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Sprayer attached to Toilet: For spraying butthole?


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I have terrible aim with those things. Can never hit it, end up like blasting my nuts, cheeks, gooch, everything except my arse.

Oh what a funny thread hahaha. Haven't heard bum gun before :-) I burnt my goolies with a cigarette I put in the toilet

yesterday while having my morning constitutional. Have a sit down toilet but seemingly more shallow than the ones

back home. You know when you smell roast pork and burnt hair and hear the skin sizzling a few seconds before you

actually feel the pain? Jesus it hurt :-(

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I asked my missus about this yesterday knowing that very rarely when we're out there is loo paper. I asked her how

Thais dry their ass after a spray and got that opened mouth look. Apparently they don't just hoik the jocks back up.

I like to use toilet paper to make sure the spray has done a thorough job but result in many dangle berries :-(

Where I live up until 15 or 20 years ago only the rich had toilets. She told me thats what sarongs are for. So they can squat

down and have a crap in the forest without anyone seeing

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I was astonished that this topic originally got started as a hijack on the "Shocking Images of India" thread where it showed the latrine. They don't use toilet paper. A container of water is provided in the latrine and apparently they use their wet bare hand to clean their bottom.

No thanks, I'll use toilet paper along with wet wipes or a washcloth if needed.

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I asked my missus about this yesterday knowing that very rarely when we're out there is loo paper. I asked her how

Thais dry their ass after a spray and got that opened mouth look. Apparently they don't just hoik the jocks back up.

I like to use toilet paper to make sure the spray has done a thorough job but result in many dangle berries :-(

Where I live up until 15 or 20 years ago only the rich had toilets. She told me thats what sarongs are for. So they can squat

down and have a crap in the forest without anyone seeing

I like the bum gun and wish I had one in the UK but obviously here I have paper to dry myself. That's the biggest problem I have in Thailand. How do you dry yourself? I was hoping you were going to give me the answer but you don't seem to have done that.

I'm married to a Thai woman but I can't remember if I've asked her or not. Maybe I did but didn't understand the answer. Wouldn't be the first time.

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I asked my missus about this yesterday knowing that very rarely when we're out there is loo paper. I asked her how

Thais dry their ass after a spray and got that opened mouth look. Apparently they don't just hoik the jocks back up.

I like to use toilet paper to make sure the spray has done a thorough job but result in many dangle berries :-(

Where I live up until 15 or 20 years ago only the rich had toilets. She told me thats what sarongs are for. So they can squat

down and have a crap in the forest without anyone seeing

I like the bum gun and wish I had one in the UK but obviously here I have paper to dry myself. That's the biggest problem I have in Thailand. How do you dry yourself? I was hoping you were going to give me the answer but you don't seem to have done that.

I'm married to a Thai woman but I can't remember if I've asked her or not. Maybe I did but didn't understand the answer. Wouldn't be the first time.

You can just drip-dry in Thailand. It only takes a few minutes.

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I asked my missus about this yesterday knowing that very rarely when we're out there is loo paper. I asked her how

Thais dry their ass after a spray and got that opened mouth look. Apparently they don't just hoik the jocks back up.

I like to use toilet paper to make sure the spray has done a thorough job but result in many dangle berries :-(

Where I live up until 15 or 20 years ago only the rich had toilets. She told me thats what sarongs are for. So they can squat

down and have a crap in the forest without anyone seeing

I like the bum gun and wish I had one in the UK but obviously here I have paper to dry myself. That's the biggest problem I have in Thailand. How do you dry yourself? I was hoping you were going to give me the answer but you don't seem to have done that.

I'm married to a Thai woman but I can't remember if I've asked her or not. Maybe I did but didn't understand the answer. Wouldn't be the first time.

You can just drip-dry in Thailand. It only takes a few minutes.

I think that's about it. Just asked her and got a lot of suggestions.

Use your underwear and leave in the bin.

They used to use newspaper. Presumably removing any sensitive pictures and stories first.

Shake your bum.

Use tissue if there is any. I pointed out that although we have it now with our western toilet and bum gun we didn't with the old squat one or even now with the outside one which her mother uses during the day.

It's not so bad if you're wearing dark coloured trousers.

If only banana leaves were more absorbent.

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Post back if you figure out how to make it work without drenched pants or real smelly fingers.

I've concluded that (in spite of hundreds of posts to the contrary), bum guns are a simple acknowledgement that toilet paper costs money and water doesn't.

