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I was told that drinking and on a pedal bicycle is not a crime. I am not 100% sure of this information, and leave bike riding to professionals only!!! However, if you have a mountain bike with a good lock and promise not to exceed 10 kph, this might be a good solution.

In "Cali" it's a crime. Don't know about here. Hazard to vehicles on a public road? Dunno.

I'm not too far from Cali and it's a crime here as well. You even need lights at night, etc...probably same where you are at. I was told from a university professor in CM that being drunk on a pedal bicycle was fine. I didn't ask a cop, or research it any further. I don't think you get a ticket in CM for not wearing a helmet if on a pedal bicycle, so I can believe there are different rules for bicycles. i can walk 3-4 miles no problem, so if i drink all i need is a bar within a few miles.

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Friend of mine got busted last night at Thapae..

Spent the remainder of the night/morning in jail at the Ratchadamnoen Fuzz Office.. today court, fine, etc. all that jazz.

I sincerely hope a lesson was learned. mad.gif

(Don't pass Thapae Gate at night; ever. God created sois for a reason.)

Good to hear the Police are doing their job and keeping <deleted> drunks off the road - hope he gets prison time.

LOL Prison time haha it does not happen just a fine depending on your reading fine is from 6000 baht up to 20,000 baht depending on how drunk you are this is Thailand and EVERYONE drives after drinking except goody 2 shoes like yourself and I mean everyone from the poor rice farmer all the way up to the Merc driving CEO and Police officials etc.

Right. Also, before the Thaivisa Court starts recommending that prison is in order, she had a blood alcohol level of 0.074, which wouldn't even be over the limit in most Western countries.

But here is Thailand with a big and genuine alcohol problem, but an even bigger common-sense problem when it comes to dreaming up laws and regulations and then enforcing them.

So then police manage to catch a 20-something year old girl on a moped who isn't even drunk by almost any definition. Yet she gets to spend the night and the better part of the next day in a shitty police cell. Thank you, thank you, thank you royal thai police for always picking the easiest target, making the smallest possible difference.


I was out last night went into the city and back at 12 30 did not see one check point .

Me too, although I did plan my route home beforehand, just in case I was close to the very low allowed alcohol limit.


Yep went out on the town last night.....not too many beers mind. Decided before hand that the missus and I would stay in town the night and sleep in a guesthouse. I could have rode the motorbike back to Mae Rim, however it was probably better for all concerned to spend the night in town.

Its not expensive to do and a lot safer when you know there are going to be a lot of drunken people on the roads.

We went to Thapae Gate for the midnight countdown, but once we got there I was none to impressed with the crowd. Just a bit big and packed for me to enjoy, and a safety alarm went wild inside my head. Probably a bit of an over-reaction but Ive found with age Im a bit more cautious than I once was.

The fireworks around the city were great and general behaviour I observed was good. Not too many places on the footpaths smelt of urine which was welcome. Zoe in yellow was rocking.

Saw a lot of Police but they were more observing than actually getting involved in anything.

Biggest shock was the next day. Arrived back to Mae Rim to learn that the Sala Cafe had a big fire last night. It is not known how it started but according to one of the owners there wasnt many sky lanterns out there last night. I do feel sorry for them and hope they can rebound fast and get back into their great business. Not great start to the New Year for them.

Hope those nursing a hangover today recover quickly too


I would much rather take a taxi home but the reality is ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ONE that is willing to take me at 2am or 3am

So drink and drive anyway ?

Hope you do not injure or kill someone - especially the wrong someone. Who will take a - shall we say - interest in you.


>>so drink and drive anyway ?<< Yep ,i drive far better when Drunk .(well up to a limit of 10 pints of Chang Classic

) .


I would much rather take a taxi home but the reality is ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ONE that is willing to take me at 2am or 3am

So drink and drive anyway ?

Hope you do not injure or kill someone - especially the wrong someone. Who will take a - shall we say - interest in you.

