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British national Tommy Diver taunts UK police from Thailand


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Why does Thailand open its doors to these types of people?

I'm sure with his attitude and mouth, he will get noticed very soon in BKK and someone will rat him in.

Quality tourist, maybe?

The new predictably boring comment on Thaivisa!!

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Cowardly scum, bravest thing they ever did was walk up behind off duty officers and put one in the back of their heads when they wernt looking. Send him back now!

Almost as cowardly as the Loyalist death squads shooting innocent catholic taxi driver in the back of the head.
One lot were vicious murdering criminals, sometimes acting like psychopaths, the other lot were vicious murdering criminals, sometimes acting like psychopaths. In between were lots of ordinary people, with genuinely held religious and political beliefs.
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"were"?. Don't you mean "are"?

Cowardly scum, bravest thing they ever did was walk up behind off duty officers and put one in the back of their heads when they wernt looking. Send him back now!

Almost as cowardly as the Loyalist death squads shooting innocent catholic taxi driver in the back of the head.
One lot were vicious murdering criminals, sometimes acting like psychopaths, the other lot were vicious murdering criminals, sometimes acting like psychopaths. In between were lots of ordinary people, with genuinely held religious and political beliefs.
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Not personally touched by a death then? From either side - they were as bad as each other.

Convince me that the women and children that died were worth it. Seriously - convince me.

Well to be fair,

Protestant England conquered Catholic Ireland, forced the Catholic indignants off their land and brought in Protestant settlers.

One could argue the occupying settlers needed removing along with the occupying troops.

If the Protestant women and children refused to leave voluntarily, then they would probably be considered fair game to the resistance.

Nobody was forcing them to live there.

After all Rome played the same game a bit earlier in England, and the English tribes slaughtered all the Roman settlers.

Britain happily gave independence to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland (a little bit), et al, without a big fight, so why not Ireland?

Fair point, the Angles and Saxons probably killed their fair share of Celtic women and children too - but all of those events were hundreds then thousands of years ago; I like to think we're a bit more civilised now.

And as to why Britain clung on so stubbornly to Northern Ireland, I have no idea - Not certain about Canada, but no real fight for Australia partly because it was colonised by people from the mother country and New Zealand is a bit different in that they had a treaty with the Maori so never had as much control as in other colonies (although many would argue that fact, and put up very good arguments about it - I only know from the English history I studied not Australasian). Advocates of both sides will have very strong opinions on why it was so important to keep NI in the fold, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it didn't come down to 'we'll show them who's boss', as it can't possibly have been for defence, trade or any other logical reason that I can see.

Possibly because the majority of people in the province wanted to remain in the UK, and said so every time they were asked?

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The IRA did not break into peoples houses and kill them for the mere fact they were protestant,




I could go on but don`t want to waste my time speaking with hate filled revisionists like yourself. The IRA wasn`t about Civil Rights, it was about trying to bully 1 million protestants into submission and they failed miserably. It`s almost amusing how they try and portray visits to the Queen and administering British rule as anything other than defeat,

No one has denied the rights of Irish Protestants to live in Ireland. They are a significant minority who are viewed as Irish citizens in Eire as much as anyone else and will be so in the North when we are a nation once again.

AnotherOneAmerican was describing me as a settler, despite my families history in Ireland going back further than the formation of his state. As for the nation once again malarky, lets leave all that fairytale stuff for songs. With over $100 billion bailout still to pay back to the IMF (and Britain ironically who saved your ass) the very idea the RoI could absorb a public sector heavy NI is make believe in the extreme. Every census sees more and more people identity as "Northern irish" and fewer identifying as Irish, NI isn`t going anywhere, we live in a post Nationalist era.

Back on topic anyone seen this camp terrorist?

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This is for all the Brits calling Irish Freedom Fighters cowardy scum, and this is only a top 10 of British crimes against humanity. The whole list of British cowardly acts would probably take 10 full pages here


So your point, and the point of the IRA apologists in this thread, is basically that the atrocities of the past should be used to justify continuing hatred and atrocities in the present and in the future, and that murdering innocent women and children in the name of the "Cause" is a noble pursuit and to be admired as long as you agree with the "Cause"....

Humans are the only animals to use hypocrisy to justify their inhumanity.

