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Young tourists performing yoga at sacred temple criticised in Thai media


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History has shown that when the human being develops in mind, he tends to believe in himself and in scientific facts more and tends not to believe in Gods, Deities, Prayers and the whole works involved.

On the other hand, in the undeveloped and the developing world, the natives minds are still in the 'developing' stage, hence their strong beliefs in the Gods, deities and the mythical world. If the developed beings could understand this, I am sure you could give a broad margin for these poor sods and lead a happy life, instead of resorting to such petty arguments.

Just a sayin....

So Buddhists are less developed than yourself?

What a load of cowpoo.

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A group of farang was found doing a workout [at a temple], supposedly yoga. They spread their arms and legs while their friends were taking photos. This was done in public view of both locals and tourists," the caption said. Common temple etiquette requires visitors to remain calm, and act in a composed manner"

Boo hoo hoo

If they are doing something wrong then say so to their face instead of this cowardly, chicken crud online BS outrage campaign.

They spread their arms and legs while their friends were taking photos, this was done in public view of both locals and tourists, for a moment I thought you was talking about Pattaya, I used to see that in most soi's every time I was there, anything to do with religion always attracts such a wide response, I have seen Thai,s and monks act worse, and at a temple, most of it I guess is down to the lack of education, If the temples are so sacred then every one should abide by their rules, not just tourists.

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History has shown that when the human being develops in mind, he tends to believe in himself and in scientific facts more and tends not to believe in Gods, Deities, Prayers and the whole works involved.

On the other hand, in the undeveloped and the developing world, the natives minds are still in the 'developing' stage, hence their strong beliefs in the Gods, deities and the mythical world. If the developed beings could understand this, I am sure you could give a broad margin for these poor sods and lead a happy life, instead of resorting to such petty arguments.

Just a sayin....

So Buddhists are less developed than yourself?

What a load of cowpoo.

I don't know, half of what he says is true.

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Thai get offended by a company in the Netherlands, printing Buddhas on the OUTSIDE of portable loos!

Thais are offended by a Japanese punkrocker, wearing a saffron robe!

Thais are offended by this, Thais are offended by that!

Tell a Thai that you are offended by something they did and they are offended by that, too!

Time to grow up and grow a pair!

If you are offended, by what these guys did (Yoga...outside of the temple...) go and TELL them.

Otherwise, I stick with Stephen Fry:

"'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so <deleted> what?'[/size]

You appear very offended by what some other people (Thais) feel and express online. Maybe you should go and tell them instead of whining online .... which is an action that seems to offend you ... or take your own advise.

And you know for certain, that I don't do that- many times, actually?

And you know for certain others don't or that even it didn't happen with this incident at some point? Only thing I know for sure is you are whining online about others whining online ... just kind of found it ironic.

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Refreshing that you seem to get it. Now you might try explaining that to some of the others here that don,t. They keep deflecting back to the Thais.

Wow, 400+ replies! Just read the first few. Whatever I'm gonna say has probably already been said, and this late in the thread probably won't be read anyway, but...

Thais sending this to the media is a way to get the word out to other visitors that this sort of behavior is inappropriate, which it is.

Also, hatha yoga teachers don't encourage showing off, which this clearly is.

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The Thais should learn from this, half on the Thai youth do worse and nothing is said about that, 30% of the monks do not believe and belong, and half the country loves a convicted criminal.. Who's misbehaving now??? Practicing yoga is closer to bhudda then most Thais will come....

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You got that wrong. The Wat and the grounds ARE the temple. Each building has a specific purpose and name (Viharn, Bot etc.). There is no building called a Wat. By the looks it is outside the boundary of what are the temple grounds as the wall is slightly further on. The historic Buddha was a student of Yogi's and Yoga. Fundamentalist nonsense. Yes, they could have worn more clothes. Anyone seeking more behind a Yoga posture which involves spread legs should probably seek professional help. It's judgmental ideas like these that are so not Buddhist.

nonsense, that small railing is not the boundary fence of the wat! and i SAID the grounds are part of the temple and the thai word for temple is wat!

Yes I have been there. This part (where they are practicing) is just outside the burial ground. These are not Chedis or Stupa's but simple ash containers. The little fence is the perimeter of this temple although in recent years they have put up an extra wall to secure land as it was being encroached upon.

Please after 32 years here do not explain what the Thai word for Wat means. A Wat (as confirmed to me when I visited the Somdej) is a group of buildings that have been granted the title of Wat. Temple in itself would refer to a place of worship. The places of worship are within the boundary stones. I still remain that the man could have worn a t shirt but anyone reading more into it than couple Yoga has a dirty mind. Stop the fundamentalists in every religion, PLEASE. Each its own.

forget the "I been here longer than you stuff"! Temple is not a thai word. This is a wat and they are inside it. and they are being rude. period.

You are not as Jai Dee as your name would infer... You used the word temple, that is what I am referring to. And you as well as Jungle Jim (Whom I think I know and does not always dress very polite himself especially when he is with a running club around temples) are being judgmental. Yes, he should have worn a t shirt. The rest is just partner Yoga, no big fuss and people could have just told them instead of this fundamentalist behavior. It isn't that hard to be a civilized person. A mystery to me why nowadays everything has to be meted out on social media. Walk over, TALK, interact. YOGA (and this IS partner yoga, not a circus act) is very closely related to Buddhism. Look for the common ground in all philosophies and religions and we might create a better world.

