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Mugged last night


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I was in a taxi last night round about 12.30am happily going down soi62 to my condo when we

were cut up by a red Toyota and 3 guys jumped out and pulled me out the cab and demanded

the contents of my wallet. <deleted>? Yep, give us all your money or it ain't gonna be pretty.

As for that incident it is bye bye Thailand for me. Good job I have sold my house and

Thailand can go f... itself.

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sorry to hear about your experience - glad you are safe.

This time of year is particularly bad and so too is just before Songkran. It seems much pressure to harvest every single baht possible prior to the pissups is too much for some.

Assuming they didn't blind you, did you get a plate number - call the police?

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Provide a little more detail on what happened. I live very near that area and there are many condos that have cameras so chances are someone would have it recorded or at least video of the red Toyota coming or going. Using footage from around Bkk they can almost track any local car to its home.

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Being mugged is frightening. It's a total loss of control with no idea of the outcome. It's a lot worse than one would think, not knowing if there's going to be a shooting or stabbing even if you comply.

I don't blame the OP for being peeoed but he'll calm down.

I would have stuck a Glock in their faces and asked them if they felt lucky 555.

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