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Thai film: Hitler ends up on cutting room floor

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I kinda agree with that. How could the Israeli ambassador an educated elite, miss the reference to Nazi chic and the spoiled child. Must be a very dull minded person, a dark sign for the Israeli embassy.

So we are actually in partial agreement and only differ on who is the dummy.

there is absolutely no excuse from the P.M. He commissioned this video and cleared this video.

He was the highest ranking and most educated military officer in the land. To reach this level he would have studied world military history and the leaders. To say a military officer of this world wide standing had absolutely no idea of Hitler or the atrocities he committed is rubbish. For people to defend the guy of such a position who authorised this film as being thai and uneducated is plain stupid.

Prayuth as head of the Military and now P.M (Self elected) knows of Hitler very well and the feelings of foreigners. It was a deliberate act by the P.M to offend the world, an educated man with experience in world military history would not do as he did.

I would agree with that but for a different reason. The PM should have known that a Swastika shown to a Westerner is like a red flag to a bull; it eliminates all reason and no matter what is said they assume it is terrible.

Look at the poster above who accused me of defending Hitler something I have never in my life done. He saw a Swastika and went ballistic not watching or reading anything else.

So you are correct the PM thought that Farang would watch and understand the video which they did not. They saw Hitler in the 55,56 and 57th second and tuned out for the next 600 seconds and turned on the condemnation.

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I kinda agree with that. How could the Israeli ambassador an educated elite, miss the reference to Nazi chic and the spoiled child. Must be a very dull minded person, a dark sign for the Israeli embassy.

So we are actually in partial agreement and only differ on who is the dummy.

No, dude, we don't agree. I find your defense of this Hitler scene DISGUSTING.

I'm not a dude. I have never defended Hitler anywhere or in any post. Grow up and stop name calling. You have been around long enough to be civil. The director painted a negative portrait of Hitler and a child who was emulating an obnoxious cultural aberration common in Asia. That you and the Israeli ambassador don't see this is not my fault.

Oh please. I never said you defended Hitler and you know it. You are incessantly defending the inclusion of that Hitler scene in a government propaganda movie such as this. We've heard your explanation/excuse for the scene a zillion times already and no I don't buy that as a good excuse. Since you have just directly lied about what I said before, I think you are trolling this topic, so congratulations: welcome to my ignore list. Your reciprocation is sincerely invited though that is UP2U.


About Nazi-Symbols in Thailand. This car I saw in Khon Kaen not to long ago!attachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (1).JPGattachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (2).JPG

I don't see the nazi symbol

It's actually a lot easier to see than a 3 sec clip out of a 660 second video. biggrin.png

please point it out to me. I have been staring and concentrating on this car and can't see nazi symbols or anything that says Hitler or nazi. Please, please point it out to me

When you see a picture online that you'd like to see in greater detail, what do you normally do?


No, dude, we don't agree. I find your defense of this Hitler scene DISGUSTING.

I'm not a dude. I have never defended Hitler anywhere or in any post. Grow up and stop name calling. You have been around long enough to be civil. The director painted a negative portrait of Hitler and a child who was emulating an obnoxious cultural aberration common in Asia. That you and the Israeli ambassador don't see this is not my fault.

Oh please. I never said you defended Hitler and you know it. You are incessantly defending the inclusion of that Hitler scene in a government propaganda movie such as this. We've heard your explanation/excuse for the scene a zillion times already and no I don't buy that as a good excuse. Since you have just directly lied about what I said before, I think you are trolling this topic, so congratulations: welcome to my ignore list. Your reciprocation is sincerely invited though that is UP2U.

You wrote, "I find your defense of this Hitler scene DISGUSTING." I am not a pendant. The difference between Hitler and Hitler scene is nonexistent in your mind and the mind of the Israeli ambassador and that is what all the hullabaloo is about.


I thought thais worshipped Buddha not a dead guy from Germany.

Why would you think they worshiped a dead guy from anywhere? Did you see any evidence of worship i the video that is the subject of this thread?


About Nazi-Symbols in Thailand. This car I saw in Khon Kaen not to long ago!attachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (1).JPGattachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (2).JPG

Not a Nazi symbol just a swatika.