Many people actually wash their hands after toilet.

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Post back if you figure out how to make it work without drenched pants or real smelly fingers.

I've concluded that (in spite of hundreds of posts to the contrary), bum guns are a simple acknowledgement that toilet paper costs money and water doesn't.

Many people actually wash their hands after toilet.

You mean the same toilets that don't provide paper, much less soap- if they even have a sink with running water to wash up?

If you don't have hot, running water, and lots of soap, it ain't "washing your hands". It's just smearing it around.

Edited by impulse
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Clearly, if the OP has to query the use of a bum gun he will next be asking what a bidet is for. Truly sad. Wiping with paper is an awful European tradition which I gave up decades ago. Bum guns for UK? Yes, good but dont forget to connect to the hot water supply for those freezing winter days!

Wiping with tissue paper is clean. Spraying water and leaving a dripping brown bacteria infected mess everywhere is unsanitary. That's why SARS spread in Thailand so fast.

I'm beginning to wonder if there is any subject you know anything about from the inane drivel you post on every topic.

Unless you are a complete numpty the drips will only be in the toilet bowl, so unless your planning to make your next meal from the depths of the bog you'll be fine whistling.gif

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Clearly, if the OP has to query the use of a bum gun he will next be asking what a bidet is for. Truly sad. Wiping with paper is an awful European tradition which I gave up decades ago. Bum guns for UK? Yes, good but dont forget to connect to the hot water supply for those freezing winter days!

Wiping with tissue paper is clean. Spraying water and leaving a dripping brown bacteria infected mess everywhere is unsanitary. That's why SARS spread in Thailand so fast.

I'm beginning to wonder if there is any subject you know anything about from the inane drivel you post on every topic.

Unless you are a complete numpty the drips will only be in the toilet bowl, so unless your planning to make your next meal from the depths of the bog you'll be fine whistling.gif

You are so right! I have seen reports (from US and EU) that state that the toilet is cleaner than the ice machines in many investigated fast food places like McD. I have not seen reports about Thailand but I would guess that it's the same here at McD and 7-11!
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They're not just popular in Thailand. Many Finnish toilets have them too, just to mention one. I remember sharing an office in Boston with a Japanese and a Bangladeshi and we all agreed we missed having it, in one form or another. When I don't have it, I use wet wipes because dry paper just doesn't feel clean.

Somebody needs to tell these folk about the humble bum gun:

Too posh for loo-paper: London homeowners using wet wipes instead of toilet roll are costing water company £12m in blockages


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I was astonished that this topic originally got started as a hijack on the "Shocking Images of India" thread where it showed the latrine. They don't use toilet paper. A container of water is provided in the latrine and apparently they use their wet bare hand to clean their bottom.

They also do that in the Philippines, using a scoop or plastic saucepan and their left hand. And more than likely in much of the developing world as well.

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I have terrible aim with those things. Can never hit it, end up like blasting my nuts, cheeks, gooch, everything except my arse.

I tried one in Japan a few years back, it was automatic and was a fixed part of the toilet seat. Adjust the pressure you wanted etc and just push a button adjacent to your seat. It was neat and I'm thinking about installing one in my home. If nothing else, a great conversational piece. We have one of the regular types here in our Thailand home but just doesn't appeal to me.

I first saw one in a hotel in Delhi back in 2008. What's that I thought? There was no button but a tap on the side and when I turned it and saw water come out the penny dropped. It's actually better than the bum gun IMO. I think they were invented in Japan.

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Due to reputed cleaner and more thorough evacuation of the bowels, use of the squat toilet coupled with the hose sprayer may give more thorough cleaning with less residual clinging waste.

What troubles me is where my lowered pants can go without getting in the way of the whole process. Also, floors are often really wet, further complicating the process with no pants wall hooks, too.sad.png

Ah, the plight of the under-informed (which I once was). You simply remove everything, roll the mess into a bundle, and place it in the nifty cavern created by your lap as you squat. Once mastered, the benefits of the squat toilet far outweigh the drawbacks of the european "throne of anatomical misfortune." Cheers.

