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Tongue twisters, ever tried some on your Thai partner?


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It can be great fun to try some simple tongue twisters on your Thai partner or friends who speak some English.

One of my favourites has been getting them to quickly repeat 'Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry'.

As we know they have difficulty with the letter R. The results have been hilarious.

More complicated, even for English speakers would be repeating this very fast .....

I am a pheasant plucker, I am a pheasant pluckers son, I love plucking pheasants all day long. ( The obvious inference being plucker gets mixed with f*****). rolleyes.gif

What have you got in the way of good tongue twisters you might have tried on your Thai partner or on others.

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Pay attention. Does she call you 'darling' or 'dackling'. A very subtle subtle difference in tone but I understand the latter refers to a pig's hindquarters.

I thought ling is monkey in Lao and it basically translates into monkey's bum .

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Basically it means pig's 'ar**' which I'm not sure is allowed on TV.

As I said, pay attention. We ourselves joke about it but Madam emphasises on a bad day (we all have them) just to make sure the meaning is loud and clear.

OK, you ask a pig to make an online banking transfer, especialy using the part below his tail.

Such is the life we enjoy.

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Basically it means pig's 'ar**' which I'm not sure is allowed on TV. As I said, pay attention. We ourselves joke about it but Madam emphasises on a bad day (we all have them) just to make sure the meaning is loud and clear. OK, you ask a pig to make an online banking transfer, especialy using the part below his tail. Such is the life we enjoy.

'Ling' is Thai/Isaan/Lao for monkey, not pig. 'Duk' is Isaan/Lao for butt.

I hope your wife isn't calling you 'dukmoo' and telling you it means 'honey'

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My wife speaks very good english after living in the UK for many years but when she had to deal with an Indian client on the phone she gave up and asked me to speak to him ,she couldnt understand a word ,listening to her on the phone repeating or trying to repeat what he said was hilarious.

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Oh how delightful a bloke that gets his jolly's by making fun of his partner by teasing her in a language that isn't her native tongue. What's the encore maybe you could trip her while she has her hands full.. what a hoot. How do you go when she tries you out on Thai tongue twisters? Because you would have to be fluent in Thai of course? so that your missus wouldn't possibly be able to make fun of your command of the Thai language. Unbelievable

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One that YOU must master before even thinking of asking others, Thai or otherwise, to attempt! Caution: Not to be used withiin hearing range of young children, unless you wish to stand accused of teaching them a number of s**t words (which, depending on the household, may already have been taught)!

The sheet is slit.

Who slit the sheet?

Whoever slit the sheet

Is a good sheet slitter !!

Start slowly and work up to normal speed and then try (for advanced level rating) rapid speed. I think you will see the problem very quickly!

Another one, which can also pose similar problems to the above is

"Rubber baby buggy bumpers" to be repeated as often and as quickly as possible. Recommended - 5 xs to start at slow normal speed

Edited by Tingtau
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