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Americans in Thailand warned after release of CIA report


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Time to dust off the trusty old Maple Leaf! rolleyes.gif


Please don't.

Use the other one. . . . . . the that's not so dusty because you're always waving it around on this board. Nooooo, not thaaaaat oooonne . . . . . . That one. . . . . . Yeah, THAT one.

This one?


I remember when I was traveling Europe in the 70s, and there were lots of Americans

with maple leaf flags on their back packs. Seemed pretty wimpy, I say be a man and

just take the beating....

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Actually the US government has warned Americans everywhere, not just in Thailand. Ashamed that our government stooped to such lows as torture, but also proud that we as a people are able to admit it our flaws so we can move forward. Don't find that in many other countries.

I'm not ashamed at all. Glad they tortured these <deleted> who would have gleefully wiped out the entire Western world. What are you going to do, feed them marshmallows and candy and hope they'll give it up?

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But what about........ oh I give up, debating rabid anti-Americans feels a bit like winning a contest

of wits against a mentally challenged child. What country were you from again ??

It is very revealing that you consider a debate as a contest to win.

It says it all of your denial to learn and accept what is factual.

Grow up....

These threads are a clash of viewpoints, hopefully supported by facts. So if you

are spewing drivel and I am calmly stating facts, yes in essence I win. And I am

still waiting to hear your country of origin, so I can be like you and piss on it

for anything it has done wrong in the last 100 years, or worse yet, in case your

country owes a debt of gratitude to America.cheesy.gif

You seem to not have a clue of what is a debate or point of view.

This is not a fight neither a comparison to other countries. It is about us policies and crimes all over the world. You accept it or not is not that important because you seem Brain washed.

I had the chance and pleasure to know more educated and well read americans and appreciate them a lot.

Edited by Petchou
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Sigh, of course it is a comparison of countries. All things are relative, so if you are pointing to

America as a bastion of evil, then necessarily you must feel your country is much better with no

skeletons in the closet. Otherwise I guess you would look like a total fool. Think glass house

and throwing stones.... So simply tell me what country you are from, and then I can clearly

decide if your country is more or less evil than America....

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But what about........ oh I give up, debating rabid anti-Americans feels a bit like winning a contest

of wits against a mentally challenged child. What country were you from again ??

It is very revealing that you consider a debate as a contest to win.

It says it all of your denial to learn and accept what is factual.

Grow up....


Uhm, a debate is a contest to win ...

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Worry about terrorist in Thailand???!!! Are you kidding? The Thai drivers are much more likely to kill you than any terrorist! Terrorists will simply have to wait their turn. The US should issue travel warnings for Thai highways. cheesy.gif

Thai drivers wont kill me. I walk in the road.

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The NewYork times has an interesting article on this topic

"White House and Republicans Clash Over C.I.A. Torture Report


DEC. 8, 2014

WASHINGTON — With the long-awaited Senate report on the use of torture by the United States government — a detailed account that will shed an unsparing light on the Central Intelligence Agency’s darkest practices after the September 2001 terrorist attacks — set to be released Tuesday, the Obama administration and its Republican critics clashed over the wisdom of making it public, and the risk that it will set off a backlash overseas."


Yes, leave it to our wonderful liberal Democrats to scatter information that should be in-house (even if true) all over the world and put Americans in danger.

Those cobras would kill their own mothers to score a political point.

FOX on the brain.

I can instantly spot a FOX 'news' viewer.

That report would have been leaked so Obama smartly put it out.

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"Osama" Obama and his left-wing cronies should be charged with treason, after placing not only "active CIA operatives" but ordinary Americans in danger through the release of this material.

And if massive ignorance were a crime, you would be convicted. Obama opposed the release of this material.

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US embassy on alert after CIA probe report

The Nation, Agencies

Citizens in Thailand urged to take precaution amid 'some indications' of 'greater risk'

BANGKOK: -- The US embassy in Bangkok and others all over the world stepped up security and issued warnings for US citizens to be aware that the release of a Senate report on the Central Intelligence Agency's harsh interrogation programme against terrorism suspects could prompt anti-American protests and violence.

The US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released the declassified versions of the executive summary, findings, and conclusions of the CIA's Rendition, Detention and Interrogation programme on Tuesday, saying the US spy agency used brutal techniques in its operations against terrorists.

"US citizens should pay attention to their surroundings and take appropriate safety precautions, including avoiding demonstrations or confrontational situations," the embassy statement said.

"We strongly recommend that US citizens travelling to or residing in Thailand enrol in the Depart-

ment of State's Smart Traveller Enrolment Programme (STEP) at www.travel.state.gov."

