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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film

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I speak Thai and live in Thailand. The movie was made by a Thai for Thai people and I think it was a slam against the pop culture that uses Hitler as a fashion statement. Do you think I'm wrong?

I understand what you are trying to say, but if Thais want to actually educate their population about Hitler they should do it PROPERLY and teach them what he truly represents. That is what the decent Thai people deserve. These people are so deeply entrenched in ignorance about the outside world and it's history - indeed, their own history - any message portrayed as you claim is going to go way over their heads and do more harm than good.

At the same time, and what's much much worse, is this is a propaganda exercise.


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I thought the video was mocking the Chula students who put on the Hitler sports day. Did you actually watch the video? Do you speak Thai?

No and No , but I don't need either to realise the use of his image in a Government video could be offensive

You mention its comparing a bad child to Hitler is that correct ? Well its some what dismissive of the 6 million killed in the Holocaust and the 70 odd million killed in conflict

Anyway my main gripe was T-Shirts

There were no T-shirts in the video. I know it's a revolutionary concept but you may want to watch something and try to understand it before commenting.

If I say Hitler is a bad guy are you going to jump all over me for using the word Hitler?

I know , I didnt say there was ,You want me to understand an image of Hitler in a Thai Junta propaganda video ?

I speak Thai and live in Thailand. The movie was made by a Thai for Thai people and I think it was a slam against the pop culture that uses Hitler as a fashion statement. Do you think I'm wrong?

I understand what you are trying to say, but if Thais want to actually educate their population about Hitler they should do it PROPERLY and teach them what he truly represents. That is what the decent Thai people deserve. These people are so deeply entrenched in ignorance about the outside world and it's history - indeed, their own history - any message portrayed as you claim is going to go way over their heads and do more harm than good.

At the same time, and what's much much worse, is this is a propaganda exercise.

My wife has a decent Thai education and is knowledgeable about Hitler and understood the movie to be a slam against spoiled kids who are into Nazi chic.

I'm not saying anything revolutionary. If you want to criticize something fine but at least understand what you are criticizing. Watch the video with a Thai person and ask them to explain it to you.

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The war has been over a long time, nobody cares about who did what to whom.

As fashion,

I like the SS uniforms, very smart.

I don't like the Japanese uniforms, not stylish at all.


I really do think that we should stop having a pop at the Thais.

Thailand is in Asia, not Europe. How many people in Europe know about the atrocities done in Asia by the Japanese ? Bearing in mind Britain fought a world war against Japan (as well as fighting Germany, we all know that), well, there are youngsters in England who simply don't fully know about the mass murder Japan did in Asia. And how lots of British soldiers died fighting Japan. And British soldiers sufferring in those POW camps. Far better to be captured by Hitler's soldiers than Japan's Hirohito boys.

So let's bear in mind Europe's ignorance of Japan's war crimes BERORE we start having a pop at Thais for not knowing about Hitler. So the Thais are ignorant, they don't know about Hitler. What punishment do we suggest for ignorance ? Putting on a Hitler shirt and NOT knowing about Hitler is (surely) no way as serious as putting on a Hitler shirt and KNOWING about Hitler.

For those who are angry, save your anger, and have a pop at people in Europe who wear Hitler shirts and KNOW about Hitler.

Oh please. This arguement has been done to death.

They continue to use offensive imagery , and most definitely, the solution is not to just forgive them because they are ignorant.

There there, its OK, you didn't know. On this one, the only answer is to continue to ask them not to use Nazi imagery. Its not hard, don't use it please.

They may continue to use it, but the answer is not to accept it.

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I think this goes to show that Thais are some of the most insensitive people on the planet, but we can't blame them, with such a lack of knowledge of the world outside theirs, they wouldn't know any different.

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I really do think that we should stop having a pop at the Thais.

Thailand is in Asia, not Europe. How many people in Europe know about the atrocities done in Asia by the Japanese ? Bearing in mind Britain fought a world war against Japan (as well as fighting Germany, we all know that), well, there are youngsters in England who simply don't fully know about the mass murder Japan did in Asia. And how lots of British soldiers died fighting Japan. And British soldiers sufferring in those POW camps. Far better to be captured by Hitler's soldiers than Japan's Hirohito boys.

So let's bear in mind Europe's ignorance of Japan's war crimes BERORE we start having a pop at Thais for not knowing about Hitler. So the Thais are ignorant, they don't know about Hitler. What punishment do we suggest for ignorance ? Putting on a Hitler shirt and NOT knowing about Hitler is (surely) no way as serious as putting on a Hitler shirt and KNOWING about Hitler.

For those who are angry, save your anger, and have a pop at people in Europe who wear Hitler shirts and KNOW about Hitler.

Your last point I whole-heartedly agree with.

