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Koh Tao murder trial rescheduled

Lite Beer

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All this scrutinizing of photos is banter among us. It's not going to influence Thai cops at all. Indeed, they essentially quit their investigation as soon as the B2 were framed. Since that time, they haven't made any announcements about evidence, except the phone found at the Burmeses' shack, which has since been discredited. It's as thought RTP is hiding in a hole with its tail between its legs. So, any scrutiny of photos is just among us and other netizens. No one connected with the Headman will be designated or re-designated as suspects (regardless of what fate awaits the Burmese). The Headman and his cop friends have made sure of that.

If one or both the victims' families chose to open a case, then that's within legal parameters, but the chances of that are near zero, seeing how they haven't made indications of wanting to do that, thus far.

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I have to say that this guy could well be holding an item of clothing in his right hand, look at the posture of the hand and there is a darker shadow below. I know the photo has been superimposed but thats how it appears to me.

Click and enlarge the photo

Could not agree more !

The RTP have obviously got the full cctv for this where it would reveal this more as he's walking

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Here's a better shot, I cant see any resemblance to anyone

Look to the right of the woman's lower leg - is that another foot in a shoe there?

Possibly or tail end of a motorbike?

And the marks on his upper left arm? Is that just how stills come out a bit messy from CCTV or could it be a wound or blood?

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thailandchilli, on 12 Jan 2015 - 15:44, said:

I have to say that this guy could well be holding an item of clothing in his right hand, look at the posture of the hand and there is a darker shadow below. I know the photo has been superimposed but thats how it appears to me.

Click and enlarge the photo

There was never any actual confirmation that the image had been superimposed, it was merely shown in an article talking about the RTP using superimposition techniques. I'm still not sure what this particular image is supposed to convey. What is the arrow pointing at? It does look like he is carrying something in his right hand. Could it be his t-shirt or a towel? He also appears to be barefoot. What appears to be a mobile phone in the left hand looks somewhat odd to me (photoshopped in perhaps?).

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thailandchilli, on 12 Jan 2015 - 15:44, said:

I have to say that this guy could well be holding an item of clothing in his right hand, look at the posture of the hand and there is a darker shadow below. I know the photo has been superimposed but thats how it appears to me.

Click and enlarge the photo

There was never any actual confirmation that the image had been superimposed, it was merely shown in an article talking about the RTP using superimposition techniques. I'm still not sure what this particular image is supposed to convey. What is the arrow pointing at? It does look like he is carrying something in his right hand. Could it be his t-shirt or a towel? He also appears to be barefoot. What appears to be a mobile phone in the left hand looks somewhat odd to me (photoshopped in perhaps?).

Yes thats true, we really do not know and I have to say another poster some time ago also said on first seeing this photo that the phone was photo shopped in.

In his right hand I would say if anything then possibly a t shirt. The arrow pointing to his waist area, I took that as possibly pointing to the belt, if you remember the belt on the shorts in the crime scene had a crease that stuck out, but of course thats just a guess.

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Been away from this thread for a long time, but whatever happened to the foot prints found at the crime scene in the beginning of this "investigation"?

Archived because they didn't fit the scapegoat setup??


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attachicon.gifbig man.jpg

Here's a better shot, I cant see any resemblance to anyone

Looking closer, the way his fingers are in his right hand it looks like he could be holding a mobile phone with the tips of his fingers and thumbs.

Clearer after adding auto contrast to it -attachicon.gifbig man phone in auto contrast.jpg

cigarettes and a lighter....?

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catsanddogs, on 12 Jan 2015 - 16:25, said:
thailandchilli, on 12 Jan 2015 - 15:36, said:

Here's a better shot, I cant see any resemblance to anyone

Looking closer, the way his fingers are in his right hand it looks like he could be holding a mobile phone with the tips of his fingers and thumbs.

To me, it looks like he's holding a packet of cigarettes in his right hand.

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thailandchilli, on 12 Jan 2015 - 15:44, said:

I have to say that this guy could well be holding an item of clothing in his right hand, look at the posture of the hand and there is a darker shadow below. I know the photo has been superimposed but thats how it appears to me.

Click and enlarge the photo

There was never any actual confirmation that the image had been superimposed, it was merely shown in an article talking about the RTP using superimposition techniques. I'm still not sure what this particular image is supposed to convey. What is the arrow pointing at? It does look like he is carrying something in his right hand. Could it be his t-shirt or a towel? He also appears to be barefoot. What appears to be a mobile phone in the left hand looks somewhat odd to me (photoshopped in perhaps?).

