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IS has executed 100 foreigners trying to quit: report


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Not sure if this report is independent of the OP, or a related story:

Islamic State arrests 'extremists' accused of plot against group

BEIRUT (AFP) - The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group has claimed the arrests of four extremists it classified as "extremists" accused of plotting against the organisation in areas of Iraq and Syria under its control.

In a video purportedly posted by ISIS on extremist websites, a male voice claims to have "captured an extremist religious cell planning to take up arms against the Caliphate," referring to the regions it controls in both countries.

In what ISIS said were confessions, the four detained men said they had plotted against ISIS as the group doesn't view "all Iraqis and Syrians as infidels".


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One can maybe draw a Thai/SEAsian parallel to this.

No doubt the 'hardcore' ISIS fighters looked at all the ''privileged'' kids coming to join their cause from cushy backgrounds in the West with a degree of askance, much in the way the Pathet Lao/PLAT hierarchy looked at the soft, privileged Thai kids who joined them after they fled thence to escape possible persecution, repercussions following the Thammasat massacre in '76.

Expecting to be taken as leaders, the educated Thai elite who joined the communists in the Jungles of Laos, NE and Northern Thailand, were not accepted as true communists by the hardline, battle hardened guerrillas, who saw them as pampered elite made them start very much at the 'bottom' doing menial, physical labour, or acting as servants to the leadership of the communist forces which led to severe disillusionment among the new arrivals, many of who abandoned the CPT camps and returned home, often offering information in exchange for immunity from prosecution which may have led to the collapse of the CPT strongholds and training camps in rural Thailand in the late 1970s.

(see The Moonhunter (2001)

Rachel Harrison's introduction to A Drop of Glass - Sridaiouang - Rachel Harrison, Duang Kamol 1997 - or read the story 'our friends have not yet returned from the City)
Becoming Urban; Thai Literature about Rural-urban Migration and a Society in Transition, Ellen Elizabeth Boccuzzi. ProQuest 2007)

Will be interesting if this leads to an end or at least severe drop off in the flood of wannabe Jihadists from the West.

Conclusion (after all that piffle): Battle hardened extremists don't take kindly to soft new arrivals fresh from a comfy bed

Good points. Presumably ISIS would be crazy to 'let go' all of these disillusioned western volunteers - many of whom would presumably go running to western intelligence agencies whereupon they would become assets in the fight against ISIS. One of the gravest problems in fighting ISIS is the difficulty of infiltration and hence difficulty getting solid reliable information on them. Handled properly, the return of disillusioned ISIS terrorists/fighters would be a great asset in the fight against the Islamic State. Politically difficult certainly but strategically solid nonetheless.

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In al-Sham, the land where the sun rises, maybe the animals can be paraphrased?

It's been the ruin of many a poor boy
Allah, far more than one.

Oh, mother, tell your children
Not to do what they have done
Spend their lives in blood and misery
In the land of the rising sun

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Good good good , saves my country having to let them back in, paying to keep them in a nice safe house or a nice prison so they can play the ps4 all day and listen to them going on about there humans rights

Edited by happydude303
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Or maybe they did not want the foreigners getting to grips with this abomination.

An IS pamphlet instructs fighters about sexual activity with female captives

The document appears to be genuine. It was posted on an jihadist web forum and, apparently, given out after Friday prayers in Mosul.

Christians, Jews and Yazidi women can all be taken as slaves, it says. Women can be bought, sold, and given as gifts; they can be disposed of as property if a fighter dies.

The pamphlet's Q&A format includes the following:

Question: Is it allowed to have intercourse with a female captive immediately after taking possession of her? Answer: If she is a virgin, her master can have intercourse with her immediately after taking possession. But if she is not, you must make sure she is not pregnant.

Question: Is it allowed to have intercourse with a female slave who has not reached puberty? Answer: You may have intercourse with a female slave who hasn't reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse. However, if she is not fit for intercourse, it is enough to enjoy her without.

Full story here.


Just like their prophet, he loved the young girls too, nonce

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Good news.Hope they topple some more and then the rest will hopefully be exterminated by friendly forces.One thing is for sure................None of us want that degenerated trash returning to the West thumbsup.gif !!

