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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film

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In my country the director and the poeple involved would get arrested for this. But TIT, anythings possible..


All of you reading this, including myself...do not know the real history behind the man. As you all should know, the "winners write the history books" Therefore, I do not trust the history books, NGO's or private-interest ethnic/groups....

So, you will ignore the photos from Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald, Dachau, of the dead, the dying, and the walking dead who were the victims of that monster?!! You will ignore autobiographies of those who lived through the Holocaust and biographies of those who died, biographies written by those who survived that horrific era and put pen to paper to tell of what befell their loved ones. You will choose to not be offended by memorabilia that is held out in supposed honour of such a monster, because YOU DID NOT KNOW HIM PERSONALLY!

Freedom4life, does your name therefore translate into "freedom to remain ignorant and have no opinion because YOU personally didn't experience the evil committed" and that because it didn't happen to YOU, you feel no duty or right on your part to speak out against the monstrous acts committed by another?

I fear people such as you, at least if you truly mean what you say. For, if you truly believe what you have written, you are unwilling to learn from history and therefore will be a party to its repetition!!

deathcampphotos4.jpgstackedbodies.jpgThere exist at this very moment in our lives, people who are willing to repeat the monstrous acts that resulted in these horrifying photos taken of the Holocaust victims who already have been gassed and whose bodies were awaiting being "loaded" into the crematoriums. A willingness to repeat the genocide which you see here is currently taking place in parts of the Middle East. You have HAMAS who have publicly voiced their goal as being the erradication from this earth, of all Israelis....ISIS who are carrying out the genocide of Christians in public view Currently, neither of those organizations have even begun to be able to achieve their goal to the degree that Hitler was. But, since you 'don't know the real history behind" either, is it your position to not speak out against them and to do all that is in your power to stop them in their tracks!!

Refer to sites such as can be found at http://www.chgs.umn.edu/histories/ and then tell me that you intend to ignore the information contained therein because "I didn't personally know the man or the people or the regime". If you can do that and also ignore information as to the goals of the current world's monsters that exist in HAMAS and ISIS.......no words can express my loathing and despair that such as you can continue to exist!!

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Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

Don't forget those numbers also included Gays, Gypsies, handicapped, communists, trade unionists, those few religious folks that dared to speak out, etc etc


Thai government etc people in authority - if you approved this film do you think it is good to praise Hitler when it is well recognised that he committed the largest genocide in human history, namely against the Jews.

Do you think many Germans, where the Swastika is illegal who are ashamed of Hitler, the Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, Canadians, Americans, Russians who fought Hitler will be offended at you making this film.

This is beyond tourism but do you ever wonder when Thai people do things like this that quality educated tourists will come to you country or will they go some where else.

Look at all the negative comments on this site. Frankly you should apologise to most Western nations.


I really do think that we should stop having a pop at the Thais.

Thailand is in Asia, not Europe. How many people in Europe know about the atrocities done in Asia by the Japanese ? Bearing in mind Britain fought a world war against Japan (as well as fighting Germany, we all know that), well, there are youngsters in England who simply don't fully know about the mass murder Japan did in Asia. And how lots of British soldiers died fighting Japan. And British soldiers sufferring in those POW camps. Far better to be captured by Hitler's soldiers than Japan's Hirohito boys.

So let's bear in mind Europe's ignorance of Japan's war crimes BERORE we start having a pop at Thais for not knowing about Hitler. So the Thais are ignorant, they don't know about Hitler. What punishment do we suggest for ignorance ? Putting on a Hitler shirt and NOT knowing about Hitler is (surely) no way as serious as putting on a Hitler shirt and KNOWING about Hitler.

For those who are angry, save your anger, and have a pop at people in Europe who wear Hitler shirts and KNOW about Hitler.

very good point


I know A LOT of Jewish people here who are NOT going to take his lightly.....

Well the ones who dont are obviously trying to make some personal or racial gain , because it should be patently obvious that there is not a one of us capable of rectifying what happened in Europe over 70 YEARS ago !

Oh I love 'WW2, Nazi, Hitler' Time on Thaivisa ....

It happens every couple of months and allows for an extremely funny interlude of outrage and pious indignity from a bunch of mongers who lived no where near the s actual scene , and in most cases werent even born yet! They arent even aware that their own side levelled Bangkok and caused unbelievable hardships to the Thai , who should be "respecting" THEIR sensibilities <deleted>...

