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Thai editorial: Find the root causes of 'lone-wolf attacks'

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Who are the suicide bombers?

Those who cannot afford Predator Drones, Reapers and Kill lists. You know. The 'humanitarian' methods of slaughter beloved by atheists.

Who flys aeroplanes into tall buildings?

Saudi Arabians. How's that invasion of Saudi Arabia going? How many public beheadings were there this month? Aren't you pleased one of the worst fundamentalist extremist nations is our friend?

Who mows down little school kids?

The list is long. Israelis, Americans, Brits, French, Congolese, Ukrainians, Libyans, ISIS (the same rent-a-terrorists, with a new brand name)... every death of the innocent is a tragedy but don't be so easily seduced by what you see on TV. This is small beer. Sanctions in Iraq killed 500,000 children and it was 'worth it'. Gotta love those atheists and their weapons of mass destruction.

You were saying about getting a grip?

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An inflammatory, off-topic post has been removed. This thread is about the root causes of 'lone wolf' attacks. Please stay on topic. Needless anti-Islam comments are not welcomed.

You are welcome to your opinion, however, it must be about the topic and please use a modicum of decorum in your choice of words.


Who are the suicide bombers?

Those who cannot afford Predator Drones, Reapers and Kill lists. You know. The 'humanitarian' methods of slaughter beloved by atheists.

Who flys aeroplanes into tall buildings?

Saudi Arabians. How's that invasion of Saudi Arabia going? How many public beheadings were there this month? Aren't you pleased one of the worst fundamentalist extremist nations is our friend?

Who mows down little school kids?

The list is long. Israelis, Americans, Brits, French, Congolese, Ukrainians, Libyans, ISIS (the same rent-a-terrorists, with a new brand name)... every death of the innocent is a tragedy but don't be so easily seduced by what you see on TV. This is small beer. Sanctions in Iraq killed 500,000 children and it was 'worth it'. Gotta love those atheists and their weapons of mass destruction.

You were saying about getting a grip?

Usual apologist crap!

'Predator Drones, Reapers and Kill lists' don't deliberately target innocent civilians, Jihadists do.

The only area I'd agree is that the west's connections with Saudi are a disgrace.

Your list of countries who 'mow down little kids' is plainly ridiculous.

Not saying these countries haven't mistakenly killed children in the past but has there been mass targeting of hundreds of children as we see with IS or the Taliban?

The Iraqi leadership themselves were responsible for sanctions imposed on their country. As for the number of children who died because of the effects of sanctions; that's still up for debate but really, who continues to have children when the means of supporting them are no longer in place?

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Not saying these countries haven't mistakenly killed children in the past but has there been mass targeting of hundreds of children as we see with IS or the Taliban?

'UNICEF: Israel deliberately killed 264 Palestinian children in Gaza'


I'm saying that those people (muslims who live peacefully) are not true muslims.

Our criminal rulers don't give a monkey's what flavour of religion any of us are partial to. They want our money, our land, our souls and our obedience. Religion can be used for good or ill. It is a tool. Divisions between and within religions can be exploited, using 'divide and rule'. It's the same BS we have had for thousands of years. Money and power. They want it all and they are going to get it.

That is why I say Islam is a bag of excrement

Unless it's an asset like in Bosnia, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Chechnya. Have I missed any? Your view is understandable considering the deluge of 'atrocity porn' we are subjected to every time a country, leader or 'ism' is targeted. Some of it may be genuine but personally I think most of it is not. It's Pavlovian Programming 101. Research the Tavistok Institute. Responses like yours are predictable. I don't watch TV any more, to inoculate my mind from the torrent of toxic garbage masquerading as 'news' and 'entertainment'.

Only a cold heartless person would care more about a stupid cult that seeks world domination by violence against others than about about protecting human lives from violence.

Ah, yes. Saving people by bombing them. I don't care much about any of it. You can't stay sane if you allow someone else to keep yanking your emotional chain. Think about it. Are you sure you know which 'cult' is seeking world domination? The Caliphate nonsense is farcical.

Switch off the TV. You'll sleep better.


