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Swedes rally in support of mosques after arson attacks

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How would you feel if you get pushed out of Thailand.. I take it Thailand is now your home ?

Can you understand that they are a bit pissed if their mosques get burned.. I am sure you would protest too if someone did stuff like that with you. You can hate Muslims all you want but this was a crime committed against them and they have every right to protest about that.

How much has Thai society been forced to change its culture and its religious practices because Westerners have moved here? Do we set up zones of influence and demand to be treated by a separate code of Christian Law (granted for the British, the comparison is a problem)? Do we attack, utter insults, and chase down Thais because they behave in a manner consistent with their own civilization? If there are Western practices being adopted in Thailand, it's because the Thais want them. I don't know of too many non-Muslim parts of the world that want to adopt Muslim practices.

Fair point.. but you must have seen Pattaya ?

Most muslims are ok no problems whatsoever but some idiots that make a lot of noise and try to change things. Same here with farangs most are ok but there are some nutcases that are a problem.

And for looking down on Thais.. one should only read all the Thaibashing on this forum.

We are just as bad as normal muslims (not bad at all), and those idiot extreme foreigners are as bad as the extreme muslims.

In my time working with Muslims in the Netherlands is that most of them just want a place to live and make money. Then you got some idiots that try to change things and are radical. Its the same everywhere there always bad elements.

I am pretty sure you don't consider farang criminals as the norm, but the Thais do identify them with us too. Just like we identify all Muslims with a few bad ones. Does not sound fair does it ?

I, too, have criticized much of the knee-jerk unthinking criticism of Thailand that appears on TVF. But the often time crude remarks we see here are as nothing when compared to taking over parts of a city and instituting your own laws on a de facto basis. In your own Netherlands it is unsafe to criticize Muslims--you can be killed for it. I don't know anywhere in Thailand that Thais are unsafe because of rampaging farangs. There is of course one place in Thailand where bombings, murder, and assassination are a common occurrence. But that is in Thailand's far south and the element doing the terrorism is a Muslim one.

How is it unsafe to criticize Muslims in the Netherlands ? I know of only 1 guy who died because of it and they got the person who did it. It happened before I even left for Thailand (if i still remember correctly) That is not too bad that is 1 incident in more then 10 years.

Your remark about Muslims doing the bombing in Thailand and killing.. you are right.. but you forget one important thing. They kill other Muslims there too. So how do you explain that if its all aimed at Buddists or if all Muslims are bad.. why then do these Muslims get killed by other Muslims.

How would you feel if you get pushed out of Thailand.. I take it Thailand is now your home ?

Can you understand that they are a bit pissed if their mosques get burned.. I am sure you would protest too if someone did stuff like that with you. You can hate Muslims all you want but this was a crime committed against them and they have every right to protest about that.

How much has Thai society been forced to change its culture and its religious practices because Westerners have moved here? Do we set up zones of influence and demand to be treated by a separate code of Christian Law (granted for the British, the comparison is a problem)? Do we attack, utter insults, and chase down Thais because they behave in a manner consistent with their own civilization? If there are Western practices being adopted in Thailand, it's because the Thais want them. I don't know of too many non-Muslim parts of the world that want to adopt Muslim practices.

Fair point.. but you must have seen Pattaya ?

Most muslims are ok no problems whatsoever but some idiots that make a lot of noise and try to change things. Same here with farangs most are ok but there are some nutcases that are a problem.

And for looking down on Thais.. one should only read all the Thaibashing on this forum.

We are just as bad as normal muslims (not bad at all), and those idiot extreme foreigners are as bad as the extreme muslims.

In my time working with Muslims in the Netherlands is that most of them just want a place to live and make money. Then you got some idiots that try to change things and are radical. Its the same everywhere there always bad elements.

I am pretty sure you don't consider farang criminals as the norm, but the Thais do identify them with us too. Just like we identify all Muslims with a few bad ones. Does not sound fair does it ?

