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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film

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First of Thai people must understand that Hitler was a animal had millions killed, Believed the the white race was superior of all races. If he had won the war the world would have been very different and not in a good way.

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Can people actually be born stupid like that ??

Its about time for an election, as this government really don't know what governing is and has no respect at all !

Shame on you for the entire government !

I met a man in a bar in Pattaya and he said It is all the rice they eat


You mean this is not OK?

Is that a random scene from a film or part of an education campaign on the absolute evil that the symbol represents drawing links to it and other forms of intolerance, bigotry, racism and violent discrimination?

The video is making a point about a bad kid and one of the things about him that makes him bad is painting a picture of Nazi chic.


I see it's time for another two minutes of hate against Emmanuel Goldstein Adolf Hitler.

When are you guys going to get outraged by this (t-shirts of Stalin who murdered around 50million): http://www.cafepress.co.uk/+stalin+gifts?cmp=knc--g--uk--pol--apparel--search-b--stalin_merchandise&pid=3607873&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=Politics%20Apparel%20Generic%20-%20UK&utm_content=search-b&utm_term=stalin-merchandise

They also have Chairman Mao(murdered 50 plus million) t-shirts, but strangely no Hitler ones.

What about places like Cafe Mao in Glasgow where one reviewer wrote 'Cafe Mao has giant colourful portraits of Chairman Mao on the wall to watch over you as you eat.' The cafe has closed down now but that was nothing to do with people being 'shocked and appalled' with the a mass murderer themed cafe. http://www.yelp.co.uk/biz/cafe-mao-glasgow

The truth is that whenever Hitler is flashed up there is a visceral reaction in most Westerners, and something very much along lines of the two minutes of hate in 1984 happens.

You react against Hitler and not against Mao or Stalin because you are programmed to.

Some are programmed maybe, but some of us who were Blitzed by his bombers are not. We were on the receiving end and our memories linger on. We hoped that it would never happen again. Wishful thinking.


I just wonder if this was the director's way of subverting the General's intended message ... on a bit about democracy commissioned by the coup-maker (irony of ironies), he inserts an image of Hitler. It could have been meant as a 'protest' against the current situation. Of course, once the segment got a lot of internet scrutiny, he would have no choice but to 'act dumb' and say the image was basically selected at random. But one has to ask why--given the current context--he chose that clearly political image and not one more associated with what kids would draw (house on a hill, etc.). Maybe he's not as stupid as some are assuming...

[Reminds me of how, on an earlier version of the Canadian dollar bill, an image of the devil had been incorporated into the Queen's hair - supposedly drawn intentionally by a French Canadian artists as a political statement].


First of Thai people must understand that Hitler was a animal had millions killed, Believed the the white race was superior of all races. If he had won the war the world would have been very different and not in a good way.

Ya that's what the video says.


Looking at it from another perspective HITLER AND THE NAZI'S got their rses seriously kicked by the Allies and the Ruskies so one could say that Hitler and the Nazi's are the ultimate losers and celebrating them now makes you a big loser too!

Germany, is the ultimate winner . now it has the strongest economy , the backbone of Europe .

EU will collapse if / when Germany decide to leave the EU.

Only a matter of time , wai2.gif


Seeing that we have now reached a certain point I feel i must now make a post that i did a while back 6 months ( I apoligise to they that might of read it )

1 how many of you have visited Bergen-Belsen or any of the other concentration camps?

In the late 60s I was stationed in Celle west Germany, Part of my job was to take high ranking Officers and others to visit Bergen-Belsen this included Germans

My job was to show them what was done and how. This job has haunted me,even now I cant forget it.

Last year I took my Thai wife with me to pay respects at Belsen She was amazed and only lasted 10 mins she was very upset for the rest of our holiday.

