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Thai film: Hitler ends up on cutting room floor

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It was not my grand father

It was an Irish father of an Irish guy who I worked with in UK

I dont know what u on about really.

I never said Hitler was good

I said guy who been in aushwitz yeh he had tatoo number on his arm told that In aushwith there was little jews. There were poles russians irish etc...

Jews were in other camp few miles away called Brzezinka.

They guy was really upset that now history says Aushwitz was a jew camp.

Thats all what i said.

Theres lots of interviews on yt most in polish.

U say I say BS but why I should believe any of u rather then war veteran who been there

Please watch it its same thing

Quote: I tell u what Im from Poland. In my town there is concentration camp Majdanek my grandpa was on that war i know lots of stories from him that are different to official ones.

Quote: It was not my grand father It was an Irish father of an Irish guy who I worked with in UK

Which is it?

You are a right wing propagandist and I find your comments extremely offensive, not even worthy of a further response. Let us see how much further this thread is going to be allowed as a platform for people like you.

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Off topic obfuscation posts and replies have been removed. This is not about Auschwitz, Israel, the Gaza strip or Palestine, it's about a controversial scene in a film produced in Thailand.


By the way: I have no problem with (almost) anyone, using a Hitler- image or the Nazi- flag and -symbols, to make a point!

But at least, they should have some knowledge, what they are talking about.

That is clearly not the case here and in any "Nazi- fashion- chic"!

Well Hitler certainly isn't the devil, is he? Some think so, but that is an absurdity. What about Satanic - fashion chic? No one seems to mind the Author of Evil (regarding those who believe in such rubbish), but nevertheless, why stop at Adolph Hitler. Why not carry the battle to Satan himself? Nah. We don't want to focus the attention on the billions that Satan has claimed.

Anyway, it is foolishness to even imagine attempting to discuss a subject with people who feel they own the editing rights to the subject, and emphatically oppose anyone who even remotely gives an indication of copyright infringement on their portrayal of the subject, or rewriting what they wrote, or what they want to be seen, read, published, spoken, written, acted out, etc.

It's a regular industry, it is. The only one in human history that is used as the defining reason for justifying the same exact behavior that is, in kind, condemned.

That's a showstopper if I ever heard one.

There is no harm in using Adolph Hitler as a historical reference, and moreover I emphasize that as a historical reference, he is not owned by anyone; ...nor does anyone have copyright rights on his name or anything else about him. The measure of pure evil, hatred directed towards this man merely casts more attention on those who are directing this pure, evil hatred.

I say pure, evil hatred simply because it is not enough for some people to purely hate this historical reference (I understand that and truly sympathize), but to carry that pure, evil hatred onto other people's rights to this historical reference, and to demonize other people for exercising their right to use this historical reference as a means to get a point across is just plain wrong.

I have seen this kind of pure, evil hatred in my life. It is like a cancer that eats away a person's soul and turns them into the very thing they cannot get closure to, ...and move on in life. It's called crisis counseling and being able to go through the cycle of crisis to become whole again. Acceptance.

But when people refuse to accept, and move on and mend and heal, then there is only one thing remaining: an open wound that gets infected and gangrenous and odorous. It is up to the individual and their ability get closure and acceptance, instead of drudging up the past and reminding everyone of the past and hounding people about the past, and criminalizing people if they don't agree with the past when the topic is broached again and again and again, ad nausea. That is how you create enemies.

Most people, who are normal, get closure to crisis in their life. They go through the cycles and finally reach acceptance. This is normal. They are able to move on and when something triggers the memories, they are able to snuff out the knee-jerk reaction instantly because they have mended and healed themselves out of a desire to get back into the human race... you know what I mean... "Peace on Earth and Good Will towards All Men" and such.

It is standard procedure to help victims to recover to the pint that they can be re-introduced into society and be healthy and happy people. It is not the norm to change society so that the victim can enter into it and with open wounds and unhealed memories that bring on narcissistic fits of paranoia and violent threats or violent complaining and such.

The subject is about Adolph Hitler not being used in some marketing ad. Everything else has, as always, been turned into screams and cries about how evil he is (IS) and all kinds of attention being drawn to how it's going to happen again, and anyone mentioning his name without approval must be one of his followers, etc. etc. ad nausea.

I can assure a lot of people that Adolph Hitler is dead. I can also assure people that I am not a an anti-Semite, re-incarnated Nazi from the 1930's as has been implied before.

I can also assure people that when I consider what kind of mind can come up with such far-fetched accusations, I can only think of one that cannot think clearly, because it is so infected with pure, evil hatred; moreover it cannot distinguish the difference between simple opposition in the present and the bitter past.

In closing, I see the OP as nothing worth mention, were it Alexander the not so Great (for conquering and murdering millions), or Genghis Khan, or any other person or persons throughout history and to this present day, who deal out pure, evil hatred.

The world gets tired of this kind of mentality. Life gets tired of it. I am tired of it, and I submit billions are tired of it as well. When someone can't let go and move on, it simply tells me that someone is afraid to let go, and the thing they can't let go of (pure, evil hatred) will be the anchor that drags them down to the bottom of the sea. This is what every counselor, every psychologist, every psychiatrist, every person who has healed, every loving, kind hearted person will tell you.

It's time to let go and move on, and leave people the freedom to see you for what you are today (TODAY), and not choke them with reasons from the past to justify why you are indeed sick and wounded and gangrenous and odorous and jumping out of your skin every time you hear a noise in the room.

What Adolph Hitler did was wrong, but that has no affect on what other people think about you, as long as you are nice and good hearted towards people; no affect at all.

Just my take on the matter.


""In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said."

Shame on the makers! How dare they portrait Hitler in such a disrespectful, negative and unfavorable manner!

I understand your sentiment. That is your right to express it. Well done.

How about their rights? Instead of attacking them, why not let it go for now and look to the future with kindness and good intentions and a way to convey your sentiments in said kindness and good intentions?

How about setting a good example to the world by cleaning up the mess in Israel and freeing the people and giving back their land they lived on and helping them to rebuild their homes. If you want their land, make an offer and purchase it so they can have the means to buy somewhere else?

