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What is a reasonable income for living in Thailand?

Bill Miller

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What were her financial needs over the past 20 years? Or rather what did she get by on? probably just a few thousand baht.

No reason why you should not give her much the same, as well as providing food and shelter for her with you.

Make her understand it is HER money, payable monthly, and includes ALL her needs as well as looking after and providing for her Mother.

Nothing extra, except for birthdays and the like.

Believe me it works, as long as she accepts it in the first instance. Otherwise as has been said...Move on!

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This is the ABSOLUTE Gospel....I find it impossible to understand why you would do it any other way if you are paying (different story if girl works and has her own income).

"If you're gonna pay for everything at least get a 20 year old hottie, not a 50 year old single mother"


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It seems taking care of parents and younger siblings is part of the collectivist social security system. Therefore, it would be appropriate to simply extend that cultural penchant to also taking care of your parents and your younger siblings. In short, assure her you will give her family just as much financial support as they give your family.

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I could not abide having a partner that didnt want to work. A woman that was happy to stay home preening herself while I was out working is not a woman worth having. Fair enough if they have young children to care for, but if not there is NO reason why they cannot contribute to the relationship. My missus works and her wage helps out quite a bit. She trained for her job and get satisfaction from it. If its a trophy you want, well....you get what you pay for I guess. I would steer clear of women like that. There are plenty of intelligent women here that want to work......hell even if they are a thick as pig pooh there will be some niche they can fill...No, I don't buy that attitude at all.

I'm with you on this, but when your wife is working 6 days a week and only bringing home 12-15k a month, and you are taking home, say, 150k a month, wouldn't you feel a little bit sorry for your other half. In my opinion, a lot has to do with self respect (on the part of the woman). A woman who is not prepared to work as compared to one who is.
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I would pay dowry for her, to her mother, most of it goes back anyway.

Pay education for her daughter and let her work for herself.

Dowry as substitute for social security or welfare, monthly payments as substitute for stipendiate. I think that's a fair share, and, dear farangs, be sure: "No money no honey" holds true for Farang women as well. The only difference is that they rip you off behind your back.

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This is actually the case in many cultures. I have greek friends back home who support their wives and her parents when they are short or need to buy something substantial. I have an Iranian friend who supports his wife's parents and his own. And loads of English guys I know support their wives who are stay-at-home mums, and a few of these women are from poor families so the man often pays for stuff for her parents too. I would say to expect this is not a good attitude for a woman to have; a little old school perhaps, but it certainly isn't unusual by a long shot or specific to Thailand.

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I often wonder why foreigners are so desperate that they would take on a Thai woman that no Thai man would touch with a barge pole... Not only that, but then take on their offspring and extended family too... Why?

If it's frequent carnal delights that you seek, there is no shortage of opportunity in Thailand... I know that's crass, but it's the reality of Thailand...

If you're seeking a LTR and considering your options, then take bowerboy's advice, make sure she's a hot 20 year old...

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KhunPer, I was with you until you stated, "I think that if you are 2 people only, 1 million baht will not be that far from some level of hi-so life-style..."

While a hi-so lifestyle may be subject to opinion, I would not associate B1M/yr to anywhere near a hi-so lifestyle.

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In normal Thai relationships, both partners work and both contribute financially. Just like at home. The reason she has been a single mother for 20 years is that no Thai man is going to put up with her rubbish. If you're gonna pay for everything at least get a 20 year old hottie, not a 50 year old single mother.

Who told you about the age of the mother?

My gf is 37, her daughter is 18, and I think 19 y is average for a first child in Thailand.

A 20 yo hottie? You probably want a virgin, right? I prefer a 37 yo hottie with some experience :D

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Marriage is a partnership, where both parties contribute. It is a must, in a true partnership. Or Co. etc. if one or the other is not contributing, then it is going the wrong way. Take the time to discuss and find a solution. Good luck.

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Better ditch this one with a distorted view point of life and inform her you are not her sugar daddy. She sounds like sad news in the making.

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You say GF. If GF then give nothing.

If Wife then you need to help but keep in mind what they were receiving before.

If she was helping them before and you are now in the pic as more than a BF, then you should contribute not become an ATM.

Do not stick around a selfish woman it will come back to bite you in a bad way.

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" Her idea is that a proper "boyfriend" takes care of all of his girlfriend's financial needs including her family, of course."

What a load of rubbish ..... mate , if you believe that then you are surely gonna get taken for a ride. coffee1.gif

hell if da dude is taking care of parents & my needs , heck i will slap on some gloss, and say my my what a hansom man you are 3 or 4 times :-)
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" Her idea is that a proper "boyfriend" takes care of all of his girlfriend's financial needs including her family, of course."[

What a load of rubbish ..... mate , if you believe that then you are surely gonna get taken for a ride. coffee1.gif

I think your post is a load of rubbish. Most blokes come here and don't work. Meaning they have retired whatever age they are. If they have a gf she then does not work so they can travel etc. Or you have her work for minimal money. So what we do is ask one important question. WHAT IS THE MONTHLY COMMITMENT to her and family. Call this her salary. This will include and family and buffalo. On top of that you will pay for EVERYTHING ..rent, travel booze eating out etc etc.

One mill won't go close. You can't afford it

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" Her idea is that a proper "boyfriend" takes care of all of his girlfriend's financial needs including her family, of course."

What a load of rubbish ..... mate , if you believe that then you are surely gonna get taken for a ride. coffee1.gif

yes, what absolute garbage. If she's your best mate then re-evaluate your criteria.

My wife never asked for one cent while we were dating, fully supported herself and did what ever she had to for her family and never asked me to contribute a penny. All of her family work and support themselves.

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so as most people commented:

1) usually the wife/gf contributes to an income as well unless she looks after children but even then she should be able to contribute something.

2) 1m baht per year is ok to live from for a couple. I spend less although we don't have debt, both car and house we own and is paid upfront.

Now you should really challenge her attitude that she doesn't want to contribute financially to you as a couple or her family. It's a matter of character and I guess also if she has a decent education and is still young, what does she do if she is not working? Personally I prefer hard working, well educated women who contribute to the family, be it through a business they run, a job they have or some other ways.

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