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Thai price / Foreigner price


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This exist everywhere. When it happens to oneself, it hurts.

Very funny indeed, this Racism story!





If you Google, you will find more.

Edited by ravip
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The argument, 'their country their rules' becomes a little less solid when a foreigner is charged a higher price for medical care in a private hospital, a price which might exclude the foreigner from the treatment or deter the foreigner seeking early medical investigation/treatment.

I'm not sure that I see your point; could't you say the same about a Thai in the UK, having to pay for medical treatment when a local gets it free on the NHS?

The same would apply to that same Thai travelling to Oz, where the locals get free medical treatment on Medicare, whereas a Thai would have to pay upwards of $60 just to see a doctor, with no Medicare subsidy on (outrageously overpriced) pharmaceuticals.

If you are making the point that the cost of private treatment should be the same to all, then I agree with you there.

A Thai working legally in the UK would get free medical treatment

There is no distinction just because of skin colour

Neither is there a distinction here on skin colour. I'm Thai. I'm white. I get the local rate.

The distinction is on nationality. Similar distinctions exist elsewhere.

I don't agree that the essentials of life, food, health care, shelter and clothing, should be subject to double pricing but Thailand is not the only country that commits this sin ......

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As a foreigner who has been retired in Thailand since 2006, and has spent a lot of time there in the past going all the way back to 1984, I have to disagree strongly with the view of this individual. The price that the Thais are asking I am sure is very little compared to the service that is offered. Thais are NOT greedy, nor are they doing something that is what I would call bad. The extra money would most likely be used to maintain the zoo (in that case) simply because the local economy is not in a position to maintain it in a way that it should. Therefore, I would ask the writer to reconsider his/her position. Mahalo and Aloha to all.

"Thais are not greedy" ???????????????????????

Have you just been hired on to work for the TAT?

Woah! Brother! How are you ever gonna live that comment down?


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In some other (unnamed) expat friendly countries the retired foreigner pays the retirement discounted price. All prices are the same for foreigners and locals alike. BY LAW. Blatant discrimination in Thailand and some other SE Asia countries against older foreigners is a big stain on all the local people and the whole country that will be talked about for a long time. It benefits a few greedy locals but costs the whole country much more. Asian greed and stupidity has no boundaries. That is why I tip zip and never recommend Thailand to anyone. Some will call this Thai bashing but is the truth and nothing but the truth. bah.gif


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First of all it is not racist, as it is up to the nationality not the race.

Usually, they just look at you and determine the price. No passports or ID involved.

My Japanese, Korean, Filipino, and Cambodian friends always get the Thai price.

It's racist.

Edited by Fookhaht
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So if they charged the Thais as much as the non Thais would all you squeakers be happy?

I'm happy to pay 500 to get inthe zoo if it means a bunch of poor kids can get in free.

That said, work permit generally gets you in for the Thai price.

It would be nice if it worked that way.

Unfortunatly and most often, when you pay the "wrong price", the money goes straight into the "wrong hands".


Edited by bobthomas
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I do not mind paying my fair share for most of the reasons in favor given above. It took me aback a little bit to have to pony up for The Grand Palace, until I figured out how much 500Tb really isn't. Much cheaper than Disney Land, for instance.

I also heard that the lines for the rides are much shorter at the Grand Palace as well.

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Neither is there a distinction here on skin colour. I'm Thai. I'm white. I get the local rate.

The distinction is on nationality.


No it's not. It's based on whatever nationality the gatekeeper thinks you are.

I have seen Asian non-Thais get the Thai price without even having to show ID and I would bet if you didn't have your thai id with you, you would get charged the foreign price no matter how much explaining you do.

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Neither is there a distinction here on skin colour. I'm Thai. I'm white. I get the local rate.

The distinction is on nationality.


No it's not. It's based on whatever nationality the gatekeeper thinks you are.

I have seen Asian non-Thais get the Thai price without even having to show ID and I would bet if you didn't have your thai id with you, you would get charged the foreign price no matter how much explaining you do.