The point to that last paragraph is... show people why Hitler is bad, and more importantly, show people why you are so good, and why your way is the way to healing and good will towards all men.

I think that you would gain more good people to your side, rather than making enemies of good people by ramming home your fears and paranoia from the past with methods that are questionable and difficult to distinguish from the very ideals you condemn.

Hitler was bad. Why are you so good? Or have you forgotten that it is important to demonstrate why people would not want bad, and instead choose good... your good... in favor of the thing you won't let them get out of their mind... the bad. Moreover you are willing to resort to all forms of bad in order to achieve your goal of keeping the bad past in front, and thus wiping out any opportunity for the present good or the future good.

It's kind of a long way for me to imply that you aren't doing yourself any good by being bad and having no credit towards good.

Where's the good in all of this? Forget Hitler. Where is the good in what you say and do? Can you speak in the present and resist the past, and give people a reason to see the good... or is it because you have no good to show, and rely on the past to justify... nothing... only the bad?

  • Like 1

By the way: I have no problem with (almost) anyone, using a Hitler- image or the Nazi- flag and -symbols, to make a point!

But at least, they should have some knowledge, what they are talking about.

That is clearly not the case here and in any "Nazi- fashion- chic"!

Well Hitler certainly isn't the devil, is he? Some think so, but that is an absurdity. What about Satanic - fashion chic? No one seems to mind the Author of Evil (regarding those who believe in such rubbish), but nevertheless, why stop at Adolph Hitler. Why not carry the battle to Satan himself? Nah. We don't want to focus the attention on the billions that Satan has claimed.

Anyway, it is foolishness to even imagine attempting to discuss a subject with people who feel they own the editing rights to the subject, and emphatically oppose anyone who even remotely gives an indication of copyright infringement on their portrayal of the subject, or rewriting what they wrote, or what they want to be seen, read, published, spoken, written, acted out, etc.

It's a regular industry, it is. The only one in human history that is used as the defining reason for justifying the same exact behavior that is, in kind, condemned.

That's a showstopper if I ever heard one.

There is no harm in using Adolph Hitler as a historical reference, and moreover I emphasize that as a historical reference, he is not owned by anyone; ...nor does anyone have copyright rights on his name or anything else about him. The measure of pure evil, hatred directed towards this man merely casts more attention on those who are directing this pure, evil hatred.

I say pure, evil hatred simply because it is not enough for some people to purely hate this historical reference (I understand that and truly sympathize), but to carry that pure, evil hatred onto other people's rights to this historical reference, and to demonize other people for exercising their right to use this historical reference as a means to get a point across is just plain wrong.

I have seen this kind of pure, evil hatred in my life. It is like a cancer that eats away a person's soul and turns them into the very thing they cannot get closure to, ...and move on in life. It's called crisis counseling and being able to go through the cycle of crisis to become whole again. Acceptance.

But when people refuse to accept, and move on and mend and heal, then there is only one thing remaining: an open wound that gets infected and gangrenous and odorous. It is up to the individual and their ability get closure and acceptance, instead of drudging up the past and reminding everyone of the past and hounding people about the past, and criminalizing people if they don't agree with the past when the topic is broached again and again and again, ad nausea. That is how you create enemies.

Most people, who are normal, get closure to crisis in their life. They go through the cycles and finally reach acceptance. This is normal. They are able to move on and when something triggers the memories, they are able to snuff out the knee-jerk reaction instantly because they have mended and healed themselves out of a desire to get back into the human race... you know what I mean... "Peace on Earth and Good Will towards All Men" and such.

It is standard procedure to help victims to recover to the pint that they can be re-introduced into society and be healthy and happy people. It is not the norm to change society so that the victim can enter into it and with open wounds and unhealed memories that bring on narcissistic fits of paranoia and violent threats or violent complaining and such.

The subject is about Adolph Hitler not being used in some marketing ad. Everything else has, as always, been turned into screams and cries about how evil he is (IS) and all kinds of attention being drawn to how it's going to happen again, and anyone mentioning his name without approval must be one of his followers, etc. etc. ad nausea.

I can assure a lot of people that Adolph Hitler is dead. I can also assure people that I am not a an anti-Semite, re-incarnated Nazi from the 1930's as has been implied before.

I can also assure people that when I consider what kind of mind can come up with such far-fetched accusations, I can only think of one that cannot think clearly, because it is so infected with pure, evil hatred; moreover it cannot distinguish the difference between simple opposition in the present and the bitter past.

In closing, I see the OP as nothing worth mention, were it Alexander the not so Great (for conquering and murdering millions), or Genghis Khan, or any other person or persons throughout history and to this present day, who deal out pure, evil hatred.

The world gets tired of this kind of mentality. Life gets tired of it. I am tired of it, and I submit billions are tired of it as well. When someone can't let go and move on, it simply tells me that someone is afraid to let go, and the thing they can't let go of (pure, evil hatred) will be the anchor that drags them down to the bottom of the sea. This is what every counselor, every psychologist, every psychiatrist, every person who has healed, every loving, kind hearted person will tell you.

It's time to let go and move on, and leave people the freedom to see you for what you are today (TODAY), and not choke them with reasons from the past to justify why you are indeed sick and wounded and gangrenous and odorous and jumping out of your skin every time you hear a noise in the room.

What Adolph Hitler did was wrong, but that has no affect on what other people think about you, as long as you are nice and good hearted towards people; no affect at all.

Just my take on the matter.

Maybe, I should have read on, but I couldn't get past the first few sentences?

Are you for real?

Do you want to know, what the difference is, between Hitler- chic and Satanic- chic?



Satan didn't do anything to anyone, because he is just a figment of the imagination, like the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Gandalf and the Toothfairy!

Hitler and all he did ...that really happened, you know?!

And that is kind of important, don't you think?

That is, why I don't give a hoot for Satan- chic!


These topics (ANYTHING to do with Hitler, Nazis, Israel, Jews or actually almost ANY political topic having nothing to do with those) brings them out of the woodwork. bah.gif


By the way: I have no problem with (almost) anyone, using a Hitler- image or the Nazi- flag and -symbols, to make a point!

But at least, they should have some knowledge, what they are talking about.