Why do you think Thai say "sawasdee ka" because "su" means good "asti" means to be , and "ka" is a polite suffix.

Everytime a Thai person says "sawsdee" acuse them of being a Nazi blink.png

Too many old guys here who were brainwashed in the West into thinking all Germans were evil, I remember a German moved to my school and he got a really hard time.

Time to forget. Hitler was a historical figure so was Mao, Genghis Khan etc. Nothing wrong with dressing up as them. People dress up as the devil.

Has anyone here never been to a toga party? Do I need remind people what the Romans did?

Yes, the swastika is generic. But a black swastika on a white disc in a red field is not. The reference to sawasdeeka is a bit strained, because it relies on writing the words in roman type. The Thai character transliterated as an English S is only pronounced that way in an initial position. The second "S" in sawasdee cannot take the sound of an English S. Even if you ask Thais to do it for you, they typically cannot. Ending a syllable with S makes Thais as comfortable as English speakers are, pronouncing a German-style pf-.


<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said

Which he should be of course??? Right??

It is because all the people who don't speak Thai thought he was. Take a look at the posts in this thread. Most of the posters think Hitler was portrayed in a positive manner. He wasn't and anyone who speaks Thai and watched the video knows that but to no avail.

For the last time , from me anyway. The issue is not whether he was portrayed in a Good or bad way. The issue is his image was shown in a Government film And if you want to re read the original thread again that is the opinion of the Majority of objectors. We kept going through this yesterday, you need to accept that people dislike the man so intensely that his image in a Government film for kids is unacceptable.

You 'precious' people are talking about a PICTURE of a PICTURE !

Do you want it so that nobody in the future has any idea of who Hitler was ?

And of course Israel is hurt and upset ... they are trying to keep people preoccupied with what happened 70 years ago so that they dont notice the Israeli government evicting their Palestinian people from their land and otherwise treating those citizens like WW2 Jews.

You are the same types who would mock Islamists for their outrage at some Dane drawing an image of Allah.


<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said

Which he should be of course??? Right??

It is because all the people who don't speak Thai thought he was. Take a look at the posts in this thread. Most of the posters think Hitler was portrayed in a positive manner. He wasn't and anyone who speaks Thai and watched the video knows that but to no avail.

For the last time , from me anyway. The issue is not whether he was portrayed in a Good or bad way. The issue is his image was shown in a Government film And if you want to re read the original thread again that is the opinion of the Majority of objectors. We kept going through this yesterday, you need to accept that people dislike the man so intensely that his image in a Government film for kids is unacceptable.

You 'precious' people are talking about a PICTURE of a PICTURE !

Do you want it so that nobody in the future has any idea of who Hitler was ?

And of course Israel is hurt and upset ... they are trying to keep people preoccupied with what happened 70 years ago so that they dont notice the Israeli government evicting their Palestinian people from their land and otherwise treating those citizens like WW2 Jews.

You are the same types who would mock Islamists for their outrage at some Dane drawing an image of Allah.

This is not just a picture, a cartoon or form of sarcasm, this is a government funded video about moral values in Thailand. It's obvious that empathy is not one of those values. If this was the work of an individual or independent movie maker, we could argue about bad taste, but this is government made, paid and screened. Your comparison with the Danish cartoonist shows that you have no idea how people in post war Europe, Russia or Israel perceive the idolization of Nazi symbols.


It's simply a video about de-demonizing a demon.

In public opinion of wartime Germans Adolf Hitler was the "good man", misused by his own Nazi followers. Then, after WW2 Adolf Hitler was made a taboo again, and no one in Germany was allowed to know anything about him (his book "Mein Kampf" was prohibited)

The comparison with Allah is correct in one (only one) way: Hitler became a "no face" in Germany.

By making him a demon, they made him a fascinating creature.

The painting on the video is a re-humanization of the worst criminal the world has ever seen.

Yes, this bastard was nothing but a human (sociopathic) criminal, let's face it.


<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said

Which he should be of course??? Right??

It is because all the people who don't speak Thai thought he was. Take a look at the posts in this thread. Most of the posters think Hitler was portrayed in a positive manner. He wasn't and anyone who speaks Thai and watched the video knows that but to no avail.

