that those of us who are disturbed by the photo, feel that Thais are somehow inferior to those of British background? I am a Canadian and I believe the Thai to be every bit my equal in intellect. At the same time, I believe that many of the Thai youth, as in other countries, have been neglected when it comes to world history. The proud wearing of Nazi memorabilia is clear evidence of that in my opinion. And the overlooking by any society of such display is an abdication of its duty to its members!

Well Bwana this is not a colonial territory. This is Thailand and the movies are in Thai. If you want to get with the program learn how to speak Thai.

The movie paints Nazi chic in a negative light. Have a Thai watch it with you and explain. I don't know anything else to tell you. Thailand is not going to produce Thai morality movies in English. <deleted>

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They just don't get it do they ?

So many Thais know nothing about the Second World War as it related to their own country so what happened else where is a likely combination of don't know and don't care.

You sure they don't get it? Locals seem to admire and aspire to corruption, so could they possibly admire the supreme racist xenophobe of all time?

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Nonsenses. There are many areas of the Nazi culture that don't deal with horror. There are scientific advances in rocketry that are not intrinsically evil. There are advances in synthetic rubber and oil and many other technical things that are not intrinsically evil. There is the reaction of normal Germans who were not Nazis and stories about heroism in the Army and tactics and many things. War always brings extremes both good and bad. Your view is extremist and as much in error as extremists on either side of the issue.

Discussions of why Nazism began in the first place is not horrible many mistakes were made on both sides at the end of WWI that created WWII; that's not horror that's history.

My Dog Bitch comment was not meant to be insulting I apoligise for that. So this last post you have made is a disgrace of the highest order, You are Well Well out of your depth and do not know what you are talking about. I have no Idea where you come from, ,Maybe the moon??

Now come back down to earth, The whole Nazi systim was bad,and still is. The whole set up is still in operation,but involves mainly Geld

But very slowly it will be snuffed out

Be specific. You wrote, "well Well out of your depth and do not know what you are talking about. I have no Idea where you come from, ,Maybe the moon??" I stopped name calling in kindergarten.

German synthetic fuels. German road building. German rocketry. Are you saying I can't discuss these things?

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Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

7 million now eh...wow lets not forget all others to that equals the same figure..or the japanese keeping pows alive to eat ..you only have to look it up ..yes they are clueless but lets not let a poor story get in the way of fact...the israelis have sure gone some way to turn the tables in the middle east off topic apols...just saying people always keep going on about the jews all the time..they werent the only ones ...lest we forget..

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All of you reading this, including myself...do not know the real history behind the man. As you all should know, the "winners write the history books" Therefore, I do not trust the history books, NGO's or private-interest ethnic/


Why don't you enlightened us.....Professor.

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Unless the Jun make a statement denouncing this clip, it's actually very worrying.

I am not worried for myself, but I think that in the interest of the present government, which in the circumstances, I very much appreciate, the Director and all others connected to this should deeply apologise and remove this scene. How can any body connect such murderous dictator, like Hitler, who was responsible for over 20 million deaths, appear in lessons about democracy, taught to young people? Mr. Prime Minister, you really don't want young people to get the slightest impression that you have the slightest sympathy with the dictator Hitler, which most certainly is NOT the case!!

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They just don't get it do they ?

So many Thais know nothing about the Second World War as it related to their own country so what happened else where is a likely combination of don't know and don't care.

You sure they don't get it? Locals seem to admire and aspire to corruption, so could they possibly admire the supreme racist xenophobe of all time?

I didn't know we were talking about Mao?

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Unless the Jun make a statement denouncing this clip, it's actually very worrying.

I am not worried for myself, but I think that in the interest of the present government, which in the circumstances, I very much appreciate, the Director and all others connected to this should deeply apologise and remove this scene. How can any body connect such murderous dictator, like Hitler, who was responsible for over 20 million deaths, appear in lessons about democracy, taught to young people? Mr. Prime Minister, you really don't want young people to get the slightest impression that you have the slightest sympathy with the dictator Hitler, which most certainly is NOT the case!!

You haven't watched the film, have you?

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I think this was done purely out of ignorance like the whole Hitler fad in Thailand is. It's extremely ignorant and in bad taste yes but delibrate no. Still a government sponsored movie should know better.

What is "this?"

Having Hitler in a government sponsored movie.

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Thailand schools have no world history classes?

I know they learn a very biased version of their own history, and most couldn't point out Cambodia and other neighbouring countries on a map. The education system is a mess. Hardly the students fault though.

Indeed it isn't the students fault that those in control want a dumbed down labor force that cannot easily aspire to advancement and quality of life.

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Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

not to mention scores of non jews he killed. hitler in no way should be celebrated or portrayed in any positive way.

this brings up another travesty which is the country that celebrates christopher colombus as a national holiday.

firstly he was not the first one to discover / arrive to america. secondly if it were today he'd be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. he ven kept detailed diaries. his atrocities included cutting limbs off children, supervising the sale of 9 - 10 year old girls into sexual slavery, killing babies to use to feed attack dogs, dismemberment, rape. just google it.

"Columbus' acts of cruelty were so unspeakable and so legendary - even in his own day - that Governor Francisco De Bobadilla arrested Columbus and his two brothers, slapped them into chains, and shipped them off to Spain to answer for their crimes against the Arawaks. But the King and Queen of Spain, their treasury filling up with gold, pardoned Columbus and let him go free."


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