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Thailand - It's time that we get serious about pedestrian crossings


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Funny thing is Thai drivers will slow down and swerve to avoid soi dogs, no matter how much you urge them not to. My mrs was amazed in NZ, there drivers pull up well before you get on the crossing.

Edited by jacky54
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Funny thing is Thai drivers will slow down and swerve to avoid soi dogs, no matter how much you urge them not to. My mrs was amazed in NZ, there drivers pull up well before you get on the crossing.

hmm for a moment i thought that was my post # 58

guess you didnt read them all

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No police, no enforcement = no action

Plenty of police, plenty of enforcement, and still the drivers and riders would carry on doing what suits them. Confiscation is the only thing that may work, but it will never happen.

They could sell the confiscated vehicles, a nice stimulus to go catch some...

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Yes it is very bad. Actually after being here so many years I think Thai motorists are offended by people walking in front of their precious car. Even if it is the right of pedestrians. Be careful tho, don't tell them they are wrong. Thai drivers get upset!!! I have been shot at two times for just looking at them. Not hit tho. Lucky me.

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How many times does it have to said? Does it need to be written on a blackboard?

People need to respect the law and the Police need to enforce it.

The courts need to come down hard on abusers, only then will things change.

When it comes down to it it all depends what sort of society Thailand wants to be Chaotic or responsible?

The PM needs to point certain people in the right direction.

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There are plenty of zebra-crossings in Bangkok but nobody knows what they mean.

Just go to Europe and look how EVERYBODY obeys the traffic-rules and just copy copy that. That's what Thai are good at so just do it! Also tell the trafficpolice to do their job and give them a bonus for every offender they catch (maybe then they come out of their aircon houses).

Compare the situation in Malaysia with that in Thailand. In Malaysia almost everybody obeys the traffic laws and indeed, most other laws - perhaps the residue of their former colonial administration. In contrast,Thailand, was never colonised and has absolutely no serious law enforcement.

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To expect anyone give you the right of way in Thai traffic is playing with death!!

I agree. I have NEVER been given "the right of way" by a Thai. Even while walking Thais will ALWAYS go in front never allow another to proceed before them. Hell even dept. store workers will make customers go behind/around them. Sorry but I have not found one single shred or courtesy in a country that is totally "me first" orientated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I cannot count the times I have nearly been mowed down trying to cross 2nd beach road in Pattaya. Sometimes with children in tow.

The corrupt city mayor, his cronies, the police, and all the local vendors are as culpable as the idiot drivers who ignore the internationally recognized designed crossings. What a waste of public money. Build 'em, break 'em. The city should either fix the lights and ensure that drivers obey them or give the taxpayer their money back.

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The simple answer is:

  1. Fixed penalty fine 2,000B if the driver can not afford it then vehicle Impounded for a week, for some people 2,000 is nothing so have them hanging around for an hour or so while paper work is completed.
  2. Next find convenient busy crossings, place several cameras on lamp posts or electricity pylons which are monitored further down the road at the next set of traffic lights, need about ten police offices, may be a few army guys too, identify offending drivers and use the lights to stop the traffic so the driver can be pulled over.
  3. Have the press in attendance, so everybody get to know the police mean business.
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One thing they wont be able to control in Tourist areas is the Chinese tourist groups. In China if you hit a pedestrian its the drivers fault pretty much what ever the circumstances , there fore you have a nation of pedestrians who do not look when they cross the road . I shit you not. On Christmas day in Pattaya Beach road the new Ped crossing lights were green but the traffic was at a standstill as a Tour group poured across the road.

Part of the PRC rules of the Road

A long-standing tenet has been for the larger vehicle involved in an accident to assume responsibility, e.g., if a car collides with a bicycle the car driver is at fault. If a bicycle and pedestrian collide it is the bicyclist's fault. Practically, this understanding emboldens pedestrians and cyclists to take liberties with cars and trucks, impeding their progress by moving into the flow of traffic under the assumption that larger vehicles will give way. This notwithstanding, the incidence of vehicle-pedestrian collisions is on the decline, despite the fact that the new Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China allows for only one case in which drivers are not at fault for hitting a pedestrian—that is, if the pedestrian purposely violates traffic laws.

Very few drivers will slow down when approaching a pedestrian crossing. Even fewer will actually stop for pedestrians waiting to pass by. When this happens, however, a quick wave back by the pedestrian, indicating gratitude, is not uncommon.

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