Yes he is barefoot also, and it does not look like the original running man, seems to be a completely different posture in his walk

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catsanddogs, on 12 Jan 2015 - 16:25, said:
thailandchilli, on 12 Jan 2015 - 15:36, said:

Here's a better shot, I cant see any resemblance to anyone

Looking closer, the way his fingers are in his right hand it looks like he could be holding a mobile phone with the tips of his fingers and thumbs.

To me, it looks like he's holding a packet of cigarettes in his right hand.

I see what you mean, though it could be the light bouncing off the top of whatever it is. Time of still is 5.46am - 15 mins approx before the victims were found on the beach.

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catsanddogs, on 12 Jan 2015 - 14:33, said:

That looks like the guy in Hong Kong who murdered two girls in his apartment. BTW my cousin lives in the same apartment block w00t.gif

I agree, he does look like the Hong Kong guy who had a fetish for Asian girls.

He and the girl would be capable of handling David and Hannah on their own. But...wrong DNA.

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Actually a reasonable person doesn't use his own ignorance as a basis for a conclusion, you only can consider one option completely ignoring the other: that the CCTV footage is immaterial to the crime. You don't know either way.

For example (and I am not actually making the allegation): I don't know whether you are working for the defense team and being paid for posting in ThaiVisa or not, but I'm just going to assume that as true and act accordingly because it is self reassuring and it would reinforce some of my preconceived notions. Would you take that as a reasonable attitude?

Interesting that you should now be using the word reasonable to try to discredit people.

There is one thing that for sure does not stand the test of reasonableness in my eyes, and that is why yourself and some other posters who share your views would spend hours and hours and hours reading all these posts, posting comments, responding to posts, researching previous posts, researching news articles, monitoring threads, stepping in if you dislike the direction a thread is headed etc. etc.... it is an awful lot of work that you have dedicated to these threads when the bottom line is you are doing this based on nothing more than a hunch. A gut feeling that the RTP have got it right this time. Because you don't have any more evidence at your fingertips than the rest of us do, correct?

The fact that historically the RTP have not got a great track record of always getting the right guys does not seem to affect this hunch of yours. Did you think they had got the right guys during the Sherry Ann Duncan investigation a few years back:


And incidents such as the recent case of Jaysukh Sudra, a former supermarket executive for Tesco's, Asda and Co-Op in the UK who it appears was treated terribly and unjustly by Thai Police apparently have no bearing on your belief that they got it right this time. (There are several online news reports that give the official party line to this story, but AD has done some additional investigation so I suggest those who are interested take a look on his site. It is quite shocking if true.)

And of course we should take track record into account, because for sure if the 2 Burmese lads had a track record of committing violent crimes, that would be taken into account, so why should the track record of their accusers be ignored, particularly when their conduct in this investigation has some serious question marks hanging over it.

I think a reasonable and prudent man would have no choice but to feel there is reasonable doubt surrounding the RTP's case.

For every action anyone takes there has to be motivation. I can understand those who spend their time on these forums being motivated to do so because they see an injustice occurring, and believe it worthwhile to take the time to voice their concerns that 2 young men are possibly about to lose their lives because of this injustice. What I cannot understand is what motivates you to go to the lengths you are going to when really, a one-liner back when these threads started would suffice - something along the lines of; "For what it's worth, I think the RTP have got the right guys this time".

So what could be your motivation for posting so fervently when the RTP investigation is taking exactly the course that you want it to take? Why not put your feet up and relax? I for one would be very interested to hear a reply that wasn't simply reconfirming your gut feel, because if whatever it is that motivates you could also motivate me in the same way it would save me a lot of time reading and posting on these threads.

What motivates me is that when I see people spouting BS I don't stay quiet, as you'd like me to.

I find it ironic and hypocritical that the same people that think they are fighting a conspiracy to hide the truth are the same that have repeatedly attempted to silence and ignore anyone that doesn't buy their "truth"


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catsanddogs, on 12 Jan 2015 - 14:33, said:

@catsanddogs - the picture you posted is of Rurik Jutting, the guy who murdered two Indonesian girls in his apartment in Hong Kong back in November. He does resemble the guy in the CCTV footage - similar build, facial features and eyeglasses. Also, Jutting is known to have liked travelling in S.E. Asia. Didn't one report say the guy in the CCTV footage was a Chinese tourist? - hmmmm. Well, Jutting is a Brit with a Scandinavian name living in Hong Kong. I can't find any reports which say he was in Thailand in September though.