Where does DK say he drives over the legal limit? Having a few beers & food & water over the course of a night out doesn't make you a DRUNK driver. The fact that there is a level that is considered ok to be under indicates that drinking some alcohol is permitted. IMHO that level is set too low in Thailand. If you really want zero tolerance, try Saudi Arabia, but good luck because some drive totally drunk over there...

And the sober ones are just as bad w00t.gif


Where does DK say he drives over the legal limit?

Never said he did. But the inference is there, and this is what I replied to.


If you really want zero tolerance, try Saudi Arabia, but good luck because some drive totally drunk over there...

In my view - the only sensible approach. But most people do not give a flying ...


>>so drink and drive anyway ?<< Yep ,i drive far better when Drunk .(well up to a limit of 10 pints of Chang Classic

) .

10 pints of Chang Classic...... you must have very strong intestinal fortitude. I can only imagine the `Chang-over` in the morning. I first started with Singha when I originally arrived in LOS, then switched to Leo. I tried CC once and regretted that big time. Chang Export was ok but my favorite brew lately has been Chang Draught.

But everything in moderation is good, especially during the hotter months.

Getting back to the OP, spotted a few checkpoints on the way home tonight, but none of them appear to be manned. perhaps 10pm is too early to start pulling `paying customers` over??? thumbsup.gif


Thanks much for the info WTK. Personally, this time of year if I need to go anywhere, we go by songtaw, tuk tuk, or taxi. Otherwise, I stay off my motorcycle, out of my car, and try to do a lot of walking. It's such a beautiful time of year to walk anyway! We we're out watching the Kom Fai and fireworks last night - I'm always in awe!


That's why there are so many DWI's.People don't mind paying for the alcohol.But they don't want to get off the money to pay for A taxi.Peoplevare tight.They think of money before safety.

Well if they made it easy for people to get a taxi that might work

Try getting a taxi at 2am to outside of Chiang mai like Sansei or Hang Dong


I was planning on drinking tonight and getting a taxi or tuktuk from the city out to near promenada. Do you think this will be possible?

Find a willing b-girl and you have a place to stay for the night. Go home the next morning. "But, but, but honey! The taxis, tuktuks, and songtaws don't run at 2am! <two weeks of silence after that, lol> No b-girls? Well, their are always deep-voiced women on Kotchasan road until at least sun-up. For the right price, I'm sure you could find a ride and a roof over your head for the night. wub.png Better than a night in jail and a 20K fine.


I think people should be allowed to drive drunk on NYE only, one night a year... Everyone gets wasted and demolition derby all the way home, if you get that far ?

Ah-hah!!! I now see the plot for The PURGE 2015: No weapons allowed during the Purge this year. But you must have a BAC over 2.0 and be driving a vehicle. Sort of Mad Max meets Steven King's Christine. All 'purges' must be vehicular homicides!!!


>>so drink and drive anyway ?<< Yep ,i drive far better when Drunk .(well up to a limit of 10 pints of Chang Classic

) .

10 pints of Chang Classic...... you must have very strong intestinal fortitude. I can only imagine the `Chang-over` in the morning. I first started with Singha when I originally arrived in LOS, then switched to Leo. I tried CC once and regretted that big time. Chang Export was ok but my favorite brew lately has been Chang Draught.

But everything in moderation is good, especially during the hotter months.

Getting back to the OP, spotted a few checkpoints on the way home tonight, but none of them appear to be manned. perhaps 10pm is too early to start pulling `paying customers` over??? thumbsup.gif

Very funny that anyone thinks that you can compare and contrast Thai beers....this ones better than that one.....etc etc.

Its like this. They all taste the same. Theyre all crap, but they get you drunk.

If you want to taste real beer, get Beer Lao, or an imported European or American beer.....otherwise, stop fooling yourself, all Thai beers taste the same and are pretty crap !!!