The silence at the mamorial is stunning , the Germans have now improved on the mamorial and the musium

No way should the emblem be shown also they really need to be educated in these matters,if the think they are going to be a hub for asia


I was on a bus a few weeks back going up to Udon and the TV was showing some show or bunch of shows and news reports etc.. presented by a youngish gym going guy and a middle aged woman. Probably well known to Thai people, quite loud and annoying they seemed to me (but then I didn't understand a word).

Anyway, the guy had a T-shirt on with a huge swastika on the front. I was like <deleted>.. asked the Mrs how he could be allowed to wear on TV and she didn't seem to be quite bothered, just said that it's not the same here.

I'm certain it's not promoting Genocide and whatever, I genuinely think it's just not knowing any better and just a different education history wise where WW2 isn't as important.


You mean this is not OK?

Is that a random scene from a film or part of an education campaign on the absolute evil that the symbol represents drawing links to it and other forms of intolerance, bigotry, racism and violent discrimination?

The video is making a point about a bad kid and one of the things about him that makes him bad is painting a picture of Nazi chic.

Unless it does all I said in my earlier response to you then it is not justified.

A symbol as evil as the swastika should not be used as part of an educational/information/propaganda film.

It should be the sole focus and should make clear how utterly unacceptable it's use is, in the most graphic and honest manner possible, by any one, for any reason.

Anything else trivialises its intrinsic evil.


I think the Great General needs to start a history lessons so Thais can stop making these "hitler" mistakes and sensitiviies regarding to it.

They made a video with a negative image of Hitler chic. What is the mistake about that? The news media and history channel do it every day.

Oh sorry, did you think it was a positive image? Maybe you should actually watch the video.

watched the video and I speak and write Thai, my statement was just a general statement. How many folks do you think will go and watch the short film? Maybe you need to take a chill pill.


Seeing that we have now reached a certain point I feel i must now make a post that i did a while back 6 months ( I apoligise to they that might of read it )

1 how many of you have visited Bergen-Belsen or any of the other concentration camps?

In the late 60s I was stationed in Celle west Germany, Part of my job was to take high ranking Officers and others to visit Bergen-Belsen this included Germans

My job was to show them what was done and how. This job has haunted me,even now I cant forget it.

Last year I took my Thai wife with me to pay respects at Belsen She was amazed and only lasted 10 mins she was very upset for the rest of our holiday.

The silence at the mamorial is stunning , the Germans have now improved on the mamorial and the musium

No way should the emblem be shown also they really need to be educated in these matters,if the think they are going to be a hub for asia

The video was negative Nazi chic. What is bad about saying Nazi chic is bad?


Even Kasikorn Bank has not clue what this... Insane... Fyi Kasikorn can issue your ATM card with your choice of picture. Simply disgraceful.

Yes indeed Thai are very sensitive when it comes to their own Culture and History (even though most of them do not have any clue of their own history before the Siam Empire). But when it comes to other cultures and major historical events, they do not care, do not respect and do not give a s...


You obviously don't know the Origins of the Swastika sign. Perhaps before you start throwing "mud" at Thai culture, you should do a little research on the matter before you launch into your "Thai Bashing."


Even Kasikorn Bank has not clue what this... Insane... Fyi Kasikorn can issue your ATM card with your choice of picture. Simply disgraceful.

Yes indeed Thai are very sensitive when it comes to their own Culture and History (even though most of them do not have any clue of their own history before the Siam Empire). But when it comes to other cultures and major historical events, they do not care, do not respect and do not give a s...


The "swastika" is an ancient buddhist symbol, hi-jacked by the Nazis. The name "swastika" is a europeanisation of "sawas dee kha"

In common with the others - I condemn Hilter, but I do not not condemn Buddha

Do you think we dont know that, please dont class the posters as stupid


Well it feels like in nazi germany already with all this stop and search and pee tests and where you go questions...

Oh for F sake... Don't compare Thailand with Nazi Germany. That makes you even worse than the director all are bashing on...

It would be more fair to compare it with the police in NYC raiding people for no obvious reason more than etnicity in most cases, all to keep up the quota, not necessarily to defeat crimes...