I particularly enjoy 'swastika' time ... heres another occassion for the expat bigots to cast their vociferous slant over an asian symbol of prosperity and exclaim , "These Thais just dont get it , do they?"

Keep up the entertainment guys !

And what ever you do , dont educate yourselves or try to see anothers perspective - it would ruin the wonderful irony of threads like this.


I know A LOT of Jewish people here who are NOT going to take his lightly.....

Well the ones who dont are obviously trying to make some personal or racial gain , because it should be patently obvious that there is not a one of us capable of rectifying what happened in Europe over 70 YEARS ago !

Oh I love 'WW2, Nazi, Hitler' Time on Thaivisa ....

It happens every couple of months and allows for an extremely funny interlude of outrage and pious indignity from a bunch of mongers who lived no where near the s actual scene , and in most cases werent even born yet! They arent even aware that their own side levelled Bangkok and caused unbelievable hardships to the Thai , who should be "respecting" THEIR sensibilities <deleted>...

I particularly enjoy 'swastika' time ... heres another occassion for the expat bigots to cast their vociferous slant over an asian symbol of prosperity and exclaim , "These Thais just dont get it , do they?"

Keep up the entertainment guys !

And what ever you do , dont educate yourselves or try to see anothers perspective - it would ruin the wonderful irony of threads like this.


I know A LOT of Jewish people here who are NOT going to take his lightly.....

Well the ones who dont are obviously trying to make some personal or racial gain , because it should be patently obvious that there is not a one of us capable of rectifying what happened in Europe over 70 YEARS ago !

Oh I love 'WW2, Nazi, Hitler' Time on Thaivisa ....

It happens every couple of months and allows for an extremely funny interlude of outrage and pious indignity from a bunch of mongers who lived no where near the s actual scene , and in most cases werent even born yet! They arent even aware that their own side levelled Bangkok and caused unbelievable hardships to the Thai , who should be "respecting" THEIR sensibilities <deleted>...

I particularly enjoy 'swastika' time ... heres another occassion for the expat bigots to cast their vociferous slant over an asian symbol of prosperity and exclaim , "These Thais just dont get it , do they?"

Keep up the entertainment guys !

And what ever you do , dont educate yourselves or try to see anothers perspective - it would ruin the wonderful irony of threads like this.


Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

7 million now eh...wow lets not forget all others to that equals the same figure..or the japanese keeping pows alive to eat ..you only have to look it up ..yes they are clueless but lets not let a poor story get in the way of fact...the israelis have sure gone some way to turn the tables in the middle east off topic apols...just saying people always keep going on about the jews all the time..they werent the only ones ...lest we forget..

Totally agree.

Many perceive WW2 as being an exclusive Nazis against Jews affair, but the Jews don`t hold the monopoly as being the primary victims, although they suffered huge losses in proportion to the European Jewish populations during those times. There was much, much more involved than that. Sadly there are still many Westerners that also need educating about the facts of WW2, those who consider that that their families were not affected by Hitler and the Nazis during the war and for some reasons feel they are excluded by the events of that time. Even the Germans of today are deeply offended by these images and the horrors of WW2. In fact not many people want to be reminded in such ways of triviality and jest.

Lest we forget, that pertains to all sides. Never again.


This will hit the world press within twelve hours. Gonna be a huge international embarrassment for the Ju government. Like they care cheesy.gif

Well, I would hope that the court of world opinion might actually view the relevant section of the film to determine the context before sounding off, and not just spin off on some instinctive anti Thai rant.

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If these people really expect the world to respect the Thai monarchy, it is about time these same people learnt something about respecting the rest of the world.

A pretense of ignorance would not get you off the hook in a case of lèse majesté in Thailand.

This film, not just some pea-brain student project, but commissioned by the prime minister as a Thai Government educational film ??!!! "Thai Niyom (Thai Pride)" ... or Thai SHAME

Nothing less than immediate withdrawal of this film, together with unmitigated apology will allow this case to rest.

Prayuth Chan-ocha's teachings, known as the "Twelve Values."

If Prayuth Chan-ocha has approved this film, he has seriously disqualified himself as an authority on education.

There is a Thirteenth Value that needs to be added. Frame it how you will.


In the meantime, a credible return to Democracy is needed - without further delay.


They just don't get it do they ?

