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My 11 month old Ford wild track with 40,000KM is Dead and NO ONE WILL HELP,.. PLEASE HELP!

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@OP: the 3.2L engine comes from South Africa, not Thailand, and they have evidently had supply chain issues with it from day #1 (which is why you waited so long for it in the first place).

If you think the end of Feb is a long time to wait for parts, just see what happens when the 3.2L gets retired ;)

Try to order a spare part for a 2.0L Focus diesel engine if you want an idea :P

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The dealer is full of it, to put it mildly... How can a part be defective on your truck if it hasn't even been manufactured yet? Have they read the code for the error on the truck? If not, that would be a good place to start... If they won't do it, any competent mechanic with a code-reader can get the diagnostics off the vehicle...

Thanks for your feedback. Yes, this is what i was jumping up and down about.

They then went on to explain, this is not a normal part, its a part of the engine which is a gear top, not gear but the top of the gear with some mechanism that interacts with the gears.... and this is never suppose to break thus its not in spare part list.

They are concluding mine was defective in assembly.

I have to admit I have never heard of a "gear top" on a Ford, or on any vehicle for that matter... Perhaps the proper term was lost in translation...

Normally, when the check engine light comes on, the issue is related to the engine, not the transmission or differential i.e.; gears...

Find someone with a code reader and have them read the error codes off the vehicle... It will translate to a numeric code which you can lookup on the internet to get the real answer... Me tinks there is some face saving going on at the stealership...

Thanks, seems like experience on your part. Good to know. When we pick up the Broken Ford @ the Stearliership, will ask for them to show me the code on the unit they had connected to my truck and take a picture and post it here. TBC....

on another note, it is actually a yellow gear that shows with a "!" in the middle of it. This was supposed to be a ventilation pipe that leaks and needs to change but not recalled, just claimable. When i first arrived, they were like ah.. yea the tube, this will be 30 mins and you will be on your way....

then 45 mins later, 2 test drives later, they told me the check engine light refuses to reset after it showed and now we have 2 lights and Ford Tech in BKK were on it. IT was only after 5 hours they told me it was this part, Gear top or top gear.... again perhaps lost in translation.

OK, let me get the snap shot first.


@OP: the 3.2L engine comes from South Africa, not Thailand, and they have evidently had supply chain issues with it from day #1 (which is why you waited so long for it in the first place).

If you think the end of Feb is a long time to wait for parts, just see what happens when the 3.2L gets retired wink.png

Try to order a spare part for a 2.0L Focus diesel engine if you want an idea tongue.png

Very good but SCARY point. Well noted. kinda stuck now,... and 4x4 will not help!


When i move to Chiang Mai full time in 2016 the Ranger 3.2 Wildtrack (auto , in orange) was the vehicle of choice. I await this outcome with 1,200,000 Baht riding on it.You must be entitled to a loan truck , even in Thailand.1zgarz5.gif .


When i move to Chiang Mai full time in 2016 the Ranger 3.2 Wildtrack (auto , in orange) was the vehicle of choice. I await this outcome with 1,200,000 Baht riding on it.You must be entitled to a loan truck , even in Thailand.1zgarz5.gif .

"You must be entitled to a loan truck , even in Thailand.1zgarz5.gif ."

EXACTLY!!! but NO,... not yet. I will update here everyday until resolved, although next week i am sure if this continues you will read about it in the news.whistling.gif


When i move to Chiang Mai full time in 2016 the Ranger 3.2 Wildtrack (auto , in orange) was the vehicle of choice. I await this outcome with 1,200,000 Baht riding on it.You must be entitled to a loan truck , even in Thailand.1zgarz5.gif .

"You must be entitled to a loan truck , even in Thailand.1zgarz5.gif ."

EXACTLY!!! but NO,... not yet. I will update here everyday until resolved, although next week i am sure if this continues you will read about it in the news.whistling.gif

On the brighter side.. i can say its the best pick up i have ever driven. As far as cars in Thailand, my favorite car so far, well... until it became a "Found On Road Dead" but without the service, this means nothing, especially over here!!


Sorry mate , this is terrible , unprofessional service. Any vehicle can breakdown , thats unlucky , but you may now claim the trucks not "fit for purpose". 3 months to get a part renders it unfit for use. Get legal advice , and a good reporter - an international one. Good luck.


Sorry mate , this is terrible , unprofessional service. Any vehicle can breakdown , thats unlucky , but you may now claim the trucks not "fit for purpose". 3 months to get a part renders it unfit for use. Get legal advice , and a good reporter - an international one. Good luck.


That is my mindset. Accidents happen, nothing is perfect but when they gave me the Feb 26 (originally was Dec 26 as that is the next part shipment arrival, but then they checked the stock list and the part is not on this shipment which is already sailing on the open sea. ) bah.gif

Then they realized they do not produce this part as a spare only for new cars until Feb 1 so it can be on the boat and arrive here on 26th.

