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i have a 20 month old son that i want to purchase a tablet to use as a learning tool and also for some enjoyment ..any recomendations on the best value for money available here in Thailand ? other than Ipads i have very little knowledge on tablets ...cheers


i-Mobile make some basic 7" Android tablets for around 1600 Baht, and pretty much every city/town in Thailand has a vendor selling them. In most cases, you'll pick them up already loaded with games etc, so more or less ready to go. They're good enough for something that it going to get dropped, scratched, drowned etc.

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There are a number of tablets now being made specifically for young kids; stronger cases and screens designed to hit the floor many times and not break.

Just GOOGLE "Tablets for kids"

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The 'best' tablet is the Microsoft Surface Pro. Period. I say that and I absolutely hate M$. But the Surface Pro 3 is amazing, easily a laptop replacement.

However for a 20 month old, just buy anything cheap. It won't last long anyway. Lots and lots of off brand models available. Asus, among others, have a good selection of relatively cheap models.

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To the OP, I gave my boy when he was 8 months old an old iPad and he plays with it about one hour a day. He is now 2 years old and learned a lot from it. Specially games where u have to memory close pictures etc.

He also only looks around two hours a day BabyTV and picked up many words in English since he was 1 1/2 years old.

Of course the other hours a day he is outside playing with toys such as Lego or his electric car.

Not sure why everybody is pondering not to have a tablet for a baby.

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Shouldn't a 20 months old baby be sucking on his thumbs still and finding his toes

very fascinating? and you want to buy him an electronic device to play with?

what's wrong the a mobile of toys we all used to have hanging over our heads?

we turned out alight didn't we???

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For a 20 month old Phenergan is indicated.

For the parent something much, much stronger.

Along with a visit to the psychologist.

Where will we be in 10 years - an intravaginal digital device (keep it clean you dirty b@[email protected] I know one has been available for centuries) for the embryo to start its development?

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Shouldn't a 20 months old baby be sucking on his thumbs still and finding his toes

very fascinating? and you want to buy him an electronic device to play with?

what's wrong the a mobile of toys we all used to have hanging over our heads?

we turned out alight didn't we???

Dear God, Ezzra mate...what have you done!!!!


Well do make sure that the WiFi and Bluetooth transmitters are REALLY powerful so he has the best connection

and can fry that delicate brain and testicles quickly.

I mean, you do want the best don't you?

Because the baby's bone thickness is much less than an adults, the RF penetrates more deeply into the soft tissue......

Seriously though, do a bit of research about cancer and mobile phones, children, babies, WiFi, Bluetoorh and the like radio frequency transmissions,

you may change your mind about what you give your baby.

You don't need a tin foil hat LOL

Just a bit of knowledge and then you can make an informed choice.

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What a load of BS comments here! Most of the BS posters prob don't have kids (nor they should be allowed to have kids!)

To the OP: any tablet will do, but don't buy a very cheap one, since they can be quite slow on use. You can't go wrong with an iPad (old one suffers) or a comparable good brand. Both my kids using an iPad and a Nexus 10 from 1.5 years age up. It helps them with learning and coordination etc. Yes, of course they also look YouTube, but what's wrong with that? You as a parent should limit the use of course and offer different toys and things to do as well. If you can't handle that you should not have kids anyway.

As for the plastic colored 'kids' tablets I think these are totally unnecessary, since with good guidance and parenting they should take good care of the normal tablet. Both my kids listen perfectly and take good care of all. It takes time in the beginning to raise your kids in a good way, but for sure this pays off.

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Well do make sure that the WiFi and Bluetooth transmitters are REALLY powerful so he has the best connection

and can fry that delicate brain and testicles quickly.

I mean, you do want the best don't you?

Because the baby's bone thickness is much less than an adults, the RF penetrates more deeply into the soft tissue......

Seriously though, do a bit of research about cancer and mobile phones, children, babies, WiFi, Bluetoorh and the like radio frequency transmissions,

you may change your mind about what you give your baby.

You don't need a tin foil hat LOL

Just a bit of knowledge and then you can make an informed choice.

BS comment. And what do you use to pay your comments? Do you own and use a microwave?

Shouldn't a 20 months old baby be sucking on his thumbs still and finding his toes

very fascinating? and you want to buy him an electronic device to play with?

what's wrong the a mobile of toys we all used to have hanging over our heads?

we turned out alight didn't we???

I hope you don't get kids or else you will have a lot to learn.

Seems v young to be giving a sub 2 y.o. a computer, albeit, tablet.

Would have thought books & educational toys a better option @ 20 months; plenty of time to be introduced to technology !!!


To the OP, I gave my boy when he was 8 months old an old iPad and he plays with it about one hour a day. He is now 2 years old and learned a lot from it. Specially games where u have to memory close pictures etc.

He also only looks around two hours a day BabyTV and picked up many words in English since he was 1 1/2 years old.

Of course the other hours a day he is outside playing with toys such as Lego or his electric car.

Not sure why everybody is pondering not to have a tablet for a baby.

Did your 8 months old perform searches in google to find the game he liked most ? I guess he could read and write perfectly at that old age.


I would hate to turn any kid into a geek addicted to games from an early age. I think it is a form of child abuse like using a sedative to keep kids quiet. Kids should be running around exploring and inventing, not sat in front of screen playing stupid games. You only have to look at people on the street and in the BTS fiddling with their mobiles to see what happens to their brains.

I once read an article where the author said that boredom is good for kids - it makes them invent and dream and be creative. Digital games do exactly the opposite.


As an educator of 30 years, I see more and more students each new school year with poor eye-hand coordination; unable to stay focused during a lesson for more than 10 minutes; unable to use their imagination for "creative" drawing;physically out of shape due to playing computer games instead of going outside to play; unable to carry a decent conversation with their peers (-yet is socially connected with Facebook, Line, and all the other social networks)..You ever see a group of teenagers at a restaurant talking to each other??? - No, they're communicating with their smart phones; more isolated socially...

I see nothing wrong with children or teenagers using tablets, smart phones, or other "gadgets"; however, parents need to monitor the use of them. Do not use these tablets/smart-phones as a baby sitter. Make sure your child goes outside and plays with other kids; when he/she sits at the table with family, no one is allowed to look at their phones-it is one of the few times a family can actually talk to each other.


I completely agree with you and have just posted a comment of the same nature.


Well do make sure that the WiFi and Bluetooth transmitters are REALLY powerful so he has the best connection

and can fry that delicate brain and testicles quickly.

I mean, you do want the best don't you?

Because the baby's bone thickness is much less than an adults, the RF penetrates more deeply into the soft tissue......

Seriously though, do a bit of research about cancer and mobile phones, children, babies, WiFi, Bluetoorh and the like radio frequency transmissions,

you may change your mind about what you give your baby.

You don't need a tin foil hat LOL

Just a bit of knowledge and then you can make an informed choice.

BS comment. And what do you use to pay your comments? Do you own and use a microwave?

5 5 5 5 5 5 5

I say, I say, I say!

A tad sensitive arn't we?

Methinks thou dos't protest too much!

Did your research then LOL

A microwave is fully sealed RF wise and should not radiate outside it's own personal Faraday cage, if it's properly used and cleaned/maintained that is.

A Tablet or iPad, iPhone etc, transmit a type of randomised RF signal and it's the fact that the signal is discontinuous and somewhat random that causes the problem.

It interferes with cell regeneration or perhaps in this case, cell generation.

Like, you can sleep with the noise of a fan, a constant drone but,

occasional dog barks or other random street noise will disturb your sleep.

But hey, young man, up to you.

Just because you can does not mean that you should/must!

Short term gain for a long term loss?

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