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sadly it happens far more often then reported actions like this. i guess they thought they were hip. next stop likely Pai

Forget the semantics and look at it for what it is. Whether they were on the temple grounds or just outside, it certainly isn't the best choice of location to practice yoga. And shirtless. It's obviously not a park, so better to err on the side of prudence and respect. Quite frankly, these two people look ridiculous doing that crap within eyesight of a sacred area. They are an eyesore to my western eyes.

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I have to admit that this display by the farang tourists is in bad taste and inappropriate. If you want to perform some nonsense like this in a Buddhist site AT LEAST have the common sense and respect to first determine if it is acceptable. To me that is just common courtesy but I think courtesy is not a strong character trait of many young people today, farang or Asian.

I agree, there must be other places they can do their exercises...just left their common sense at home I guess. On the other hand at least they aren't dressed like Nazis!

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Lets see: Whose picture did I publish to name and shame…oh, look no one.

Say you on an Internet forum 555

If I saw someone doing something that I found offensive I would tell them.

Get me in contact with the knob head who started this campaign and I tell them what I think about their behaviour.

Remember the guy from the BTS who had a hole in his shoe, yet was vilified on the forums for having a camera shoe.

Netziens and their online outrage, make me want to puke.

Not much point if he can't understand you....same for the photographer if she can't speak the tourist's language.

Besides, it's too confrontational for most Thais.

The fact remains that the tourists were being disrespectful.

I speak thai well enough to let them know.

Did these tourists know they were being disrespectful? Was it deliberate?

If not do they deserve this type of cowardly online vilification?

You are right there should be a sign:

"No Kamasutra, or Yoga allowed only quiet Meditation in proper Clothes".

And if they not follow, then just 1000THB fine.

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They look nice. When will people get off their high horse about religion and national borders.

Do you think also what a lot of Tourists do onto the great wall in china.

IMO all these is just a disrespect of other countries culture not explict an religion matter.

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To negative to post so I self censured it, regarding my thoughts about the: real Buddhism that I saw in Nepal and in Bhutan VS the faked money crazy and "build the biggest and greatest temple Thai style of "Buddhism"

Totally different types of Buddhism in Nepal - it's Mahayana with touches of Hinduism whereas in Thailand it's Theravada with hints of Hinduism, Animism and Fetishism.

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To negative to post so I self censured it, regarding my thoughts about the: real Buddhism that I saw in Nepal and in Bhutan VS the faked money crazy and "build the biggest and greatest temple Thai style of "Buddhism"

Totally different types of Buddhism in Nepal - it's Mahayana with touches of Hinduism whereas in Thailand it's Theravada with hints of Hinduism, Animism and Fetishism.

At the birth place of Lord Buddha in Nepal at Lumbini in central Nepal, rich Thais have startled to develop the area to what I thought looked like a Disney land, similar to what you find at big temples in Thailand. If different styles of Buddhism why do the rich Thais try to claim this place as their sacred place?

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This is not just ANY temple, it is SACRED temple. This behavior is, as I saw on facebook , "sandaan mai dee". which means something really bad.

A temple is just a man made building, what is so sacred with that? If you believe in Buddhism, man made buildings are not important.

So is St Peter, just a man made building.

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To negative to post so I self censured it, regarding my thoughts about the: real Buddhism that I saw in Nepal and in Bhutan VS the faked money crazy and "build the biggest and greatest temple Thai style of "Buddhism"

Totally different types of Buddhism in Nepal - it's Mahayana with touches of Hinduism whereas in Thailand it's Theravada with hints of Hinduism, Animism and Fetishism.

At the birth place of Lord Buddha in Nepal at Lumbini in central Nepal, rich Thais have startled to develop the area to what I thought looked like a Disney land, similar to what you find at big temples in Thailand. If different styles of Buddhism why do the rich Thais try to claim this place as their sacred place?

Many reasons. I was in India, Utter Pradesh in 1992 when there were riots because of Hindus and Muslims fighting over Ayodha temple. Actually Muslims believe Buddha was a prophet but that's another story. Lumpini was in India at the time of the Buddha.

Jesus was a Jew in jerusalem, but Catholics and Protestants and Jews and many more visit there. There are many types of Buddhism and many different types go to Sarnath(first sermon of the Buddha) and Bodgaya(enlightenment). Actually Thais are probably the fewest of the Buddhist countries that go there because of their dislike of 'kaek'

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When visiting the land where people squint one should squint like them. So much nicer to use the Thai proverb than burble on about Romans.

Actually it's "wink" and "town" - kao ,muang dta liew dtong liew dta tham

Edited by Neeranam
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Whats wrong with these weirdo's? Seriously. Just do your yoga in your hotel or apartment.

It's like they are desperate for attention.

Failing that if they had to do it in public there are plenty of parks to do this s**t in.

Respect the country you are in. Its easy.

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Whats wrong with these weirdo's? Seriously. Just do your yoga in your hotel or apartment.

It's like they are desperate for attention.

Failing that if they had to do it in public there are plenty of parks to do this s**t in.

Respect the country you are in. Its easy.

If no one took any notice or any pictures, maybe they wouldn't get the attention they crave.

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