Its all very poorly handled on Ford's part and they could do so much better.

I have lawyer with me a lot of the time and we are talking. we have decided get the truck back first and that will happen this week. We will work on it in BKK over the next week or so. And yes, international reporter. Luckily living here for 17+ years i know a few and will get in contact. Anyone know anyone that can help, send me a PM wai.gif P L E A S E as the more the better.

Thanks for your sorrow, it helps!! Cheers!!


Still arguably the best looking truck out there.... smile.png

The "best lookers" are usually the least reliable..............I,ve heard that often in Thailand rolleyes.gif


Fords have always been bad in terms of reliability and strength , but with Thailands I'm alright Jack attitude you'd have to be mad to buy one here.

90,000km in 3 years with my Ranger and no problems. Think you are talking out yer arse.

Every manufacturer has the occasional dodgy batch or weird one off faults. Nothing wrong with Fords made in Thailand generally.


Ford Wildtrak 3.2. I have had one for just under 2 years , I have had to return it twice , once was a letter I got from Ford about replacing some hoses , and the other was my A/C packed in , the Ford mechanics told me I must turn the A/C/ off before I turn the engine off. What a load of rubbish.

The wait for the vehicle was diabolical , there was no info from Ford , we had to do all the chasing , right down to the day we bought it.

and the after sales service is a joke. I would never buy another Ford.


@OP: the 3.2L engine comes from South Africa, not Thailand, and they have evidently had supply chain issues with it from day #1 (which is why you waited so long for it in the first place).

When did Ford move production from the UK Dagenham plant ?


Just a thought - gear top. Maybe they mean something that holds the tranny in high gear.

You were on the hiway when the fault light came on.. The trans is computer controlled, so maybe a solenoid acts on some part in the trans itself. Or hydraulic line pressure acts on some part in top gear.

Quite possible lost in translation, but I have been trying to figure out gear top or top gear - so far this is as far as I can "translate" !!


Fords have always been bad in terms of reliability and strength , but with Thailands I'm alright Jack attitude you'd have to be mad to buy one here.

90,000km in 3 years with my Ranger and no problems. Think you are talking out yer arse.

Every manufacturer has the occasional dodgy batch or weird one off faults. Nothing wrong with Fords made in Thailand generally.

So they have one Happy Chappie so far.Is it a 3.2. as refered too..?.


Fords have always been bad in terms of reliability and strength , but with Thailands I'm alright Jack attitude you'd have to be mad to buy one here.

90,000km in 3 years with my Ranger and no problems. Think you are talking out yer arse.

Every manufacturer has the occasional dodgy batch or weird one off faults. Nothing wrong with Fords made in Thailand generally.

So they have one Happy Chappie so far.Is it a 3.2. as refered too..?.

Nope, old style 2.5l.. Love it :)


The trouble is all these manufacturers have too many customers and they no longer give a SH1T who complains or what they say..... try the manufacturer or importer direct first and draft a proposed letter/press release and copy it to them along with you complaint and say where you intend to publish, here's a good start SHAME ON YOU FORD THAILAND


OP sorry to hear about your problems with your WT.

I read in some Ranger forum a year ago (either Australian or UK, can't remember) about a expat guy in Hua Hin that had some minor problem with his 2,2XLT and he contacted somebody from Ford outside Thailand to get things moving and Ford Hua Hin promptly turned up at his house with 2 mechanics and changed the leaking gasket and many apologies. Try goggle around and see if you can find this post as I think he posted links to overseas contacts (sorry I got very slow i-net speeds where I am right now so can’t find it for you). Well you already tried the US so maybe not much hope for you but I wish you the best of luck anyway.

My WT 2.2 is now almost 2 years old now and never gave any problems so far and we use it every day and both my wife and I love it.

I hope it will last another 3-4 years when it's time to get something else and if Ford haven't improved the service by then I will be looking for something else.

Thankfully I am not a brand bitch and will buy what local made truck/suv is considered the best ride/best looking at that time but the service must be good as well and it seems like Ford can't give the service people are entitled to when they buy their product which is a fxxx up by Ford.


There was a report broadcast on the Channel 3 Thai TV news only an hour ago about some major problems with Ford Thailand and their new Ford Fiesta.

Many of vehicles have major gear problems, 30 new Ford Fiesta owners were detailed on the report. All were told to take their cars back to the dealers and have taken their vehicles in several times but have not cured the problem. All the owners allege that Ford Thailand told them that because they purchased the lower price range Fords, about 500000 baht, than what else should they expect and then simply just fobbed off?

So in future if I decide to replace my car in Thailand, I shall avoid a Ford.

I purchased the top model for my daughter in June just before they introduced the newer model and it has a similar problem if not the same.

I took it that the newer model would have the faults ironed out and can't believe that are still selling a car when they know it has a major fault.