Benefits of the squat toilet - so true:

"The best posture for passing stools is squatting. In this position, waste elimination is easier, faster and complete. Sitting, on the other hand, obstructs the passage of waste through the colon. Elimination is difficult, requires straining and can never be complete. Many people today remain unaware that sitting toilets pose a danger to their health and well-being. In his book, A Guide to Better Bowel Care: A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, chiropractic physician and nutritionist Dr Bernard Jensen identified the sitting toilet as a health threat to mankind:

"It is my sincere belief that one of the bowel's greatest enemies in civilized society is the ergonomic nightmare known as the toilet or john."


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Due to reputed cleaner and more thorough evacuation of the bowels, use of the squat toilet coupled with the hose sprayer may give more thorough cleaning with less residual clinging waste.

What troubles me is where my lowered pants can go without getting in the way of the whole process. Also, floors are often really wet, further complicating the process with no pants wall hooks, too.sad.png

Ah, the plight of the under-informed (which I once was). You simply remove everything, roll the mess into a bundle, and place it in the nifty cavern created by your lap as you squat. Once mastered, the benefits of the squat toilet far outweigh the drawbacks of the european "throne of anatomical misfortune." Cheers.

Benefits of the squat toilet - so true:

"The best posture for passing stools is squatting. In this position, waste elimination is easier, faster and complete. Sitting, on the other hand, obstructs the passage of waste through the colon. Elimination is difficult, requires straining and can never be complete. Many people today remain unaware that sitting toilets pose a danger to their health and well-being. In his book, A Guide to Better Bowel Care: A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, chiropractic physician and nutritionist Dr Bernard Jensen identified the sitting toilet as a health threat to mankind:

"It is my sincere belief that one of the bowel's greatest enemies in civilized society is the ergonomic nightmare known as the toilet or john."


Even though it might be better for passing stool it's an ergonomic nightmare for the rest of the body, even the Thai ministry of health say so!
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Due to reputed cleaner and more thorough evacuation of the bowels, use of the squat toilet coupled with the hose sprayer may give more thorough cleaning with less residual clinging waste.

What troubles me is where my lowered pants can go without getting in the way of the whole process. Also, floors are often really wet, further complicating the process with no pants wall hooks, too.sad.png

Ah, the plight of the under-informed (which I once was). You simply remove everything, roll the mess into a bundle, and place it in the nifty cavern created by your lap as you squat. Once mastered, the benefits of the squat toilet far outweigh the drawbacks of the european "throne of anatomical misfortune." Cheers.

Benefits of the squat toilet - so true:

"The best posture for passing stools is squatting. In this position, waste elimination is easier, faster and complete. Sitting, on the other hand, obstructs the passage of waste through the colon. Elimination is difficult, requires straining and can never be complete. Many people today remain unaware that sitting toilets pose a danger to their health and well-being. In his book, A Guide to Better Bowel Care: A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, chiropractic physician and nutritionist Dr Bernard Jensen identified the sitting toilet as a health threat to mankind:

"It is my sincere belief that one of the bowel's greatest enemies in civilized society is the ergonomic nightmare known as the toilet or john."


Even though it might be better for passing stool it's an ergonomic nightmare for the rest of the body, even the Thai ministry of health say so!

"The design of the modern-day toilet was created with absolute disregard for the anatomy of the human body" - Dr. William Welles

Squatting on a western toilet is certainly awkward but no problem on a proper squat one:

"The best toilet for you - based on the design of the human body - is the Asian or Indian toilet, which requires you to squat for waste evacuation... Nature has intended that human beings evacuate waste in the squatting position. In the sitting position, it is physically impossible for one to evacuate easily... Squatting toilets are usually associated with non-Western cultures. This is why they are also known as Eastern, Indian or traditional toilets. But the truth is that squat toilets were used in all cultures in the past.

Long before sitting toilets even existed, human beings have always squatted whenever they need to relieve themselves... including infants of every culture who instinctively adopt this posture to answer the call of nature...

"For many decades, virtually every physician and physiologist who has ever troubled to write on the subject agrees that squatting is the most natural and sound posture for emptying the bowels. They have blamed the sitting toilet for the high incidence of serious ailments and diseases, such as appendicitis, constipation and colon cancer. These ailments and diseases were rare before the mid 19th century, when the majority have always used the squatting position (except for royalty and the disabled). Compared with the rest of the world, people in the Westernised countries where sitting toilets are well-entrenched have much higher rates of appendicitis, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, and other bowel diseases…

"Consider this Apr 1979 report published in the Israel Journal of Medical Science: "The prevalences of bowel diseases (hemorrhoids, appendicitis, polyps, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, and colon cancer) are similar in South African whites and in populations of prosperous western countries. Among rural South African blacks with a traditional life style, these diseases are very uncommon or almost unknown."