That is clearly not the case here and in any "Nazi- fashion- chic"!

Well Hitler certainly isn't the devil, is he? Some think so, but that is an absurdity. What about Satanic - fashion chic? No one seems to mind the Author of Evil (regarding those who believe in such rubbish), but nevertheless, why stop at Adolph Hitler. Why not carry the battle to Satan himself? Nah. We don't want to focus the attention on the billions that Satan has claimed.

Anyway, it is foolishness to even imagine attempting to discuss a subject with people who feel they own the editing rights to the subject, and emphatically oppose anyone who even remotely gives an indication of copyright infringement on their portrayal of the subject, or rewriting what they wrote, or what they want to be seen, read, published, spoken, written, acted out, etc.

It's a regular industry, it is. The only one in human history that is used as the defining reason for justifying the same exact behavior that is, in kind, condemned.

That's a showstopper if I ever heard one.

There is no harm in using Adolph Hitler as a historical reference, and moreover I emphasize that as a historical reference, he is not owned by anyone; ...nor does anyone have copyright rights on his name or anything else about him. The measure of pure evil, hatred directed towards this man merely casts more attention on those who are directing this pure, evil hatred.

I say pure, evil hatred simply because it is not enough for some people to purely hate this historical reference (I understand that and truly sympathize), but to carry that pure, evil hatred onto other people's rights to this historical reference, and to demonize other people for exercising their right to use this historical reference as a means to get a point across is just plain wrong.

I have seen this kind of pure, evil hatred in my life. It is like a cancer that eats away a person's soul and turns them into the very thing they cannot get closure to, ...and move on in life. It's called crisis counseling and being able to go through the cycle of crisis to become whole again. Acceptance.

But when people refuse to accept, and move on and mend and heal, then there is only one thing remaining: an open wound that gets infected and gangrenous and odorous. It is up to the individual and their ability get closure and acceptance, instead of drudging up the past and reminding everyone of the past and hounding people about the past, and criminalizing people if they don't agree with the past when the topic is broached again and again and again, ad nausea. That is how you create enemies.

Most people, who are normal, get closure to crisis in their life. They go through the cycles and finally reach acceptance. This is normal. They are able to move on and when something triggers the memories, they are able to snuff out the knee-jerk reaction instantly because they have mended and healed themselves out of a desire to get back into the human race... you know what I mean... "Peace on Earth and Good Will towards All Men" and such.

It is standard procedure to help victims to recover to the pint that they can be re-introduced into society and be healthy and happy people. It is not the norm to change society so that the victim can enter into it and with open wounds and unhealed memories that bring on narcissistic fits of paranoia and violent threats or violent complaining and such.

The subject is about Adolph Hitler not being used in some marketing ad. Everything else has, as always, been turned into screams and cries about how evil he is (IS) and all kinds of attention being drawn to how it's going to happen again, and anyone mentioning his name without approval must be one of his followers, etc. etc. ad nausea.

I can assure a lot of people that Adolph Hitler is dead. I can also assure people that I am not a an anti-Semite, re-incarnated Nazi from the 1930's as has been implied before.

I can also assure people that when I consider what kind of mind can come up with such far-fetched accusations, I can only think of one that cannot think clearly, because it is so infected with pure, evil hatred; moreover it cannot distinguish the difference between simple opposition in the present and the bitter past.

In closing, I see the OP as nothing worth mention, were it Alexander the not so Great (for conquering and murdering millions), or Genghis Khan, or any other person or persons throughout history and to this present day, who deal out pure, evil hatred.

The world gets tired of this kind of mentality. Life gets tired of it. I am tired of it, and I submit billions are tired of it as well. When someone can't let go and move on, it simply tells me that someone is afraid to let go, and the thing they can't let go of (pure, evil hatred) will be the anchor that drags them down to the bottom of the sea. This is what every counselor, every psychologist, every psychiatrist, every person who has healed, every loving, kind hearted person will tell you.

It's time to let go and move on, and leave people the freedom to see you for what you are today (TODAY), and not choke them with reasons from the past to justify why you are indeed sick and wounded and gangrenous and odorous and jumping out of your skin every time you hear a noise in the room.

What Adolph Hitler did was wrong, but that has no affect on what other people think about you, as long as you are nice and good hearted towards people; no affect at all.

Just my take on the matter.

I agree to an extent with most of what you say, but the problem factor is that there are those who are using Hitler as an icon and Nazi symbolism today to ply their beliefs of fanatical right wing so-called philosophy onto the masses that leads to others going on the defensive and therefore the reason why many have high suspicions of the motives of those who display these images, almost paranoid in fact, it`s actually an inbuilt fear.

But of course it depends on what side of the fence you`re on and who and what you are that determines how one is affected by these Nazi images and symbols, plus these events attract the cranks and extremists like magnets who will always bring the Jews into the equation as shown by one particular poster on this thread that will take every opportunity to convey their extremist viewpoints and Jew hatred attitudes. To many Nazi symbolism in any shape or form stands for extreme Jew hatred and again it becomes a Nazis Vs Jews scenario whereas other WW2 events become irrelevant.

In able to understand you have to try and relate to the situations of others and see it from their point of view as to many the sight of Nazi symbols, not only Jews, in any shape or form, no matter how they are depicted still brings the fear of dread into them.


"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said

Which he should be of course??? Right??

It is because all the people who don't speak Thai thought he was. Take a look at the posts in this thread. Most of the posters think Hitler was portrayed in a positive manner. He wasn't and anyone who speaks Thai and watched the video knows that but to no avail.

Hey, can't you read? It was Hitler! Any mention of Hitler, and I hit rant mode, because he's just too offensive. Before you ask if I bothered to check what the film said about Hitler, no I didn't, but that's not very relevant, because Hitler just makes my blood boil. Come to think of it, I've just deeply offended myself, by mentioning Hitler all over again. Erghhh. ;(


By the way: I have no problem with (almost) anyone, using a Hitler- image or the Nazi- flag and -symbols, to make a point!

But at least, they should have some knowledge, what they are talking about.

That is clearly not the case here and in any "Nazi- fashion- chic"!

