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2-year-old boy shoots mother dead in US


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2-year-old accidentally kills his mom in Wal-Mart
NICHOLAS K. GERANIOS, Associated Press

HAYDEN, Idaho (AP) — A 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her purse at a Wal-Mart and her concealed gun fired, authorities said Tuesday.

Sheriff's spokesman Stu Miller told The Associated Press the woman was shopping with her son and three other children. Her family had come to the area to visit relatives, he said.

The woman, whose identity was not released, had a concealed weapons permit. Miller said the young boy was left in a shopping cart, reached into the victim's purse and grabbed a small caliber handgun, which discharged one time.

"It appears to be a pretty tragic accident," Miller said.

The woman's husband was not in the store when the shooting happened at about 10:20 a.m. Miller said the man arrived shortly after the shooting. All the children were taken to a relative's house.

The shooting occurred in the Wal-Mart in Hayden, Idaho, a town about 40 miles (64 kilometers) northeast of Spokane, Washington.

The store closed and was not expected to reopen until Wednesday morning.

Brooke Buchanan, a spokeswoman for Wal-Mart, said in a statement the shooting was a "very sad and tragic accident."

"We are working closely with the local sheriff's department while they investigate what happened," Buchanan said.

Hayden is a politically conservative town of about 9,000 people just north of Coeur d'Alene in Idaho's northern panhandle.

-- (c) Associated Press 2014-12-31

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Be interesting to hear what the very vocal ThaiVisa Gun Lobby has to say about this, especially the clown who tried to tell me that 'the best way to stop a bad man with a knife is a good gal with a gun' after the Manoora tragedy. Imagine going through life knowing you shot your own mother dead before you were old enough to even understand the dangers of carrying a loaded firearm. RIP.

Regardless of your views (I'm pro gun control but not anti gun per se) I think what they'll say is that keeping a loaded gun within reach of a child is just plain dumb. Which it is.T

This is just incredibly sad.

But surely that should be part of the training required for anyone applying for a concealed firearms licence ? Many will recall the old chestnut about the Winnebago owner who - delighted to find that his new motorhome had cruise control - left his land whale in drive at 55 mph on the freeway and went to the back of the Winnie to make a coffee : even if it's fictional, it illustrates that you cant make assumptions based on the notion of 'common sense'.

My assumption is that she had a round in the chamber and the safety off - exactly how much training anyone prepared to walk the streets with a live grenade in their purse can possibly have had is one I'll leave to our very own gun lobby.

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So much for the fallacy that you need to be trained to use a weapon. A 2 year old can manage, so can anyone.

Safety is the hard part. Obviously the mother had a chambered round and the safety off. Either that, or the kid was taught how to lock and load, switch the safety to off, aim and squeeze off a shot.

Sorry for the tragedy that her child must go through life knowing that he killed his mom, worse yet, it could have been prevented ....probably...by at least unchambering the round and putting the gun on safe.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Be interesting to hear what the very vocal ThaiVisa Gun Lobby has to say about this, especially the clown who tried to tell me that 'the best way to stop a bad man with a knife is a good gal with a gun' after the Manoora tragedy. Imagine going through life knowing you shot your own mother dead before you were old enough to even understand the dangers of carrying a loaded firearm. RIP.

Yeah, but the fault clearly lies with the mother! Why wasn't the safety on and why did the toddler have access to a purse that contained a handgun?! I hope the kid sees it the same way when he's old enough to understand!

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Before the usual anti-gun anti NRA crown chime in. If the poor mother has had two guns then she would have been able to protect herself. The answer is quite simple really, more guns equal less deaths. Feel sorry for the lady and the poor child really.

Historically, more people were killed with guns before they were invented than after. Not sure if I heard that of Fox news or an NRA pamphlet.