Too many journalists do not the difference between " Lone Wolf Attacks " and individuals working alone for a common goal.

It has already been highlighted that individuals / Groups from different Continents to be using the same MO is extremely rare.

In all cases there is one common denominator.

To be successful, many MO's and strategies must be employed.

These differing MO and strategies can be seen, almost daily, around the world.


The root cause is a book that claims to be the word of God and instructs all followers to commit attrocities against non-believers.

Don't blame the book, blame the interpretation of the book by some politically motivated manipulators.

Any plausible explanation as to why said book seems to get routinely misinterpreted with tragic consequences? Wouldn't have anything to do with large chunks of actual content of said book amounting to what is nowadays known as hate speech? Wouldn't have nothing to do with said book practically lending itself for such forms of misguided interpretation?

If, indeed, the issue is not the book, but faulty interpretations and manipulative use by "some" - how can this be addressed?

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This is among the most ignorant and insensible products I have ever seen pass as editorial, commentary, fact, story telling, or even fiction; this is utter rubbish. Is it actually possible in 2014 that the author does not find the common thread throughout these stories; even exempting the token black gunman story, the author really expects his readers do not know the common theme or will join him in ignoring the common theme-Islam?

The notion that there is some mysterious mechanism that transcends borders, could motivate an isolated individual to more or less act out the same horror and manner of conduct, and not include in debate the Koran which is by and large near 70% hate speech is mind numbing. Really? You need to find the root of the problem. Dissemblers like this are also the same ilk that make every monster a victim and every aggrieved party complicit. People like this author turn clear water into mud.


There are many sites that suggest where the Hate comes from.

Oddly, this one site has a peculiar take; it is thought provoking but only that: http://www.utne.com/mind-and-body/comparing-bible-koran-word-by-word.aspx A simple computer matrix may seem to spit out thought provoking results but it is only programed and context is absent.

In 2014/15 if a human being, especially one who gets paid to have the pulse of the populace, does not know the common glue that binds lone wolf animals then there is dishonesty involved. If it also hardly possible to any longer continue the fantasy that these lone wolfs or jihadis represent "extremists;" that absurdity never had a chance with historians who know they are not extremist. And now, with time passing, everyone else will also realize what you call extreme is mainstream and what you call moderate is by Islam's reckoning, extreme.

The reasons for putting Islam in the frame are overwhelming. Here is what a Danish psychologist had to,say on the subject


What is of greater interest is why the current progressive liberal mind seems unable to see the elephant in the room. Is it because the implications of the realization is that frightening, or are they even more terrified of going off reservation and being ostracized by fellow liberals?

Whatever the reason it seems that the social engineering our elites subject us to from school age onwards is starting to unravel. In Germany 17,500 protested in Dresden. Perhaps it is significant that the former East Germans seem the quickest to protest in large numbers. Perhaps their former experience with communism gives them an instinct as to when news is being managed for ideological ends.

The article seems to exist in a bizarre Truman show style managed reality, written by and for the liberal mindset and not willing or able to look outside. The fact is about one percent of the population are of a psychopathic nature. Give these a Sorbonne style academy for their sociopathy and the implications are frightening.

Surprised that anyone going on about antisemitism would quote an article by Sennels.

More than echoes of different times.


I see the Islam-bashers are out in force again, ignoring the planks in their own eyes. The religion is so bad we armed, trained and used it in Afghanistan and for other 'regime change' collaborations, growing the terrorist problem. So bad, that ace head-choppers, Saudi Arabia, is our best friend. So bad we have allowed an influx of millions of Muslims into western nations. And so bad, Islam is now the fastest growing religion, despite the best efforts of satan's little helpers to destroy it. Yep, folks. Religion is so bad that when Russia cast off the yoke of communism, its people couldn't get to the Churches fast enough and are now bound together by it. Perhaps there's a clue there as to why our masters seek to destroy all religions. It's the only force that can unite a country. You aren't allowed to worship God, only Beyonce's Baphomet backside. Having infiltrated and neutered larger opposition groups, the 'lone-wolf' meme seeks to demonize individuals who might threaten them and the rest of society is now being programmed to snitch on each other. There's nothing new under the sun.