The embassy in Bangkok and the US consular office in Chiang Mai are available for Americans to keep in contact, it said. US embassies and other sites were taking precautions amid "some indications" of "greater risk", a White House spokesman said.

The Senate's report said the CIA's interrogation of terrorism suspects in secret prisons between 2002 and 2006 were more brutal than policy-makers were told and in some cases amounted to torture that failed to generate effective intelligence.

Methods and techniques of interrogation used by the CIA ranged from waterboarding to the menacing whir of a power drill.

Records do not support CIA representations that the agency initially used an "an open, non-threatening approach" or that interrogations began with the "least coercive technique possible" and escalated to more coercive techniques only as necessary.

The waterboarding technique was physically harmful, inducing convulsions and vomiting. Abu Zubaydah, for example, became "completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising through his open, full mouth", the Senate's report said.

In May 2002, before the CIA used "enhanced interrogation" techniques, Abu Zubaydah had identified "Zubair" as a Malaysian national who was associated with "KSM" and who could be used by KSM to conduct attacks in Thailand. According to Abu Zubaydah, Zubair also assisted Abu Zubaydah in obtaining passports from a printer facility in either Thailand or Malaysia, the report said.

KSM stands for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is widely regarded as the main architect of the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

Thailand is mentioned in the Senate report many times for its role in facilitating and sheltering terrorism suspects as well as helping US authorities capture some key suspects. One of the prime suspects in the 2002 Bali bombing, Hambali, was arrested in Thailand in 2003 by a joint operation between US and Thai security officials.

The capture of Hambali is one of the eight most frequently cited examples provided by the CIA as evidence of the effectiveness of the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques, the Senate report said, but it questioned the agency's spin on the incident.

Years ago, leaked reports indicated that the CIA used facilities in Thailand for detention, harsh interrogation and torture, but the US Senate report, which was heavily censored in many parts, did not mention these clearly.

The CIA operation took place while George W Bush was president of the United States and the Thai government was under Thaksin Shinawatra.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/US-embassy-on-alert-after-CIA-probe-report-30249566.html

-- The Nation 2014-12-11

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How do you differentiate between an American, a Brit, Kiwi or an Aussie etc who are holidaying in Thailand?

May I suggest that all Americans buy a pair of thongs, shorts, a singlet and when anyone says hello, just reply G'day mate, how they hanging? You will have them buggered in a flash.

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just say your canadian end of..everyone likes them....or wear a t-shirt in thai saying your a mute...

No need to lay this off on our good Canadian neighbors, they shoulder enough already. I prefer to blame the Britt's, after all it was mostly Britt's that kicked the Britt's out of the colonies. We are just you recalcitrant child!

Dude we're Americans how would we know how to spell "mute" in Thai and doesn't that mean we would have to be quiet? w00t.gif

Try body talk?

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Actually the US government has warned Americans everywhere, not just in Thailand. Ashamed that our government stooped to such lows as torture, but also proud that we as a people are able to admit it our flaws so we can move forward. Don't find that in many other countries.

I'm not ashamed at all. Glad they tortured these <deleted> who would have gleefully wiped out the entire Western world. What are you going to do, feed them marshmallows and candy and hope they'll give it up?

Leave them alone?

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Actually I'm kind of seriously asking the question ... if you are aggressively approached to identify your nationality by someone who appears to have a nationality probably hostile to the USA, what do you do?

Safer in the closet, don't come out until this dies down. If forced on a Pattaya sidewalk, say Canada, then point toward this guy


and say, "Yah, there's one of thooose Americans right over there, eh?"

He looks more like Sharky from OZ.

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Took a long walk around Jomtien tonight. Not a Yank in sight. Must have taken the advice to heart and are locked up in their rooms.

Christmas came early this year! First russians and now americansclap2.gif

Thanks for the early morning chuckle

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Time to dust off the trusty old Maple Leaf! rolleyes.gif


Please don't.

Use the other one. . . . . . the that's not so dusty because you're always waving it around on this board. Nooooo, not thaaaaat oooonne . . . . . . That one. . . . . . Yeah, THAT one.

This one?


I remember when I was traveling Europe in the 70s, and there were lots of Americans

with maple leaf flags on their back packs. Seemed pretty wimpy, I say be a man and

just take the beating....

Or beheading? Ouch!

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Time to dust off the trusty old Maple Leaf! rolleyes.gif


Please don't.

Use the other one. . . . . . the that's not so dusty because you're always waving it around on this board. Nooooo, not thaaaaat oooonne . . . . . . That one. . . . . . Yeah, THAT one.

This one?


I remember when I was traveling Europe in the 70s, and there were lots of Americans

with maple leaf flags on their back packs. Seemed pretty wimpy, I say be a man and

just take the beating....


