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Thai govt vows action if Shinawatra supporters protest

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Protest and we will take action,,,,,,,,,

Let's look at the history and facts shall we.

2010. Mark is in the top job, protesters shoot them,

2010. Suthep his buddy, protesters, Yu'p shoot them and use live rounds,

2010. The big fella now in the top job, ready aim fire.

2014. Yingluk in the top job, protesters Yu'p it's their right let them be, do not engage them.

History is the great teacher.

The hi-so élites don't like anyone to have the power other than them and if the lo-so's win the vote then they stir up trouble and steal the government again.

"You can blow out the candle but you can't blow out the fire, once the flames begin to catch our wind will blow it higher"

Peter Gabriel

Dear caring sweet fair Yingluck (sob, sob).

Shame her gang members did the opposite and attacked, assaulted, and murdered at will, without fear of arrest or punishment, any who opposed her brother's government; including children and innocent bystanders.

She, Chalerm and Tarit should be holding their heads in shame - but they won't even give a shit about it.

Ahh the few that just don't like the truth even when it's there for all to see,

If you believe so much in your claims, then back it up with facts as I have done, otherwise it just BLAH BLAH BLAH................................

So let me break it down for you popit, Being the leader of a political party and giving orders to shoot people is a little different than being the leader of a political party and giving orders NOT to engage them and to let them protest. now just because there are extremists you try to put the blame on Yingluk, Well I'll let you in on a little secret mate, IT"S NOT WORKING BECAUSE IT COMPLEATE STUPIDITYw00t.gif

The scum that killed the innocent should be held to account and full weight of the law applied without prejudice. Unfortunately the law and without prejudice is not what is in place now.

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"Driving her (Yingluck) out of politics could instigate resentment among her political supporters,"

She is not being 'driven' out of politics, she is being impeached and indicted, all according to Thai rules, regulations and due process...what could be fairer than that? Especially in the light of those Thai rules, regulations and due process having been put to good use by herself in the past. So, what comes around came around.

Aren't these regulations and rules being re written by the current military government. I don't like the shins but you cant rewrite things and then put them back in history.

That's correct. Everyone who grabbed the power long enough eventually found the time to retouch history by amending, changing, rewriting whatever laws were inconvenient. That's ok. This started probably since mankind got 'civilized'. Thailand might be even holding a record for charter rewrites in the last 100 years, which is not a bad thing - it's just the way it is. If the law doesn't suit the group in power, it will be rewritten.


Pavin is no longer Thai. He will be arrested if he is still Thai.

Pavin in now Japanese, holding Japanese passport.

Well he sounds like a Thaksin poodle !


Protest and we will take action,,,,,,,,,

Let's look at the history and facts shall we.

2010. Mark is in the top job, protesters shoot them,

2010. Suthep his buddy, protesters, Yu'p shoot them and use live rounds,

2010. The big fella now in the top job, ready aim fire.

2014. Yingluk in the top job, protesters Yu'p it's their right let them be, do not engage them.

History is the great teacher.

The hi-so élites don't like anyone to have the power other than them and if the lo-so's win the vote then they stir up trouble and steal the government again.

"You can blow out the candle but you can't blow out the fire, once the flames begin to catch our wind will blow it higher"

Peter Gabriel

Dear caring sweet fair Yingluck (sob, sob).

Shame her gang members did the opposite and attacked, assaulted, and murdered at will, without fear of arrest or punishment, any who opposed her brother's government; including children and innocent bystanders.

She, Chalerm and Tarit should be holding their heads in shame - but they won't even give a shit about it.

I dont like the shins but who did Yingluk murder or order murdered at will?

Read my post again - where do I day she ordered murders or carried any out herself? I don't think she ordered anything other than takeaway food. But she was very very slow in condemning the attacks and killings and did nothing to make sure they were stopped or those responsible arrested.

I make the point that people opposing the last government were killed and assaulted, as were innocent bystanders and children whilst CAPO and the RTP failed to make one single arrest or prevent the attacks. They did issue warnings that "people were in danger" and would be better off going home and shutting up. Some attackers, who were caught seem to have simply vanished without any charges.


Why wait until Friday? Why doesn't the General just tell everyone what the result will be now?

ha ha ha ....but some truth here.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Army has told the farmers to grow only one rice crop this year. Typically one rice crop is to fill the family rice barn so the family has rice for the year. The true meaning of this? Its going to take time to sell off the rice mountain and the government want to sell that and don't want new rice in the market. Thus is Yingluck guilty? Of course she is; she was the PM in charge!