I, too, have criticized much of the knee-jerk unthinking criticism of Thailand that appears on TVF. But the often time crude remarks we see here are as nothing when compared to taking over parts of a city and instituting your own laws on a de facto basis. In your own Netherlands it is unsafe to criticize Muslims--you can be killed for it. I don't know anywhere in Thailand that Thais are unsafe because of rampaging farangs. There is of course one place in Thailand where bombings, murder, and assassination are a common occurrence. But that is in Thailand's far south and the element doing the terrorism is a Muslim one.

How is it unsafe to criticize Muslims in the Netherlands ? I know of only 1 guy who died because of it and they got the person who did it. It happened before I even left for Thailand (if i still remember correctly) That is not too bad that is 1 incident in more then 10 years.

Your remark about Muslims doing the bombing in Thailand and killing.. you are right.. but you forget one important thing. They kill other Muslims there too. So how do you explain that if its all aimed at Buddists or if all Muslims are bad.. why then do these Muslims get killed by other Muslims.

Point of fact Ayaan Hirsi-Ali left the Netherlands because the police could not guarantee her safety. Indeed it is not just the Netherlands but the whole of Europe where criticism of Islam risks your safety, a Danish cartoonist springs to mind but there are many more.



Now i can say that all Christians are violent and should protest against this to prove otherwise.

That is kinda what you guys are asking from Muslims


That is kinda what you guys are asking from Muslims

Robblok you will more easily pass a camel thru the eye of a sewing needle than

convince/change those that would pigeonhole any group/religion/race as all being the same.

There is not the slightest crack in a bigoted person to let any light at all into their fixed opinion

Good of you to try though thumbsup.gif

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That is kinda what you guys are asking from Muslims

Robblok you will more easily pass a camel thru the eye of a sewing needle than

convince those that would pigeonhole any group/religion/race as all being the same.

There is not the slightest crack in a bigoted person to let any light at all into their fixed opinion

Good of you to try though thumbsup.gif

I should have known better, but in the past I was quite anti Muslim / immigrants. That was until I lived here a while and understood they faced the same stuff we face. I also understand that the majority just like the majority of foreigners here are good people who just want to be left alone.

I feel absolutely no responsibility for the actions of others and fail to see why others should feel that way.

I am not saying that there is not a problem with Muslims, there is of course.. however many immigrants hate the extremists too. Plus most violence from Muslim terrorists is aimed at other Muslims.

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I should have known better,

I often get caught up in it myself wink.png

But like you I tend to see all groups have their bad & their good.

Funny too many times it is the governments/militants that the whole group is likened too.

Yet those in power/those positions represent but a fraction of the whole.


So technically they weren't swedes, just immigrants calling themselves swedes.

Well, "technically" they *are* Swede. You may be among those who wish nationality were based on race. But in fact, it isn't. So, both technically, and actually (not to mention linguistically), you are incorrect.


Sorry to say, you are way off, by citizenship they might be Swedish, but most of the immigrants will never be Swedish, that is NOT based on citizenship, something that's very easy to hand out.

I myself aren't much of a racist, I wouldn't have married a Thai woman if I was, but WE DO have a huge problem with especially muslims in my native country, Sweden.

Being a Swede means so much more than color of you skin, religious beliefs or ethnicity, it's more a state of mind, openness, acceptance of others, care for others.

But that is all gone now, thanks to all the good doers in Sweden who without discrimination let anyone in to our country. I could elaborate more about this but won't just now.

If we (our politicians "good doers") would have made sure we integrated these people in to our culture and society, most of todays problems wouldn't have been problems but with ALL good doers, they DO A LOT, but they DON'T follow up on their actions. These people are the ones I hate with all my heart and soul.

Being Swedish, or Brit, or Chinese is not a static thing. After years of trying, the Brits are still nowhere near to meaningfully defining what it means to be British.

The fact that policies have been implemented over a fair period of time that have facilitated immigration, and that such policies aren't created in a vacuum, means that acceptance of different peoples to become Swedish is part of what it means to be Swedish.

I agree that immigrants everywhere need to do more to try and integrate without necessarily utterly discarding their previous cultures, but somehow subsuming one into the other. This often occurs to varying degrees, depending on individuals and their various circumstances. We have to recognize though that this isn't an easy task, particularly for first generation immigrants. Better communications, easier and cheaper travel and pervasive world trade have paradoxically made it easier for immigrants to remain insular longer as "home" is just a Skype call away and regular home comforts like spices are easily available at the local supermarket or corner store.