Well Hitler certainly isn't the devil, is he? Some think so, but that is an absurdity. What about Satanic - fashion chic? No one seems to mind the Author of Evil (regarding those who believe in such rubbish), but nevertheless, why stop at Adolph Hitler. Why not carry the battle to Satan himself? Nah. We don't want to focus the attention on the billions that Satan has claimed.

Anyway, it is foolishness to even imagine attempting to discuss a subject with people who feel they own the editing rights to the subject, and emphatically oppose anyone who even remotely gives an indication of copyright infringement on their portrayal of the subject, or rewriting what they wrote, or what they want to be seen, read, published, spoken, written, acted out, etc.

It's a regular industry, it is. The only one in human history that is used as the defining reason for justifying the same exact behavior that is, in kind, condemned.

That's a showstopper if I ever heard one.

There is no harm in using Adolph Hitler as a historical reference, and moreover I emphasize that as a historical reference, he is not owned by anyone; ...nor does anyone have copyright rights on his name or anything else about him. The measure of pure evil, hatred directed towards this man merely casts more attention on those who are directing this pure, evil hatred.

I say pure, evil hatred simply because it is not enough for some people to purely hate this historical reference (I understand that and truly sympathize), but to carry that pure, evil hatred onto other people's rights to this historical reference, and to demonize other people for exercising their right to use this historical reference as a means to get a point across is just plain wrong.

I have seen this kind of pure, evil hatred in my life. It is like a cancer that eats away a person's soul and turns them into the very thing they cannot get closure to, ...and move on in life. It's called crisis counseling and being able to go through the cycle of crisis to become whole again. Acceptance.

But when people refuse to accept, and move on and mend and heal, then there is only one thing remaining: an open wound that gets infected and gangrenous and odorous. It is up to the individual and their ability get closure and acceptance, instead of drudging up the past and reminding everyone of the past and hounding people about the past, and criminalizing people if they don't agree with the past when the topic is broached again and again and again, ad nausea. That is how you create enemies.

Most people, who are normal, get closure to crisis in their life. They go through the cycles and finally reach acceptance. This is normal. They are able to move on and when something triggers the memories, they are able to snuff out the knee-jerk reaction instantly because they have mended and healed themselves out of a desire to get back into the human race... you know what I mean... "Peace on Earth and Good Will towards All Men" and such.

It is standard procedure to help victims to recover to the pint that they can be re-introduced into society and be healthy and happy people. It is not the norm to change society so that the victim can enter into it and with open wounds and unhealed memories that bring on narcissistic fits of paranoia and violent threats or violent complaining and such.

The subject is about Adolph Hitler not being used in some marketing ad. Everything else has, as always, been turned into screams and cries about how evil he is (IS) and all kinds of attention being drawn to how it's going to happen again, and anyone mentioning his name without approval must be one of his followers, etc. etc. ad nausea.

I can assure a lot of people that Adolph Hitler is dead. I can also assure people that I am not a an anti-Semite, re-incarnated Nazi from the 1930's as has been implied before.

I can also assure people that when I consider what kind of mind can come up with such far-fetched accusations, I can only think of one that cannot think clearly, because it is so infected with pure, evil hatred; moreover it cannot distinguish the difference between simple opposition in the present and the bitter past.

In closing, I see the OP as nothing worth mention, were it Alexander the not so Great (for conquering and murdering millions), or Genghis Khan, or any other person or persons throughout history and to this present day, who deal out pure, evil hatred.

The world gets tired of this kind of mentality. Life gets tired of it. I am tired of it, and I submit billions are tired of it as well. When someone can't let go and move on, it simply tells me that someone is afraid to let go, and the thing they can't let go of (pure, evil hatred) will be the anchor that drags them down to the bottom of the sea. This is what every counselor, every psychologist, every psychiatrist, every person who has healed, every loving, kind hearted person will tell you.

It's time to let go and move on, and leave people the freedom to see you for what you are today (TODAY), and not choke them with reasons from the past to justify why you are indeed sick and wounded and gangrenous and odorous and jumping out of your skin every time you hear a noise in the room.

What Adolph Hitler did was wrong, but that has no affect on what other people think about you, as long as you are nice and good hearted towards people; no affect at all.

Just my take on the matter.

I have to say, that was a hell of a post, next cup of coffee goes on me... figuratively speaking.

Reminds me of a Bob Dylan line, "... fearing not that I'd become my enemy the instant that I preach"


The Hitler image is to be replaced with Pol Pot.

Nope! Most Thais under 30 something probably have never heard of him either. Most who have would be hard pressed to quote his name for his picture but even the would have no comprehension of philosophy or deeds.

Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it. Which is why it is a mistake to take Thaksin's name out of history books.

I asked my wife the other day (who is early 40's, well educated and interested in world current affairs, for a Thai) who the original Thaksin was, from which approximate era, what happened to him and the name of any other major player in Thai history at that time. No idea and this was a watershed moment in recent Thai history. (see Wikipedia if you are interested.) It seems they only taught edited, currently relevant (Rama 5+) history at school then. Would it have got better in the last 30 years? I doubt it! Most Americans are taught to George Washington or before. Most Brit or commonwealth kids (in my day anyway) got some Brit history at least back to Henry VIII which accounted for a watershed moment in Brit History Also some & Magna Carta, Hastings & Agincourt. BTW, I wonder how that shapes up for today in the UK & the Commonwealth.

History isn't a compulsory part of the national curriculum in UK and the US history of the war of indepedance taught in schoolsnis joke.

However in UK at least they are taught to criticise...whetherbut is history or any other subject.

No such thing is taught in Thai schools. And that iusvwhat makes the imagery so dodgy.


To get back to topic:

In my understanding, they are still working on the film.

Is that correct?

Adding Stalin in to it

Why not Mao Tse Tung- strikes closer to home here and none could be more ruthless to their own.


"... help victims ... so they can be reintroduced to society"


Necessarily the same society that made them victims?

A: Made them? That is the past tense. Where are there any victims today? Hitler is dead. The movie used him as a historical reference. It may have been in bad taste, but the only reason this is an issue is because some people still think they are victims and can't get past that. That is not normal. Drawing attention to yourselves in this way will only make people sick and tired. Being utterly rude and violent towards people will make enemies of good people. I am not stupid. I do not want to be your enemy. I am, though, tired of the same old same old.