"Perhaps there's a clue there as to why our masters seek to destroy all religions. It's the only force that can unite a country."

In the context of present day events, religion been more associated with breaking countries apart. If anything, religions usually tend to see themselves as transcending national borders.


Another piece of rambling BS from the Nation editorial staff. All in the western countries ignoring the horrific incident in Pakistan or those conducted in the south of Thailand. The writer identifies a problem but offers no solution.

I totally agree. Banged off in 30 minutes. Really, a 16-year-old could have written it.


This is among the most ignorant and insensible products I have ever seen pass as editorial, commentary, fact, story telling, or even fiction; this is utter rubbish. Is it actually possible in 2014 that the author does not find the common thread throughout these stories; even exempting the token black gunman story, the author really expects his readers do not know the common theme or will join him in ignoring the common theme-Islam?

The notion that there is some mysterious mechanism that transcends borders, could motivate an isolated individual to more or less act out the same horror and manner of conduct, and not include in debate the Koran which is by and large near 70% hate speech is mind numbing. Really? You need to find the root of the problem. Dissemblers like this are also the same ilk that make every monster a victim and every aggrieved party complicit. People like this author turn clear water into mud.


There are many sites that suggest where the Hate comes from.

Oddly, this one site has a peculiar take; it is thought provoking but only that: http://www.utne.com/mind-and-body/comparing-bible-koran-word-by-word.aspx A simple computer matrix may seem to spit out thought provoking results but it is only programed and context is absent.

In 2014/15 if a human being, especially one who gets paid to have the pulse of the populace, does not know the common glue that binds lone wolf animals then there is dishonesty involved. If it also hardly possible to any longer continue the fantasy that these lone wolfs or jihadis represent "extremists;" that absurdity never had a chance with historians who know they are not extremist. And now, with time passing, everyone else will also realize what you call extreme is mainstream and what you call moderate is by Islam's reckoning, extreme.

The reasons for putting Islam in the frame are overwhelming. Here is what a Danish psychologist had to,say on the subject


What is of greater interest is why the current progressive liberal mind seems unable to see the elephant in the room. Is it because the implications of the realization is that frightening, or are they even more terrified of going off reservation and being ostracized by fellow liberals?

Whatever the reason it seems that the social engineering our elites subject us to from school age onwards is starting to unravel. In Germany 17,500 protested in Dresden. Perhaps it is significant that the former East Germans seem the quickest to protest in large numbers. Perhaps their former experience with communism gives them an instinct as to when news is being managed for ideological ends.

The article seems to exist in a bizarre Truman show style managed reality, written by and for the liberal mindset and not willing or able to look outside. The fact is about one percent of the population are of a psychopathic nature. Give these a Sorbonne style academy for their sociopathy and the implications are frightening.

Surprised that anyone going on about antisemitism would quote an article by Sennels.

More than echoes of different times.

I don't think I need to educate you on the rise of antiSemitism in Europe, and where it is principally coming from. If there is a tendency for generals to fight the previous war I would suggest that the specter of German nationalism in the 30's might indeed have disarmed many against immigrants with the mindset of colonizers with no intention of integrating. I don't suppose there were many Jewish lone wolfs in 30's Europe, though a few may have had Wolf in their surnames.
  • Like 2

This is among the most ignorant and insensible products I have ever seen pass as editorial, commentary, fact, story telling, or even fiction; this is utter rubbish. Is it actually possible in 2014 that the author does not find the common thread throughout these stories; even exempting the token black gunman story, the author really expects his readers do not know the common theme or will join him in ignoring the common theme-Islam?

The notion that there is some mysterious mechanism that transcends borders, could motivate an isolated individual to more or less act out the same horror and manner of conduct, and not include in debate the Koran which is by and large near 70% hate speech is mind numbing. Really? You need to find the root of the problem. Dissemblers like this are also the same ilk that make every monster a victim and every aggrieved party complicit. People like this author turn clear water into mud.


There are many sites that suggest where the Hate comes from.

