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Government wants lese majeste offenders to be sent home to face justice

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The last thing you do when arriving for the first time in a foreign country is talk disrespectful of their monarchy, government, religion, it's common sense. Everyone knows, relax.

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The last thing you do when arriving for the first time in a foreign country is talk disrespectful of their monarchy, government, religion, it's common sense. Everyone knows, relax.

Eh? We aren't talking about new arrivals here. Things are going down hill I'm afraid even though this won't affect my life out here in Isaan. I am becoming worried about what is going on, I was a supporter of the guy, I wish he could turn away from this stuff and get down to the nitty gritty.

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No clearer illustration of the tiny, insular world that these people inhabit.................if he realised for a moment how utterly foolish he must appear to the international community he'd die of embarassment.

Yes, a vastly overinflated sense of self importance, seemingly. It is almost as if the not a dictatorship truly believe the Kremlin, White House, Diet etc. are burning the midnight oil over the situation in Thailand and what to do about it.

However, as another poster pointed out, the story may be just for domestic consumption. I am most interested to see how this one pans out...

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Things are going down hill I'm afraid even though this won't affect my life out here in Isaan. I am becoming worried about what is going on, I was a supporter of the guy

I have pointed out numerous times the disproportionate amount of posters who supported the coup being retirees in Issan. The thinking being their pension still rolls in once a month so little risk for them, and the opposite of what the locals believe must match them as they are so different than them.

Good to see at least one finally waking up to what this is all about. We really are down tom a hardcore of about 5 trolls who still support this dire situation thumbsup.gif

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Do countries extradite for offenses that are not against the law in that country?

France handed back that British schoolteacher that had sex with a 15yo pupil in France, even though it wasn't against French law.

Julian Assange was gonna be handed back to Sweden by various countries, even though he didn't break their laws.

Guess it all depends of trade agreements or something unfair like that.

Er no it doesn't depend on trade agreements.

Julian Assange has to face rape charges in Sweden.The English teacher was accused of a sexual offence with a minor.Both are serious charges by any standard.

The problem for the Thais is that no foreign country believes LM to be an offence at all and certainly not a matter for the courts. Thus ( unless the Government is being remarkably thick ) one must assume the crude and threatening call for extradition seems aimed at a Thai domestic audience - killing a chicken to scare the monkey as it were.


I guess some countries in the West are getting to be more supportive

You would literally argue black was white on here. (and then blame Thaksin for turning it white)

No other country on earth is going to extradite anyone over Lese majeste.

They are panicking and we all know why.

I guess it depends on the reason for the charge. Some charges might be very dubious, others much more serious and even 'advocating violence' is amongst some of those charges. Furthermore if we get a few more fools like the one in Sydney, governments will even got more responsive regarding charges of 'violence', 'hate mongering' and so.

At the least the ones charges such will be forced by their hosting countries to refrain from such. Some may even get their visa withdrawn or see their 'political asylum' process endangered.

In the world we live in now free speech comes with more and more conditions.

BTW is the 'panick and know why' just some bluster or can you explain?


I guess some countries in the West are getting to be more supportive if the "tend to spread rumours in the social media in a way which cause disunity in the country" can be formulated more forceful. The NSA is just looking for such people and the GCHQ isn't only interested in paedophiles.

I take it from your comments you support the Les Majeste law and think it should be enforcible worldwide then ?

Barbaric law supported only by total control freaks.

You take it wrong.

Mind you, although the LM law seems misused, some of those charged are really vocal in their 'fight against the elite' and so. The more violent such talks become the more likely the government of the hosting country will at least pull the plug on such talks.


At the least the ones charges such will be forced by their hosting countries to refrain from such. Some may even get their visa withdrawn or see their 'political asylum' process endangered.

In the world we live in now free speech comes with more and more conditions.


The Rose case in the UK is all the proof you need. Free speech in the UK is alive and well (even if there is mass surveillance and all sorts of other dubious practices behind the scenes)

Prayuth is just making a fool of himself. Have you not noticed it`s just you on this thread being the junta cheer leader? Even the other apologists can`t defend such a gaff.

If you don`t know why they are panicking try and read more foreign media instead of just repeating propaganda on here.

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At the least the ones charges such will be forced by their hosting countries to refrain from such. Some may even get their visa withdrawn or see their 'political asylum' process endangered.