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I agree, he does look like the Hong Kong guy who had a fetish for Asian girls.

He and the girl would be capable of handling David and Hannah on their own. But...wrong DNA.

...wrong DNA

What do we know, for sure, about the DNA?

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I lump the Gang of 4 posters with the RTP. They spout the same stuff. The Gang of 4 are spouting opinions, same as the rest of us. The Headman needs Thai officials to back him. It's quite possible he's paying for that backing - and it's quite common for VIP's in Thailand to pay for such backing. It could also be possible that there's a gold pot at the end of the rainbow. In other words, if the B2 are found guilty, then that would make it impossible to implicate any of the Headman's people or anyone else. An added payment would be in order. Remember 'pastrygate'? ....where friends of Thaksin were going to bribe a judge to get a favorable call on an important case? Not unusual, here in L.O.S.

Already, the Headman's people have been dropped as prime suspects. That was enacted the minute the replacement head cop was instated. However, if the B2 are acquitted, there is a 1% chance the Headman's people might again be designated suspects, however, there's more chance of Yingluck getting a sex change and hiring out as Ronald McDonald.

"Already, the Headman's people have been dropped as prime suspects. That was enacted the minute the replacement head cop was instated."

You can keep repeating that as much as you like, it doesn't become true, the police was already zeroing in on the Burmese men before Panya's promotion,

According to the Bangkok Post "Myanmar man 'admits to killings'" article on September 30 (before Panya's promotion) they were already focusing on one of the Burmese men caught on CCTV buying cigarettes, before that they were also on the look for a group of three Burmese men that were seeing playing the guitar near the site of the crime.

Your obsession in life, Nomsod, was cleared by the police on the 25th of September, seven days before Panya was replaced:

25 September 2014, Last update at 15:15:00 GMT

Bangkok Suspect Cleared of Connection To Britons' Murder

Furthermore Panya's promotion was scheduled well before the murders took place (and he wasn't the only one getting one at the time):

Gen Patchara's appointment is one of a slew of changes taking place at top provincial and regional levels at midnight tonight (September 30).

Lt Gen Panya Mamen, Commissioner of Police Region 8, is promoted to Assistant Commissioner General of the Royal Thai Police in Bangkok.

He is replaced by Maj Gen Decha Budnampeth, Deputy Commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau, and a former provincial police cheif in Phuket. (2006-2008)

But again, why let facts get on the way of a good conspiracy?

The police had already zeroed in on the Burmese. Thank you AleG you have proved what we have suspected since the start of the murder.

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I lump the Gang of 4 posters with the RTP. They spout the same stuff. The Gang of 4 are spouting opinions, same as the rest of us. The Headman needs Thai officials to back him. It's quite possible he's paying for that backing - and it's quite common for VIP's in Thailand to pay for such backing. It could also be possible that there's a gold pot at the end of the rainbow. In other words, if the B2 are found guilty, then that would make it impossible to implicate any of the Headman's people or anyone else. An added payment would be in order. Remember 'pastrygate'? ....where friends of Thaksin were going to bribe a judge to get a favorable call on an important case? Not unusual, here in L.O.S.

Already, the Headman's people have been dropped as prime suspects. That was enacted the minute the replacement head cop was instated. However, if the B2 are acquitted, there is a 1% chance the Headman's people might again be designated suspects, however, there's more chance of Yingluck getting a sex change and hiring out as Ronald McDonald.

"Already, the Headman's people have been dropped as prime suspects. That was enacted the minute the replacement head cop was instated."

You can keep repeating that as much as you like, it doesn't become true, the police was already zeroing in on the Burmese men before Panya's promotion,

According to the Bangkok Post "Myanmar man 'admits to killings'" article on September 30 (before Panya's promotion) they were already focusing on one of the Burmese men caught on CCTV buying cigarettes, before that they were also on the look for a group of three Burmese men that were seeing playing the guitar near the site of the crime.

