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have you ever stopped to consider that some of the "trolls" that every body attacks so vociferously on this thread may not be trolls?

Likewise do you think the smug nastiness that even the simplest of posts brings out in many tv members may actually be causing the trolls to post more frequently?

i put to you that perhaps it is unnecessary to revisit a posters biographical data in another thread simply because he wished to find a home for a dog.

i also question how many times you need to tell someone that his girlfriend is a hooker when you have never laid eyes (or anything else) on the woman?

how seriously do you need to take yorself on an internet forum before you begin seem downright petty and considerably more ridiculous than the troll you are denouncing?

ironically, despite the remarkably low esteem in which women - both thai and farang, for entirely different reasons - seem to be held on these pages so many of you claim your girls are different while crying fool about all others and their attempts at finding mates.

it also seems that despite the constantly stated aversion to bargirl related topics, so many topics end up with the vocal tv majority denouncing a woman as a whore.

i realize this post itself will be denounced as a troll, but i have said my piece

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This is an important point IMO. I have said on other threads that I would rather be fooled by 10 trolls than denounce one genuine member looking for help or advice. I have been rather surprised by the rather vicious attacks I have read recently, some of which have been from posters I otherwise considered helpful and fair minded.

I can see that no-one wants to feel that they have been caught out by a troll post, but does it really matter? It is sad that some individuals get some sort of pleasure from running a troll and getting reactions from others, but I will try my best not to let them turn me into a cynical or spiteful forum member. The dangers that a genuine poster could be badly affected as a result are, IMO, just too high.


It is a good point .

If someone wants to find a home for a dog he / she should not be flamed . However if someone is attacking another member they should be called out as the troll they are . This really could be a fun and friendly forum if people treated each other here as if they were talking to each other face to face .


For those that don't know, the original poster of two recent - and well read troll posts, has been dealt with by the mods. Both have now been closed and the member 'removed' :o

I was caught out by this individual. I guess there's no way of stopping idiots that have time on their hands and nothing better to do...I'll live with it


I would agree with all the points above after the O.P.

Every time someone trolls the forums they water down the any beneficial things offered to everyone. Take for example a guy that gets caught out for having been banned and coming back with a new name.

That being said, trolling is common and sgould be dealt with firmly and directly. Looking to find a home for a dog is honorable ... threatening to drown a puppy however, is detestable.


Rather than accuse another member of trolling, I submit that it would be far more effective if you think the post is a troll simply not to respond to it.


A troll is a troll is a troll? They should be dealt with when they get out of hand and they should be tolerated if they can stay within the bounds of reason. Some of the most fun threads are actually troll threads. The news forum has lots of trolling...and bedlam is almost nothing but trolling. If you get caught up in a troll thread then just chalk it up to forgetting that you are only looking at text on a luminous screen and it really has little to do with reality. If you have read many of my posts you probably think I'm a farmer in northern Thailand....but you'll never know for sure and the best thing for you is to just realize that all you really get from me is text on a luminous screen.


That being said, trolling is common and sgould be dealt with firmly and directly. Looking to find a home for a dog is honorable ... threatening to drown a puppy however, is detestable.

I have locked horns with the character in question on more than one occassion. His comment about 'drowning the pup' was most definately IMHO just in his style and could not be seriously considered as an attempted 'troll-by'. To think that a man who rescues a pup off the street would then actually resort to drowning it is one thing, and most definately mistaken, but to continue to refer to it might possibly be construed as trolling or at the very least a 'lit fart' of a flamer?

Such a shame that his comment has detracted from what was otherwise an incredibly generous act.

As for the trolls, well I have to agree that their existence is petty and annoying. To slam someone on suspicion alone however is harsh and could cause a few problems for an otherwise naive OP or poster. The two threads that are being referred to started out really well, I believe his denial of ever having a girlfriend was in an attempt to wind up people who he had taken umbrage at. He just couldn't take members of the forum referring to his girlfriend as a pro, the bad little troll that he is.

It is a very tetchy subject. No one likes to be mislead by a troll. Its a waste of time and leads to people becoming jaded and perhaps not helping someone who really needs it. At the same time I'm not going to dance on a grave unless I am certain that there is a troll buried below.

Yeesh - I agree. I'm glad I didn't see that thread.

I would suggest that you go and read it Kat. You will find out that i actualy saved a puppy from a certain death on a busy Bangkok intersection, i then had to take the following day of work to try and find a home for her, I found a member on here with a home for her on Koh Samui. My daughter and i then went to the pet shop, bought a cage for transport, took her to Don Muang Airport, bought her a plane ticket and put her on the plane to her new owner.