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The IRA did not break into peoples houses and kill them for the mere fact they were protestant,




I could go on but don`t want to waste my time speaking with hate filled revisionists like yourself. The IRA wasn`t about Civil Rights, it was about trying to bully 1 million protestants into submission and they failed miserably. It`s almost amusing how they try and portray visits to the Queen and administering British rule as anything other than defeat,

No one has denied the rights of Irish Protestants to live in Ireland. They are a significant minority who are viewed as Irish citizens in Eire as much as anyone else and will be so in the North when we are a nation once again.

AnotherOneAmerican was describing me as a settler, despite my families history in Ireland going back further than the formation of his state. As for the nation once again malarky, lets leave all that fairytale stuff for songs. With over $100 billion bailout still to pay back to the IMF (and Britain ironically who saved your ass) the very idea the RoI could absorb a public sector heavy NI is make believe in the extreme. Every census sees more and more people identity as "Northern irish" and fewer identifying as Irish, NI isn`t going anywhere, we live in a post Nationalist era.

Back on topic anyone seen this camp terrorist?

Your first link, have a wee read at it, that was not an IRA sanctioned attack.

And your second link, LOL, victims.org.uk I'll have to presume you know nothing of the person who owns that website, he's a mentally disabled very very sick person, I'll leave you to look it up.

What's interesting is that you're holding onto this idea that there has to be a winner and a loser, for the normal majority of people in Northern Ireland, who by the way totally get along fine with each other, both sides of the 'divide' are basically totally integrated now (there are of course the idiots, like the owner of victims.org.uk, who is inarguably the biggest idiot in Northern Ireland today). The idea that there is a winner or loser isn't part of what anybody thinks about.

And if you think that the idea Sinn Fein made concessions in order to facilitate some form of peace and togetherness makes them losers, again that says more about you're own mentality. And if you think Sinn Fein made concessions without a tactical plan as to how to go from there to achieve their ultimate goal, a united Ireland, well, you're welcome to that naivety, but keep your head in the sand if you want to hold on to it. The inevitable is inevitable.

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Also, Britain let go of their other colonies because when the settlers from Britain got to those countries, they accepted their new identity as being part of and from where they now reside.

The settlers sent to Ireland do not consider themselves Irish, despite the fact that any time they go anywhere outside of their home town, everyone calls them Irish anyway, because you know, they are Irish.

The British settlers in Ireland set to install themselves as preferred citizens, with special privileges over the natives, this is why tension was constant and integration didn't happen.

Britain can't give Ireland back because the stylers still want to be British, but they're dwindling in numbers, not just because of birth and death rates, but because no right thinking non-bitter human being could vote for their politicians.

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This is for all the Brits calling Irish Freedom Fighters cowardy scum, and this is only a top 10 of British crimes against humanity. The whole list of British cowardly acts would probably take 10 full pages here


So your point, and the point of the IRA apologists in this thread, is basically that the atrocities of the past should be used to justify continuing hatred and atrocities in the present and in the future, and that murdering innocent women and children in the name of the "Cause" is a noble pursuit and to be admired as long as you agree with the "Cause"....

Humans are the only animals to use hypocrisy to justify their inhumanity.

Drogheda. Thousands of Irish orphans sent as slaves to the West indies as slaves.... Atrocity after atrocity... Cultural and ethnic genocide... Those are the realities of Britain's presence in Ireland....

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Cowardly scum, bravest thing they ever did was walk up behind off duty officers and put one in the back of their heads when they wernt looking. Send him back now!

If so, no more cowardly than the Shankill butchers or the Paras in Derry.

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Cowardly scum, bravest thing they ever did was walk up behind off duty officers and put one in the back of their heads when they wernt looking. Send him back now!

No more cowardly or reprehensible than what the British have done in Ireland and elsewhere over several centuries.

Edited by runningfree73
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Why does Thailand open its doors to these types of people?

I'm sure with his attitude and mouth, he will get noticed very soon in BKK and someone will rat him in.

To them he is just one of twenty odd million tourists arriving.

And once he catches his taxi on front of swampy he could be anywhere.

It is about time a flag could be put on a passport which pops up on any immigration computer world-wide.

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Not personally touched by a death then? From either side - they were as bad as each other.

Convince me that the women and children that died were worth it. Seriously - convince me.

Well to be fair,

Protestant England conquered Catholic Ireland, forced the Catholic indignants off their land and brought in Protestant settlers.

One could argue the occupying settlers needed removing along with the occupying troops.

If the Protestant women and children refused to leave voluntarily, then they would probably be considered fair game to the resistance.

