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Bangkok: Sign inside taxi explains why he won't use meter


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Speaking of taxi meters. I notice that drivers will try to charge you more if you stay in hotels, places located around central bkk you know the downtown areas say the lower suk sois or at wireless road or from large hotels say marriott for example.

I stayed in a place further away for my most recent trip around chongnonsi far from any BTS, MRT and in a quiet soi with chickens and stray dogs around the area and the driver just turned on the meter even though i was a tourist.

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A translation in of the sign would help us see this excuse.

Although I am think it is truly just an excuse and has no merit because he would find other work which has rules to follow no matter what job he does

It is translated. See link. You can always step out of the vehicle and not ride. Simple solution.

And return to the back of the queue I suppose, to try again.

If the guy isn't prepared to use the meter, he should not be allowed to be part of the organised facility.

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A translation in of the sign would help us see this excuse.

Although I am think it is truly just an excuse and has no merit because he would find other work which has rules to follow no matter what job he does

It is translated. See link. You can always step out of the vehicle and not ride. Simple solution.

And return to the back of the queue I suppose, to try again.

If the guy isn't prepared to use the meter, he should not be allowed to be part of the organised facility.

A few weeks ago they interviewed some taxi drivers in the Bangkok Post. Many of them stated that many journeys are just not worth their while/the money they get.

In my experience, parked-up drivers are far more likely to quote a fare than ones who are moving and you flag down.

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This taxi-crap is actually worse now, compared to a mere few years ago. Reforms and crackdowns my @rse. I have been in numerous good rides manned by honest and courteous drivers and I always give them a small tip at the end of the journey. But by and large, most of the taxis and their drivers don't get a single sympathetic thought from me for the trouble they themselves got into, to start with.

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I think it only fair to raise the point that 500 Baht is not a great deal of money, especially if you are from a country such as the UK (as I am) where that ammount of cash would not get to to the next junction.

I stopover in Bangkok very often and have never been overcharged for the taxi to my regular hotel. Instead I feel bad about that fact that the driver has waited in line for hours at the airport, only to get me who is going 5 minutes down the road for a fair of Baht 90. I always pay Baht 200 to resolve my concience.

I don't mind going off-meter, as long as you agree to the fee beforehand and the driver sticks to it.

Not everyone is from 'a country such as the UK'. What about those who aren't? So shallow of you to judge from just on your own perspective, without taking into consideration the larger picture or the principle behind the issue. FYI, the whole world does not use 'what is affordable to 'drink75 (YOU)' in the UK' as a benchmark. For some people in Thailand, THB500 is enough for three full meals a day - over two days! If you were in 'a country such as the UK', would you pay the equivalent of six full meals for a 5-minute taxi ride? I guess not... You really don't think too much, do you?

You are free to continue and enjoy being ripped off and live under the 'dumb farang' category but please, do it on your own, and do not expect to impose, or expect the rest of the population to follow, your principles. People like you are one of the main reasons why scammers (not just cabbies) here think it's easy to rip off foreigners. Thank you very much.

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I think it only fair to raise the point that 500 Baht is not a great deal of money, especially if you are from a country such as the UK (as I am) where that ammount of cash would not get to to the next junction.

I stopover in Bangkok very often and have never been overcharged for the taxi to my regular hotel. Instead I feel bad about that fact that the driver has waited in line for hours at the airport, only to get me who is going 5 minutes down the road for a fair of Baht 90. I always pay Baht 200 to resolve my concience.

I don't mind going off-meter, as long as you agree to the fee beforehand and the driver sticks to it.

The cost of living is not the same as the UK, here 500 Baht IS a great deal of money almost 2 full days work on minimum wages. Would you pay 2 days wages for a single taxi ride back home?

It ppl like you drink75 who destroy the Thai economy, 500 Baht is a lot of money! - get real and grow up!

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easiest and least dangerous way is to call one of the two phone numbers printed on the now computerized SLIP (which you NEVER EVER should hand out to or even just show to the driver !!!!!!) and report the driver after your ride.

I am sure (and I know from some cases) they actually WILL take action.

But if no people report anything, the scam will continue until forever.

BKK is now the only place in Asia where I am travelling to where they were unably or unwilling to get rid of Taxi scams. At all other places that had huge problems in earlier years (Jakarta and Manila comes to my mind) the scams have now disappeared, as long you follow the offical procedures and do not accept dodgy offers from private drivers approaching you, for example.

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I really cannot see a problem.

Why not just negotiate and agree the fare with the driver prior to setting off on the journey? This is how it was done before meter taxis were introduced and how deals have always been conducted in Thailand dating back to the Jurassic period.

...and before there where laws, we just hit each other with stones and sticks!

I really don't understand anyone going "She should have gotten the AL" or "not a big deal, it is a lot more expensive somewhere else" or that BS about negotiating, because that is , what our forefathers did!

You call a TAXI with a METER and that is exactly what you should get and then you should pay, according to the fares and the meter!


It is not my problem, that this guy is driving a big taxi- that is his to deal with!

I made this comparrison before: you don't go to a pizzeria and order salami- pizza, that is on the menu for 300 Baht and when the check bin comes, you pay 500 because the waiter tells you, there was more tomato- paste on the pizza!

Or the waiter tells you, you can not have salami, because he doesn't like it and he will bring you mushrooms!

What the f@#$ is wrong with you?