For this i got abused by a certain member of the forum, stating that because i have a maid and earn good money i should be able to keep the dog myself. Quite a sad show realy.

In my opening post i said that i would drown the pup next week if i did not find a home for her, This i would have never done, it was mearly a way of conveying an urgency to the request.

Please excuse my spelling in this post as i have just finished work having had to go in today to catch up on the work i missed on friday.



In my opening post i said that i would drown the pup next week if i did not find a home for her.



One of the major problems with intenet forums, is that it is often hard to read a person's true meaning and intent from a typed post.

The use of emoticons helps to alleviate that, to a degree. :o

How ever, when someone makes a statement like the one above from Lacoste, without clarification of his true meaning and intent, many, if not most, would assume he actually intended to drowned that puppy.

This i would have never done, it was mearly a way of conveying an urgency to the request.

In this case, by the time the clarification of his intent was made, the damage had already been done.

For various reasons, many of Lacoste's recent posts are fresh in the memory of some members. When one combines statements from other posts (i.e. how much his monthly expenditures are), with the callousness of the first quote, it can easily cause a lot of people to take a dim view of the person in question.

In another forum, a new member asked if there were any "non-seedy" places to go in Pattaya. Many people immediately assumed this to be a troll post from another Pattaya basher. It took a number of posts to finally work out that that member wasn't a troll, but was asking his question based on questionable information given by a 3rd party.

Another major problem is that these forums contain a lot of anonymous people. If you know a member personally, or have interacted with them over a period of time, then you are more likely to view his/her posts in a different light than those made by someone you don't know.

Not much different than meeting people for the first time. First impressions and all that.

Some people easily get along with others right off the bat.

Other people need time to "warm up" to new friends. Still others (like me ! :D ) grate you from word one and things never seem to improve.

We are just one large community, living in cyber-space and, for the most part, having "virtual" relationships. Not all of us are going to get along with everyone else, but some will get along better than others.

And just like in real life, if there are people that you don't get along with, you don't normally go up to them and stick your face in theirs at every opportunity. You avoid and/or ignore them.

OK, lecture over ! Get out there and have fun !

have you ever stopped to consider that some of the "trolls" that every body attacks so vociferously on this thread may not be trolls?

i realize this post itself will be denounced as a troll, but i have said my piece

I also think you are making some valid points, some people are being hit with shot and shell, in my opinion, way beyond the call of duty.

If they are a troll, well, it can be dealt with in several ways, if you feel strongly and negatively about it, attack the post not the person or the partner, the seanc07, was attacked unmercifully, despite any suspicions anybody might have, none of us know for sure, or do we?

Trolls can also be a good thing if they draw out intelligent debate and flames and abuse kept to an absolute minimum.

There is one other thread where the OP has posted that people have pm'd him because they didn't want to be attacked on the forum, now that can't be right.

On each occasion, I felt they requested advice and they generally received pretty awful abuse, I just cannot see the point of being abusive, you can make your point with a nudge or even a blatant denial, but why qualify it with vitriolic abuse.

The puppy story was a different matter, an overall great show of compassion by Lacoste was blackened by an unnecessary piece of information that transpired to be inaccurate, with the little information at our fingertips it got responded to in kind.

It then, in my opinion got out of hand, spreading over four threads,(that I know of) keeping the mods on their toes.

As kerryd says, quite rightly, this is generally a word format information forum and misunderstandings can occur that can't be alleviated by body language and facial expression, believe me I know about that from personal experience.

But why oh why do certain guys have to be so vitriolic in response?

My two h'pennys worth over.

Good Luck :o


If it counts for anything, I can vouch for t.s.'s identity from another forum (no, not that one).

Just another beef I have, why do people refer to other boards, but do not mention them by name, is there some magic spell that will bring on some unnamed catastrophy :o

Before I have to pull up the draw-bridge and prepare to defend the ramparts this is not directed at you Insight, it happens a lot. :D kerryd is that the right emoticon to use :D

Good Luck



Just another beef I have, why do people refer to other boards, but do not mention them by name, is there some magic spell that will bring on some unnamed catastrophy :o

Yes .

However if someone is attacking another member they should be called out as the troll they are .

so i am a troll then ..... u brat .grrrrrrrrrrrrr :D

oops .. attacking not attracted :D

i miss you somehow :o


Just another beef I have, why do people refer to other boards, but do not mention them by name, is there some magic spell that will bring on some unnamed catastrophy :o

Yes .

Thank you Jeff, I no longer have a beef.



and the flame threads started afterwards were deleted ....... almost wish they had just been shut down too so people could see


"Sean" was just a blatant liar.

