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We do not celebrate xmas, but she bought me a new car for new year.

Bernard, I would love to have a wife which could OFFER my a car for money she worked for.

I love my wife now married 8 years and get a smile and every day and she take good care of this older man. My wife ask what she would get for Christmas, I answer you have Christmas present on daily basis

Yes she is Christian, and always have taken good care of myself for a number of reasons, I am her Husband father to her child, ATM and provide a quality standard of living

This is just me


my wife is shouting me Christmas lunch at RYAN'S RESORT.not sure if it for me or her way of not cooking for the day 555

This year I am thinking about 1 baht gold for her gift ... Together 8 months and everything so far is good so she has earned her way.

Since we are going to visit her family for Christmas I spent another 5,000 baht of gifts for everyone, baskets, cookies, remote car, little girl hand bags and a small tree with lights. I guess I am Santa ... Ho ho ho



Why would anyone buy Buddhists Christmas gifts?

Not their culture!

Culture ! I'm not sure how this will turn out but here goes. I'm an Agnostic, so not being Christian I guess I shouldn't be thinking of Christmas & presents. But being a falang, it's kinda what gets done at this time of year.... I guess.

I've been living with my g/f in a great little village near Sakon Nakhon for about 6 months now. Don't speak much Thai & the locals don't speak much, if any English, but we manage to communicate with lots of smiles & nods & sign language. I get invited to everything that's happening. Get food brought for me to try. G/f get asks where I am if I'm not out working in the garden by 9:00 in the morning. All in all I've been thoroughly accepted & befriended.

So, last week I lashed out & bought a load of colored lights & put in a BIG tree in the Soi. Mainly for the kids, but surprised each night how many moms & dads come & look & say bu-t-ful, & give the thumbs up.

Yesterday I went into SN & bought a heap of chocolates, lollies, biscuits, small toys & the like. Tomorrow the g/f & I will wrap ready to distribute to the local kids & a few neighbors on Christmas morning.

I realize this is somewhat off the topic of gifts from Thai GF, but I think on topic re why "buy Buddhists Christmas gifts".

So, I really don't think culture has much to do with it. It's more about an expression of gratitude for being accepted. The locals might be Buddhist but they do know & understand about Christmas & present giving. I expect nothing in return, they have given me their friendship & acceptance.

So, that's why I "buy Buddhists Christmas gifts"

Just sayin..... Cheers..... Mal.

Problem is that if you do give presents then they will expect it every year. So easy with presents etc.

Christmas comes along every year, in case you weren't aware...


You give them gold or money.

They give you nothing.

But, we need to ask ourselves -- Who is the dummy in this equation?

Nobody puts a gun to our head and says we must get into a relationship.

Can we have sympathy for dumb-axx blokes who whine endlessly about

their own bad choices in life.

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Dont get them anything. They only want gold, so when they tell you to get lost they can sell it.

If Christmas means nothing to them, then why bother, tell her You will get her something for her birthday, but nothing expensive, just a nice gift.

Then you will se how dissapointed she is, and just how happy she is with you. Its ALL about money .....full stop.

What's wrong with money? I rather like it and it's really very useful.


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jeeez where do you hicks live? no xmas?

This Hicks lives in Thailand, I buy presents for my children and grand children back home, who do believe in Xmas, not some whore, that has no iterest except in lining thier own pockets.

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You give them gold or money.

They give you nothing.

But, we need to ask ourselves -- Who is the dummy in this equation?

Nobody puts a gun to our head and says we must get into a relationship.

Can we have sympathy for dumb-axx blokes who whine endlessly about

their own bad choices in life.

They give us something's in return....but sooner or later and all too often they give you too much grief and drama ...so time to move on.

Xmas time is one of the best times to leave the Thai GF that is making your life more miserable than happy...

If that be the case ....then just reward yourself with your own Xmas Present and New Years resolution....better known as sensibility ....and fade away from misery and drama.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

jeeez where do you hicks live? no xmas?

This Hicks lives in Thailand, I buy presents for my children and grand children back home, who do believe in Xmas, not some whore, that has no iterest except in lining thier own pockets.



another thread turning into a slanging match,,,,,

we are getting 2 lovley jack russle pups,,

joe and jack,,

some of you will be telling there isnt a santa next,

if you and your wife enjoy giving presents, then dont listen to the others on here,, there is allways some on every thread



She is Buddhist!

I wouldn't expect or want a Christmas Gift from her!

Besides.... Christmas is for Kids!

I honestly don't want her to change because I am a Christian, or her expectations of me to change for Her Religion!

Does that make sense?

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Just buy things you want/need around the house and have them gift wrapped for her.

My gf does'nt buy me Xmas gifts, and all she really want's is gold.

I do get something from giving!



She is Buddhist!

I wouldn't expect or want a Christmas Gift from her!

Besides.... Christmas is for Kids!

I honestly don't want her to change because I am a Christian, or her expectations of me to change for Her Religion!

Does that make sense?

If being a Christian was a requirement to celebrate Christmas, a lot fewer people in the west would be celebrating! Don't try and bring religion into the festive celebrations please!

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In Isaan where I live in the countryside, they not even celebrate Birthdays. They usually forget the dates, only when you a smaller child you have a chance of a cake.

So Christmas? NO nothing to get, nothing will get and the day passes by unnoticed. I like that. thumbsup.gif

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Because just as I celebrate Songkran and Loy Khratong with her, I want her to share in my cultural celebrations. It's called being in a relationship.

Most foreigner/Thai relationships seem to be more of an employer/employee thing as far as I can see.

I suggest you buy some glasses then

quite right too, all these so called relationships are built on a money transaction farang pay every month Thai lady stay, don't pay they go, I've been in several of these so called relationships and when I wanted her gone I stopped paying she soon went,

when will these farangs stop kidding there selves ?


Stop having relationships with prostitutes and/or poor women with a bad attitude might be a solution.

How so?

Then the relationship wouldn't be built on a money transaction and there wouldn't be any nagging for a new iphone on Christmas etc etc...


Stop having relationships with prostitutes and/or poor women with a bad attitude might be a solution.

I think a more effective policy might be to only date Christians.

Probably not all that much fun for the rest of the year though.


last year i got a couple of books, this year I have a sneaking suspicion she has pushed the boat and gotten me a Garmin watch for running, she has definitely improved her gift buying skills over the past seven years

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