Tell me why I should like you. Tell me why I should like Israel. Tell me why I should like Jews.

The reason is because that is the only option you give me. If I say I do not like you, or Israel or Jews, I am condemned. I can say that about anything or anyone else and feel like its OK to be honest without being condemned. I know you hate me, or at least the things you say to me imply that. So then, tell me why I should not hate you, and rather instead like you.

Again, this OP is about Hitler being used as a historical reference. It may have been done in poor taste, but I am not interested in why I do not care, and I do know why you care. Your dislike of me explains that the reason you care is not normal, because you cannot tell me why I should like you, or Israel or Jews.

Forgive my length here, but I feel this is pertinent to the OP. Has anyone wondered if this may be a reason that there is such a fuss... not about Hitler, the man, but about every time Hitler is mentioned... in this case as a questionable marketing campaign, it always turns into the past, and the present and future good is always non-existent?

Victims. Yeah. Right. I get it. He's dead. He can't hurt you any more. Move on. Give people a reason to view you in a good light, and not because you think they owe you something they cannot give... their will.


By the way: I have no problem with (almost) anyone, using a Hitler- image or the Nazi- flag and -symbols, to make a point!

But at least, they should have some knowledge, what they are talking about.

That is clearly not the case here and in any "Nazi- fashion- chic"!

Well Hitler certainly isn't the devil, is he? Some think so, but that is an absurdity. What about Satanic - fashion chic? No one seems to mind the Author of Evil (regarding those who believe in such rubbish), but nevertheless, why stop at Adolph Hitler. Why not carry the battle to Satan himself? Nah. We don't want to focus the attention on the billions that Satan has claimed.

Anyway, it is foolishness to even imagine attempting to discuss a subject with people who feel they own the editing rights to the subject, and emphatically oppose anyone who even remotely gives an indication of copyright infringement on their portrayal of the subject, or rewriting what they wrote, or what they want to be seen, read, published, spoken, written, acted out, etc.

It's a regular industry, it is. The only one in human history that is used as the defining reason for justifying the same exact behavior that is, in kind, condemned.

That's a showstopper if I ever heard one.

There is no harm in using Adolph Hitler as a historical reference, and moreover I emphasize that as a historical reference, he is not owned by anyone; ...nor does anyone have copyright rights on his name or anything else about him. The measure of pure evil, hatred directed towards this man merely casts more attention on those who are directing this pure, evil hatred.

I say pure, evil hatred simply because it is not enough for some people to purely hate this historical reference (I understand that and truly sympathize), but to carry that pure, evil hatred onto other people's rights to this historical reference, and to demonize other people for exercising their right to use this historical reference as a means to get a point across is just plain wrong.

I have seen this kind of pure, evil hatred in my life. It is like a cancer that eats away a person's soul and turns them into the very thing they cannot get closure to, ...and move on in life. It's called crisis counseling and being able to go through the cycle of crisis to become whole again. Acceptance.

But when people refuse to accept, and move on and mend and heal, then there is only one thing remaining: an open wound that gets infected and gangrenous and odorous. It is up to the individual and their ability get closure and acceptance, instead of drudging up the past and reminding everyone of the past and hounding people about the past, and criminalizing people if they don't agree with the past when the topic is broached again and again and again, ad nausea. That is how you create enemies.

Most people, who are normal, get closure to crisis in their life. They go through the cycles and finally reach acceptance. This is normal. They are able to move on and when something triggers the memories, they are able to snuff out the knee-jerk reaction instantly because they have mended and healed themselves out of a desire to get back into the human race... you know what I mean... "Peace on Earth and Good Will towards All Men" and such.

It is standard procedure to help victims to recover to the pint that they can be re-introduced into society and be healthy and happy people. It is not the norm to change society so that the victim can enter into it and with open wounds and unhealed memories that bring on narcissistic fits of paranoia and violent threats or violent complaining and such.

The subject is about Adolph Hitler not being used in some marketing ad. Everything else has, as always, been turned into screams and cries about how evil he is (IS) and all kinds of attention being drawn to how it's going to happen again, and anyone mentioning his name without approval must be one of his followers, etc. etc. ad nausea.

I can assure a lot of people that Adolph Hitler is dead. I can also assure people that I am not a an anti-Semite, re-incarnated Nazi from the 1930's as has been implied before.

I can also assure people that when I consider what kind of mind can come up with such far-fetched accusations, I can only think of one that cannot think clearly, because it is so infected with pure, evil hatred; moreover it cannot distinguish the difference between simple opposition in the present and the bitter past.

In closing, I see the OP as nothing worth mention, were it Alexander the not so Great (for conquering and murdering millions), or Genghis Khan, or any other person or persons throughout history and to this present day, who deal out pure, evil hatred.

The world gets tired of this kind of mentality. Life gets tired of it. I am tired of it, and I submit billions are tired of it as well. When someone can't let go and move on, it simply tells me that someone is afraid to let go, and the thing they can't let go of (pure, evil hatred) will be the anchor that drags them down to the bottom of the sea. This is what every counselor, every psychologist, every psychiatrist, every person who has healed, every loving, kind hearted person will tell you.

It's time to let go and move on, and leave people the freedom to see you for what you are today (TODAY), and not choke them with reasons from the past to justify why you are indeed sick and wounded and gangrenous and odorous and jumping out of your skin every time you hear a noise in the room.

What Adolph Hitler did was wrong, but that has no affect on what other people think about you, as long as you are nice and good hearted towards people; no affect at all.

Just my take on the matter.

I have to say, that was a hell of a post, next cup of coffee goes on me... figuratively speaking.

Reminds me of a Bob Dylan line, "... fearing not that I'd become my enemy the instant that I preach"

Please include me in this.

I would much rather discuss loose women, the story about my first girlfriend and the strawberry blancmange, money and tall stories over a few rounds of drinks rather than crap politics.

  • Like 1

By the way: I have no problem with (almost) anyone, using a Hitler- image or the Nazi- flag and -symbols, to make a point!