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Personally, I don't mind negotiating a fare beforehand. Was always so here before the arrival of the meters. A fare to downtown Sukhumvhit is about £8 or $13. Just spent $100 (Bt3000) for a taxi ride to the airport back home, over a similar distance, to catch a flight to Swampy. About 7 times the price. Some of you guys on TV really are kineaw's smile.png

unfortunately, we who live here in Thailand, do not earn the same amount of money as you in your home country. Probably, compared to the average salary, the ride in your home country was cheaper than the ride here in BKK.

this is really one of the most pathetic statements I have read in TV since ages.

people like you are the reason why scams and cheats will continue until forever, making the life of not only tourists but locals and Expats miserable.

Because if there is one thing the Thai people have learned about Foreigners: "every day, a new sucker is born...."

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Personally, I don't mind negotiating a fare beforehand. Was always so here before the arrival of the meters. A fare to downtown Sukhumvhit is about £8 or $13. Just spent $100 (Bt3000) for a taxi ride to the airport back home, over a similar distance, to catch a flight to Swampy. About 7 times the price. Some of you guys on TV really are kineaw's smile.png

Base your comments - and your calculations - in the context of expenditure in Thailand, will you please? Stop all this 'it is like this back home' nonsense. This is Thailand. Not many people here will give two hoots about how much you paid to go to the airport 'where you came from'. People here will be more concerned about how much they pay HERE, and that is going up because of tunnel-visioned and selfish people like you who only see things from your own perspective and have no regards for the bigger picture. As I said before, feel free to remain in the 'dumb farang' category and enjoy being ripped off, scammed and cheated. But don't expect the rest of the world to join you in redefining the word 'clueless'.

Edited by outsider
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This taxi-crap is actually worse now, compared to a mere few years ago. Reforms and crackdowns my @rse. I have been in numerous good rides manned by honest and courteous drivers and I always give them a small tip at the end of the journey. But by and large, most of the taxis and their drivers don't get a single sympathetic thought from me for the trouble they themselves got into, to start with.

There are plenty of waiters, especially in the US, who are looking for big tips.

Like the Thai taxi drivers, they probably do not get a living wage, like many others in Thailand.

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Speaking of taxi meters. I notice that drivers will try to charge you more if you stay in hotels, places located around central bkk you know the downtown areas say the lower suk sois or at wireless road or from large hotels say marriott for example.

I stayed in a place further away for my most recent trip around chongnonsi far from any BTS, MRT and in a quiet soi with chickens and stray dogs around the area and the driver just turned on the meter even though i was a tourist.

never get into a taxi that is not moving when you flag it.

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So even Thais are being targeted. If your salary is 15000 baht , 500 is not easy to accept. I would call the police .

Another thing to consider is, that unlike in our Western societies, these people's wages are not going to be topped-up by social welfare.

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Personally, I don't mind negotiating a fare beforehand. Was always so here before the arrival of the meters. A fare to downtown Sukhumvhit is about £8 or $13. Just spent $100 (Bt3000) for a taxi ride to the airport back home, over a similar distance, to catch a flight to Swampy. About 7 times the price. Some of you guys on TV really are kineaw's smile.png

Personally I don't mind if when you arrived at the airport it was mandatory to have "TOURIST" stamped right on your forehead so all the taxi drivers knew it was ok to break the law and rip you off.

Me - living here - with all my thai friends - well, we'll just enjoy laughing at you all the more.

Get a life. I hope next time you land at wherever you live they charge you 1000usd for your taxi ride.

FYI I've been living here for 25 years. Went back home for a 2 week holiday. Not a "Tourist" as you quote. Grow up son. The truth hurts sometimes.

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Personally, I don't mind negotiating a fare beforehand. Was always so here before the arrival of the meters. A fare to downtown Sukhumvhit is about £8 or $13. Just spent $100 (Bt3000) for a taxi ride to the airport back home, over a similar distance, to catch a flight to Swampy. About 7 times the price. Some of you guys on TV really are kineaw's smile.png

Base your comments - and your calculations - in the context of expenditure in Thailand, will you please? Stop all this 'it is like this back home' nonsense. This is Thailand. Not many people here will give two hoots about how much you paid to go to the airport 'where you came from'. People here will be more concerned about how much they pay HERE, and that is going up because of tunnel-visioned and selfish people like you who only see things from your own perspective and have no regards for the bigger picture. As I said before, feel free to remain in the 'dumb farang' category and enjoy being ripped off, scammed and cheated. But don't expect the rest of the world to join you in redefining the word 'clueless'.

Are you Thai! Do you earn the average wage of Bt 6000 a month. Thats about what the Taxi driver earns if he's lucky. Always tip the poor buggers if they are friendly. And you have the hide to call me selfish. LOL ! Get a life.

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Personally, I don't mind negotiating a fare beforehand. Was always so here before the arrival of the meters. A fare to downtown Sukhumvhit is about £8 or $13. Just spent $100 (Bt3000) for a taxi ride to the airport back home, over a similar distance, to catch a flight to Swampy. About 7 times the price. Some of you guys on TV really are kineaw's smile.png

unfortunately, we who live here in Thailand, do not earn the same amount of money as you in your home country. Probably, compared to the average salary, the ride in your home country was cheaper than the ride here in BKK.

this is really one of the most pathetic statements I have read in TV since ages.

people like you are the reason why scams and cheats will continue until forever, making the life of not only tourists but locals and Expats miserable.

Because if there is one thing the Thai people have learned about Foreigners: "every day, a new sucker is born...."

Appreciate your comment though I would have to disagree with quote "this is really one of the most pathetic statements I have read in TV since ages" . Long before you ever moved here us other expats had to negotiate taxi fares. Up to you if you want to pay a set price or use the meter. No skin off my nose. Stop whining and get on with your life.

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