Absolutely. Which is why I always carry my Thai ID card. It's a legal requirement for me to do so anyway. All Thais have to carry their ID card.

Showing my Thai ID card always gets me the local price, with no exceptions. I sometimes get incredulous looks, occasionally people resent it, more often people find it amusing, but I always get the local price. As a Thai, it's my right, and nobody can deny that.

How much I pay is more of a nationality thing than a racist thing, I've found. I've always been white, and I always will be. Before I was a Thai, I paid the foreign rate, but now that I am a Thai I pay the Thai rate. My skin colour hasn't changed.

Edited by dbrenn
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From Korat zoo website :

Foreigners pay only 50 baht more than Thais. That is actually a good deal, have seen worse.

Entrance fees (Including a water park).

Children 20 baht

Adults 100 baht.

Students - police officers (in uniform) 50 baht.

Foreign adults 150 baht for children 70 baht

Seniors (60 and older), monks excluding entrance fees.

Edited by balo
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But Foreigner Children still are Foreigner, I don't understand your statement.

One price Foreigner, one lower price Thai, long time like this.

You could ask for a discount, maybe a Bob Down?

so a thai is more worth than a tourist or a foreigner lives in Thailand?

you buy a product if you eat in restaurant or if you go to a park or temple,

if Ais, True move and other would charge you more for your calls than t+for thais, or for your internet,

what would you say?

a thai billionaire pays 20 baht to go to a natioanl park and a tourist who save money for 3 years so he and his wife and 2 kids can travel to thailand

has to pay 800 baht

discount to locals is something else, because they want atract locals to come more often, and has nothing to do with thai or no thais

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I think in "most" of these places it's effectively a discounted Resident's Price and Non-Resident's Price. Pretty much the same as happens all over the planet.


do you think before writing?

this is no discount for US Americans, it is a discount for peopel living near,

but we talking about 5 or 10 times higher prices for non thais, this is a big different

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I think in "most" of these places it's effectively a discounted Resident's Price and Non-Resident's Price. Pretty much the same as happens all over the planet.


do you think before writing?

this is no discount for US Americans, it is a discount for peopel living near,

but we talking about 5 or 10 times higher prices for non thais, this is a big different

its a discount based on a political boundary! same thing.

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OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

where do you live?

thai are the biggest raciset in the whole world,

they think they a on the top of the world,

i dont know if you live in thailand but then you should open your eyes,

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I am okay with tourists paying more than citizens.

Cracks me up when guys that spend more on coffee than a lot of Thais earn squeak about having to pay a little more for something.

If you can't afford to travel stay home.

The adult price for a foreigner at Korat Zoo is 150 baht. This I can tell you is bloody good value, the Zoo is excellent and on top of that there is a fantastic swimming complex. I often spend a day there with my 7 year old daughter. If it's good value I do not worry about two tier pricing.

so you would liek to pay also a higher price for our electric, water, internet, telefon bill ????

a value of a product is set by market and not by your passport,

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It's not about race. And certainly has nothing to do with age. It's about tax dollars. Public facilities like the Korat Zoo are paid for with tax dollars. Thai tax dollars. If you're able to show a work permit or sometimes just a non-B, you can pay the Thai rate at those facilities. Usually. Every once in a while you get a ticket vendor that's not familiar with that policy...

so your oppinion is if thais travel to other country they have to pay 5 tiems more for trains, museums, zoos hospitals because its built by goverment tax??

any average tourists who stays in thailand pay more tax than 50% of thai in 1 year, they not pay income tax because income too low, an average tourist spent more money that 50% of Thais earn per anno,

so with your logic they should get all services for free

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As a foreigner who has been retired in Thailand since 2006, and has spent a lot of time there in the past going all the way back to 1984, I have to disagree strongly with the view of this individual. The price that the Thais are asking I am sure is very little compared to the service that is offered. Thais are NOT greedy, nor are they doing something that is what I would call bad. The extra money would most likely be used to maintain the zoo (in that case) simply because the local economy is not in a position to maintain it in a way that it should. Therefore, I would ask the writer to reconsider his/her position. Mahalo and Aloha to all.