But at least, they should have some knowledge, what they are talking about.

That is clearly not the case here and in any "Nazi- fashion- chic"!

Well Hitler certainly isn't the devil, is he? Some think so, but that is an absurdity. What about Satanic - fashion chic? No one seems to mind the Author of Evil (regarding those who believe in such rubbish), but nevertheless, why stop at Adolph Hitler. Why not carry the battle to Satan himself? Nah. We don't want to focus the attention on the billions that Satan has claimed.

Anyway, it is foolishness to even imagine attempting to discuss a subject with people who feel they own the editing rights to the subject, and emphatically oppose anyone who even remotely gives an indication of copyright infringement on their portrayal of the subject, or rewriting what they wrote, or what they want to be seen, read, published, spoken, written, acted out, etc.

It's a regular industry, it is. The only one in human history that is used as the defining reason for justifying the same exact behavior that is, in kind, condemned.

That's a showstopper if I ever heard one.

There is no harm in using Adolph Hitler as a historical reference, and moreover I emphasize that as a historical reference, he is not owned by anyone; ...nor does anyone have copyright rights on his name or anything else about him. The measure of pure evil, hatred directed towards this man merely casts more attention on those who are directing this pure, evil hatred.

I say pure, evil hatred simply because it is not enough for some people to purely hate this historical reference (I understand that and truly sympathize), but to carry that pure, evil hatred onto other people's rights to this historical reference, and to demonize other people for exercising their right to use this historical reference as a means to get a point across is just plain wrong.

I have seen this kind of pure, evil hatred in my life. It is like a cancer that eats away a person's soul and turns them into the very thing they cannot get closure to, ...and move on in life. It's called crisis counseling and being able to go through the cycle of crisis to become whole again. Acceptance.

But when people refuse to accept, and move on and mend and heal, then there is only one thing remaining: an open wound that gets infected and gangrenous and odorous. It is up to the individual and their ability get closure and acceptance, instead of drudging up the past and reminding everyone of the past and hounding people about the past, and criminalizing people if they don't agree with the past when the topic is broached again and again and again, ad nausea. That is how you create enemies.

Most people, who are normal, get closure to crisis in their life. They go through the cycles and finally reach acceptance. This is normal. They are able to move on and when something triggers the memories, they are able to snuff out the knee-jerk reaction instantly because they have mended and healed themselves out of a desire to get back into the human race... you know what I mean... "Peace on Earth and Good Will towards All Men" and such.

It is standard procedure to help victims to recover to the pint that they can be re-introduced into society and be healthy and happy people. It is not the norm to change society so that the victim can enter into it and with open wounds and unhealed memories that bring on narcissistic fits of paranoia and violent threats or violent complaining and such.

The subject is about Adolph Hitler not being used in some marketing ad. Everything else has, as always, been turned into screams and cries about how evil he is (IS) and all kinds of attention being drawn to how it's going to happen again, and anyone mentioning his name without approval must be one of his followers, etc. etc. ad nausea.

I can assure a lot of people that Adolph Hitler is dead. I can also assure people that I am not a an anti-Semite, re-incarnated Nazi from the 1930's as has been implied before.

I can also assure people that when I consider what kind of mind can come up with such far-fetched accusations, I can only think of one that cannot think clearly, because it is so infected with pure, evil hatred; moreover it cannot distinguish the difference between simple opposition in the present and the bitter past.

In closing, I see the OP as nothing worth mention, were it Alexander the not so Great (for conquering and murdering millions), or Genghis Khan, or any other person or persons throughout history and to this present day, who deal out pure, evil hatred.

The world gets tired of this kind of mentality. Life gets tired of it. I am tired of it, and I submit billions are tired of it as well. When someone can't let go and move on, it simply tells me that someone is afraid to let go, and the thing they can't let go of (pure, evil hatred) will be the anchor that drags them down to the bottom of the sea. This is what every counselor, every psychologist, every psychiatrist, every person who has healed, every loving, kind hearted person will tell you.

It's time to let go and move on, and leave people the freedom to see you for what you are today (TODAY), and not choke them with reasons from the past to justify why you are indeed sick and wounded and gangrenous and odorous and jumping out of your skin every time you hear a noise in the room.

What Adolph Hitler did was wrong, but that has no affect on what other people think about you, as long as you are nice and good hearted towards people; no affect at all.

Just my take on the matter.

I agree to an extent with most of what you say, but the problem factor is that there are those who are using Hitler as an icon and Nazi symbolism today to ply their beliefs of fanatical right wing so-called philosophy onto the masses that leads to others going on the defensive and therefore the reason why many have high suspicions of the motives of those who display these images, almost paranoid in fact, it`s actually an inbuilt fear.

But of course it depends on what side of the fence you`re on and who and what you are that determines how one is affected by these Nazi images and symbols, plus these events attract the cranks and extremists like magnets who will always bring the Jews into the equation as shown by one particular poster on this thread that will take every opportunity to convey their extremist viewpoints and Jew hatred attitudes. To many Nazi symbolism in any shape or form stands for extreme Jew hatred and again it becomes a Nazis Vs Jews scenario whereas other WW2 events become irrelevant.

In able to understand you have to try and relate to the situations of others and see it from their point of view as to many the sight of Nazi symbols, not only Jews, in any shape or form, no matter how they are depicted still brings the fear of dread into them.

Nothing wrong with being human. It's when humans can't let go and heal that they become animals. It is normal to heal and move on. It is not normal to live in the past and destroy any opportunity of healing that the present and the future always brings.

I've seen too many people destroy their lives because they simply could not let go, and everyone who mattered in their lives left them. These people were good people and wanted to love the victims, and to see them become happy people who loved to help others and wanted good things in life for everyone, but the victims madness drove them away.

Only the ones who wanted to take advantage of them stuck around until they got what they wanted, and they, too, left them.

In the end, the victim could only cry about being a victim again, but this time it was their sickness that caused it, and not the original source. They simply became too disgusting for anyone to want to be around, and moreover were told/warned/threatened to stay away if they could not change their madness.