Your obsession in life, Nomsod, was cleared by the police on the 25th of September, seven days before Panya was replaced:

25 September 2014, Last update at 15:15:00 GMT

Bangkok Suspect Cleared of Connection To Britons' Murder

Furthermore Panya's promotion was scheduled well before the murders took place (and he wasn't the only one getting one at the time):

Gen Patchara's appointment is one of a slew of changes taking place at top provincial and regional levels at midnight tonight (September 30).

Lt Gen Panya Mamen, Commissioner of Police Region 8, is promoted to Assistant Commissioner General of the Royal Thai Police in Bangkok.

He is replaced by Maj Gen Decha Budnampeth, Deputy Commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau, and a former provincial police cheif in Phuket. (2006-2008)

But again, why let facts get on the way of a good conspiracy?

The police had already zeroed in on the Burmese. Thank you AleG you have proved what we have suspected since the start of the murder.

I know you are trying really hard to play gotcha, but your inane comebacks are just that, inane.

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I lump the Gang of 4 posters with the RTP. They spout the same stuff. The Gang of 4 are spouting opinions, same as the rest of us. The Headman needs Thai officials to back him. It's quite possible he's paying for that backing - and it's quite common for VIP's in Thailand to pay for such backing. It could also be possible that there's a gold pot at the end of the rainbow. In other words, if the B2 are found guilty, then that would make it impossible to implicate any of the Headman's people or anyone else. An added payment would be in order. Remember 'pastrygate'? ....where friends of Thaksin were going to bribe a judge to get a favorable call on an important case? Not unusual, here in L.O.S.

Already, the Headman's people have been dropped as prime suspects. That was enacted the minute the replacement head cop was instated. However, if the B2 are acquitted, there is a 1% chance the Headman's people might again be designated suspects, however, there's more chance of Yingluck getting a sex change and hiring out as Ronald McDonald.

"Already, the Headman's people have been dropped as prime suspects. That was enacted the minute the replacement head cop was instated."

You can keep repeating that as much as you like, it doesn't become true, the police was already zeroing in on the Burmese men before Panya's promotion,

According to the Bangkok Post "Myanmar man 'admits to killings'" article on September 30 (before Panya's promotion) they were already focusing on one of the Burmese men caught on CCTV buying cigarettes, before that they were also on the look for a group of three Burmese men that were seeing playing the guitar near the site of the crime.

Your obsession in life, Nomsod, was cleared by the police on the 25th of September, seven days before Panya was replaced:

25 September 2014, Last update at 15:15:00 GMT

Bangkok Suspect Cleared of Connection To Britons' Murder

Furthermore Panya's promotion was scheduled well before the murders took place (and he wasn't the only one getting one at the time):

Gen Patchara's appointment is one of a slew of changes taking place at top provincial and regional levels at midnight tonight (September 30).

Lt Gen Panya Mamen, Commissioner of Police Region 8, is promoted to Assistant Commissioner General of the Royal Thai Police in Bangkok.

He is replaced by Maj Gen Decha Budnampeth, Deputy Commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau, and a former provincial police cheif in Phuket. (2006-2008)

But again, why let facts get on the way of a good conspiracy?

The police had already zeroed in on the Burmese. Thank you AleG you have proved what we have suspected since the start of the murder.

I know you are trying really hard to play gotcha, but your inane comebacks are just that, inane.

No I just reply to your posts. If you want inane, give us a slogan for a t-shirt.

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Oct 7th


POLICE in Thailand reveal how they caught two men accused of murdering UK backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller on the holiday island ofKoh Tao.

National police chief Somyot Pumpanmuang said suspect Zaw Rim, 21, took Miller’s mobile phone from his dead body.

He wanted to use the phone for his own use but when he discovered the device could not be used in Thailand, he smashed and discarded it in his home, the xxx newspaper reported.

Police Colonel Prachum Ruangthong, superintendent of the Koh Phangan police station, said the device, a black iPhone 4, was taken from the shorts pocket of Miller, 24.

'Took the phone from his dead body'? But David was naked when found.

I thought RTP said Win gave the phone to his room mates and that they smashed the phone?

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So the police DID so fingerprinting. How come they have not made public Saw and Win's fingerprints were found on the hoe?

Meanwhile forensic police from Bangkok joined local forensic police in Surat Thani to collect DNA samples from more than 20 Myanmar workers both male and female, rounded up from the vicinity of the crime scene. Their finger prints were also taken.

20 Sept - not sure if am allowed to name source so haven't.

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