He started his topics from the UK & finished them in BKK.

He was easily spotted again, by his stupidity by reging again as 'Siam Sam'.....

To be a good liar, it's important to have a great memory, he did not and was spotted by members early on.

He was just another loser :o


The OP doesn't just refer to 'trolls'. The post also refers to how Thai women are poorly regarded by certain posters who have never met the women they choose to denigrate.

The OP is merely giving us an observation of what some of the long term TV members have known for years.

I've found it rather interesting that there seems to be distinct groups of TV members who constantly support each other no matter how contraversial the subject may be.

I'm not suggesting that this is a bad thing but it indicates that "group mentality" is alive and well.

If however, all TV members agreed with each other on every post submitted to the varous forums, we would all die from boredom.


Just another beef I have, why do people refer to other boards, but do not mention them by name, is there some magic spell that will bring on some unnamed catastrophy :o

Yes .

Thank you Jeff, I no longer have a beef.


I try to help, the best I can . What with my limited vocabualry and all . Be cool, live long and prosper .


you miss me " somehow " ???? Do tell, how ?

Thats ok, I think I know how :D

Nobody misses you more that I do :D


What's quite interesting is that a member who calls another member's girlfriend a prostitute is not considered a troll..... Lets place that in a non cyberspace context:

Bouncer rushes to the scene where two men are squaring off.

Bouncer: " What seems to be the problem here gents?"

Man 1: "This guy was being annoying, making up stuff and generally saying stupid naive things."

Bouncer: "So why has it got to this point? Was he being personally offensive to you?"

Man 1: "Not at the start, but he then did start calling us names and being even more irritating."

Bouncer turning to man 2: "And why did you do that?"

Man 2: "I was asking their advice. He called my girlfriend a prostitute. And then his mates joined in."

Man 1: " But she is a prostitute you stupid stinking laimo!"

Bouncer turning to man 1: "Do you know his girlfriend?"

Man 1: "No"

Bouncer: "So how do you know she is a prostitute?"

Man 1: "Because so many of her type are."

It seems to happen a lot here on TV. Maybe I am too new to be jaded by it. I am not yet prepared to call someone elses girlfriend a pro and consider myself right despite never having met her.


There's another repeating - and highly annoying - theme here at TV that I'd like to raise which has not yet been brought up. Please note the below post. Now be honest folks, how many of you fell asleep halfway through? It seems the objective of some posters is to deliberately put people to sleep. :D

Now I had an appointment to go to today but had a bit of spare time on my hands before I needed to leave and so I thought I'd catch up on some TV threads. I came across this one and, starting with page one, read the entire thread through. Then I started in on the post below. Next thing I knew I jerked awake from a deepening slumber to realize I was now running half an hour late for my appointment.

Mods, can we control the laborious posters on TV?

(Sorry, Kerry :D )

One of the major problems with intenet forums, is that it is often hard to read a person's true meaning and intent from a typed post.

The use of emoticons helps to alleviate that, to a degree. :o

How ever, when someone makes a statement like the one above from Lacoste, without clarification of his true meaning and intent, many, if not most, would assume he actually intended to drowned that puppy.

This i would have never done, it was mearly a way of conveying an urgency to the request.

In this case, by the time the clarification of his intent was made, the damage had already been done.

For various reasons, many of Lacoste's recent posts are fresh in the memory of some members. When one combines statements from other posts (i.e. how much his monthly expenditures are), with the callousness of the first quote, it can easily cause a lot of people to take a dim view of the person in question.

In another forum, a new member asked if there were any "non-seedy" places to go in Pattaya. Many people immediately assumed this to be a troll post from another Pattaya basher. It took a number of posts to finally work out that that member wasn't a troll, but was asking his question based on questionable information given by a 3rd party.

Another major problem is that these forums contain a lot of anonymous people. If you know a member personally, or have interacted with them over a period of time, then you are more likely to view his/her posts in a different light than those made by someone you don't know.

Not much different than meeting people for the first time. First impressions and all that.

Some people easily get along with others right off the bat.

Other people need time to "warm up" to new friends. Still others (like me ! :D ) grate you from word one and things never seem to improve.

We are just one large community, living in cyber-space and, for the most part, having "virtual" relationships. Not all of us are going to get along with everyone else, but some will get along better than others.

And just like in real life, if there are people that you don't get along with, you don't normally go up to them and stick your face in theirs at every opportunity. You avoid and/or ignore them.

OK, lecture over ! Get out there and have fun !


Boy, I hate to sound stupid and I know this has been brought up before, but what exactly is a troll and what is a troll post?

Are there any examples of troll posts and trolls? Also what does flaming mean?

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