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This year I am thinking about 1 baht gold for her gift ... Together 8 months and everything so far is good so she has earned her way.

Since we are going to visit her family for Christmas I spent another 5,000 baht of gifts for everyone, baskets, cookies, remote car, little girl hand bags and a small tree with lights. I guess I am Santa ... Ho ho ho



Why would anyone buy Buddhists Christmas gifts?

Not their culture!

I am exempt from that. I am going out with a Christian :-)

sorry to hear that.

Stop having relationships with prostitutes and/or poor women with a bad attitude might be a solution.

How so?

Then the relationship wouldn't be built on a money transaction and there wouldn't be any nagging for a new iphone on Christmas etc etc...

I can understand that many people have been burned and are cynical, but it's not really in the Christmas spirit. Merry Christmas to you and your other half irrespective of her nagging or love of money.


This year I am thinking about 1 baht gold for her gift ... Together 8 months and everything so far is good so she has earned her way.

Since we are going to visit her family for Christmas I spent another 5,000 baht of gifts for everyone, baskets, cookies, remote car, little girl hand bags and a small tree with lights. I guess I am Santa ... Ho ho ho


Be careful what you start as it will become expected or a tradition. I take care of my Thai wife daily, so a Christmas present once a year isn't needed.

A good friend advised me as it relates to "tipping at restaurant". Give a small tip to say "thanks" but don't go overboard as it will be expected of all falang's (regardless of service).

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Taking TW on a 1/2 day deep sea fishing trip. Pretty sure she will enjoy it far more than I will - especially if she catches something decent in size.

I don't really care for Christmas, just another excuse for excessive profits.


Last year I reveived a f*** and a pair of sox............ .both two sizes too big!

How can your BF not know your Frock & Sock size?

J/K, hope your ass recovers soon.


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Last year I reveived a f*** and a pair of sox............ .both two sizes too big!

How can your BF not know your Frock & Sock size?

J/K, hope your ass recovers soon.



This is Thailand, the ones I get are always a tight fit.


Because just as I celebrate Songkran and Loy Khratong with her, I want her to share in my cultural celebrations. It's called being in a relationship.

Most foreigner/Thai relationships seem to be more of an employer/employee thing as far as I can see.

Try looking deeper, if that doesn't work, change your friends, if that doesn't work................uptoyou


Been with my girl (girl? she is 52) for about two years. She treats me like a King and deserves whatever she gets from me. I give her little gifts all the time. She bakes me cookies and pies and cooks my favorite foods. This December she said she wanted to buy a motorbike and I gave her 20K Baht and she paid the rest. This year she discovered the internet and spends a lot of time on my computer researching recipes and organic farming techniques as she owns a 10 rai farm in Issarn. I had my old laptop totally refurbished with a new hard drive and Windows 7 Ultimate and she will get that on Xmas day. As for me I don't really care as people usually buy me gifts I don't need or don't want but I expect she will do something nice for me any way. I will be properly appreciative. I think we will celebrate Xmas by visiting friends and taking some gifts for their small children. The delight in children's eyes at receiving a present is the best gift for me.

What better post could be written at Christmas time? Season's Greetings, Sir, to you and your delightful wife.

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In Isaan where I live in the countryside, they not even celebrate Birthdays. They usually forget the dates, only when you a smaller child you have a chance of a cake.

So Christmas? NO nothing to get, nothing will get and the day passes by unnoticed. I like that. thumbsup.gif

Not sure what part of Isaan you live, but here's something you might care to ponder.

I live in a small village about 25k from Sakon Nakhon. At Robinson's in SN most of the shops have some form of Christmas decoration, staff wearing Santa cap or Christmas music playing. Many Christmas decorations on sale. No BIG deal I thought, probably head office in Bangkok sends the Christmas stock to the franchised store & issues instructions to play the Christmas game.

Today I went to the local "town" Don Mafai, about 5k from our village. Small town, no bank, no car dealerships, nothing over 2 story, not much of anything really. Main attraction is a small 7-11. I'm wandering about this morning, killing time waiting for the missus & guess what I find ? Mom & pop shops with loads of Christmas decorations, strings of colored lights, Santa caps, Christmas wrapping paper, numerous amounts of Christmas cards & the like. I have only so far found a couple of the locals that that can speak a few words of English. I would guess there MIGHT be a dozen farlangs living between here & Sakon Nakhon. So, if all the farlangs bought their Christmas "stuff" from Don Mafai, that might account for about 1% of what I saw in one shop. Oh, guess what else I saw, several Thais purchasing a variety of falang Christmas stuff. Not Hiso, but your very typical rural farmer, by way of appearance & dress.

It amazes me how all the Armchair experts & Neville nobodys are so sure Thais know nothing about Christmas, decorations, presents & Christmas cards.

Just for what it's worth.... Have a merry Christmas.

Cheers..... Mal.

I live about 120 km West of Sakhon Nakhon and I wrote about the " Christmas gift " situation,

=Nothing to get, nothing (nobody) will get!=

The day passes by unnoticed, also I was in my Ampohes small Lotus Express market.

But the Christmas-Santa Claus decoration was sparse as was the offering in that direction.

Surely, the shops jump on the gift wagon and try to make business sale some stuff.

But if you stay away from the shopping chains, its quiet and if you stay in your small village you feel nearly nothing from Christmas, no wonder in a Buddhist country.



you misunderstood my statement, which was directed at the threads title =Cristmas gifts from Thai GF=

I did not write about available Christmas merchandise in the Isaan countryside. rolleyes.gif

You 25 km from Sakhon Nakhon, I am 120 km away and 85 km from Udon Thani, middle of now where.