Edited by Yahooka
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I assume they did not read the fine print in the employment contract. The ones that deal with the ISIS loyalty program. If you stay with the group, you are allowed to gang rape anyone you choose, steal money from anyone you choose, kidnap and do what you choose to any woman or girl you see, and kill in cold blood, anyone who you do not like. Generally, you are allowed to rain destruction, misery and pain upon the planet. You are able to amass a fortune as a modern day pirate. And within the organization there is even an air of legitimacy, as the freaks who are in charge keep spouting this false ideology, about it having something to do with "faith". Of course, the entire world knows it has nothing to do with "faith". Only a way to legitimize terror. I can almost see why a local guy could find this kind of power attractive. But, a foreigner who has already made it out of this hellhole, choosing to come back and join these hooligan rapists? Does anyone feel for these guys who changed their minds? Oh wait a minute, these guys really are rapist hooligans, despite the false propaganda? I changed my mind. I do not want to work for them anymore. This is not the kind of work my mother could be proud of. Raping, and selling village girls into slavery and bondage was not in the original job description.

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I don't feel bad for a bunch of traitors who join the enemy to kill children.

If you're executed by your own, are you considered a martyr? Do 72 underaged virgins await you in the afterlife?

was just thinking,the 72 virgins they get,they could be 72 virgin men they receive,they better take a lot of lubricant with them when they die.cheesy.gifwai2.gif

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Pretty certain there won't be many who'll miss this lot. And they've saved taxpayers in the respective countries a packet in prison / court / apprehension costs. Now let's just hope they rattle israel's cage next and reap a proper whirlwind afterwards. We live in hope

And let's not forget the Benefit Claims that they were probably "entitled to" before they left! Mind you, some of their surviving families will probably be claiming that they have lost the breadwinners of the family, so they'll probably be reaping some of it back. (Note : I did say "some of the surviving families" - no doubt some of them were shocked that their little darlings had gone in the first place!)

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It's a positive development to see they are killing each other off now. Keeps the numbers down, keeps the trash from returning home alive, and it keeps them busy among their own, so there's less time to spend fighting others. A win win for the Taliban as well!

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500 (more than) killed in 2000 bombing raids doesn't sound a very good average and not very cost effective.

The 'one bullet each' method of the IS would be a far more efficient way of doing things.

I've often thought that, the bombing might of the USAF + Aussies and others and IS hasn't been decimated yet? What's the hold up? After all they're just a rag-tag bunch of rebels but basic training and we super-powers can't wipe them off the face of the Earth?

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500 (more than) killed in 2000 bombing raids doesn't sound a very good average and not very cost effective.

The 'one bullet each' method of the IS would be a far more efficient way of doing things.

I've often thought that, the bombing might of the USAF + Aussies and others and IS hasn't been decimated yet? What's the hold up? After all they're just a rag-tag bunch of rebels but basic training and we super-powers can't wipe them off the face of the Earth?

No boots on the ground.

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500 (more than) killed in 2000 bombing raids doesn't sound a very good average and not very cost effective.

The 'one bullet each' method of the IS would be a far more efficient way of doing things.

I've often thought that, the bombing might of the USAF + Aussies and others and IS hasn't been decimated yet? What's the hold up? After all they're just a rag-tag bunch of rebels but basic training and we super-powers can't wipe them off the face of the Earth?

No boots on the ground.

Yes, true, no boots on the ground, about time we threw the USMC, Green Berets, British & Aust SAS at them. And no prisoners - fight to the death - none of this bring them back and let them get lawyers and sue our asses bullshit.

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It's hard to kill the bad guys, when they can hide so effectively, and blend in with locals. Imagine coming in to an ISIS-held area with guns drawn. Except for the guys shooting at you, how would you know who to kill? They dress the same as civilians, sometimes even dressing as women. When cornered, they can simply say, "I'm a civilian, thank you for liberating us!" How are you, as a military man, going to know who's lying and who's not? It's nigh impossible. Bombing convoys from the air is about as good targets as the good guys are going to get, but ISIS knows that, so they don't travel in convoys. 2nd best is knowing where the bad guys gather, but bombing there is always a chance of killing women and children. Even children as young as 11 are given guns and told to shoot westerners. If you see a group of children with guns, even if they're aimed at you, are you going to mow 'em down? Few easy answers, in such a God-forsaken miserable part of the world.

Edited by boomerangutang
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I think a lot of these kids joining up come from relatively comfortable backgrounds. Hey, Birmingham may not be the lap of luxury, but it sure as hell doesn't compare to living in earthen huts in a place where the drinking water is a health hazard and donkeys are commercial vehicles. Gotta be a culture shock for an 18 year old who spent the last four years diddling with his phone and playing war on Xbox. They probably thought they'd still be able to text their pals when they got there. Furthest thing from their minds was being executed by their Muslim brothers for the pouting and insolence they got away with back home.

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