For the last time , from me anyway. The issue is not whether he was portrayed in a Good or bad way. The issue is his image was shown in a Government film And if you want to re read the original thread again that is the opinion of the Majority of objectors. We kept going through this yesterday, you need to accept that people dislike the man so intensely that his image in a Government film for kids is unacceptable.

You 'precious' people are talking about a PICTURE of a PICTURE !

Do you want it so that nobody in the future has any idea of who Hitler was ?

And of course Israel is hurt and upset ... they are trying to keep people preoccupied with what happened 70 years ago so that they dont notice the Israeli government evicting their Palestinian people from their land and otherwise treating those citizens like WW2 Jews.

You are the same types who would mock Islamists for their outrage at some Dane drawing an image of Allah.

This is not the thread for antisemitic Israel demonizing rhetoric. Israeli government policies are not equivalent to Nazi Germany. To assert that is an established form of antisemitism. Israel of course is not perfect, the same as any country. Deserving of RATIONAL CRITICISM as any country. I suggest if you want to post Jew hating filth as you just did, it has become socially acceptable now so it would on topic on a thread about Israel/Palestine (we have many often here).

<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said

Which he should be of course??? Right??

It is because all the people who don't speak Thai thought he was. Take a look at the posts in this thread. Most of the posters think Hitler was portrayed in a positive manner. He wasn't and anyone who speaks Thai and watched the video knows that but to no avail.

For the last time , from me anyway. The issue is not whether he was portrayed in a Good or bad way. The issue is his image was shown in a Government film And if you want to re read the original thread again that is the opinion of the Majority of objectors. We kept going through this yesterday, you need to accept that people dislike the man so intensely that his image in a Government film for kids is unacceptable.

You 'precious' people are talking about a PICTURE of a PICTURE !

Do you want it so that nobody in the future has any idea of who Hitler was ?

And of course Israel is hurt and upset ... they are trying to keep people preoccupied with what happened 70 years ago so that they dont notice the Israeli government evicting their Palestinian people from their land and otherwise treating those citizens like WW2 Jews.

You are the same types who would mock Islamists for their outrage at some Dane drawing an image of Allah.

This is not the thread for antisemitic Israel demonizing rhetoric. Israeli government policies are not equivalent to Nazi Germany. To assert that is an established form of antisemitism. Israel of course is not perfect, the same as any country. Deserving of RATIONAL CRITICISM as any country. I suggest if you want to post Jew hating filth as you just did, it has become socially acceptable now so it would on topic on a thread about Israel/Palestine (we have many often here).

"Jew hating filth" bit strong really. Other than the WW2 line (and forced removal from homes has happened) is it not actually true?


Pushing the propaganda big lie that modern Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany is an established form of antisemitism. Antisemitism is Jew hatred and I consider that filthy, thus Jew hating filth.


Pushing the propaganda big lie that modern Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany is an established form of antisemitism. Antisemitism is Jew hatred and I consider that filthy, thus Jew hating filth.

Jews do worst to palestinians what hitler did to them.

Victims become opressors.

Jews after faking ww2 facts and nicking palestine, came up with antisemitism term to shut critics.

They set up Jewish Defence League and put harsh laws to anyone questioning jewish truths...

So criticize jew and u antisemite.

U just gave good exame how it works

  • Like 1

Pushing the propaganda big lie that modern Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany is an established form of antisemitism. Antisemitism is Jew hatred and I consider that filthy, thus Jew hating filth.

Except if you reread the post he didn't mention Nazi Germany he just mentioned the forced relocation of the Jews in relation to the forced relocation of Palestinians. Is it a lie that Palestinians have been forced to relocate??


Pushing the propaganda big lie that modern Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany is an established form of antisemitism. Antisemitism is Jew hatred and I consider that filthy, thus Jew hating filth.

Except if you reread the post he didn't mention Nazi Germany he just mentioned the forced relocation of the Jews in relation to the forced relocation of Palestinians. Is it a lie that Palestinians have been forced to relocate??

Dude -- get real.

This thread isn't about Israel.

