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Defining success as an expat


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Ignore everything that is Thai including dealing with Thai. Enjoy life as you would back hom

Pathetic. Why are you here then?

Some people like the country not the people, is that so terrible?

the people that own the country might think so. I suggest you tell every thai you meet, including the folks at immigration, that you dont like thais. see how long you get to stay.

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Find a good airline.

Commute whenever you feel like it.

Any fraternization with of befriending of desperados in either jurisdiction should be for entertainment and amusement.

Like farang expat timeshare touts..

Those guys get all the young hot Thai women - just ask them..smile.png when you have an hour or 2 to spare? ..and a few million baht to piss up against the wallwhistling.gif

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Success,could surely only be defined by the particular person,if they consider themselves a success,surely then they are.

The only reasonable reply so far

every one else is trying to apply objective terms to a subjective proposition

That's nice, the only reasonable answer is no answer. You've abstracted away the question, when all it asked was to consider what any particular person defined as success. Yes, we know that will be highly subjective—that's the point. I expect that ATF's answer will resonate with many people, not just one. Pointless to claim that our perceptions cannot be compared because they are as unique as fingerprints. We have quite a good system for fingerprints.

Yes , the only reasonable answer to a question that has no definitive answer is , no answer

or is this a census of what everyone considers success as an expat? if so , ok ... let's hear from every one., why not we have time.

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Find a good airline.

Commute whenever you feel like it.

Any fraternization with of befriending of desperados in either jurisdiction should be for entertainment and amusement.

Like farang expat timeshare touts..

Those guys get all the young hot Thai women - just ask them..smile.png when you have an hour or 2 to spare? ..and a few million baht to piss up against the wallwhistling.gif

We, ah, have never met . . . . have we ;-? :-))

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  • 2 weeks later...
Defining success as an expat

why would success "as an expat" be different from the success of a non-expat? are different yardsticks used to measure success?

When I go around in Pattaya I will often meet those groups of ladies, most of the time 3 or 4 midgets together with a good looking lady with here nose in the wind, and when you are " interested" in the good looking one, the others will jump in right away with the words " she my friend,she's beautiful, she has car".

So it is obvious that in the eyes of the other girls she has made it, been successful.

I never considered an ex-pat successful because he could afford a 15 year old Corolla.

he might if for 15 years previous he'd had a motorcycle. and his neighbour who has neither would think he was very successful.

Edited by kannot
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Success by definition is achieving a goal or purpose. Expats are not a cohesive collection of people, they are individuals with different goals in life.

So i consider success to be subjective to the individual, and relative for those who derive their idea of success against their peers.

Edited by Metapod
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I think a successful expat is someone who can live where they want when they want and still earn good money no matter where in the world they are. Not including their home country.

Sent from my c64

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I think a successful expat is someone who can live where they want when they want and still earn good money no matter where in the world they are. Not including their home country.

Sent from my c64

I think that the big difference between successful expats and successful natives is that they live overseas. Apart from that, I don;t know any differences. What makes a successful native?


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Folk's it is called life depending on your view of it no matter where you live. Successes is based on what you may feel it is and depending on how shallow you and you views of it are. I can live very comfortably here or any where else I choose. I might have to adjust my lifestyle but there are give and takes in life If you understand that and except it then your a success, but if you constantly look for faults then you sir or madam have failed but only failed yourself. If you can accept the differences of where you live and relish in life in it's self then welcome to the club you succeeded. In a nutshell if you can adjust and accept it then you are there.

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