By that logic you would be suggesting that just about every US President over the past 40 years should be prosecuted for continuing to extend the budget deficit. At current rates it's going to take more than 100 years to pay it off. There needs to be a distinction between bad policy ( eg Thailand rice pledging, US budget deficits)and illegality. Bad policy does not make it illegal.

And you conveniently ignore the fact that there are budget deficits and there are budget deficits.


Why wait until Friday? Why doesn't the General just tell everyone what the result will be now?

Can't read or won't read, that is the question?????

Why not? Because the answer will not be available in Friday either. Friday is when the impeachment process STARTS not ENDS!!!. The answer is due by the end of the month.

If you had read the item, you could correctly have asked for the answer now , not the end of the month, and also proved you could read before posting.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Protest no way.

A guy dragged off the street for eating a sandwich.

Students dragged off for a three fingered salute.

Farmers thrown n the back of a army truck at the start of a protest etc etc.

One poster on here got it right Yingluck the elected PM let the yellows protest while Abhisit and Sutep had them shot.

Now the general is making threats while Thaksin said do not protest.

No doubt about it the PTP just have to sit back and let this lot shoot themselves in the foot.

Or maybe the general wants conflict to use it as a further grab for power and an extension of martial law and suppression which the junta currently enjoys.

Either way Thaksin and the PTP are far superior in the game of politics.

Wow, looks like you got an A from the Robert spin academy. Pity you didn't put it to some useful and constructive purpose.

If they (the Junta) had balls enough they would have confiscated the whole Shinawatras family's fortune including drivers and maids by now and thrown them all in jail with no parole or bail possible. A deal has been struck the Juntas BS regarding "Zero Corruption" is just smoke and mirrors.

Interesting and what about all the corrupt Democrats, policemen and generals? They just get off do they?

I agree entirely. .....don't forget about the criminal posing as a Monk.

You mean the hero who helped bring down a corrupt government with a terrorist wing ?

No he means the criminal that gives away land that is not his to his rich mates and others that can do favors for him,

he means the person involved with the palm oil scam, yeah that's him the thieving dog that gave orders to shoot people in 2010, the person so corrupt he was forced out of his own government party, the one who chooses not to go too court and hides in a monks robe. and you call him hero, disgusting

Actually if he is corrupt please put him in a jail next to YL or Thaksin. Would be great if the important players get punished. But just YL and her crooks is 50% done. Hopefully they then go after their enemies when they are in power.

I rather have that the law gets applied equal but for now any corrupt politician in jail is better as none.

Unequal application of the law is a corruption in itself. You are advocating corruption to solve corruption? Seems like there is such a personal dislike of the shins that people will support coups, facist governments, give up personal freedoms and support corrupt practices in order to satisfy their petty vindictiveness.

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I am not the judge. Right or wrong is up to the law. If the NLA makes the decision

really, the 'PM" is not the judge, that would be his hand-picked NLA

as if no one noticed. coffee1.gif

  • Like 1

Posted 18 minutes ago

Red shirts to not rally to pressure NLA: Worachai

BANGKOK: -- The United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship and other red-shirt groups will not hold a rally at Parliament on Thursday and Friday, former Pheu Thai MP and red-shirt leader Worachai Hema said Wednesday.

The National Legislative Assembly is scheduled to deliberate impeachment cases against former Parliament president Somsak Kiartsuranon, former Parliament vice president Nikhom Wairachpanich and former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Thursday and Friday.

Source: http://www.nationmul...i-30251398.html

What a shame, if they had they could have all been rounded up and put where they belong in one go.

Amazing what having a reliable policing force (the army) in place can do, remember when PT were in charge the reds could go and protest anywhere, which included intimidating, threatening and burning coffins, heck even grenades were acceptable.

They could do it outside courts, the NACC and anyone who might want to dare try to hold their democratically elected govt accountable to the law.

And they could do it without fear of arrest or even censure by the regular police.

While a coup or military Govt is not a good situation it certainly seems to be keeping lawless elements in check.


I am not the judge. Right or wrong is up to the law. If the NLA makes the decision

really, the 'PM" is not the judge, that would be his hand-picked NLA

as if no one noticed. coffee1.gif

Difficult to find someone innocent if a 700,000,000,000 Baht debt suggests differently. Even my mother would be suspicious and start talking about negligence as a minimum and criminal attitude a definite possibility.