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Post back if you figure out how to make it work without drenched pants or real smelly fingers.

I've concluded that (in spite of hundreds of posts to the contrary), bum guns are a simple acknowledgement that toilet paper costs money and water doesn't

good lord, it really is not that difficult.

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Due to reputed cleaner and more thorough evacuation of the bowels, use of the squat toilet coupled with the hose sprayer may give more thorough cleaning with less residual clinging waste.

What troubles me is where my lowered pants can go without getting in the way of the whole process. Also, floors are often really wet, further complicating the process with no pants wall hooks, too.sad.png

Ah, the plight of the under-informed (which I once was). You simply remove everything, roll the mess into a bundle, and place it in the nifty cavern created by your lap as you squat. Once mastered, the benefits of the squat toilet far outweigh the drawbacks of the european "throne of anatomical misfortune." Cheers.

Benefits of the squat toilet - so true:

"The best posture for passing stools is squatting. In this position, waste elimination is easier, faster and complete. Sitting, on the other hand, obstructs the passage of waste through the colon. Elimination is difficult, requires straining and can never be complete. Many people today remain unaware that sitting toilets pose a danger to their health and well-being. In his book, A Guide to Better Bowel Care: A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, chiropractic physician and nutritionist Dr Bernard Jensen identified the sitting toilet as a health threat to mankind:

"It is my sincere belief that one of the bowel's greatest enemies in civilized society is the ergonomic nightmare known as the toilet or john."


Even though it might be better for passing stool it's an ergonomic nightmare for the rest of the body, even the Thai ministry of health say so!

Forgot to add, whoever in the health ministry said that is probably one of those Western educated monkeys, those who think just because something is done in the West then it must be good. A seriously mistaken notion.

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Firstly, you can adjust the pressure by how hard you squeeze the trigger.

I spray the wiping hand/fingers instead of directly up the hole..

The hardest spray is good for cleaning shit which sticks to the sides of the bowl without needing the brush.

The plumbing in Thailand uses small size pipes which will block easily so avoid putting paper down the loo.

Paper is Ok for drying the wet bum.... but what do you think they put the tails on shirts for?

In underdeveloped Countries without bum guns... I shit ... I flush ... I dip my hand into the clean wtaer in the bowl and clean up... voila!

Makes one less lazy about washing hands afterwards....

Why do you think few Thais bite their nails..?

Story... I stopped wearing underwear 20 years ago. I used to enjoy riding a M/c on long trips and the undies got scrunched up and uncomfortable in the jeans/leather pants after a long hot sweaty trip. I read in a m/c magazine that a guy stopped wearing and tried it....great! ... Hang Free!!!

Story ... I read a book about the Samurai times. Assasins were common. They probably handn't invented the U-bend then. So the thunderbox or a hole in the floor was probably the system used.... with trays to catch the fertilizer for the crops. Assasins had been known to hide under the loo and stick it up 'em whilst the man was in a delicate position. A warlord used to keep himself alert for attack at all times, and so he never left his pants around his ankles but always removed one leg. I do this also and it enables one to open ones legs wide and relax..... and I use the bottom of the pant leg to dry my bum with before putting them on as normal. In this climate after only a few minutes it is dry... much better than a damp bum area of the pants.

Now I know why Thai think old foreigners, especially Brits, stink and avoid touching them.

Where does a Brit hide his money?

Under the soap.

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They're not just popular in Thailand. Many Finnish toilets have them too, just to mention one. I remember sharing an office in Boston with a Japanese and a Bangladeshi and we all agreed we missed having it, in one form or another. When I don't have it, I use wet wipes because dry paper just doesn't feel clean.

Somebody needs to tell these folk about the humble bum gun:

Too posh for loo-paper: London homeowners using wet wipes instead of toilet roll are costing water company £12m in blockages


<deleted>? What are these retarded BDTs up to now? I just clicked on that link to look at it again and I got taken to a page from the Ministry of Silliness, all in Thai, which obviously says that site is blocked!

<deleted>? This is from the Daily Mail newspaper in the UK and has got nothing to do with Thailand or the political situation here. It's all about sewer blockages over there! Sheeeesh!!!

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Due to reputed cleaner and more thorough evacuation of the bowels, use of the squat toilet coupled with the hose sprayer may give more thorough cleaning with less residual clinging waste.