Oddly, this one site has a peculiar take; it is thought provoking but only that: http://www.utne.com/mind-and-body/comparing-bible-koran-word-by-word.aspx A simple computer matrix may seem to spit out thought provoking results but it is only programed and context is absent.

In 2014/15 if a human being, especially one who gets paid to have the pulse of the populace, does not know the common glue that binds lone wolf animals then there is dishonesty involved. If it also hardly possible to any longer continue the fantasy that these lone wolfs or jihadis represent "extremists;" that absurdity never had a chance with historians who know they are not extremist. And now, with time passing, everyone else will also realize what you call extreme is mainstream and what you call moderate is by Islam's reckoning, extreme.

The reasons for putting Islam in the frame are overwhelming. Here is what a Danish psychologist had to,say on the subject


What is of greater interest is why the current progressive liberal mind seems unable to see the elephant in the room. Is it because the implications of the realization is that frightening, or are they even more terrified of going off reservation and being ostracized by fellow liberals?

Whatever the reason it seems that the social engineering our elites subject us to from school age onwards is starting to unravel. In Germany 17,500 protested in Dresden. Perhaps it is significant that the former East Germans seem the quickest to protest in large numbers. Perhaps their former experience with communism gives them an instinct as to when news is being managed for ideological ends.

The article seems to exist in a bizarre Truman show style managed reality, written by and for the liberal mindset and not willing or able to look outside. The fact is about one percent of the population are of a psychopathic nature. Give these a Sorbonne style academy for their sociopathy and the implications are frightening.

Surprised that anyone going on about antisemitism would quote an article by Sennels.

More than echoes of different times.

I don't think I need to educate you on the rise of antiSemitism in Europe, and where it is principally coming from. If there is a tendency for generals to fight the previous war I would suggest that the specter of German nationalism in the 30's might indeed have disarmed many against immigrants with the mindset of colonizers with no intention of integrating. I don't suppose there were many Jewish lone wolfs in 30's Europe, though a few may have had Wolf in their surnames.

All of which does not remove the chilling familiarity of Sennels' views. There are enough arguments to support your views without resorting to this.


Let's say Islam would become the one and only world religion. Would that really stop religious insanity?

Of course not, one only needs to look at the middle east to see it is self evident that with no Christians or Jews to kill the start killing each other. Sect on sect; tribe on tribe, always has been and always will be.


satan's little helpers to destroy it.

Who are the suicide bombers? Who flys aeroplanes into tall buildings? Who mows down little school kids?

Get a grip...wink.png

I think you missed the point of his post, as indicated by the focus of what you quoted. What I got from it is that the suicide bombers, plane crashers and children mowers are being nurtured, encouraged and tolerated, etc. and even those who do not nurture or tolerate do plenty of encouraging by their apathy; which we all know is a sign of weakness to bullies. He's describing the broken pipe and the idiot plumbers, who are creating more leaks and being allowed to do so, and you are talking about the water on the floor. His grip seems accurate enough to me, because his post hold together well.

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satan's little helpers to destroy it.

Who are the suicide bombers? Who flys aeroplanes into tall buildings? Who mows down little school kids?

Get a grip...wink.png

If we include "drones" and "cruise missiles" in the Aeroplane category, it would be mainly American citizens flying them into Arab buildings.

That has included mosques, schools and hospitals containing many women and children.


That's simple. Any kind of attack, be it verbal or physical is a direct result of feeling inferior. It happens out of fear. Fear of being less. People hate what they can't conquer.

Men have been abusing women for the longest time for the same reason. Feeling inferior, because without women men wouldn't even exist.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's caused by the marginalisation of men in western society.
No access to women, no work, no future, drives them crazy.

Actually I agree that this has some validity, but radical Islam gives some losers an excuse to strike at society.

Sure, but if radical Islam didn't exist, they would do it in the name of black power, aryan purity or some other nutty reason.

Not having access to sex or purpose, drives them down violent paths.

Interesting. Do you think one could get by with sex but no purpose? Empirical evidence from Bangkok suggests it's a real possibility.

Anyway, I do like the sexual angle and would suggest purposeful sex as a global panacea for extremism and wickedness. Wilhelm Reich rides again!

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