Biggest shock was the next day. Arrived back to Mae Rim to learn that the Sala Cafe had a big fire last night. It is not known how it started but according to one of the owners there wasnt many sky lanterns out there last night. I do feel sorry for them and hope they can rebound fast and get back into their great business. Not great start to the New Year for them.

Off topic, but:



From CMPrice.


Very funny that anyone thinks that you can compare and contrast Thai beers....this ones better than that one.....etc etc.

Its like this. They all taste the same. Theyre all crap, but they get you drunk.

If you want to taste real beer, get Beer Lao, or an imported European or American beer.....otherwise, stop fooling yourself, all Thai beers taste the same and are pretty crap !!!

Does all Thai food taste the same to you, too?


Very funny that anyone thinks that you can compare and contrast Thai beers....this ones better than that one.....etc etc.

Its like this. They all taste the same. Theyre all crap, but they get you drunk.

If you want to taste real beer, get Beer Lao, or an imported European or American beer.....otherwise, stop fooling yourself, all Thai beers taste the same and are pretty crap !!!

Does all Thai food taste the same to you, too?

Leo, Singha, singha lite, Chang, Chang Export, Asahi, Heineken, Archa, San Miguel, San Mig Lite are all brewed in Thailand and all taste the same!! Some taste buds he has.

Does all Thai food taste the same to you, too?

No. Of course not. Silly thing for you to say, but heres the challenge, is there a single person out there who has the experience of drinking good beer in say, UK or Germany or Belgium or USA or Australia whos prepared to say for the record that theres any one Thai beer which is even worth drinking compared to most of the products from those Countries?

Thai beer is wet, its fizzy, it has alcohol in it thus it gets you drunk, but if you had a choice which sadly we mostly dont, would you ever choose a Thai beer over an International beverage?

No. Thought not !! ( by the way, lighten up everybody, this is meant to be a jocular new year bit of fun, thats all !!)


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>>so drink and drive anyway ?<< Yep ,i drive far better when Drunk .(well up to a limit of 10 pints of Chang Classic

) .

10 pints of Chang Classic...... you must have very strong intestinal fortitude. I can only imagine the `Chang-over` in the morning. I first started with Singha when I originally arrived in LOS, then switched to Leo. I tried CC once and regretted that big time. Chang Export was ok but my favorite brew lately has been Chang Draught.

But everything in moderation is good, especially during the hotter months.

Getting back to the OP, spotted a few checkpoints on the way home tonight, but none of them appear to be manned. perhaps 10pm is too early to start pulling `paying customers` over??? alt=thumbsup.gif>

Chang Classic is my daily brew ,but when i want to treat myself ,its BeerLao ,or Federbrau .( Federbrau is rather expensive though ,for something brewed in Thailand ,even if its brewed to the old German standard .) .I also like Carlsberg ,brewed in Vietnam i believe .


Does all Thai food taste the same to you, too?

No. Of course not. Silly thing for you to say, but heres the challenge, is there a single person out there who has the experience of drinking good beer in say, UK or Germany or Belgium or USA or Australia whos prepared to say for the record that theres any one Thai beer which is even worth drinking compared to most of the products from those Countries?

Thai beer is wet, its fizzy, it has alcohol in it thus it gets you drunk, but if you had a choice which sadly we mostly dont, would you ever choose a Thai beer over an International beverage?

No. Thought not !! ( by the way, lighten up everybody, this is meant to be a jocular new year bit of fun, thats all !!)


I have experience drinking beers from all over the world from Bostons microbreweries to the UK to Holland and Germany and I will choose CHANG CLASSIC every day of the week if I had to choose a different one I would choose Beer Lao which I like also but for me if the choice has CHANG CLASSIC then that will be it for me every time.

