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Why can we not do it at any police station ?

Too simple ?

I would opt for the trustworthy people, where the job gets done without any fuss.

Police Station v 7/11......... You choose.


it occurs to me after reading many of the posts about Visa, requirements, that there is much confusion,

part of the problem, is communication, the Thais that a person must deal with on the visa issue, do

not speak good English. case in point I have called the Thai. counsel here in LA, LA Cal. has to be one of the

primary Thai counsels in the USA, and I could barely understand the person, to the point that I decided to actually go to the Office. this I think occurs because of the Thai practice of hiring Thai's who are

qualified by virtue of there wallet, not there talent or experience. one of the most influential Thai's in

Thailand is the person who is in charge of issuing visa's to Thai's from the US counsel in BKK. who want to travel to the USA. last I heard from a Thai friend of mine, is that it was roughly 1000 baht just to get your paperwork moved to the top, and that doesn't guarantee that you will get a travel visa. I have been going to Thailand since 1980, and was

married to a Thai. so I have some insight into the workings of Thailand.. for those of you in the Pattaya

area, I have heard that there is a daily bus run from Pattaya to Cambodia specifically for visa runs. much of the info posted here is very good info about visa requirements.


If you have an account with a Thailand Bank, you should be able to Report through their ATM, after all the Bank should know where you live.

Dear Gen/PM please consider, Thanks !!

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though the current system is slow and adds a lot of extra work on the immigration staff it would be a mess to ever let non government officials handle anyone's passport. I wouldn't trust an uneducated staff of 7-11 to do anything that could result in fines.

I trust them to pay all my bills and I've never had a problem.

As long as you have the receipt that you paid, I can't see where the fine would come in.

Did you ever take a look at one of those receipts a month later? The ink fades to blank.

Something similar to a 'Mission Impossible' tape.

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After you finish with this 90 day at 7-11 please get onto the "visa run by rocket ship which will take only 15 minutes each way with no boarding delays and cost only 450 Baht". Both are equally likely.


I read about this some weeks past - can't recall where but it'll be great if that indeed comes about.

The Immigration office I report to is 4 hr. round trip from the house.

You must like driving,personly i would post it in.


I can see it now give me two leo's, a box of condom, beef jerky, hustler magazine and while your at it stamp in for 90 days. Paper or plastic?



Wouldn't that be similar to sliced bread? And to think,all those wasted baht going to train immigration officers to collect data. Now an 18 year old kid can add up your coke and donuts, and whiz you through immigration.

They can't count without a calculator !


The complaints about the 90-Day report are clearly in the TOP 10 fueling the ThaiVisa engine, not just in Chiang Mai but elsewhere, surely.

I don't care for such a hassle myself. But it is quite simple, and it will no doubt be made administratively simpler in the future. Anyway, see the pinned thread above, ESPECIALLY if you live at some distance from the Chiang Mai Immigration office.

In perspective, most people who complain don't seem to realize or appreciate the difficulties experienced in their countries for "visitors."

Now, just to spark a discussion, what about the increasingly nasty and apparently more politically potent challenge to foreigners in Europe or (even) in America, a land of immigrants --- after most of the native population was killed off?

Chiang Mai (and Thailand, generally) has been extraordinarily tolerant of its community of foreigners.


Just today, I went into my local 7-11 (no, not one of the 10 to the north of me, the 19th one to the south of me on the west side). I walked in, got a 30 baht hotdog, and on my way out said, "stamp me!!" BANG...got my change all kinds of these cute little stamps on my passport. very colorful...seems legit....i'll be back in 90!!

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I would much rather trust a 7 - 11 snotty to handle my passport than put it in the postal system here.

You don't mail your passport when you do a 90-day report by mail, just copies.

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I would much rather trust a 7 - 11 snotty to handle my passport than put it in the postal system here.

NE1 Suggest you read the pinned thread at the top of the page.

What could be easier ?

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my new slip from CM Immigration has the bar code.....I'm from the US if that is making a difference.

as does mine from 80+ days ago

They all do...sorry no special benefits...even for Americans.


I would much rather trust a 7 - 11 snotty to handle my passport than put it in the postal system here.

NE1 Suggest you read the pinned thread at the top of the page.

What could be easier ?

Why ?


In perspective, most people who complain don't seem to realize or appreciate the difficulties experienced in their countries for "visitors."

So we're all mere visitors now? Tell you what, it is indeed tough(er) to get in the UK, EU, US etc, but when they do get their permission to stay, I'll bet my bottom dollar those married to locals are not required to report their bleedin address every 90 days, or even report their wereabouts if they leave their abode for more than 24 hours. Which is what all this is about, no?


my new slip from CM Immigration has the bar code.....I'm from the US if that is making a difference.

as does mine from 80+ days ago

They all do...sorry no special benefits...even for Americans.

Mine doesn't. UK passport. Only reported by mail (1 time, last month) not in person.


In perspective, most people who complain don't seem to realize or appreciate the difficulties experienced in their countries for "visitors."

So we're all mere visitors now? Tell you what, it is indeed tough(er) to get in the UK, EU, US etc, but when they do get their permission to stay, I'll bet my bottom dollar those married to locals are not required to report their bleedin address every 90 days, or even report their wereabouts if they leave their abode for more than 24 hours. Which is what all this is about, no?

No need to report there because there you are tracked by your credit/debit card, mobile phone, numerous cameras and satellites on occasion, not to mention your local spouse and her family. NSA or the equivalent pushes a button and there you are live on their screen scratching your butt and picking your nose.

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