As I said, there is nothing wrong with being human. Hitler was a pretty bad person. He hurt a lot of people... good people. But lifting him up and screaming "victim" every time someone farts is going to drive that person to madness... and we know what happens after that.

People simply have to heal. That is normal. That is human. Anything else is not.

  • Like 1

controversial scene had been edited out even before it was reported by the media earlier this week.

Rubbish it was withdrawn after. Back peddling with lies. Why not just say sorry, we were wrong and have fixed the problem?

How can they say sorry or wrong when there are no such words in the Thai language?

You need a better Thai dictionary.

  • Like 1

Panadda said the film's intended message was that dictatorship and dishonesty would only bring national shame

Absolutely, just look at what is happening here now!

  • Like 1

"People simply have to heal" ?

Some people simply have to pay to those who cannot forget.

If you want the perfect balance without any memory, you probably want Alzheimer.


By heal you mean forget ? or still remember but without anger. I think most people have forgotten and moved on but images of Hitler being used inappropriately brings it back to people . I wasn't walking around my house on Wednesday Morning getting angry about the Rise of Hitler. But a crass, ill thought out image of him in a Government educational film (Of which my children would have had to watch) got me a bit riled, If I see some 45kg man-child parading around in Nazi regalia , I'd just think he was a bit of a retard , but when a government do something so crass , you have to think what on Earth are they doing


"People simply have to heal" ?

Some people simply have to pay to those who cannot forget.

If you want the perfect balance without any memory, you probably want Alzheimer.

In my view, you are asking too much. I completely understand your feelings on this, but I think you are asking too much. You cannot force your will upon the progenitors of those who feel badly, but wish themselves to move on. You cannot force your past upon the future. That is enslavement. That is simply wrong, and makes you out to be the one who is bad, simply because their human will to heal and move on will compel you to enforce your will against them with force of threat and violence, and ultimately... violence.

I have a lot of compassion for your feelings, but I simply know too well that if you choose this course, you are sitting yourself up for a repeat yet again. I wish it were not so. How many times do you have to experience this (as history shows and many present day feeling prove) before you change and begin to heal and release others from your blame.

Eventually, you will have no one to blame but yourselves, and I have yet to read or hear that from you at any time. I hope you know I mean well here. I do.


By heal you mean forget ? or still remember but without anger. I think most people have forgotten and moved on but images of Hitler being used inappropriately brings it back to people . I wasn't walking around my house on Wednesday Morning getting angry about the Rise of Hitler. But a crass, ill thought out image of him in a Government educational film (Of which my children would have had to watch) got me a bit riled, If I see some 45kg man-child parading around in Nazi regalia , I'd just think he was a bit of a retard , but when a government do something so crass , you have to think what on Earth are they doing

Perfectly normal, and I agree. You know what I do when this happens? I turn off the TV and go play with my son and think about the future. His future, and the joy I take in it for helping me to forget the past.


<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

By heal you mean forget ? or still remember but without anger. I think most people have forgotten and moved on but images of Hitler being used inappropriately brings it back to people . I wasn't walking around my house on Wednesday Morning getting angry about the Rise of Hitler. But a crass, ill thought out image of him in a Government educational film (Of which my children would have had to watch) got me a bit riled, If I see some 45kg man-child parading around in Nazi regalia , I'd just think he was a bit of a retard , but when a government do something so crass , you have to think what on Earth are they doing

Perfectly normal, and I agree. You know what I do when this happens? I turn off the TV and go play with my son and think about the future. His future, and the joy I take in it for helping me to forget the past.

Ye[ I should ignore it, Ive had couple of months (voluntarily) off work, think I need to go back I'm getting outraged on a daily basis

  • Like 1

By the way: I have no problem with (almost) anyone, using a Hitler- image or the Nazi- flag and -symbols, to make a point!

But at least, they should have some knowledge, what they are talking about.

That is clearly not the case here and in any "Nazi- fashion- chic"!

Well Hitler certainly isn't the devil, is he? Some think so, but that is an absurdity. What about Satanic - fashion chic? No one seems to mind the Author of Evil (regarding those who believe in such rubbish), but nevertheless, why stop at Adolph Hitler. Why not carry the battle to Satan himself? Nah. We don't want to focus the attention on the billions that Satan has claimed.

Anyway, it is foolishness to even imagine attempting to discuss a subject with people who feel they own the editing rights to the subject, and emphatically oppose anyone who even remotely gives an indication of copyright infringement on their portrayal of the subject, or rewriting what they wrote, or what they want to be seen, read, published, spoken, written, acted out, etc.

It's a regular industry, it is. The only one in human history that is used as the defining reason for justifying the same exact behavior that is, in kind, condemned.

That's a showstopper if I ever heard one.

There is no harm in using Adolph Hitler as a historical reference, and moreover I emphasize that as a historical reference, he is not owned by anyone; ...nor does anyone have copyright rights on his name or anything else about him. The measure of pure evil, hatred directed towards this man merely casts more attention on those who are directing this pure, evil hatred.

I say pure, evil hatred simply because it is not enough for some people to purely hate this historical reference (I understand that and truly sympathize), but to carry that pure, evil hatred onto other people's rights to this historical reference, and to demonize other people for exercising their right to use this historical reference as a means to get a point across is just plain wrong.

I have seen this kind of pure, evil hatred in my life. It is like a cancer that eats away a person's soul and turns them into the very thing they cannot get closure to, ...and move on in life. It's called crisis counseling and being able to go through the cycle of crisis to become whole again. Acceptance.

But when people refuse to accept, and move on and mend and heal, then there is only one thing remaining: an open wound that gets infected and gangrenous and odorous. It is up to the individual and their ability get closure and acceptance, instead of drudging up the past and reminding everyone of the past and hounding people about the past, and criminalizing people if they don't agree with the past when the topic is broached again and again and again, ad nausea. That is how you create enemies.

Most people, who are normal, get closure to crisis in their life. They go through the cycles and finally reach acceptance. This is normal. They are able to move on and when something triggers the memories, they are able to snuff out the knee-jerk reaction instantly because they have mended and healed themselves out of a desire to get back into the human race... you know what I mean... "Peace on Earth and Good Will towards All Men" and such.

