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Putting down a dog


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Can you get a dog put down in Bangkok for free? My dog is ill and needs put to sleep but I don't want my Thai neighbor to do it (he offered) as he will use a hammer he said. I am a bit short of cash but don't want the dog to suffer anymore.

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For some reason the thought of dispatching Muttley with a hammer sounds ghastly, but if you think about it, if done swiftly and powerfully, it is in fact as humane as any other method.

Maybe a local cop would do it for free or a can of beer with his side arm?

Sorry about your situation.

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we have had many threads with the same subject. no need to start offerring alternative methods and discuss pros and cons.

to the OP: check out other threads that might have addresses. i suspect that you might have to pay (in most countries no vet does this for free, they charge for the drugs and services and for body disposal/burial whatever.

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ill close the topic if people start discussing various methods. either answer the question or dont put in input on the subject. there are enough threads on althernative methods , some too gross or to inhumane to consider, others too difficult. therefore, is there a vet near this person's home that could do euthenasia.?

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Your short of cash, what all 200-500 Bhat or whatever it will cost? how can you even afford to care/feed a dog if your that short of cash?

not having a dig but really if your so broke you should never have got a dog if you cant look after one.

Take it to a vet it will not cost much.

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