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Dirty Jomtien Beach Water


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hotels overflow toilet dumps.

Everywhere in Thailand, Hua Hin has got them. Parts of beaches black or gray sand, because the feces runoffs mix with the sand.

Why do you wonder, you are in a country that has very low standards of hygiene, environment and waste awareness.

go seek for the more 'white' beaches down south Thailand if it offends you

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Possibly the jelly fish are spawning again

they only spawn in the rainy season, when sweetwater pouring down on near beach areas allows them to spawn along in footdeep waters.

In the meantime, things that have a faint resemblance of jellyfish, but actually are the remains of lady's tampoons that managed to flip over the walls of dumps, will greet you a welcome to beaches of the likes of Pattaya, Jomtien, Hua Hin , Cha Am and a few others

I would not want to swim on any beach of the bay of Bangkok, but enjoy the hotel pool. Staying at the beach, relax in a chair, eat, drink, watch people . . yes, always!

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I can confirm that the sea in Jomtien is not fit for swimming. Back in the very cool weather we had last January the pools where I usually swim were too cold for comfort, so I started swimming in the sea opposite the night market. The sea was cool but not cold, and it was good fun with the waves, but after three weeks I had to stop due to a serious infection in my nose. It needed a course of antibiotics to clear that up and the doctor told me not to swim in the sea, it's dirty.

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The only way things change is when the bad publicity affects visitors numbers and hits the hip pockets of local trade. Vote with your $€£¥ and tell your friends and family to skip pattaya and go somewhere else.

I have had zero visitors this year because I actively discourage them from coming here. Instead, I meet them in bkk or samui or ko chang etc. Anywhere but pattaya. The beaches here are an embarrassment.

It may not count but I do feel better that my friends and family get a better holiday away from here. It was never pristine and in fact we don't expect it, but the amount of thrash these days is most disgusting.

Edited by doggie888888
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No doubt about the beaches being dirty. This is often localized and some areas are worse than others, this also varies from day to day.

PCD conduct a survey of 170 beaches around Thailand twice a year, dry season and wet season. These surveys comprice of biological and chemical testing of a number of substances including bacteria.

The good news is that the water quality is mainly Good (15%) or Fair (78%), only 7% is Deteriorated or Highly Deterioated. In 1997 60% of all beaches were Deteriorated or Highly Deteriorated.

The beaches in Pattaya all rated fair except for some beaches on Koh Larn and Koh Si Chang that were rated good.

The attached data is from 2012, the data for 2013 should be released end of this month.


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Low tide in Northern Wong Amat reveals thick sludge instead of sandsad.png

It breaks my heart. ..barely 3 years ago, it was still ok-ish.

The beginning of the end came when those dodgy developers allow run offs from their building sites into the sea. They destroyed the environment there that was the prime asset of the area. Shame.

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I've lived in Jomtien for about 8 years, a block from the beach, which I walk mostly every day. I have never gone swimming in the water, and even bit apprehensive about walking with just feet in. I think I would prefer swimming in my own toilet. At least it is my fecal matter I would be splashing about in....

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