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Driver's License Procedures Chiang Mai


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BTW, did you look at the expiration date? It should show 6 years minus 3+weeks.

Yup, that's right -- six years minus the three weeks or so after my birthday. I thought the 10 baht was for the little plastic sleeve, which I promptly disposed of since he doesn't fit into my wallet.

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BTW, did you look at the expiration date? It should show 6 years minus 3+weeks.

Yup, that's right -- six years minus the three weeks or so after my birthday. I thought the 10 baht was for the little plastic sleeve, which I promptly disposed of since he doesn't fit into my wallet.

nice to see you driving on the chaos of chiang mai roads,what car you got,???

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Went yesterday to the office near Hang Dong for my second 5 year. Brought Cert of Res from U.S. Consulate (I'd rather support them than G4T), copies of photo page and retirement extension, passport, no medical cert.

Arrived at 9:30 to find the car park full, parking in the driveway and a mass of people waiting in the second floor DL area. Given number 168 and told to wait. The queue board was in the low 100s and moving rather slowly. Turns out that queue board wasn't for me anyway. Around 10:10 I went to the toilet and when I returned, it was in the middle of a P.A. announcement in Thai and everyone with the same kind of queue card as me (about 50 people) were getting up to go behind the counter for the color blindness test and braking reaction test. We were suppose to turn in the blue queue cards but I'd lost mine in the depths of my handbag but they still motioned me thru. We formed two queues for the color blindness test, where the guy pointed to colored dots on a chart. He never pointed to a white or black area, only the three colors. Anyone who truly had red/green color blindness could have passed because they see red as black. Never did check distance vision and the chart was close enough that people would have to be nearly blind not to see it.

Then onto the braking reaction test, four queues behind a mechanical device where you sit in a contraption that simulates a drivers seat and car foot pedals. You push on the accelerator pedal, watch the lights and when it goes to red, you're suppose to hit the brake. Took me three tries. They laughed and said it was probably because I didn't understand the instructions in Thai. I understood; I'm just that bad a driver. Fortunately, I have never driven in Thailand, I just use the DL for an I.D.

Then the herd moved into a classroom with a large TV monitor and a serious looking, boss-type guy sat at a table in the front and spoke in Thai (there were only two non-Thais in the room). He spoke rapidly, but I think he said something about how serious it is for people to drive safely and how busy the DL offices are and in some parts of Thailand people have to wait three months to get their DL renewed. Everyone looked very serious and had stopped playing with their phones. Then he left and an underling started up the video and he left too. At first everyone sat very erect, paying attention (like they thought they were being watched) but after a while people started to use their phone under the tables. I took this opportunity to do a complete search of my handbag and found their blue queue card. Happy day! That was the high point of the video for me.

With nothing more to do, I decided to pay attention to the video and practice my Thai listening skills. It was animated, showing only cars, roads, trees. The narrator spoke slow, perfect Thai and the vocabulary was limited to words like "dangerous", "intersection", "left turn", "right turn", "in the case of", "vehicle", etc, so I had no problem in following the video. It seems there are five driving practices we're not suppose to do. Let's see if I can remember. One is not to drive too fast, esp. watch for situations where the posted speed is lowered around curves. Second, don't follow too closely. They actually taught the "three second rule". Who knew that they'd ever heard of this in Thailand? Third was something about passing safely. Fourth was about blind spots. They spent a long time on this. Then fifth was how you shouldn't drive when you're tired or under the influence of alcohol. They were showing a driver looking very drowsy which was inspiring me to close my eyes. About this time one of the DL guys came in and put us out of our misery. It was 11:20 am.

We were congratulated on passing the tests and watching the video (drat, we'll never know how its ends, does that drowsy guy get ofted?) and told to get new paper queue numbers to pay for our licenses and then photos and production of the new licenses. I got number 168 and they started processing at about no. 100. There were three counters working but they weren't above 128 when 12.00 arrived. But instead of everyone leaving for lunch, one counter stayed open and slowly continued to process customers during lunch. Unfortunately, that meant I didn't feel like I could leave to find something to eat. I did a quick trot around the building and found their coffee bar severely lacking. That's one nice thing about Immigration Promenada. Great food choices.