So many Thais know nothing about the Second World War as it related to their own country so what happened else where is a likely combination of don't know and don't care.

they barely know their own history, never mind any one else's.

You know that's a good point. The director used the image because even uneducated Thais know Hitler is wrong and a bad person. He was trying to convey the image of a rich spoiled brat and he succeeded with Thais who all know who Hitler is and that he is a bad person and that is why the image was used.

REALLY haha ok before I posted this I wanted to go out and ask 6 thai people if they knew what the Swastika stood for and Hitler NOT ONE had a clue about either of them but they has seen the images before but no idea what it was all about.

So your comment is complete BS and yes I saw the video and it is totally unacceptable I made a point to educate my 2 kids on WW2 what both of these stand for so they are not corrupted by the ignorance of thais on this subject.


Hmmmmm!!! The use of anything to do with Hitler or the Nazi party is an issue and makes you wonder what makes these Thais think.

The thing is the vast majority of Thais have absolutely no idea who Hitler was and care even less.

Go out on the street find 100 English American German tourists and ask them who led Thailand against the French in the Thai French war and they will reply "What war?

You think I am kidding go ask a dozen Thais on the street who Winston Churchill or General Paton were and they won't have a clue who on earth you are talking about.

Before knocking them too hard as yourselves what do you know about Thai history..........99% of you like me could write it on a ciggy packet.

So don't worry too much a few kids wearing hitler uniforms in a silly parade are not out to start WW3 they leave that sort of thing to people like fanatical Muslims and trigger happy Westerns.

Is it OK to make a video that portrays Nazi chic in a negative light?
Only if it is an in depth analysis of the horrors that nazi Germany and other fascist minded regimes carried out Europe and else where in the world.

Only if it shows the graphic footage of the concentration camps, of the torture cells and killing fields that were created by those who flew this symbol and others like it.

Only if it includes interviews with survivors of these horrors with the best translation available, reflecting not only the words but the tone they are delivered in.

Only if it is an outright condemnation of the stupidity or intolerance of those wearing or using such sick symbols.

Only if it is the sole focus of the film and it is an aspect of a programme to ban and eradicate the use of such symbols.

Then and only then.

You mean this is not OK?

Do the words "context matters"mean anything to you?


By the way: Hitlers swastika is NOT copied from the Hindhu- symbol. It is based on runes from the Nordic- tales and myths.

But please... continue, by all means!


OMG the dear leader who claims he is not a Dictator can't be serious. People are supporting this dangerous man who is a fan of Hitler. Now is the time to panic as he has totally lost the plot commissioning Hitler works. Can't wait for his press release where he states the world supports his love and admiration of Hitler.

Is there any reference to the fact that the PM is a fan of Hitler as asserted by you? Did the PM really commission 'Hitler works" ?

As Thailiketoo pointed out, and the article states, that apart from the school boy painting of Hitler "there are no other references to the German dictator in the film, which goes on to illustrate a lesson about cheating." This short film does not revere Hitler. I fully agree that other icons should have been used by the director, and not this monster.

I often wonder if these continual cheap political shots and unsubstantiated political criticism from certain members merely serves as a tool to garner 'likes'.


<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

This is why Thailand urgently needs a decent educational system

In my kids school they do subjects in English and Thai. He brought home a book containing the History of the second world was , 30 pages half of them pictures. He is interested in it so I bought world was 2 movie box set (I'll admit that may have been for me also) Battle of Britain , Tora , Tora , Tora, Bridge too far all that stuff. He now has a far better idea of what happened in the War from John Wayne mincing around the Normandy beaches in The Longest day, than he did from his "School book"

Really - John Wayne was portraying a 82nd AA airborne officer in The Longest Day. Parachuted well inland so never stepped on the beaches of Normandy let alone minced. A little attention to detail never goes amiss.

Your children are lucky to do history. My wife, a teacher with bachelors and masters degrees in education has a woeful knowledge of Thai let alone world history. Thais, IME, have little interest in history or historical facts. They just don't see it being important. History is not her subject, but she lacks real basic information of world history and now chastises me for encouraging our children to watch History and Discovery channels - Thai soaps far more enlightening.

They have a vastly different world view to other nations and history isn't part of that.


"I didn't think it would be an issue," the director of the short film, Kulp Kaljaruek, told Khaosod after a clip of the scene went viral on the internet and attracted criticism.

"As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all."