What a load of nonsense for your first post. Hope they get better

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Am I making a point that Private Medical Treatment should be the same price for all.

Yes I am.

More specifically that the differential pricing of medical care in private hospitals in Thailand acts as a barrier to foreign residents of Thailand receiving the care they need.

Expats, specifically those willing to bend over and take whatever is thrust up them, seldom like to address this issue, but it is of vital importance to all expats that they have access to affordable health care.

Dual priced health care in Thailand is a disgraceful example of exactly how money grubbing Thai businesses can be when it comes to foreigners, whom they perceive as an endless supply of easy cash.

There is a dual pricing system for Thai hospitals but only Falungs down on their luck would want to go there. 50 people to a ward.

All the decent hospitals like Bangkok Nursing, Bangkok Hospital, Samitiwej etc. are the same price for Thais and Falungs but most Thais can't afford them and they don't accept the 30 Baht scheme. I left out Bumungrad because it mainly caters for medical tourists.

All these hospitals have discount schemes which are available to Falungs and Thais.

You are completely wrong there.

Bangkok Hospital has several rates depending on whether you are a foreigner on holiday , a foreigner living and working here or a Thai national.

I know from personal experience where a quote was reduced by nearly 40% after I produced my work permit.

A Thai friend called the hospital to ask for a quote for the same operation. 50 % cheaper than they quoted me.

Needless to say I dropped them and found another private hospital at a third of BGH price.

In BKK most of the doctors work for several hospitals and everything is subject to negotiation. If you have foreign medical insurance the price will be high and of course the surgeon will try to get the best price he can.

My main complaint with Thai hospitals would be that they pad the bill with unnecessary medication and services and follow up visits.

Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish. You have to go private or go on a two year waiting list for anything that isn't immediately life threatening and the service is mostly shoddy to say the least.

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Am I making a point that Private Medical Treatment should be the same price for all.

Yes I am.

More specifically that the differential pricing of medical care in private hospitals in Thailand acts as a barrier to foreign residents of Thailand receiving the care they need.

Expats, specifically those willing to bend over and take whatever is thrust up them, seldom like to address this issue, but it is of vital importance to all expats that they have access to affordable health care.

Dual priced health care in Thailand is a disgraceful example of exactly how money grubbing Thai businesses can be when it comes to foreigners, whom they perceive as an endless supply of easy cash.

There is a dual pricing system for Thai hospitals but only Falungs down on their luck would want to go there. 50 people to a ward.

All the decent hospitals like Bangkok Nursing, Bangkok Hospital, Samitiwej etc. are the same price for Thais and Falungs but most Thais can't afford them and they don't accept the 30 Baht scheme. I left out Bumungrad because it mainly caters for medical tourists.

All these hospitals have discount schemes which are available to Falungs and Thais.

You are completely wrong there.

Bangkok Hospital has several rates depending on whether you are a foreigner on holiday , a foreigner living and working here or a Thai national.

I know from personal experience where a quote was reduced by nearly 40% after I produced my work permit.

A Thai friend called the hospital to ask for a quote for the same operation. 50 % cheaper than they quoted me.

Needless to say I dropped them and found another private hospital at a third of BGH price.

In BKK most of the doctors work for several hospitals and everything is subject to negotiation. If you have foreign medical insurance the price will be high and of course the surgeon will try to get the best price he can.

My main complaint with Thai hospitals would be that they pad the bill with unnecessary medication and services and follow up visits.

Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish. You have to go private or go on a two year waiting list for anything that isn't immediately life threatening and the service is mostly shoddy to say the least.

what's the waiting time got to do with the cost?

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In BKK most of the doctors work for several hospitals and everything is subject to negotiation. If you have foreign medical insurance the price will be high and of course the surgeon will try to get the best price he can.

My main complaint with Thai hospitals would be that they pad the bill with unnecessary medication and services and follow up visits.

Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish. You have to go private or go on a two year waiting list for anything that isn't immediately life threatening and the service is mostly shoddy to say the least.

what's the waiting time got to do with the cost?