Most wouldn't get the joke and really don't deserve to be ragged.

They're already getting worked over by their own political, financial and cultural institutions.

An overwhelming percentage of these Amerikans are either too ill-informed, too distracted or too stressed to care. They don't deserve to be ragged on for being ignorant oligarchy-dominated, propaganda-addled peasants.

Another small percentage are simply too indoctrinated with Amerikan Exceptionalism to care.

They need schooling.

But (seriously folks) most Amerikans are so seriously misinformed and misled as to the actual workings of their *unrepresentative* "democracy" that they think they can alter US foreign policy through electoral change.

Well, they tried that and voted in Kissinger-stooge and all 'round globalism meme, Barak Oilbombya.

In effect, Amerikans, ALL Amerikans can now safely declare "Hey man, I didn't elect the "government" that did this torture" I just voted for whores on either side of the house that allow their puppeteers to scare the bejesus out of us day and night.

Nope, I had nothing to do with those stress positions, wallings and waterboardings.

"Nope. WaddenMEE"

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I fully trust the US Consulate in Bangkok or anywhere in Thailand to protect my interests, since they must have been ignorant of the CIA torture camps/prisons in the first place, they must truly care about individual human rights and will leap into action should any US Citizen applies for assistance.

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Time to dust off the trusty old Maple Leaf! rolleyes.gif


Please don't.

Use the other one. . . . . . the that's not so dusty because you're always waving it around on this board. Nooooo, not thaaaaat oooonne . . . . . . That one. . . . . . Yeah, THAT one.

This one?


I remember when I was traveling Europe in the 70s, and there were lots of Americans

with maple leaf flags on their back packs. Seemed pretty wimpy, I say be a man and

just take the beating....


Most wouldn't get the joke and really don't deserve to be ragged.

They're already getting worked over by their own political, financial and cultural institutions.

An overwhelming percentage of these Amerikans are either too ill-informed, too distracted or too stressed to care. They don't deserve to be ragged on for being ignorant oligarchy-dominated, propaganda-addled peasants.

Another small percentage are simply too indoctrinated with Amerikan Exceptionalism to care.

They need schooling.

But (seriously folks) most Amerikans are so seriously misinformed and misled as to the actual workings of their *unrepresentative* "democracy" that they think they can alter US foreign policy through electoral change.

Well, they tried that and voted in Kissinger-stooge and all 'round globalism meme, Barak Oilbombya.

In effect, Amerikans, ALL Amerikans can now safely declare "Hey man, I didn't elect the "government" that did this torture" I just voted for whores on either side of the house that allow their puppeteers to scare the bejesus out of us day and night.

Nope, I had nothing to do with those stress positions, wallings and waterboardings.

"Nope. WaddenMEE"

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Wow! If this TVF were a country, could be there's a civil war abrewin' Settle down all. Reality is every western country has practiced, at varying levels of efficacy (or outright abuse), substantial intelligence/counter-intelligence tactics. Every westerner posting here need look no further than their homeland to likely see some blood on their hands. This is a centuries old issue. Didn't just happen after 9-11.

Sad what we humans do to maintain "self-proclaimed sovereignty" and geo-political ground. At the end of the day, it's still all about controlling economies.

Edited by AlphMichaels
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Actually I'm kind of seriously asking the question ... if you are aggressively approached to identify your nationality by someone who appears to have a nationality probably hostile to the USA, what do you do?

Safer in the closet, don't come out until this dies down. If forced on a Pattaya sidewalk, say Canada, then point toward this guy


and say, "Yah, there's one of thooose Americans right over there, eh?"

He looks more like Sharky from OZ.

Yep it is sharky.

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I fully trust the US Consulate in Bangkok or anywhere in Thailand to protect my interests, since they must have been ignorant of the CIA torture camps/prisons in the first place, they must truly care about individual human rights and will leap into action should any US Citizen applies for assistance.

Then feel free to install their update, so they know where and how to get you.

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Sigh, of course it is a comparison of countries. All things are relative, so if you are pointing to

America as a bastion of evil, then necessarily you must feel your country is much better with no

skeletons in the closet. Otherwise I guess you would look like a total fool. Think glass house

and throwing stones.... So simply tell me what country you are from, and then I can clearly

decide if your country is more or less evil than America....

I am British and Israeli.

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I tried posting this to a multi-quote forum and it was not posted, so I'll just post it here. This is for the people who throw labels around such as, "Americans are ...and Germans are....and French are..." (which I too am guilty of), the fact that America is a huge country with over 300 million registered inhabitants, as of the 2000 census, I have this to say about the labels thrown around which I hear echoed in various shades of hate from the "girlfriends" of the ex-pats where I live, which I can now read in black and white on this forum instead of hearing them repeated by Thai girlfriends or haters sitting around in their complacent groups of haters and labelers. I have to add this to the forum on what "Americans" are and what the labelers are as well.

