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First two days of '7 dangerous New Year holidays' see 128 killed, 1158 injured


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When a driver is found to have been driving under the influence part of his sentence should be a mandatory trip to the morgue and view a few corpses killed by drunk driving. It will certainly sober a lot up to the realities. It has been tried in the USA and they found 80% who had to partake in the "view" never drank and drove again

The only flaw with that is they get off on looking at gore and dismembered bodies. Ive told many a gf NOT to show me horrific injuries they post on fb. The koh tao photos (which i havnt seen) went viral on thai sites. The only way to hit them is through the pocket and public humiliation.
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There are (not) discipline and there are businesses at conflicts. If not, all needed is one person says a few words and media screen it on TV. Repeat that short sequence before TV news for some months and the road toll will be reduced 50%

Do you really believe that?

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Remove the thai bashes!

Blaming the cops ?

Did the RTP force alcohol down these idiots throats and force them to drive!

People all over the world should be responsible for their actions!

If the police actually did their jobs and instilled a sense of fear in the driving public, it's highly likely there would be fewer accidents because people would be forced to drive more sensibly. If they failed to do so, then the penalties would be severe i.e. fines of like 10,000-100,000 Baht, vehicle confiscation, jail time. The kinds of penalties enforced in western countries but unknown here in Thailand.

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Remove the thai bashes!

Blaming the cops ?

Did the RTP force alcohol down these idiots throats and force them to drive!

People all over the world should be responsible for their actions!

And remove those that only tell half a story.

NO the RTP didn't force the alcohol down the throats of the idiots and force them to drive - likewise they also don't do anything to curb the drink driving, the unlicensed drivers, the un-roadworthy cars, the speeding, running red lights, driving like idiots, etc.

YES, people should be responsible for their actions and those who aren't should be weeded out by pro-active police patrolling in the traffic not sitting in the shade napping and chatting and moaning about the road toll and attending fatal accidents to do body counts.

AND, you don't need to be a Thai basher to see the obvious and to make reasonable comment on the inaction displayed each and every day by a completely inadequate police force- not just during the holiday killing season.

I have come to the conclusion that true enforcement of laws is not understood. It seems to me that it is connected with the idea of "no accountability." In some sense it seems that assigning blame is not acceptable. People who drive drunk should not be blamed or punished. Driving laws need to be enforced to protect innocent people that are killed or injured by drunk or out of control drivers. It is something that is the responsibility of any government in the world. In America, for years drunk drivers were not penalized very much and too many people were getting killed. Then across the entire country mothers formed an organization alled MAAD, "Mothers Against Drunk Driving," and they got the laws changed so that drunk drivers can no longer drive or will go to jail if they do it more than two times. People on the highways who see a driver not driving safely call 911 on their cell phone and give a license plate number and description of the car and the police will find them on the highway. That is enforcement and the number accidents and people killed was reduced by 70 percent over several years.

I would also suggest installing speed radars and cameras at crucial points in traffic, like intersections, city, village or school zones as they do in some countries. It really works because the drivers are afraid of paying fines or losing their licences and they really try to comply with traffic rules.

That's a great idea but it would also be a start if Thailand could first erect some speed limit signs. Thailand must be the only country I've been to with an almost complete absence of speed limit signs. How the hell does anyone know what the speed limit is, if there aren't even any signs?

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Thai Government proves that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Just think how many road deaths there would be if the Thai Government counted more than just those that died at the scene of the accident.

The same amount?

No, the govt doesn't count those who die on the way to hospital or in the hospital. In the west casualties are counted up to a year and a day after the actual accident! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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THAIS, vehicles, and accidents i have just spent most of the morning in BIG C and TESCO, christ, they cant drive shopping trollies, let alone vehicles that have an engine, perhape they ought to start their driving skills in a tesco car park lol !!

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This is how to stop driving under the influence, reducing associated traffic accidents!

State police have arrested nearly 7,500 people for drunk driving across Louisiana.

Historically, the number of drunk driving arrests increases between Christmas and New Years Day.

Police say reminders of a designated driver are the hardest message to convey during the holidays. However, unfortunately its the holidays when state police arrest the most people for drunk driving.

A 2015 update to Louisiana DWI laws means more time behind bars for offenders. For example, up until now the first conviction of a DWI got the offender up to a $250 fine. The new law adds a minimum of ten days in jail, with 32 hours of community service. A second offense for a DWI and that minimum increases to 30 days in jail.

Troopers say dont risk it. A cab ride costs a lot less than fines and legal fees.

Studies and recommendations not necessary!!!!

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The death toll is very high taking onto consideration the number of people living in Thailand. It is one of the highest in the world. And to apologists who say they have seen worse driving in some other countries, it doesn't matter as Thailand road fatality is still appalling. I would recommend the ministry of education to introduce a school subject for the high school about how to behave on the road. The number of people dying on the roads is horrific and I suggest that Thai students should learn from school how to behave on the road because the police is useless at the moment by allowing reckless driving.

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Make walking paths of all roadways. Remove all motorized vehicles from being used for anything other than chicken coops. Return to the last century or so when no motorized vehicles existed. That is the only way. Give everyone roller skates to be used on

off days when people wish to travel great distances. Fatalities on the road will come to an end and everybody can be happy

again. It worked centuries ago and that is where we must go. (And, no cell phones!!)

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Same old sheet, different(day,month,year) you name it, same result. We here on TV from western countries don't understand why there is NEVER any improvements. We've heard the same BS from the big boys in charge year after year before any important holiday, but in the end it's the same result, death and destruction on the highways of Thailand. And you know what, not a damn thing will change. I for one stay off the roadways during these times. Another thing I've noticed is a very very lot of these crazy careless drivers have Bangkok license plates, it's like they've been in a cage and someone just let them out for the first time and it's petal to the metal. Just letting off a little steam IMHO. If you got to go out there be careful friends.

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year deaths* accidents registered
vehicles 1997 13,836 82,336 17,666,240 1998 11px-Decrease_Positive.svg.png 12,234 11px-Decrease_Positive.svg.png 73,725 18,860,512 1999 11px-Decrease_Positive.svg.png 12,040 11px-Decrease_Positive.svg.png 67,800 20,096,536 2000 11px-Decrease_Positive.svg.png 11,988 11px-Increase_Negative.svg.png 73,737 20,835,684 2001 11px-Decrease_Positive.svg.png 11,652 11px-Increase_Negative.svg.png 77,616 22,589,185 2002 11px-Increase_Negative.svg.png 13,116 11px-Increase_Negative.svg.png 91,623 24,517,250 2003 11px-Increase_Negative.svg.png 14,446 11px-Increase_Negative.svg.png 104,642 26,378,862 2004 11px-Decrease_Positive.svg.png 13,766 11px-Increase_Negative.svg.png 124,530 20,624,719* 2005 11px-Decrease_Positive.svg.png 12,858 11px-Decrease_Positive.svg.png 122,040 22,571,062* 2006 11px-Decrease_Positive.svg.png 12,069 11px-Decrease_Positive.svg.png 111,035 24,807,297* * New definitions of "registered vehicles".

what the big deal with those 7 dangerours days?? people in Thailand die like Flies on the roads. just check the statistics...

they die everyday, not just during the holidays...


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