Already taken it back once and they re-programmed something but still basicly the same, anyway the daughter is now getting fed up with the grinding noise when pulling away so we will taking it back again.

Footnote : Received a letter from Ford main dealers about 2 months ago, I think saying, that they are extending the warranty to 5 years for the gearbox, which is not a lot of good if they won't even do anything about the gearbox now.


OP sorry to hear about your problems with your WT.

I read in some Ranger forum a year ago (either Australian or UK, can't remember) about a expat guy in Hua Hin that had some minor problem with his 2,2XLT and he contacted somebody from Ford outside Thailand to get things moving and Ford Hua Hin promptly turned up at his house with 2 mechanics and changed the leaking gasket and many apologies. Try goggle around and see if you can find this post as I think he posted links to overseas contacts (sorry I got very slow i-net speeds where I am right now so can’t find it for you). Well you already tried the US so maybe not much hope for you but I wish you the best of luck anyway.

My WT 2.2 is now almost 2 years old now and never gave any problems so far and we use it every day and both my wife and I love it.

I hope it will last another 3-4 years when it's time to get something else and if Ford haven't improved the service by then I will be looking for something else.

Thankfully I am not a brand bitch and will buy what local made truck/suv is considered the best ride/best looking at that time but the service must be good as well and it seems like Ford can't give the service people are entitled to when they buy their product which is a fxxx up by Ford.

Good post. I bought a new Ford too earlier this year, and it has been flawless, but there are too many of these stories now, where there's smoke there's fire. Honestly, I think Ford doesn't give a sh!t about the Thai market as it's so insignificant for them, and they know they will never be a market leader here. They should just pull out if they are not going to provide service befitting a global brand.


Then they realized they do not produce this part as a spare only for new cars until Feb 1 so it can be on the boat and arrive here on 26th.

Why put a small part on a boat? Have they never heard of Fedex, DHL?


What pisses me off about them , if your car is in for a breakdown , still under warranty there is no courtesy car.

How do they expect you to get about when their heap of junk has broken down ?


I had a similar problem with an isuzu if the light is not on when you pull in to the service department of any make of auto, they start guessing. Its a computer box that can and does interminetly go on the blink. if water, oil levels are ok keep driving it until part comes in. The seem to have a real bock to listening to a discription from the owner as they are self appointed experts thus all knowing

Any intermintent problem is hell to find, if under warrenty the guess and replacement is ok as its no cost to you, but out of warrenty I have the vehile checked by dealer with description of problem, tell them i will continue to drive and when warning light came on and stayed on, luckly near a dealer, without ever killiing engine had them put dianogastic MACHINE on it. There is a plulg in access point inside cab under the dash.If the light comes on at early morning start up you can be assured that it probably a computer problem and to verify turn engine off for 3 + minutes, restart and light may go off, if not try again. outside temp seems to have a part as my truck did it when weather turned cooler. it took 2 years to pinpoint the offending part.


There was a report broadcast on the Channel 3 Thai TV news only an hour ago about some major problems with Ford Thailand and their new Ford Fiesta.

Many of vehicles have major gear problems, 30 new Ford Fiesta owners were detailed on the report. All were told to take their cars back to the dealers and have taken their vehicles in several times but have not cured the problem. All the owners allege that Ford Thailand told them that because they purchased the lower price range Fords, about 500000 baht, than what else should they expect and then simply just fobbed off?

So in future if I decide to replace my car in Thailand, I shall avoid a Ford.

I purchased the top model for my daughter in June just before they introduced the newer model and it has a similar problem if not the same.

I took it that the newer model would have the faults ironed out and can't believe that are still selling a car when they know it has a major fault.

Already taken it back once and they re-programmed something but still basicly the same, anyway the daughter is now getting fed up with the grinding noise when pulling away so we will taking it back again.

Footnote : Received a letter from Ford main dealers about 2 months ago, I think saying, that they are extending the warranty to 5 years for the gearbox, which is not a lot of good if they won't even do anything about the gearbox now.

To elaborate on the Thai TV news report, one male Fiesta owner managed to obtain an appointment with some high up of Ford Thailand after the TV news got involved. The Ford representative told the guy, no cameras, nothing in writing and no reporters to be present. Again the customer was sent to a dealer to evaluate and try to repair the gearbox problem. He was told by the dealer that they have no idea what the problem is, but will try this and try that, nothing worked. The programme also specified that many of the parts, although Ford, are actually made in China as cheapo versions of the standard parts and do not equate to the quality of Fords made in the States, Europe and the UK.

As I said; this report was broadcast literally only an hour before this thread appeared that was a coincidence. So it does appear that Ford Thailand are having some major issues at the moment.


@OP: the 3.2L engine comes from South Africa, not Thailand, and they have evidently had supply chain issues with it from day #1 (which is why you waited so long for it in the first place).

When did Ford move production from the UK Dagenham plant ?

Ford TH source from South Africa - nothing to do with UK production.

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