Hitler is often treated as a pop cultural icon in Thailand, where many people are not aware of the atrocities he committed during the Second World War. T-shirts, handkerchiefs, and other memorabilia bearing Hitler's portrait and Swastikas are commonly sold in markets across Thailand, which fought with the Axis powers during the war.

Self proof; I didn't think! Another Thai high school dropout with a government job, bank loans easy, family compound , watches to much Thai boxing and reads only comics.

Maybe we should put Atila the Hun on tee-shirts and label them saying, Hey I only want to burn your village and take your women or Stalin with a solgan; come to Siberia and work in my prison camps.

Can't wait to see this guy's next project using government money Ooh! tourist income.

You know that's a good point. The director used the image because even uneducated Thais know Hitler is wrong and a bad person. He was trying to convey the image of a rich spoiled brat and he succeeded with Thais who all know who Hitler is and that he is a bad person and that is why the image was used.

REALLY haha ok before I posted this I wanted to go out and ask 6 thai people if they knew what the Swastika stood for and Hitler NOT ONE had a clue about either of them but they has seen the images before but no idea what it was all about.

So your comment is complete BS and yes I saw the video and it is totally unacceptable I made a point to educate my 2 kids on WW2 what both of these stand for so they are not corrupted by the ignorance of thais on this subject.

The director of the video has said and the video shows the boy painting Hitler as being a bad person. What is wrong with that?


"I didn't think it would be an issue," the director of the short film, Kulp Kaljaruek, told Khaosod after a clip of the scene went viral on the internet and attracted criticism.

"As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all."

Hitler is often treated as a pop cultural icon in Thailand, where many people are not aware of the atrocities he committed during the Second World War. T-shirts, handkerchiefs, and other memorabilia bearing Hitler's portrait and Swastikas are commonly sold in markets across Thailand, which fought with the Axis powers during the war.

Self proof; I didn't think! Another Thai high school dropout with a government job, bank loans easy, family compound , watches to much Thai boxing and reads only comics.

Maybe we should put Atila the Hun on tee-shirts and label them saying, Hey I only want to burn your village and take your women or Stalin with a solgan; come to Siberia and work in my prison camps.

Can't wait to see this guy's next project using government money Ooh! tourist income.

The director said, "[Hitler] is the character of this child," Mr Kulp explained, referring to the film's spoiled, wealthy schoolboy who always gets his way. "He's always been 'number one,' and he's selfish.

Hitler is also a 'number one,' in a bad way."

Get it now?

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Some posters have referred to a lack of education on these matters, but Thai private schools in the Chiang Mai area have proudly used Nazi / Hitler themes in their annual concerts, complete with pupils dressed in SS uniforms, waving Nazi flags, and goose-stepping around under huge Nazi banners, displaying the Nazi salute .....the point being that it seems the schools promote all this rather than educate the pupils on the facts.


By the way: Hitlers swastika is NOT copied from the Hindhu- symbol. It is based on runes from the Nordic- tales and myths.

But please... continue, by all means!

It seems both of you may be correct. smile.png

I found this on Google- http://www.holocaust-trc.org/the-holocaust-education-program-resource-guide/the-swastika/

The swastika is a very old symbol with use widespread throughout the world. Sometimes referred to as a “Gammadion” “Hakenkreuz” or a “Flyfot,” it traditionally had been a sign of good fortune and well being The word “swastika” is derived from the Sanskrit “su” meaning “well” and “asti” meaning “being.” It also is considered to be a representation of the sun and is associated with the worship of Aryan sun gods. It is a symbol in both Jainism and Buddhism, as well as a Nordic runic emblem and a Navajo sign.

Hitler had a convenient but spurious reason for choosing the Hakenkreuz or hooked cross. It had been used by the Aryan nomads of India in the Second Millennium B.C. In Nazi theory, the Aryans were the Germans ancestors, and Hitler concluded that the swastika had been “eternally anti-Semitic.”


Sorry to come in to this forum with a question about a completely different topic but I can't for the life of me find the correct way to do this on TV.

My son is trying to get a non B as he needs to obtain before applying for his work permit. He's currently on the last 2 weeks of his tourist visa. Does anyone know the easiest way to get this. Is it available in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar advice needed. He has all documentation prepared as was applying in Chaeng Wattana but to apply there he needed more than 15 days left on the tourist visa and only has 14 days.

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