At the stroke of 1 pm, they reopened the other two cashier counters and even added another and really steamed thru the backlog. I paid for my new DL about 1:20 pm and then went behind the counter to get another queue ticket for the final stage, photo and actual production of the license. They had three ladies doing this and I hoped I'd get the lady in area No. 1. She was smiling and look several photos, letting the customer select the best. But instead I got lady No. 3 who must have been on loan from the women's prison that day. She told me to take off my glass -- what, so my wrinkles and bags would be more visible? Didn't have to remove my glasses before! I have to wear them when I drive. Took one photo of my squinting at the camera and then instructed me to move to a stool next to her to wait while the license was processed so she could humiliate the next punter with his photo. Then she asked me for 10 baht. <deleted>? There was 100 baht stapled to the paperwork I gave her, put there by the cashier for the photo. I didn't want to get into a discussion of the purpose of the 10 baht, but just dug it out of my newly organized handbag and left with my new license with the ugly photo of me.

It was 2 pm and I was starving.

Good grief. A post that mentions what time you went for a pish. Oh, and I forgot the important part about what time you got hungry. Bed time now, but might go for a joby first.

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Did the same as Nancy earlier this week, in the afternoon, same place, same renewal, none of that silliness.

Just had to sit in front of a PC for the video in English with headphones on, 56mins of my life wasted.

Traffic light colour test done in 20s over the desk while I got my queue number, no Thai talking hordes, no reaction test.

Arrived 1:15, finished and gone 2:30.

The lady ripped me off for a 20bht sleeve.

Da_mn that double pricing!

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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nancy seems to be the only one that has proplems with thai authority,think she likes challenges,or doing things the hard way.wont have to bother with that department for 6 years anyway.

No, I wasn't "challenging" the authority of the DL dept, just reporting on my experience. I had the bad fortune of going on busy Friday morning and just moved along with a hoard of Thai people thru the process. The only part I didn't like was how the coffee shop was poorly stocked with food items -- for some reason they had much shelf space devoted to bags of chips, but no real food. Didn't even have a good selection of soft drinks in their cooler. I like the goat milk coffee shop at Immigration Promenada much better.

But, overall the DL process is much nicer than the Immigration process. Any just every six years, to boot!

And no -- I don't actually drive here. Don't own a car and in fact, have never rented one, at least not without a driver. Just use the DL for an ID.

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nancy seems to be the only one that has proplems with thai authority,think she likes challenges,or doing things the hard way.wont have to bother with that department for 6 years anyway.

No, I wasn't "challenging" the authority of the DL dept, just reporting on my experience. I had the bad fortune of going on busy Friday morning and just moved along with a hoard of Thai people thru the process. The only part I didn't like was how the coffee shop was poorly stocked with food items -- for some reason they had much shelf space devoted to bags of chips, but no real food. Didn't even have a good selection of soft drinks in their cooler. I like the goat milk coffee shop at Immigration Promenada much better.

But, overall the DL process is much nicer than the Immigration process. Any just every six years, to boot!

And no -- I don't actually drive here. Don't own a car and in fact, have never rented one, at least not without a driver. Just use the DL for an ID.

What sort of food should they stock? Goat milk?