If I want to have a small bit of Thai, Provincial Christmas flair, I have to drive to Sawang Den Ding with a bit bigger sized Lotus.

But, I happy that in my village no Christmas lights burn. thumbsup.gif


I got 5k cash gift from her (she never knows what to give me as I got it all) But i like that she sets something apart from her own income to to get me something.

Now I forgot to buy her something but its all pointless, i give her something she gives me something its like buying a present for yourself.


Mine whined about wanting a gift, bought her a watch and lots of toys for her kid. She works makes good money, I got nothin! Why are Thai women so selfish? Me me me.

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Mine whined about wanting a gift, bought her a watch and lots of toys for her kid. She works makes good money, I got nothin! Why are Thai women so selfish? Me me me.

Why pick out Thai women?

some just cant help themselfs


We stopped bothering with gifts years ago, simply don't bother anymore, birthdays as well. Waste of money (Edit: for us), but we, she mainly must have spent 20,000 on our sons presents.

Neither of us are materialistic and she has been brought up by her mum to reinvest everything, which she does.


This year I am thinking about 1 baht gold for her gift ... Together 8 months and everything so far is good so she has earned her way.

Since we are going to visit her family for Christmas I spent another 5,000 baht of gifts for everyone, baskets, cookies, remote car, little girl hand bags and a small tree with lights. I guess I am Santa ... Ho ho ho



Why would anyone buy Buddhists Christmas gifts?

Not their culture!

Not all are Buddhists. Mine is Christian. Always has been.


This year I am thinking about 1 baht gold for her gift ... Together 8 months and everything so far is good so she has earned her way.

Since we are going to visit her family for Christmas I spent another 5,000 baht of gifts for everyone, baskets, cookies, remote car, little girl hand bags and a small tree with lights. I guess I am Santa ... Ho ho ho



Why would anyone buy Buddhists Christmas gifts?

Not their culture!

Not all are Buddhists. Mine is Christian. Always has been.

I'm agnostic but I still give and receive Christmas presents.


Thais don't celebrate Christmas so i don't buy them anything. I don't give a flying fkkk about this religious misconception either but i always welcome gifts as i don't want to hurt others feelings. So far i have got two iPhones a few shirts, a pair of jeans, pair of sunglasses and a bracelet. I am humble though.

Thais don't celebrate Christmas? You might want to get yourself over to Ratchaprasong, you'll be surprised!

Merry Christmas.

No they don't. I was referring to that it's not part of their culture and not that they started celebrating it at some point because of their obsession with festivals, but they don't even know what they celebrate.


In Isaan where I live in the countryside, they not even celebrate Birthdays. They usually forget the dates, only when you a smaller child you have a chance of a cake.

So Christmas? NO nothing to get, nothing will get and the day passes by unnoticed. I like that. thumbsup.gif

I am 120 km away and 85 km from Udon Thani, middle of now where.

If I want to have a small bit of Thai, Provincial Christmas flair, I have to drive to Sawang Den Ding with a bit bigger sized Lotus.

But, I happy that in my village no Christmas lights burn. thumbsup.gif

Song_Dao or Charoen_Sin ? Ban_Thon ? I know a norvegian man who is living in Ban_Thon and also a german man in the same village.

I'm living not far from u : Ban_Nong_Luang - 100 km from Sakon and 70 km from Udon

We can continue on PM if u want ..

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I discovered that the girl I just started dating is doing well for herself. She bought me a belt and 4 Lacoste shirts. I didn't even get her anything, it's only been 2 dates. I feel bad because I can't afford her lifestyle/habits.. She's talking about going on all these trips to Japan and shit which I can't afford lol. Don't know how long this will last.



A bit different......

My Landlady caught up with me today and gave me a box of chocolates for a Christmas present.


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Thais don't celebrate Christmas so i don't buy them anything. I don't give a flying fkkk about this religious misconception either but i always welcome gifts as i don't want to hurt others feelings. So far i have got two iPhones a few shirts, a pair of jeans, pair of sunglasses and a bracelet. I am humble though.

Thais don't celebrate Christmas? You might want to get yourself over to Ratchaprasong, you'll be surprised!

Merry Christmas.

No they don't. I was referring to that it's not part of their culture and not that they started celebrating it at some point because of their obsession with festivals, but they don't even know what they celebrate.

Well it's certainly part of a lot of Thais' culture now! I've been given a number of Christmas presents from many of my Thai students and Thai friends. There are Christmas decorations all over Bangkok, carols playing endlessly (and tediously) in malls and most Thais I know seem to understand about Father Christmas, jingle bells, Rudolph, presents and Christmas trees. I think they get it!


Soon, Christmas will have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ. Who is also a fictitious.

I'd wager many of those celebrating Christmas in the west have little regard for its religious significance.


This year I am thinking about 1 baht gold for her gift ... Together 8 months and everything so far is good so she has earned her way.

Since we are going to visit her family for Christmas I spent another 5,000 baht of gifts for everyone, baskets, cookies, remote car, little girl hand bags and a small tree with lights. I guess I am Santa ... Ho ho ho



Why would anyone buy Buddhists Christmas gifts?

Not their culture!

None of us go to church either but we all still celebrate christmas.


Soon, Christmas will have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ. Who is also a fictitious.

Not true. You see Christ everyday, but you misunderstand. Christ is the sun.

I'm not religious btw.

watch this from 13.15


Because just as I celebrate Songkran and Loy Khratong with her, I want her to share in my cultural celebrations. It's called being in a relationship.

Most foreigner/Thai relationships seem to be more of an employer/employee thing as far as I can see.

speak for yourself mate

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