It's easy to say that such people should have anticipated the difficulties and either prepared themselves better or not come at all. However, people immigrate for many reasons. Often, the decision is forced on them, as with refugees. Some have muddled reasons, are over optimistic or succumb to wishful thinking about their prospects.

This brings me to my second agreement with you. Receiving governments and their embassies in origin countries need to do more to help prepare, and once landed, help immigrants integrate better.

Apart from humanitarian reasons, which is a commendable part of what it is to be Swedish, there are also good, practical reasons for Sweden and others to accept immigrants. Immigrants (as a whole) bring new ideas, new vibrancy, good work ethics and help reverse the trend of declining populations.

Those who are concerned about immigration but aren't racist, would do better to direct their energies towards pressuring their governments to help more with integration and getting directly involved in being more welcoming to immigrants and to help them integrate.

All this "get off my lawn" wailing is doing nobody any good.



@ robblok - [/size]

Post # 32

"Your remark about Muslims doing the bombing in Thailand and killing.. you are right.. but you forget one important thing. They kill other Muslims there too. So how do you explain that if its all aimed at Buddists or if all Muslims are bad.. why then do these Muslims get killed by other Muslims."

WHY? "why then do these Muslims get killed by other Muslims".

In far south Thailand, when Muslims kill other Muslims - the vast majority of Muslims killed by other Muslims in acts of violence are killed as accidental collateral damage while trying to kill Thai Buddhists or are killed in retaliation for collaboration with the Thai Government / School System, etc. and therefore are insulting Islam thus considered traitors ... or just because they refuse to also enter into acts of violence against Buddhists.

The characterisation of the conflict in southern Thailand as being a religious one is way off the mark. The slaughter of both Buddhists and Moslems is terrorism at its most basic: acts to create fear in the hearts of the population. Most certainly the deaths of Moslems are not "accidental collateral damage". Slitting the throat of Moslem rubber tappers in the field is in no way an accident.

More accurate to label the conflict as (1) separatist, and (2) a cover for illegal activities such as smuggling and extortion. With the multitude of groups involved, some are more into one than the other. I rather doubt any of them is acting purely from a religious motivation.


Sweden is heading to be 40% muslim by 2030 so u can understand why the indigenous population are getting fed up with the liberal immigration policies that the NWO controlled govt is pursuing...northern europe is going to have big trouble soon


Is it not ironic that we are discussing Muslim victim hood in Sweden when recently the police in Malmö had to close off some roads to prevent attacks on police stations by Muslims. Still I'm sure the politically correct Swedish police will investigate the Islamophobic attacks whilst aiding and abetting their leaders in their policy of national suicide.


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There a quite a few off-topic posts. Please try to stick to the topic and if you are going to discuss other countries do so with an eye towards a comparison to the situation in Sweden.


Off-topic posts removed.

Please note that this topic is not about Southern Thailand. It's about Sweden.


@ robblok - Post # 32

"Your remark about Muslims doing the bombing in Thailand and killing.. you are right.. but you forget one important thing. They kill other Muslims there too. So how do you explain that if its all aimed at Buddists or if all Muslims are bad.. why then do these Muslims get killed by other Muslims."

WHY? "why then do these Muslims get killed by other Muslims".

In far south Thailand, when Muslims kill other Muslims - the vast majority of Muslims killed by other Muslims in acts of violence are killed as accidental collateral damage while trying to kill Thai Buddhists or are killed in retaliation for collaboration with the Thai Government / School System, etc. and therefore are insulting Islam thus considered traitors ... or just because they refuse to also enter into acts of violence against Buddhists.

Yes they get killed because they are peaceful and don't want to kill others, or they have helped the government.

So if there are Muslims who do that, then for sure not ALL Muslims are bad and terrorist like so many farangs here are posting.

It totally proves my point and that is why i made that point.

So thanks for explaining what others might not have understood.

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