What troubles me is where my lowered pants can go without getting in the way of the whole process. Also, floors are often really wet, further complicating the process with no pants wall hooks, too.sad.png

Ah, the plight of the under-informed (which I once was). You simply remove everything, roll the mess into a bundle, and place it in the nifty cavern created by your lap as you squat. Once mastered, the benefits of the squat toilet far outweigh the drawbacks of the european "throne of anatomical misfortune." Cheers.

Benefits of the squat toilet - so true:

"The best posture for passing stools is squatting. In this position, waste elimination is easier, faster and complete. Sitting, on the other hand, obstructs the passage of waste through the colon. Elimination is difficult, requires straining and can never be complete. Many people today remain unaware that sitting toilets pose a danger to their health and well-being. In his book, A Guide to Better Bowel Care: A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, chiropractic physician and nutritionist Dr Bernard Jensen identified the sitting toilet as a health threat to mankind:

"It is my sincere belief that one of the bowel's greatest enemies in civilized society is the ergonomic nightmare known as the toilet or john."


Even though it might be better for passing stool it's an ergonomic nightmare for the rest of the body, even the Thai ministry of health say so!

Forgot to add, whoever in the health ministry said that is probably one of those Western educated monkeys, those who think just because something is done in the West then it must be good. A seriously mistaken notion.

As I said, maybe the best way to pass stool is squatting but it's a bad for other parts of your body like your hips and knees.

The human body have evolve some parts more than others so compare with the male urinary tract was designed when we walked on all 4 but I have never seen a human standing on all 4 to pee.


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As I said, maybe the best way to pass stool is squatting but it's a bad for other parts of your body like your hips and knees.

The human body have evolve some parts more than others so compare with the male urinary tract was designed when we walked on all 4 but I have never seen a human standing on all 4 to pee.


If it was bad for the hips and knees then millions upon millions of people, billions even, would have these problems yet they don't. In fact many squat for leisure. And I see no conclusive evidence from that thread that squatting causes arthritis.

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As I said, maybe the best way to pass stool is squatting but it's a bad for other parts of your body like your hips and knees.

The human body have evolve some parts more than others so compare with the male urinary tract was designed when we walked on all 4 but I have never seen a human standing on all 4 to pee.


If it was bad for the hips and knees then millions upon millions of people, billions even, would have these problems yet they don't. In fact many squat for leisure. And I see no conclusive evidence from that thread that squatting causes arthritis.

First of all when I start looking then I can't find any clinical trials that say that squat toilets are better than seated toilets. And this article from National Public Radio say the same thing:


I did find a study about squat toilets from 1979... so basically there have been no real studies on squat toilets for 35 years. But I have seen studies about arthritis made as late as last year...

And there are others that say that squating is bad for your knees:


And as about 16% if all people are suffering from arthritis then I would say that using the squat toilet is bad for you knees but I can't say that its better for you passing stool as there are NO clinical trials done!

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As I said, maybe the best way to pass stool is squatting but it's a bad for other parts of your body like your hips and knees.

The human body have evolve some parts more than others so compare with the male urinary tract was designed when we walked on all 4 but I have never seen a human standing on all 4 to pee.


If it was bad for the hips and knees then millions upon millions of people, billions even, would have these problems yet they don't. In fact many squat for leisure. And I see no conclusive evidence from that thread that squatting causes arthritis.

First of all when I start looking then I can't find any clinical trials that say that squat toilets are better than seated toilets. And this article from National Public Radio say the same thing:


I did find a study about squat toilets from 1979... so basically there have been no real studies on squat toilets for 35 years. But I have seen studies about arthritis made as late as last year...

And there are others that say that squating is bad for your knees:


And as about 16% if all people are suffering from arthritis then I would say that using the squat toilet is bad for you knees but I can't say that its better for you passing stool as there are NO clinical trials done!

See these testimonials by doctors and other health experts:


And what about that Israeli report cited above?

"And there are others that say that squating is bad for your knees:


But that's about doing squats, probably scores of them, as a form of exercise, and not as a toilet posture. Hardly evidence.

"And as about 16% if all people are suffering from arthritis then I would say that using the squat toilet is bad for you knees but I can't say that its better for you passing stool as there are NO clinical trials done!"

If sitting toilets prevent arthritis then why do so many people in the West still suffer from it?

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