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15 days or 30 days entry stamp? Confused!

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So, I have read, scowered and trawled through numerous websites to find he correct information and it's now safe to say that I am confused! So we left Thailand 2 days ago for a break to Penang we want to go back to thailand on Monday via land border crossing either by train or bus but I need 30 days entry stamp and I've read on some sites that G7 countries now receive the 30 days via land others say it's still the old 15 and others say that we won't be permitted until we get a visa as its our 3rd time back to thailand this year! We have friends joinin for Xmas and need to be in Thailand by next week! Does anyone know what the deal is please?! (We can fly but looking at cheaper option of bus or train as we know we get 30days by air) Thanks so much!

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I'm from the UK. Thanks for the info, I was worried as I thought I would not get through as his would be my 3rd time entering back into thailand this year and some websites were stipulating that they are strict now. Ok so 30dats via land border crossing. Thanks!

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"Back to back" as it's used here normally means crossing over the border, turning around and coming back in. You've been out of the country for a couple of days, but you are always at the mercy of the immigration officer at the border. In the past there have been many reports about the southern border entry points and the inconsistency of what the officers will allow.

I would have at least a ticket exiting Thailand within the 30 days and at least 10000 baht cash to show immigration if they ask but don't volunteer it! Good luck! This was not meant to be a "doomsday" message, only a heads up.

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Ok thanks for the info. it seems that there is mass confusion for quite a few people i have spoken with in regards to this over the past week or so! I was just wondering if anyone from a G7 country has passed the malay/thai border in the past week or so and if it stands at 30 days still via land. i do not have an outward ticket from thailand but may consider this to make things easier.

if anyone has had any experiences with the border crossing etc in recently can you let me know please?!

thanks again everyone!

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I have seen no reports of anybody eligible for the 30 day entry not getting it. There has been no change to the rules.

You should not need to show the ticket out of the country. At Sadao you might be asked to show the money though.

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I'm from England but have retired and am at present living in Penang, I have travelled to Hatyai 5 times this year via mini van through the Sadao crossing and have never had any problems or questions asked and have got a VOA 30 day chop on each occasion. My length of stay has only been for 1 week on each visit so a total of 5 weeks (35) days this year, which kind of throws out on how many boarder crossing one can make in a year, ive read in various other threads that only 3 chops VOA over a 12 month period were allowed, in others ive read its the total number of days in one year VOA, not to exceed 90 days in a one year period. so CONFUSED ???

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I'm from England but have retired and am at present living in Penang, I have travelled to Hatyai 5 times this year via mini van through the Sadao crossing and have never had any problems or questions asked and have got a VOA 30 day chop on each occasion. My length of stay has only been for 1 week on each visit so a total of 5 weeks (35) days this year, which kind of throws out on how many boarder crossing one can make in a year, ive read in various other threads that only 3 chops VOA over a 12 month period were allowed, in others ive read its the total number of days in one year VOA, not to exceed 90 days in a one year period. so CONFUSED ???

There is no limit set for total days or entries over any amount of time for visa exempt entries (they are not a VOA).

The only restriction is for staying the entire 30 days and then doing a departure and then an intimidate re-entry to get a another 30 days. There are border crossings that are allowing only 1 of these and others 2 or 3.

What you are doing is well withing the guidelines that immigration has issued.

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UbonJoe.......I am assuming that at end of tourist visa if you leave (via Padang Besar) - You can simply turn around and return to Thailand - And that will still get a 30 day entry?

And then before this 30 days ends if you go to Viententiane for a tourist visa and start again i.e leave via Padang Besar and turn around and return immediately back to Thailand with 30 days.

- Is this viable?

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UbonJoe.......I am assuming that at end of tourist visa if you leave (via Padang Besar) - You can simply turn around and return to Thailand - And that will still get a 30 day entry?

And then before this 30 days ends if you go to Viententiane for a tourist visa and start again i.e leave via Padang Besar and turn around and return immediately back to Thailand with 30 days.

- Is this viable?

I cannot say anything for sure about Padang Baser. But it would be within the rules for visa exempt entries to get an entry after a tourist visa.

And nothing for sure that far distant in the future if you get a 2 entry tourist visa in Laos and use it for the full 6 months that is possible from one.

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UbonJoe.......I am assuming that at end of tourist visa if you leave (via Padang Besar) - You can simply turn around and return to Thailand - And that will still get a 30 day entry?

And then before this 30 days ends if you go to Viententiane for a tourist visa and start again i.e leave via Padang Besar and turn around and return immediately back to Thailand with 30 days.

- Is this viable?

I cannot say anything for sure about Padang Baser. But it would be within the rules for visa exempt entries to get an entry after a tourist visa.

And nothing for sure that far distant in the future if you get a 2 entry tourist visa in Laos and use it for the full 6 months that is possible from one.

Thanks UbonJoe - You are amazingly generous with your in-depth knowledge - Thanks

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I went to Poi pet Cambodian border the other day with my son to get a stamp expecting him to receive 15 days as a walk out and back in. The immigration staff were very friendly and gave clear advise. He as a British national with no previous walkthrough's could have 30 days unless the officer had a specific reason to doubt he was a real tourist. I think the rules will be the same coming back from Penang.

Should they see many stamps it would ring a bell that he may be working without a permit. If they were in half a mind as to him being a genuine tourist they would ask him to show 20,000 baht and his return ticket.

All in all straight forward he received 30 days.

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