Nobody was forcing them to live there.

After all Rome played the same game a bit earlier in England, and the English tribes slaughtered all the Roman settlers.

Britain happily gave independence to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland (a little bit), et al, without a big fight, so why not Ireland?

Fair point, the Angles and Saxons probably killed their fair share of Celtic women and children too - but all of those events were hundreds then thousands of years ago; I like to think we're a bit more civilised now.

And as to why Britain clung on so stubbornly to Northern Ireland, I have no idea - Not certain about Canada, but no real fight for Australia partly because it was colonised by people from the mother country and New Zealand is a bit different in that they had a treaty with the Maori so never had as much control as in other colonies (although many would argue that fact, and put up very good arguments about it - I only know from the English history I studied not Australasian). Advocates of both sides will have very strong opinions on why it was so important to keep NI in the fold, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it didn't come down to 'we'll show them who's boss', as it can't possibly have been for defence, trade or any other logical reason that I can see.

Possibly because the majority of people in the province wanted to remain in the UK, and said so every time they were asked?

The majority of Ireland's wishes weren't taken into account when the British unilaterally partitioned the country after independence was won.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Shouldn't be too difficult for the RTP to track down an IRA suspect in an orange mankini........ he's bound to gravitate towards Patttaya/Phuket etc

If he was an IRA splinter group member, it would be highly unlikely, IMHO, that he would be wearing an orange anything let alone a mankini................wink.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You'd think Police (worldwide) would have learned by now ... if you put an arrest warrant out on someone, first automatically put a "stop" or "hold/cancel" out on their passport before announcing anything ... can't be that hard to do.

Sounds to easy but no doubt some smart lawyer would claim that to do so would be a violation of his human rights. With any luck, he'll be caught soon and returned to face justice.


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Cowardly scum, bravest thing they ever did was walk up behind off duty officers and put one in the back of their heads when they wernt looking. Send him back now!

No more cowardly or reprehensible than what the British have done in Ireland and elsewhere over several centuries.

What's that got to do with this?. If this guy is a danger to the public, no matter where you come from or what foot you kick with if you are a decent person you should be more concerned about getting him off the streets than throwing up the past

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You'd think Police (worldwide) would have learned by now ... if you put an arrest warrant out on someone, first automatically put a "stop" or "hold/cancel" out on their passport before announcing anything ... can't be that hard to do.

It not supposed to work like that, restricting of movement or denial of liberty to an individual is not to be done via absentia or by a third hand.

I kind of get where you are coming from, but there's an arrest warrant out on the guy which will mean when apprehended he is immediately incarcerated. We're not arguing whether that's right or wrong, that's what will happen, so how is it a stretch to cancel a passport to prevent someone from absconding in the first place when they are going to be immediately incarcerated anyway?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You'd think Police (worldwide) would have learned by now ... if you put an arrest warrant out on someone, first automatically put a "stop" or "hold/cancel" out on their passport before announcing anything ... can't be that hard to do.

Sounds to easy but no doubt some smart lawyer would claim that to do so would be a violation of his human rights. With any luck, he'll be caught soon and returned to face justice.


see my post #147 (above)

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You'd think Police (worldwide) would have learned by now ... if you put an arrest warrant out on someone, first automatically put a "stop" or "hold/cancel" out on their passport before announcing anything ... can't be that hard to do.

It not supposed to work like that, restricting of movement or denial of liberty to an individual is not to be done via absentia or by a third hand.

I kind of get where you are coming from, but there's an arrest warrant out on the guy which will mean when apprehended he is immediately incarcerated. We're not arguing whether that's right or wrong, that's what will happen, so how is it a stretch to cancel a passport to prevent someone from absconding in the first place when they are going to be immediately incarcerated anyway?

Because its a warrant for arrest which is a very well defined scope both in use and legislation. The court has the authority to issue the authority to detain, it doesn't have the authority over the rest of the government to instruct arbitrary instructions. It can try but it shouldn't.

It may seem obtuse but sprawling power in the judiciary is best avoided.

However the main issue is that a warrant of arrest may not be able to specify a name, full name as in passport, passport numbers, countries of issue, recent photograph, and in most cases wont be able to answer the passport questions unless the police were lucky enough to recently sighted and recorded them. So how does the court instruct the airline or airport on who to stop, based on, Name, DOB, Passport Number, or just a partial match its a bit loose don't you think?

I could go on, but i'm hungover, yeah i know its midweek.

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