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Farang protests against 'Thai girls trying to be farang' at Central Ladprao

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Since we're all speculating ... my bet is that some pranksters wrote the sign and told him it was to protest double pricing.

:) Mate, whoever you are, thanks for today's "Farang ai bah" lesson.

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"PLEASE STOP: Coloring your hair .../... and having a skeleton-like body."


...and there was me thinking farang women tend to have more flesh on their ribs than their Thai conterparts...

Come down to the south and disabuse yourself of that notion. My word, there are a great deal of full-figured women in Chumphon province for a start...

one more reason for me to not go to the south...

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what a moron, a farang in a foreign country telling the citizens they should be less like his country? has he a work permit? this has got to fall under 'working' so deport him back to his own country so they can assess his mental state

His protest would be categorised as working in the same way that posting here would be, do you have a work permit for doing that? let's get you deported and mentally assessed also.


Why not turn his message around and rather than advising Thai women what not to do - he should reinforce that woman should find beauty that they already possess. However, this is a difficult message in any culture since the money is in having women use comsetics and surgeries to change their looks. Commercialsim has a strong voice -


i totally agree with him and can we lose the unnecessary mouth full of braces.

Are braces fashion here? Seem to be.


what a moron, a farang in a foreign country telling the citizens they should be less like his country? has he a work permit? this has got to fall under 'working' so deport him back to his own country so they can assess his mental state

He looks fairly old and obviously writes Thai so there's a good chance he has citizenship.

He looks late middle aged, the placard he's carrying isn't hand-written so his being able to write Thai is nowhere near a given and it's unlikely that a foreigner with citizenship would protest like this.

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Certain farang traits would be good to adopt, no? Don't let your man kick seven shades out of you, don't sell your body for the latest telephone or to shut mama up, try critical thinking, don't let limitations be put on you because of your sex, don't let schools educate you from a kid to slap on make up, dance around and be an object for men to leer at.

All stuff I will teach my daughter, hair, make up noses (which she has anyhow) I couldn't give a rats ar$e about!!

Good post thumbsup.gif Which will go down like a pork pie at a Bar mitzvah on this forum.biggrin.png

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"PLEASE STOP: Coloring your hair .../... and having a skeleton-like body."


...and there was me thinking farang women tend to have more flesh on their ribs than their Thai conterparts...

Come down to the south and disabuse yourself of that notion. My word, there are a great deal of full-figured women in Chumphon province for a start...

And the Thai lardars3s on Phuket go a long way to dispel any notions of the svelte Thai woman, mark my words laugh.png


What a miserable old man!!

Whatever happened to live and let live??

Hope he will enjoy the immigration-van to the airport!!

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I have to agree with him. Why Thai women dye their hair to look like stupid farlang women that have been doing the bottle blond since time began.

I am lucky , my Thai girlfriend has beautiful long black hair and I love her Thai nose. I hope she never wants to change to be a stupid farang woman.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I agree with all of his points

Mind your own business, you miserable old f####r and let people decide for themselves.

Both these posts make sense.

He's probably a nutcase, but to see Thai girls disfigure their faces with cosmetic surgery is deplorable.


I have to agree with him. Why Thai women dye their hair to look like stupid farlang women that have been doing the bottle blond since time began.

I am lucky , my Thai girlfriend has beautiful long black hair and I love her Thai nose. I hope she never wants to change to be a stupid farang woman.

Now stick the kettle on and fetch me slippers...


that is the problem with conservatives, they cannot accept things just change and evolve, they feel terrified by a world that changes fast as never before.

I just showed the article and pictures to my lady (she had already seen it through the Thai media, so I was a late comer to the party) and her response was why dont we like women with white skin. They should get a girl with brown skin like her.

I explained it was the mindset, the approach to dealing with conflict and the caring she gives me that makes me love her as Thai, and that if she ever come home behaving like a western woman we would break up immediately, no negotiations. I actually agree with the guy, every time I go back Bangkok (and even some of the provincial girls) become more westernized. One thing that will never lose its' Thainess is Thai men, so I always have the option to become gay smile.png


Have a look at the guy!!

And he is asking for other people to change their appearance??

Still wearing the same clothes he arrived in 3 years ago!!

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I would prefer he carried a sign which read, " Thai Ladies, stop eating Ice Cream, Oreo Cookies, Pizza's, KFC, McDonald's, drinking Cola's, etc. Because all types of Farang Food is indeed making your Butt look BIGGER in those shorts." I think that sends a more powerful message regarding the Beauty of Thai Ladies than a Female adding cosmetics to enhance their own natural beauty. Look at the Females of Farangland, the size of some of them qualify them to be sub-Planets themselves. I have noticed through the years the increasing of size of some, Thank Buddha not ALL, of the Thai Ladies. Beyond the gaining of weight, it also brings with it a myriad of health issues, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac issues, etc. Yeah, I think that would be a more valuable message to portray to the Ladies of Thailand. IMHO. thumbsup.gif

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