But you have to be extremely ignorant to compare the two like you just did... I'm sure you lived in Nazi Germany in those days...

  • Like 1

I think the Great General needs to start a history lessons so Thais can stop making these "hitler" mistakes and sensitiviies regarding to it.

They made a video with a negative image of Hitler chic. What is the mistake about that? The news media and history channel do it every day.

Oh sorry, did you think it was a positive image? Maybe you should actually watch the video.

watched the video and I speak and write Thai, my statement was just a general statement. How many folks do you think will go and watch the short film? Maybe you need to take a chill pill.

Sorry. I thought seeing this was a thread about the video that your comment was about that video. Silly of me, I forgot where I was for a moment.

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A slight overstatement of the general's view of democracy in Thailand . Amusing , it displays the naivety of most Thais . It is nice to see a sense of humour being expressed in what was intended to be a military government propaganda film .

The video has nothing to do with democracy. Have you watched it? Because people who have not watched the video seem really ignorant when making comments about it unseen.

Im sure most people here know what hitler is about

Your missing the point... The video is made for Thais... You know, the fashion icon nazi symbol... the cool unifoms they wear...

I think the real perception of Hitler and the Thais perception of hitler are far different from each other with the latter being a cool image of someone they have no idea about.

The video is a negative comment on that cool image which you would know if you watched it. It is not positive it is negative.

The way I see it is that the "bad" kid was raised in a house with poor values, for example his mother cheats on his friend when the draw straws over the work for the school project they have to do together. That is to say that, IMO, what the imagery of the beginning of the short movie shows is a kid that has been raised to compete, excel and win but with little or no regard to moral values; this is not good, according to the point of the film.


Even Kasikorn Bank has not clue what this... Insane... Fyi Kasikorn can issue your ATM card with your choice of picture. Simply disgraceful.

Yes indeed Thai are very sensitive when it comes to their own Culture and History (even though most of them do not have any clue of their own history before the Siam Empire). But when it comes to other cultures and major historical events, they do not care, do not respect and do not give a s...


You obviously don't know the Origins of the Swastika sign. Perhaps before you start throwing "mud" at Thai culture, you should do a little research on the matter before you launch into your "Thai Bashing."

There is however a difference how the Nazi Swastika and the Hindu/Jainism/Buddhist Swastika is represented... This example is clearly not the later.

Is that a random scene from a film or part of an education campaign on the absolute evil that the symbol represents drawing links to it and other forms of intolerance, bigotry, racism and violent discrimination?

The video is making a point about a bad kid and one of the things about him that makes him bad is painting a picture of Nazi chic.

Unless it does all I said in my earlier response to you then it is not justified.

A symbol as evil as the swastika should not be used as part of an educational/information/propaganda film.

It should be the sole focus and should make clear how utterly unacceptable it's use is, in the most graphic and honest manner possible, by any one, for any reason.

Anything else trivialises its intrinsic evil.

The photo below and the picture in the video are making a negative statement about Nazi chic. What's wrong with that?



I think the Great General needs to start a history lessons so Thais can stop making these "hitler" mistakes and sensitiviies regarding to it.

They made a video with a negative image of Hitler chic. What is the mistake about that? The news media and history channel do it every day.

Oh sorry, did you think it was a positive image? Maybe you should actually watch the video.

watched the video and I speak and write Thai, my statement was just a general statement. How many folks do you think will go and watch the short film? Maybe you need to take a chill pill.

Post link to it please

Well it feels like in nazi germany already with all this stop and search and pee tests and where you go questions...

Oh for F sake... Don't compare Thailand with Nazi Germany. That makes you even worse than the director all are bashing on...

It would be more fair to compare it with the police in NYC raiding people for no obvious reason more than etnicity in most cases, all to keep up the quota, not necessarily to defeat crimes...

But you have to be extremely ignorant to compare the two like you just did... I'm sure you lived in Nazi Germany in those days...