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I went in to renew a 5 year drivers license last Thursday at 1pm. Thanks to people who posted, I had everything I needed:

1. Original passport and copy of passport page + non-immigrant visa + last entry page

2. Proof of residence as stated in previous posts - original and copy

3. Thai Driver's license

4. Application that I think I got from this forum topic

5. Fee (car 500 + application 5 + smart card 100 = 605TB); also an additional 50 TB for change of address

Went to the 2nd floor and showed the information desk. They sent me to window 28. They looked through the paperwork, gave me a blue number and told me to wait until 1:10pm. Anyway, if you just watch, all of a sudden there will be a bunch of people heading for the testing room behind and to the left of window 28. The guy had us line up and we took turns as he pointed to colors and applicants answered. We had to wait until we were all done. Then there was a rush to pick up your application. I followed while the herd and ended up at a classroom. Oops. I went back to window 28 and asked them what to do. They brought me to the computers and started the video in English. I watched the hour long video. Went back to window 28, they sent me back to information where they gave me a white number. When they called the number, I went to the window and paid. Then I was told to get picture taken and, of course, I got another number. It took about 3 hours for the process and other than the wait due to the number of people, it went smoothly.

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"an additional 50 TB for change of address", what's that all about and where, please?

If you look at my post #2 in this topic with the photos there is a list of charges. In this case 'Driving license amendment' 50Baht. Also in my post #1 of my experience I show the 50 Baht as I changed my address from the previous license.

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Hi everyone,

I don't have a license in any other country but I was thinking to get my car license this week. I was hoping someone could help confirm my current understanding of the issue.

To my knowledge, I should only have to take my passport (+ copies of photo page & visa page), my work permit (+ copies) and a medical certificate. Is that right?

I also think that I have to arrive as early as possible in the morning and do the video, the reflex/colour blindness tests, a theory test and a practical test?

My last question would be what office you recommend for getting the initial license. I am currently thinking that I will go to Hang Dong but Lamphun is another potential option. Thanks in advance for any tips.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got my license this week at the Hang Dong office and the experience was comparable to what everyone had previously said, which helped a lot with the preparation. A particular highlight was being able to bluff my way through the colour blindness test at both the medical certification and the at the driving centre (I also echo what other people have said about Klaimor hospital for the medical certificate, incredibly quick and simple).

I also think it is noteworthy that I got a 2 year temporary car license when my colleagues had recently received it for only one year. Overall cost (including unwanted license card protector) came to 215 baht.

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  • 4 weeks later...

why bother getting one at all? getting into National Parks cheaper seems the only advantage !

Reasons for getting one ,

1.being stopped at a police check point . ( not wanting to pay a fine or bribe ).

2.Can use as identification at Hotels and flights within Thailand .

3.Thai price for National parks .

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My Thai driving license was issued in Hang Dong Office 4 march 2004 and it expire 6 April 2016. I haven't seen any post dealing with a license like this Could someone tell me if it the same as renewing a five year license to another five year license. Thanking you.

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why bother getting one at all? getting into National Parks cheaper seems the only advantage !

Reasons for getting one ,

1.being stopped at a police check point . ( not wanting to pay a fine or bribe ).

2.Can use as identification at Hotels and flights within Thailand .

3.Thai price for National parks .

"3.Thai price for National parks."

Not any more.

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why bother getting one at all? getting into National Parks cheaper seems the only advantage !

Reasons for getting one ,

1.being stopped at a police check point . ( not wanting to pay a fine or bribe ).

2.Can use as identification at Hotels and flights within Thailand .

3.Thai price for National parks .

"3.Thai price for National parks."

Not any more.

50% discount at Sankampaeng Hot Spring...

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I was there today to renew a 5 year licence for car and motorcycle .As stated no Health cert required in my case .Total cost B655 for car and B405 for motorcycle .Test involved calling out color on chart pointed at ,and brake reaction test to red light .(if you take too long you just repeat till you time is within the norm ) .In the 30 people group aprox .i done it with nobody failed .I arrived at 12.30 pm ,and done the test at 1.10 pm .Was finished with everything at 3.40 pm .Got 5 years and 9 months on licence .

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife renewed a 5-year yesterday. Again, no health certificate required. In the morning, the movie starts at 9:00. If you are going on what you thinking might be a busy day, get there very early. After the movie, she was 131 for paying and getting a new license printed... 2-hours wait. Fortunately, unlike immigration, part of the staff at the land transport office keeps working through lunch hour.

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  • 4 weeks later...