In the world we live in now free speech comes with more and more conditions.


The Rose case in the UK is all the proof you need. Free speech in the UK is alive and well (even if there is mass surveillance and all sorts of other dubious practices behind the scenes)

Prayuth is just making a fool of himself. Have you not noticed it`s just you on this thread being the junta cheer leader? Even the other apologists can`t defend such a gaff.

If you don`t know why they are panicking try and read more foreign media instead of just repeating propaganda on here.

Selective, aren't we?

I wrote such who are more violent in their talks may get muzzled by the governments of the hosting countries. 'free speech' is not alive and well, the mass surveillance, dubious practises, etc. just show that.

As for junta cheerleader, where do I cheer them? If I do not denounce and ridicule them, does that make me a cheerleader?

Anyway, as usual the 'read foreign media'. Most you'd point me to would probably be considered LM here in Thailand.


The 'for domestic consumption' theory is a good possibility, but rather than to be about the image of Uncle Fester it might actually be a way of speaking - of warning - the domestic audience to keep their own heads down. It could be that he's not nearly as daft as some posters think he is, and that if he mentions social media it's because he's indirectly trying to keep the locals in check.

One other point that might be worth mentioning, is where a previous post says there's probably only about 5 apologists left on these message boards. Now, whilst that does seem to be the way it's going, then in the current climate of crackdowns on bugbears, and with the Uncle making references to social media, if Thaivisa is perceived to be a meeting place for a voice (albeit in English) championing free speech and critical of the 12 steps to Heaven, then at best it could get the green webpage treatment and at worst some or many foreign individuals could be targeted. If Uncle Fester and his pals are truly desperate as has been claimed in this thread, we shouldn't put anything beyond them, as such are the lessons of history.


"The prime minister disclosed there are less than 100 of them and all of them have broken the law regarding the Monarchy. "

I thought Thailand had those strange things called 'trials' before they decided whether someone was guilty of breaking the law or not?

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PM, there are more urgent and important issues for you to devote your attention.

I have faith in you, please don't let me down.

Do I sense just a little doubt??

Maybe there is hope for you after all..thumbsup.gif

NO ! no hope for the Greek Gen lover.....


In Denmark people can say whatever they want about the monarchy. One of the major newspapers once had a front-page photo of the Queen's husband on a yacht and sporting a rather large paunch with the headline "Captain Beer Belly". That sort of thing is quite common in Denmark. No problem. People who support LM are either tyrants or nutters, or - as in the case of the fellow in the yellow jacket - both.



''In October 2007, a 47-year-old man was sentenced to 1 week imprisonment and fined 400 € for, amongst other things, lese-majesty in the Netherlands when he called Queen Beatrix a "whore" and told a police officer that he would have anal sex with her because "she would like it".

Now, I think that if you commited that crime in Holland or any other country against an ordinary member of the publi...you may face a similar punishment (look at the recent cases of internet trolling in the UK.or USA for example)

I think the US may have as strong of a right to freedom of speech as any country. Embedded in the Constitution is that right, and also the right to assemble, protest, and so on.

But over time the Supreme Court has ruled that there are limits. Threaten the POTUS or his family and you will land on your head in prison. You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater. You can't threaten anyone or you may wind up with a restraining order which if violated would land you in jail.

But expressing a political opinion even against the leaders is almost encouraged and people and the press hammer them mercilessly with impunity.

Lese Majeste and defamation laws in Thailand are barbaric. The Leader just made himself the laughingstock of the Free World.


Would having someone extradited from a western country would require Thai lawyers to present some kind of evidence of the charges in a western court? And if so, would this be possible for a Thai official to do? Cause the details of the LM incident to be aired in public?


dear Prayuth,maybe they found a better home..

and law is different from Justice

what happened to Chatwadee Amornpat Rose,btw?

her facebook account has been deleted..and i can see only pages insulting her around

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PM, there are more urgent and important issues for you to devote your attention.

I have faith in you, please don't let me down.

I believe people are still getting happy endings in Thailand after his last raids on theses criminals

Is Thailand trying to become the laughingstock of the world??

If that is the case, I have to admit, they are doing an outstanding job!!

They achieved this title after the coup. World's number one producer of the mentally challenged leaders.

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