I am not the judge. Right or wrong is up to the law. If the NLA makes the decision

really, the 'PM" is not the judge, that would be his hand-picked NLA

as if no one noticed. coffee1.gif

Difficult to find someone innocent if a 700,000,000,000 Baht debt suggests differently. Even my mother would be suspicious and start talking about negligence as a minimum and criminal attitude a definite possibility.

So who is responsible for the US Farm bill or EU CAP debts?

  • Like 1

I am not the judge. Right or wrong is up to the law. If the NLA makes the decision

really, the 'PM" is not the judge, that would be his hand-picked NLA

as if no one noticed. coffee1.gif

Difficult to find someone innocent if a 700,000,000,000 Baht debt suggests differently. Even my mother would be suspicious and start talking about negligence as a minimum and criminal attitude a definite possibility.

So who is responsible for the US Farm bill or EU CAP debts?

Were those schemes positioned and defended as 'self-financing' ?

I doubt Ms. Yingluck will compare her RPPS with the USA or EU subsidies. Her scheme was (supposed to be) that much better.


If they (the Junta) had balls enough they would have confiscated the whole Shinawatras family's fortune including drivers and maids by now and thrown them all in jail with no parole or bail possible. A deal has been struck the Juntas BS regarding "Zero Corruption" is just smoke and mirrors.

Interesting and what about all the corrupt Democrats, policemen and generals? They just get off do they?
I agree entirely. .....don't forget about the criminal posing as a Monk.

You mean the hero who helped bring down a corrupt government with a terrorist wing ?

You have a warped sense of what a Hero is......maybe you should read up on what a "HERO" truely is.


Hopefully one day in the future the Thai working and middle class will be better educated and not accept to be ruled by the very corrupt Sino-Thai elite clans and the equal corrupt military. I am not sure it will happen in my lifetime but hopefully my son will live in a more democratic and free Thailand.

  • Like 1

Hopefully one day in the future the Thai working and middle class will be better educated and not accept to be ruled by the very corrupt Sino-Thai elite clans and the equal corrupt military. I am not sure it will happen in my lifetime but hopefully my son will live in a more democratic and free Thailand.

I wouldn't bank on it. I expect that the corrupt Sino-Tha elite clans, and their military, ('cos it is theirs, it certainly doesn't answer to anyone else) will hang on to the bitter end, and end up being chased down the road by the Thai people waving machetes! It will take a while, but if they carry on the way they are going it will eventually happen. Ten years after that we may well see a democratic and free Thailand.

If they (the Junta) had balls enough they would have confiscated the whole Shinawatras family's fortune including drivers and maids by now and thrown them all in jail with no parole or bail possible. A deal has been struck the Juntas BS regarding "Zero Corruption" is just smoke and mirrors.

Interesting and what about all the corrupt Democrats, policemen and generals? They just get off do they?

I agree entirely. .....don't forget about the criminal posing as a Monk.

You mean the hero who helped bring down a corrupt government with a terrorist wing ?

No he means the criminal that gives away land that is not his to his rich mates and others that can do favors for him,

he means the person involved with the palm oil scam, yeah that's him the thieving dog that gave orders to shoot people in 2010, the person so corrupt he was forced out of his own government party, the one who chooses not to go too court and hides in a monks robe. and you call him hero, disgusting

Actually if he is corrupt please put him in a jail next to YL or Thaksin. Would be great if the important players get punished. But just YL and her crooks is 50% done. Hopefully they then go after their enemies when they are in power.

I rather have that the law gets applied equal but for now any corrupt politician in jail is better as none.

What do you mean by "Actually if he is corrupt" Try doing a little objective research on your "hero" suthep and you just might rethink your position on this poor excuse for a man.


Protest and we will take action,,,,,,,,,

Let's look at the history and facts shall we.

2010. Mark is in the top job, protesters shoot them,

2010. Suthep his buddy, protesters, Yu'p shoot them and use live rounds,

2010. The big fella now in the top job, ready aim fire.

2014. Yingluk in the top job, protesters Yu'p it's their right let them be, do not engage them.

History is the great teacher.

The hi-so élites don't like anyone to have the power other than them and if the lo-so's win the vote then they stir up trouble and steal the government again.