Uninformed dude who wrote this post: the fact the Diane Feinstein (do you know who she is and what she represents in US politics?) was bold enough to risk such censure from a large and vociferous group of staunch American supporters of the War on Terror and it's accompanying torture techniques and secret prisons (in addition to an increasing surveillance society under Homeland Security in order to control more "terrorists"), who perhaps view Fox News instead of reading the Huffington Post, shows the increasing shift in American public consciousness which has been slowly emerging under the current Obama Administration, although far too late but at least this shift in the willingness to admit to these crimes and examine the inner workings of the CIA, is one facet of America you rarely have seen in the mainstream media news, but who are a strong force in America nevertheless. Despite your yearning to label over 300 million people as ignorant peasant patriots who are blind to the misdeeds of their estranged government, you cannot lump all of them based on the ex-pats you may have met here in Thailand, or what you merely want to believe due to your hate of America for your own personal reasons, insecurities or fears and bigoted opinions you want to base on limited information you may have and use as a form of argument to support your opinions. This effort to create a transparent examination of the CIA torture camps does show a paradigm shift in America after the many years of the Bush Administration and it's covert activities, which were indeed supported by many Americans I have to say, who did shrug off the crimes as being part of "National Security". As other commentators have mentioned which you may have not known or fail to mention yourself, the MI6 worked with the CIA in torture camps and prisons. In his election campaign, Cameron also promised to reveal the cooperation of the MI6 with the CIA in the torture camps, but that report has not yet come forward due to lack of pressure which is necessary now to reveal the international effort to use torture as part of this worldwide "War on Terror". This means you also have to pressure your own government to reveal it's operations under it's own secret security agencies instead of, as usual, attacking the US, since the US works hand-in-hand with Europeans and other secret agencies worldwide, including Thailand. In fact, the reports have shown that Thailand also hosted a secret torture camp.

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I tried posting this to a multi-quote forum and it was not posted, so I'll just post it here. This is for the people who throw labels around such as, "Americans are ...and Germans are....and French are..." (which I too am guilty of), the fact that America is a huge country with over 300 million registered inhabitants, as of the 2000 census, I have this to say about the labels thrown around which I hear echoed in various shades of hate from the "girlfriends" of the ex-pats where I live, which I can now read in black and white on this forum instead of hearing them repeated by Thai girlfriends or haters sitting around in their complacent groups of haters and labelers. I have to add this to the forum on what "Americans" are and what the labelers are as well.

Uninformed dude who wrote this post: the fact the Diane Feinstein (do you know who she is and what she represents in US politics?) was bold enough to risk such censure from a large and vociferous group of staunch American supporters of the War on Terror and it's accompanying torture techniques and secret prisons (in addition to an increasing surveillance society under Homeland Security in order to control more "terrorists"), who perhaps view Fox News instead of reading the Huffington Post, shows the increasing shift in American public consciousness which has been slowly emerging under the current Obama Administration, although far too late but at least this shift in the willingness to admit to these crimes and examine the inner workings of the CIA, is one facet of America you rarely have seen in the mainstream media news, but who are a strong force in America nevertheless. Despite your yearning to label over 300 million people as ignorant peasant patriots who are blind to the misdeeds of their estranged government, you cannot lump all of them based on the ex-pats you may have met here in Thailand, or what you merely want to believe due to your hate of America for your own personal reasons, insecurities or fears and bigoted opinions you want to base on limited information you may have and use as a form of argument to support your opinions. This effort to create a transparent examination of the CIA torture camps does show a paradigm shift in America after the many years of the Bush Administration and it's covert activities, which were indeed supported by many Americans I have to say, who did shrug off the crimes as being part of "National Security". As other commentators have mentioned which you may have not known or fail to mention yourself, the MI6 worked with the CIA in torture camps and prisons. In his election campaign, Cameron also promised to reveal the cooperation of the MI6 with the CIA in the torture camps, but that report has not yet come forward due to lack of pressure which is necessary now to reveal the international effort to use torture as part of this worldwide "War on Terror". This means you also have to pressure your own government to reveal it's operations under it's own secret security agencies instead of, as usual, attacking the US, since the US works hand-in-hand with Europeans and other secret agencies worldwide, including Thailand. In fact, the reports have shown that Thailand also hosted a secret torture camp.

The 'American' label is kinda funny. It's the most diverse place on planet Earth.

My next door neighbors in the US were French, Italian and Mexican. Others on our street were Japanese, India, Tibetan, German, Rednecks, Hippies, Cowboys and Indians.

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