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Dog Attacks 4 Year Old at Koh Chang White Sand Beach


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Koh Chang is long over due a cull of the scummy dogs that roam around the island. It is a huge problem, which could be dealt with swiftly and cheaply.

The island authorities are aware of this problem, but have done nothing about it.

I am sorry to hear that, which must have been a terrifying experience for your daughter, as well as the family. I hope she makes a speedy recovery.

it is not a cull that is needed...dogs should be neutered by there owners easy and cheap ..

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Koh Chang is long over due a cull of the scummy dogs that roam around the island. It is a huge problem, which could be dealt with swiftly and cheaply.

The island authorities are aware of this problem, but have done nothing about it.

I am sorry to hear that, which must have been a terrifying experience for your daughter, as well as the family. I hope she makes a speedy recovery.

it is not a cull that is needed...dogs should be neutered by there owners easy and cheap ..

Does a beach mutt have an owner? If it does I doubt they will step forward as they owe huge damages.

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I have to agree with a previous contributor, I likely would have hurt the dog and/or the owner given the opportunity. It's one of the sad state of affairs when it comes to Thailand and its canine population. I don't expect this will change anytime soon, if ever.

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There is a huge difference between humans and dogs. Its a strawman argument. No problem with responsible dog owners that is not the problem

unfortunately Responsibilty is an almost unknown word here...

You and I both know that

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you cant blame soi dogs after the way they are treated by many thais who beat the crap out of soi dogs and basically make some dogs violent to attack kids on a beach

if thailand had alot better rights for animals you wouldnt see so many dogs looking to fight back against humans

animals have just as much right to live on this planet as humans do

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Month after month the problem of soi dogs crops up on Thai Visa. You have on the one hand the apolgists for these mangy, disease ridden mutts who decry any suggestion that the bloody things should be culled. "Oh dear' don't try and defend yourself from them 'just give them a treat and they will be your friend' or other nonsensical suggestions that I personally should fork out tens of thousands of baht to have the putrid beasts spayed or castrated.

I really rue the day that the 'dog vans' used to come around, round up the the pests and ship them off to Vietnam to be eaten. If they were properly regulated with assurances that the mutts were transported properly, fed and looked after until their destination, same as taking cattle or pigs to the abbatoir I cannot see what the problem would be

I like dogs, I have a soi dog as a pet. She is trained and well looked after. Of all the dogs in my village, of which I estimate there would be well over a hundred, only about five or six are properly looked after or cared for.

I defend the dogs to the point where I don't like cruelty to animals. I dislike children being attacked too.

The people are responsible for this problem and its long overdue to be fixed but needs to be done humanely.

I feel for the OP. I hope his daughter recovers and the scars arnt permanent.

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