No one has answered, I believe it was Padlin's post--who claims he was issued with a 12 year licence in 2004, now due to expire in 2016--I have no idea what sort of License this is?? I've had 3 x 5 year licenses, funnily enough renewed every 5 years, after my initial 3x 1 year licenses finished in 2003--so,2003/2008/2013 and next should be 2018--how on earth does one get a 12 year one, please??

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are life long licenses, they carry a red stripe, but are no longer issued. No idea what that 12 years thing could possibly be. Perhaps for a trike or quad, they are not covered usually :)

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Got my 2 plastic cards today renewed and scored almost 6 years again, about a week after birthday and expiry. This took however almost the whole afternoon, more than 4 hours.

Arrived at 12:45, went to the information at second floor, application, scanned pass and yellow book + pink ID printed and copied. Lady at the information desk sent me straight to counter 23 without queue number, the lady there after shortly checking the papers to 28 and I got a number on a small blue card, C 2xx. Waited till 13:15 when they did that ridiculous test with the colors and reaction. Surprisingly some really failed that. Afterwards the big cinema event, went to the wrong room and was redirected to room 3, where they have some training PCs and the video in English, grosses Kino smile.png. I learnt that it is left before right, but only if not entering a roundabout the same time. Technically not possible but something like that....nevermind, having never seen such video it was actually interesting.

One our later had to go back to the other Thai video room to get my application papers handed back (they keep that for the time of the video so nobody can run away). And then my mistake, under the false assumption of same number for all I waited 30 mins only to realize I had to go to the information desk again to get another one. Complete waste of time and another 1 hour in the queue.

Finally time to pay, ended up with 1060B, including 2x 50B for address change, 2x 5B for I don't know and 2x100B for the photo service. The latter is ridiculous, she tried however (not so hard), made two shots and just used the first one. Such thing did not happen in Bangkok before, small extra money, but I got a tax deductible receipt, great. I skipped the plastic pouches and saved 20B after all.

Perhaps interesting to know as I also was not sure before.

They asked for a work permit, but yellow house book is accepted equally.

My house book has my BKK address and I got my DL with that address. No problem at all.

Tried to get the 13 digits Thai ID on the DL card (as that was the check criteria for national park ripoffs), showed them the pink ID. It would probably have been possible to use that but she said they would only issue 2 years DLs with pink ID cards, a passport gets 5.

Was out at 16:40.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Will I need the following documents as i am going for both licenses, will i need two sets of these

(1) Signed application form.

(2) Signed passport pages - photo page, visa/extension page, entry page, and departure card TM6

(3) Residency certificate will i need 2 for the two applications, If i have one original and a signed copy?

(4) Medical certificate if i have an original for each application/license if i have a original and one signed copy?

(5) Overseas car and motor bike license

Thanks in advance

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

New temporary motorbike licence.

I'm going to be here for 6 months and I was fined 500 baht today for not having a picture of a motorcycle on my UK licence.

I wanted to check the procedure for obtaining a 1 year temp bike licence as the majority of the posts here are about renewing a 5 year licence.

Do I need a TM30 resident certificate for a temp licence?

Do I need a medical certificate for a temp licence? If so can any of the small medical practices issue one?


Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect.

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3 hours ago, Nick ZepTepi said:

New temporary motorbike licence.

I'm going to be here for 6 months and I was fined 500 baht today for not having a picture of a motorcycle on my UK licence.

I wanted to check the procedure for obtaining a 1 year temp bike licence as the majority of the posts here are about renewing a 5 year licence.

Do I need a TM30 resident certificate for a temp licence?

Do I need a medical certificate for a temp licence? If so can any of the small medical practices issue one?


Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect.

Yes to these questions

Do I need a TM30 resident certificate for a temp licence?

Do I need a medical certificate for a temp licence? If so can any of the small medical practices issue one?


Plus copy's of all your passport pages like i did


Also a copy of the UK Motor Biker Code from there website


I did for for my Australian licence


Better to be prepared

Plus they have a photo copy place where you can get copy's done



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