However, the levels of ignorance about atrocities on either side of the world just cannot be compared: many more people in the west are fully aware of how the Japanese treated their prisoners and the people of the countries they invaded, and most of them - and their governments - are able to show some respect.

You're right it's not the Thais fault they are ignorant and poorly educated, and that's precisely why we should not accept a military junta's manipulating Hitler's image for propaganda purposes in a less than educational manner in a climate of 'fashion' to a populace who are bereft of critical thinking... or much thinking at all.


There were no T-shirts in the video. I know it's a revolutionary concept but you may want to watch something and try to understand it before commenting.

If I say Hitler is a bad guy are you going to jump all over me for using the word Hitler?

I know , I didnt say there was ,You want me to understand an image of Hitler in a Thai Junta propaganda video ?

You said it was offensive but it's not. It is a negative image. If it was a positive image it would be offensive. Somehow you understand the image is offensive (you wrote, "Whatever the intentions of the movie its insensitive and crass at best surely to use Hitler)? How?

By your logic any portrayal of Hitler on the HIstory channel is insensitive and crass? See what I'm saying?

You may not agree with me but you can hardly contest the subject without watching and understanding the Video.

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I think this goes to show that Thais are some of the most insensitive people on the planet, but we can't blame them, with such a lack of knowledge of the world outside theirs, they wouldn't know any different.

They portrayed Hitler in a negative way and mocked him and portrayed the person painting him in a negative way. How s this insensitive?


I think this goes to show that Thais are some of the most insensitive people on the planet, but we can't blame them, with such a lack of knowledge of the world outside theirs, they wouldn't know any different.

They portrayed Hitler in a negative way and mocked him and portrayed the person painting him in a negative way. How s this insensitive?

BECAUSE HE KILLED MILLIONS, The seriousness and wickedness of what he did should not be trivialized in Junta propaganda video

It was not trivialized. Nazi chic was trivialized. Do you understand the difference? One is war stuff and the other is post war fashion by ignorant people. The video mocked the ignorant people into Nazi chic.

How on earth could one portray Nazi chic without showing it?

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All that need to be said on the subject has been said here so precisely and succinctly...

So Thailand dear take note once and for all times ... Hitler/Nazis are out... Hello Kitty/barbi dolls are in...

The image of Hitler was used 37 times last night on the History channel and almost all in a negative way. The image was used in a Thai video in a negative way. That the Thai Visa posters don't have a clue is nothing new but hardly noteworthy.

You should really give up.. They don't like facts they like to moan. You are right with your Bwana party, the more I read Thaivisa the more I come to understand lots of guys don't like fact they need to moan. Probably not happy with themselves so putting Thai people down is better for them. Now there are plenty of things to complain about but acting like its all Thai people gets to me. I would almost start to use the.. if you dont like it you can always leave. Actually that is what I would do but would of course never force someone to leave if does not like it.

They also don't like to admit that they are wrong. Hitler was used negatively that is a good thing. I can understand comments on it if he was used positively as before.

You're probably correct but maybe I'll get one person to watch and understanding the video that they are critiquing. Can you imagine a movie critic writing a review without seeing the movie or understand the language that was spoken in the movie? It's like saying. "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" was a Nazi propaganda film.

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I think this goes to show that Thais are some of the most insensitive people on the planet, but we can't blame them, with such a lack of knowledge of the world outside theirs, they wouldn't know any different.

They portrayed Hitler in a negative way and mocked him and portrayed the person painting him in a negative way. How s this insensitive?


All that need to be said on the subject has been said here so precisely and succinctly...

So Thailand dear take note once and for all times ... Hitler/Nazis are out... Hello Kitty/barbi dolls are in...

That is the point the video was trying to make. You have it exactly backwards.


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I think this goes to show that Thais are some of the most insensitive people on the planet, but we can't blame them, with such a lack of knowledge of the world outside theirs, they wouldn't know any different.

They portrayed Hitler in a negative way and mocked him and portrayed the person painting him in a negative way. How s this insensitive?

BECAUSE HE KILLED MILLIONS, The seriousness and wickedness of what he did should not be trivialized in Junta propaganda video

It was not trivialized. Nazi chic was trivialized. Do you understand the difference? One is war stuff and the other is post war fashion by ignorant people. The video mocked the ignorant people into Nazi chic.

How on earth could one portray Nazi chic without showing it?

Why would you want to show it ?. Are "Nazi chic" followers such an issue for the Junta that they feel they must attack or mock them ?

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Can people actually be born stupid like that ??

Its about time for an election, as this government really don't know what governing is and has no respect at all !

Shame on you for the entire government !


"If I were to make an uneducated guess, it may have been intended to say that democracy has good and bad sides," Col. Sansern said.

Uneducated would be the key word?


Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

Sir,100% correct, What the hells going on?

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