No Changovers for me I never get a hangover from Chang no matter how many I drink. I do understand it a bit strong for most people but fr someone to say all thai beers taste the same is complete BS they all have distinctive tastes and can EASILY be told apart by anyone with working tastebuds (they are proabbly smokers that cant taste s h i t)


>>but fr someone to say all thai beers taste the same is complete BS<<

Exactly ,.For me Beer Leo is like drinking watered down beer ,but to my amazement its very popular in my peer group .


I got pulled over turned from Mahidol into Hang Dong Rd today. My 2557 sticker was 4 days overdue. My fault.

The cop had his face covered in a white face mask. Pollution? Maybe. Disguise? Maybe.

He told me in Thai what was wrong. I said I understand. He said 400 baht. Can pay the ticket over at the police box on the corner. I said ok.

He starts writing the ticket and then says in English "I can help you". I said I am ok with the ticket.

He writes "Chevrolet" on the ticket, which actually looked pretty much filled out. I waited. He stopped and said again "I can help you".

I said how much. He said 200 baht. I said 100 baht is ok. He said ok. I gave him 100 baht. He gave me license back. He stopped the traffic to let me move out and told me to update the registration.

In plain sight, broad daylight at a busy corner.

I felt guilty all the way home that I should have insisted on the ticket so the Cop didn't get the money.

Wish I'd had time to set up my iPhone to video him, but I was not expecting the cop stop.


I got pulled over turned from Mahidol into Hang Dong Rd today. My 2557 sticker was 4 days overdue. My fault.

The cop had his face covered in a white face mask. Pollution? Maybe. Disguise? Maybe.

He told me in Thai what was wrong. I said I understand. He said 400 baht. Can pay the ticket over at the police box on the corner. I said ok.

He starts writing the ticket and then says in English "I can help you". I said I am ok with the ticket.

He writes "Chevrolet" on the ticket, which actually looked pretty much filled out. I waited. He stopped and said again "I can help you".

I said how much. He said 200 baht. I said 100 baht is ok. He said ok. I gave him 100 baht. He gave me license back. He stopped the traffic to let me move out and told me to update the registration.

In plain sight, broad daylight at a busy corner.

I felt guilty all the way home that I should have insisted on the ticket so the Cop didn't get the money.

Wish I'd had time to set up my iPhone to video him, but I was not expecting the cop stop.

why? honestly, you made a mistake, and he did help you. You got a large discount, and saved a lot of time, and the fine was very reasonable. Mutually beneficial transaction if you ask me.


I got pulled over turned from Mahidol into Hang Dong Rd today. My 2557 sticker was 4 days overdue. My fault.

The cop had his face covered in a white face mask. Pollution? Maybe. Disguise? Maybe.

He told me in Thai what was wrong. I said I understand. He said 400 baht. Can pay the ticket over at the police box on the corner. I said ok.

He starts writing the ticket and then says in English "I can help you". I said I am ok with the ticket.

He writes "Chevrolet" on the ticket, which actually looked pretty much filled out. I waited. He stopped and said again "I can help you".

I said how much. He said 200 baht. I said 100 baht is ok. He said ok. I gave him 100 baht. He gave me license back. He stopped the traffic to let me move out and told me to update the registration.

In plain sight, broad daylight at a busy corner.

I felt guilty all the way home that I should have insisted on the ticket so the Cop didn't get the money.

Wish I'd had time to set up my iPhone to video him, but I was not expecting the cop stop.

Isn't there a "grace" period for out of date tax sticker?


I was told that drinking and on a pedal bicycle is not a crime. I am not 100% sure of this information, and leave bike riding to professionals only!!! However, if you have a mountain bike with a good lock and promise not to exceed 10 kph, this might be a good solution.

I use an electric bicycle , it's perfect really. Not in CM but in Pattaya. Every police check point they just wave me on , I start pedaling if I feel there is any danger of being stopped. When safe I turn on the battery and ride my bike up to 50 km/h . Of course no helmet and nothing to worry about. After all this is a bicycle.....

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