It's about a Hitler scene in a government propaganda film in Thailand.

Jews were "relocated" to mass extermination camps by Hitler's Nazi regime.

Sadly lots of other nationalities participated willingly with this genocide of the Jews ... such as France and most notoriously Poland.

Whatever has happened in Israel/Palestine is a separate issue.

If Israel demonizers want to talk about that, please do that in a relevant thread.

This one isn't.

Does every thread need to be a platform for Israel demonizers?

<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said

Which he should be of course??? Right??

It is because all the people who don't speak Thai thought he was. Take a look at the posts in this thread. Most of the posters think Hitler was portrayed in a positive manner. He wasn't and anyone who speaks Thai and watched the video knows that but to no avail.

For the last time , from me anyway. The issue is not whether he was portrayed in a Good or bad way. The issue is his image was shown in a Government film And if you want to re read the original thread again that is the opinion of the Majority of objectors. We kept going through this yesterday, you need to accept that people dislike the man so intensely that his image in a Government film for kids is unacceptable.

You 'precious' people are talking about a PICTURE of a PICTURE !

Do you want it so that nobody in the future has any idea of who Hitler was ?

And of course Israel is hurt and upset ... they are trying to keep people preoccupied with what happened 70 years ago so that they dont notice the Israeli government evicting their Palestinian people from their land and otherwise treating those citizens like WW2 Jews.

You are the same types who would mock Islamists for their outrage at some Dane drawing an image of Allah.

This is not the thread for antisemitic Israel demonizing rhetoric. Israeli government policies are not equivalent to Nazi Germany. To assert that is an established form of antisemitism. Israel of course is not perfect, the same as any country. Deserving of RATIONAL CRITICISM as any country. I suggest if you want to post Jew hating filth as you just did, it has become socially acceptable now so it would on topic on a thread about Israel/Palestine (we have many often here).

Interesting isn't it

Even Jesus throw away jews, must be antisemite. ..




  • Like 1

Pushing the propaganda big lie that modern Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany is an established form of antisemitism. Antisemitism is Jew hatred and I consider that filthy, thus Jew hating filth.

Except if you reread the post he didn't mention Nazi Germany he just mentioned the forced relocation of the Jews in relation to the forced relocation of Palestinians. Is it a lie that Palestinians have been forced to relocate??

Dude -- get real.

This thread isn't about Israel.

It's about a Hitler scene in a government propaganda film in Thailand.

Jews were "relocated" to mass extermination camps by Hitler's Nazi regime.

Sadly lots of other nationalities participated willingly with this genocide of the Jews ... such as France and most notoriously Poland.

Whatever has happened in Israel/Palestine is a separate issue.

If Israel demonizers want to talk about that, please do that in a relevant thread.

This one isn't.

Does every thread need to be a platform for Israel demonizers?

And yet more gentiles died than Jews a large proportion who were Polish. It was a disgusting episode in history which should not be forgotten. It should be remembered correctly!

Interesting read of the horror :



Pushing the propaganda big lie that modern Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany is an established form of antisemitism. Antisemitism is Jew hatred and I consider that filthy, thus Jew hating filth.

Except if you reread the post he didn't mention Nazi Germany he just mentioned the forced relocation of the Jews in relation to the forced relocation of Palestinians. Is it a lie that Palestinians have been forced to relocate??

Dude -- get real.

This thread isn't about Israel.

It's about a Hitler scene in a government propaganda film in Thailand.

Jews were "relocated" to mass extermination camps by Hitler's Nazi regime.

Sadly lots of other nationalities participated willingly with this genocide of the Jews ... such as France and most notoriously Poland.

Whatever has happened in Israel/Palestine is a separate issue.

If Israel demonizers want to talk about that, please do that in a relevant thread.

This one isn't.

Does every thread need to be a platform for Israel demonizers?

And yet more gentiles died than Jews a large proportion who were Polish. It was a disgusting episode in history which should not be forgotten. It should be remembered correctly!

I have no problem with that fact of course but another fact is the genocidal OBSESSION of the Nazis was specifically targeted at Jews and they were very successful at that. They also committed genocide against Roma people but that was much less of a publicized obsession in their propaganda.

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