In NYC they don't wear swastikas do they. And gov don't makes nazi movies...

Is that a random scene from a film or part of an education campaign on the absolute evil that the symbol represents drawing links to it and other forms of intolerance, bigotry, racism and violent discrimination?

The video is making a point about a bad kid and one of the things about him that makes him bad is painting a picture of Nazi chic.

Unless it does all I said in my earlier response to you then it is not justified.

A symbol as evil as the swastika should not be used as part of an educational/information/propaganda film.

It should be the sole focus and should make clear how utterly unacceptable it's use is, in the most graphic and honest manner possible, by any one, for any reason.

Anything else trivialises its intrinsic evil.

The photo below and the picture in the video are making a negative statement about Nazi chic. What's wrong with that?

Everything unless its purpose is to show the horrors of nazism.


They just don't get it do they ?

So many Thais know nothing about the Second World War as it related to their own country so what happened else where is a likely combination of don't know and don't care.

And how, exactly, is that different from the U.S.? Oh, yeah, the U.S. still demonizes Hitler, as well they should. How many Americans still remember the name of the Japanese Prime Minister who approved the attack on Pearl Harbor? Heck, how many Americans still remember Pearl Harbor? I do, obviously, but I was four years old when it happened, so it's one of my earliest memories. Younger people don't have that emotional connection. I really don't get why Thais think Hitler is an attractive person, but I don't find it life-threatening, either.


What are all these people getting their knickers in a knot about?

Hitler adopted a stylized version of the ORIGINAL Swastika in the 1930's. The Swastika had been around long, long before old Adolf took a shine to it. (Perhaps the silly old goat also failed to understand what the sign represented?)

For the benefit of those who love every opportunity to indulge in "Thai Bashing," if they care to overcome their ignorance, they'll discover that the SWASTIKA is considered to be a symbol of auspiciousness by those who follow:


Do these ignorant folks who constantly bellow about the use of the symbol, expect the above mentioned, to give up their faiths and cultures, simply because Adolf Hitler "pirated" their symbol?

Unless it does all I said in my earlier response to you then it is not justified.

A symbol as evil as the swastika should not be used as part of an educational/information/propaganda film.

It should be the sole focus and should make clear how utterly unacceptable it's use is, in the most graphic and honest manner possible, by any one, for any reason.

Anything else trivialises its intrinsic evil.

The photo below and the picture in the video are making a negative statement about Nazi chic. What's wrong with that?

Everything unless its purpose is to show the horrors of nazism.

Nonsenses. There are many areas of the Nazi culture that don't deal with horror. There are scientific advances in rocketry that are not intrinsically evil. There are advances in synthetic rubber and oil and many other technical things that are not intrinsically evil. There is the reaction of normal Germans who were not Nazis and stories about heroism in the Army and tactics and many things. War always brings extremes both good and bad. Your view is extremist and as much in error as extremists on either side of the issue.

Discussions of why Nazism began in the first place is not horrible many mistakes were made on both sides at the end of WWI that created WWII; that's not horror that's history.


What are all these people getting their knickers in a knot about?

Hitler adopted a stylized version of the ORIGINAL Swastika in the 1930's. The Swastika had been around long, long before old Adolf took a shine to it. (Perhaps the silly old goat also failed to understand what the sign represented?)

For the benefit of those who love every opportunity to indulge in "Thai Bashing," if they care to overcome their ignorance, they'll discover that the SWASTIKA is considered to be a symbol of auspiciousness by those who follow:


Do these ignorant folks who constantly bellow about the use of the symbol, expect the above mentioned, to give up their faiths and cultures, simply because Adolf Hitler "pirated" their symbol?

Yes, but that's not why it's worn by those who do so on t shirts. In Thailand, Europe, the USA and so many other countries.

For those to whom it carries religious significance I suspect they are equally appalled at its use as a fashion statement symbolising a regime based on hatred.

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