Well if you were in severe pain waiting for a knee or hip replacement for example most people who could afford it would go private and pay rather than waiting two years. Therefore it hasn't cost the NHS anything.

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In BKK most of the doctors work for several hospitals and everything is subject to negotiation. If you have foreign medical insurance the price will be high and of course the surgeon will try to get the best price he can.

My main complaint with Thai hospitals would be that they pad the bill with unnecessary medication and services and follow up visits.

Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish. You have to go private or go on a two year waiting list for anything that isn't immediately life threatening and the service is mostly shoddy to say the least.

what's the waiting time got to do with the cost?

Well if you were in severe pain waiting for a knee or hip replacement for example most people who could afford it would go private and pay rather than waiting two years. Therefore it hasn't cost the NHS anything.

none of that has anything to do with your statement: "Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish"

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Well if you were in severe pain waiting for a knee or hip replacement for example most people who could afford it would go private and pay rather than waiting two years. Therefore it hasn't cost the NHS anything.

none of that has anything to do with your statement: "Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish"

Dental care is not free. Opticians are not free anymore. Old people's care is mostly not free and if you want to die on a waiting list for an operation it's free.

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Well if you were in severe pain waiting for a knee or hip replacement for example most people who could afford it would go private and pay rather than waiting two years. Therefore it hasn't cost the NHS anything.

none of that has anything to do with your statement: "Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish"

Dental care is not free. Opticians are not free anymore. Old people's care is mostly not free and if you want to die on a waiting list for an operation it's free.

lol! those goalposts gettin pretty heavy for you son??

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It's not about race. And certainly has nothing to do with age. It's about tax dollars. Public facilities like the Korat Zoo are paid for with tax dollars. Thai tax dollars. If you're able to show a work permit or sometimes just a non-B, you can pay the Thai rate at those facilities. Usually. Every once in a while you get a ticket vendor that's not familiar with that policy...

so your oppinion is if thais travel to other country they have to pay 5 tiems more for trains, museums, zoos hospitals because its built by goverment tax??

any average tourists who stays in thailand pay more tax than 50% of thai in 1 year, they not pay income tax because income too low, an average tourist spent more money that 50% of Thais earn per anno,

so with your logic they should get all services for free

I dont know what TH you're living in, but I pay maybe an extra 5% in "foreigner tax", all thing considered. As do most of my friends. And I really don't care what Thais do abroad. I see the logic when it comes to nationally funded attractions. People back in the states pay more for out of state tuition. So I get it. Goodnight.

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Well if you were in severe pain waiting for a knee or hip replacement for example most people who could afford it would go private and pay rather than waiting two years. Therefore it hasn't cost the NHS anything.

none of that has anything to do with your statement: "Those that say the NHS in the UK is free are talking rubbish"

Dental care is not free. Opticians are not free anymore. Old people's care is mostly not free and if you want to die on a waiting list for an operation it's free.

lol! those goalposts gettin pretty heavy for you son??

Psychological counselling I believe is still free, not much of a waiting list either.

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OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

they wouldnt try it on with a rich thai family who turn up in a new Merc so it must be about racism and lack of respect for people of other races

They wouldn't try it with a foreigner and a work permit earning 200K per month either. I'm telling you people, it's about taxes. Same as the hospitals. Get citizenship, or get a work permit, or get over it.

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OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

It's in africa in every national parc the same foreigner pay more, but not in germany.

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OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

It's in africa in every national parc the same foreigner pay more, but not in germany.

@ Kenyan National Parks (sorry don't remember for the other african countries), there are 3 prices:

1. For Kenyans

2. For expats working and living in the country

3. For tourists

Daily fees for tourists are very high. However, tourists don't realize it since it's included in their packages.

As an expat, you tend to go there without travel agent's help. We used to drive to these parks. Therefore, we paid the daily rate @ the gate.

Back to Thailand, prices are, at first, based on the color of your skin. To me, it's racism.

Obviously if you're Thai (but don't look Thai) AND you can prove it, then you'll get the Thai price. Otherwise you're f..... !

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