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Be interesting to hear what the very vocal ThaiVisa Gun Lobby has to say about this, especially the clown who tried to tell me that 'the best way to stop a bad man with a knife is a good gal with a gun' after the Manoora tragedy. Imagine going through life knowing you shot your own mother dead before you were old enough to even understand the dangers of carrying a loaded firearm. RIP.

Yeah, but the fault clearly lies with the mother! Why wasn't the safety on and why did the toddler have access to a purse that contained a handgun?! I hope the kid sees it the same way when he's old enough to understand!

Again, zero training or zero willingness to follow what she was presumably taught - these are the people that our gun-lovin' buddies want to arm. God Bless Ted Nugent, right fellas ?

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"...My assumption is that she had a round in the chamber and the safety off ..."

That was my assumption also. Assumptions can be wrong, but it's hard to believe the 2-year old found the safety, flicked it off and then found the trigger...all in that order. The round in the chamber is a certainty.

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Be interesting to hear what the very vocal ThaiVisa Gun Lobby has to say about this, especially the clown who tried to tell me that 'the best way to stop a bad man with a knife is a good gal with a gun' after the Manoora tragedy. Imagine going through life knowing you shot your own mother dead before you were old enough to even understand the dangers of carrying a loaded firearm. RIP.

Yeah, but the fault clearly lies with the mother! Why wasn't the safety on and why did the toddler have access to a purse that contained a handgun?! I hope the kid sees it the same way when he's old enough to understand!

Again, zero training or zero willingness to follow what she was presumably taught - these are the people that our gun-lovin' buddies want to arm. God Bless Ted Nugent, right fellas ?


She was stupid. Things worked out the way nature intended.

Now, if the kid had shot himself …..

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Be interesting to hear what the very vocal ThaiVisa Gun Lobby has to say about this, especially the clown who tried to tell me that 'the best way to stop a bad man with a knife is a good gal with a gun' after the Manoora tragedy. Imagine going through life knowing you shot your own mother dead before you were old enough to even understand the dangers of carrying a loaded firearm. RIP.

Regardless of your views (I'm pro gun control but not anti gun per se) I think what they'll say is that keeping a loaded gun within reach of a child is just plain dumb. Which it is.T

This is just incredibly sad.

But surely that should be part of the training required for anyone applying for a concealed firearms licence ? Many will recall the old chestnut about the Winnebago owner who - delighted to find that his new motorhome had cruise control - left his land whale in drive at 55 mph on the freeway and went to the back of the Winnie to make a coffee : even if it's fictional, it illustrates that you cant make assumptions based on the notion of 'common sense'.

My assumption is that she had a round in the chamber and the safety off - exactly how much training anyone prepared to walk the streets with a live grenade in their purse can possibly have had is one I'll leave to our very own gun lobby.

too sad to say som na na - but carrying a loaded gun with SAFETY OFF how dumb is that?

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rotary and neversure, I'm just not going to get into this with either of you - you're defending the indefensible. Whatever your own history with firearms, its clear that the system which allowed this woman to own a concealed firearm failed : you cant legislate against stupidity but you can put laws in place that make it harder for people's stupidity to impact others. Yes, people do die in auto accidents every day of the year - hence speed limits, DUI laws and traffic police. Where were the checks and balances here ?


Some of those people who died in auto accidents had spent a semester in Driver's Ed.

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She was stupid. Things worked out the way nature intended.

Now, if the kid had shot himself …..

What if you were standing in front of them and he shot you or a loved one ? We can play this game all day, but I find it hard to believe that things are really that bad in the Midwest that you need to carry a loaded firearm for a trip to the shops - saddened to hear otherwise.


I am not so naive as to believe a perfect world is possible through legislation.

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No safety catch on either? It doesnt really say that but it is implied.

America needs to grow up and stop thinking it is still in the wild west (in some cities you could be forgiven for thinking it still is though)

True guns dont kill, people do but if there is a gun available someone in the heat of the moment MAY decide to use it. Regretting it later does not bring the dead back to life

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