It is standard procedure to help victims to recover to the pint that they can be re-introduced into society and be healthy and happy people. It is not the norm to change society so that the victim can enter into it and with open wounds and unhealed memories that bring on narcissistic fits of paranoia and violent threats or violent complaining and such.

The subject is about Adolph Hitler not being used in some marketing ad. Everything else has, as always, been turned into screams and cries about how evil he is (IS) and all kinds of attention being drawn to how it's going to happen again, and anyone mentioning his name without approval must be one of his followers, etc. etc. ad nausea.

I can assure a lot of people that Adolph Hitler is dead. I can also assure people that I am not a an anti-Semite, re-incarnated Nazi from the 1930's as has been implied before.

I can also assure people that when I consider what kind of mind can come up with such far-fetched accusations, I can only think of one that cannot think clearly, because it is so infected with pure, evil hatred; moreover it cannot distinguish the difference between simple opposition in the present and the bitter past.

In closing, I see the OP as nothing worth mention, were it Alexander the not so Great (for conquering and murdering millions), or Genghis Khan, or any other person or persons throughout history and to this present day, who deal out pure, evil hatred.

The world gets tired of this kind of mentality. Life gets tired of it. I am tired of it, and I submit billions are tired of it as well. When someone can't let go and move on, it simply tells me that someone is afraid to let go, and the thing they can't let go of (pure, evil hatred) will be the anchor that drags them down to the bottom of the sea. This is what every counselor, every psychologist, every psychiatrist, every person who has healed, every loving, kind hearted person will tell you.

It's time to let go and move on, and leave people the freedom to see you for what you are today (TODAY), and not choke them with reasons from the past to justify why you are indeed sick and wounded and gangrenous and odorous and jumping out of your skin every time you hear a noise in the room.

What Adolph Hitler did was wrong, but that has no affect on what other people think about you, as long as you are nice and good hearted towards people; no affect at all.

Just my take on the matter.

I agree to an extent with most of what you say, but the problem factor is that there are those who are using Hitler as an icon and Nazi symbolism today to ply their beliefs of fanatical right wing so-called philosophy onto the masses that leads to others going on the defensive and therefore the reason why many have high suspicions of the motives of those who display these images, almost paranoid in fact, it`s actually an inbuilt fear.

But of course it depends on what side of the fence you`re on and who and what you are that determines how one is affected by these Nazi images and symbols, plus these events attract the cranks and extremists like magnets who will always bring the Jews into the equation as shown by one particular poster on this thread that will take every opportunity to convey their extremist viewpoints and Jew hatred attitudes. To many Nazi symbolism in any shape or form stands for extreme Jew hatred and again it becomes a Nazis Vs Jews scenario whereas other WW2 events become irrelevant.

In able to understand you have to try and relate to the situations of others and see it from their point of view as to many the sight of Nazi symbols, not only Jews, in any shape or form, no matter how they are depicted still brings the fear of dread into them.

Nothing wrong with being human. It's when humans can't let go and heal that they become animals. It is normal to heal and move on. It is not normal to live in the past and destroy any opportunity of healing that the present and the future always brings.

I've seen too many people destroy their lives because they simply could not let go, and everyone who mattered in their lives left them. These people were good people and wanted to love the victims, and to see them become happy people who loved to help others and wanted good things in life for everyone, but the victims madness drove them away.

Only the ones who wanted to take advantage of them stuck around until they got what they wanted, and they, too, left them.

In the end, the victim could only cry about being a victim again, but this time it was their sickness that caused it, and not the original source. They simply became too disgusting for anyone to want to be around, and moreover were told/warned/threatened to stay away if they could not change their madness.

As I said, there is nothing wrong with being human. Hitler was a pretty bad person. He hurt a lot of people... good people. But lifting him up and screaming "victim" every time someone farts is going to drive that person to madness... and we know what happens after that.

People simply have to heal. That is normal. That is human. Anything else is not.

A lot of truth in what you say.

Something had happened and what happened cannot be changed, it`s history now and so be it Agree also that one can`t forever be a victim and considering the Nazis lost big time during WW2 it is better to declare themselves are the victors. I totally and utterly agree with what you are saying, my point being so as not to sound hypocritical, is that I hate and detest extremists in any form, left, middle, right, political, religious and especially have an acute disdain of racists.

I think describing those who can`t let go as animals is a wee bit over the top, I would say that those who keep bringing up old hatreds and ills from the past, instead of being pitied will evoke upon themselves the opposite affect because no one respects a loser and a continual victim. The more paranoid people get about this, the more others will try to wind them up. I still find these images offensive for the reasons I mentioned earlier, it`s disrespectful for people like my Dad who fought in the war, he took part of the D day landings and got a bullet in his leg, and the allies who fought for us, but I won`t be standing outside the studio where they made this video and making a protest.

It`s as the old saying; give them enough rope and they will hang themselves, meaning the ways this video will be perceived by the rest of the world will not give them any credit.

  • Like 1

Sorry for showing emotions.

Unfortunately or fortunately, I'm not alone. There's this woman off to work. She's got a daughter, so she's not alone either. Should I forget about them both and just hand them over - or should I rather fight for the ones that saved my life when nobody else was there?

I think I know what a man has to do, and there's no such thing as a liberal doctor to cure me.


<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

By heal you mean forget ? or still remember but without anger. I think most people have forgotten and moved on but images of Hitler being used inappropriately brings it back to people . I wasn't walking around my house on Wednesday Morning getting angry about the Rise of Hitler. But a crass, ill thought out image of him in a Government educational film (Of which my children would have had to watch) got me a bit riled, If I see some 45kg man-child parading around in Nazi regalia , I'd just think he was a bit of a retard , but when a government do something so crass , you have to think what on Earth are they doing

Perfectly normal, and I agree. You know what I do when this happens? I turn off the TV and go play with my son and think about the future. His future, and the joy I take in it for helping me to forget the past.

Ye[ I should ignore it, Ive had couple of months (voluntarily) off work, think I need to go back I'm getting outraged on a daily basis

Prince Harry got short shrift from the British media for his crass use of Nazi regalia, and rightly so. It's hard to forget 60 million dead.

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