"You can blow out the candle but you can't blow out the fire, once the flames begin to catch our wind will blow it higher"

Peter Gabriel

Dear caring sweet fair Yingluck (sob, sob).

Shame her gang members did the opposite and attacked, assaulted, and murdered at will, without fear of arrest or punishment, any who opposed her brother's government; including children and innocent bystanders.

She, Chalerm and Tarit should be holding their heads in shame - but they won't even give a shit about it.

Ahh the few that just don't like the truth even when it's there for all to see,

If you believe so much in your claims, then back it up with facts as I have done, otherwise it just BLAH BLAH BLAH................................

So let me break it down for you popit, Being the leader of a political party and giving orders to shoot people is a little different than being the leader of a political party and giving orders NOT to engage them and to let them protest. now just because there are extremists you try to put the blame on Yingluk, Well I'll let you in on a little secret mate, IT"S NOT WORKING BECAUSE IT COMPLEATE STUPIDITYw00t.gif

The scum that killed the innocent should be held to account and full weight of the law applied without prejudice. Unfortunately the law and without prejudice is not what is in place now.

Are you really that slow?

Being PM and requiring the army to control armed insurgents who were killing security forces and innocent civilians (under instructions from and being paid by whom do you think?) is a very difficult situation. They were given due warnings and failed to take heed.

Being PM and giving orders not to engage and let them protest, whilst failing to prevent daily attacks which resulted in fatalities of protesters and innocents is just another example of a despicable lie.

Extremists - paid thugs. And who do you think was financing the attacks and issuing out the instructions?? Give you a clue, probably not Yingluck.

The Shin PR team work hard to create the illusion that the men in black never existed, that the daily attacks and killings on protesters, judges, and any who opposed the Shins were nothing to do with the PTP regime or any of its agents. Guess they've found a couple of believers in you and Parrot.

You make me laugh, "are you really that slow"

I'll tell ya what mate, Look in any of my post's and you will see I have always condemned any violence regardless of faction,

Now I think as do many others think Yingluk showed amazing fortitude in the situation when previous PM's have no problem letting loose bullets,

"Extremist's" - "paid thugs" Yu'p have them on both sides and should be thrown in gaol,

such as the men attacking a man wishing to vote pic in Washington post, the grand mother attacked and pulled to the ground for trying to vote, These peoples picturs are very ez to see and are they in gaol??? I think not...

The police sitting not engaging and grenade thrown at them leg blown apart,

A nurse helping injured people in a temple shot dead, was she posing any threat?

kids at a protest killed.

the thing is mate there is violence on both sides but it seems that some think it ok if it's not their faction that's being attacked.

Or "are you really that slow?"

  • Like 1

I am not the judge. Right or wrong is up to the law. If the NLA makes the decision

really, the 'PM" is not the judge, that would be his hand-picked NLA

as if no one noticed. coffee1.gif

Difficult to find someone innocent if a 700,000,000,000 Baht debt suggests differently. Even my mother would be suspicious and start talking about negligence as a minimum and criminal attitude a definite possibility.

So who is responsible for the US Farm bill or EU CAP debts?

Were those schemes positioned and defended as 'self-financing' ?

I doubt Ms. Yingluck will compare her RPPS with the USA or EU subsidies. Her scheme was (supposed to be) that much better.

They hoped that they could form a OPEC style cartel with Vietnam, Cambodia, & influence the price. It didn't work, and the scheme was undoubtedly ill-conceived, but it still doesn't change the fact that this was simply an agricultural subsidy, the same as is used all around the world. Corruption and bureaucracy in government schemes is also a given around the world, in particular in the developing world. With a scheme of this proportion, in a country with ingrained corruption in all institutions, it is an unreasonable to expect it to be free of irregularities, and certainly not reasonable to hold the PM responsible for farmers, millers, etc. who were taking advantage of the situation. If there are cases of illegal activity prosecute those who were responsible.


They hoped that they could form a OPEC style cartel with Vietnam, Cambodia, & influence the price. It didn't work, and the scheme was undoubtedly ill-conceived, but it still doesn't change the fact that this was simply an agricultural subsidy, the same as is used all around the world. Corruption and bureaucracy in government schemes is also a given around the world, in particular in the developing world. With a scheme of this proportion, in a country with ingrained corruption in all institutions, it is an unreasonable to expect it to be free of irregularities, and certainly not reasonable to hold the PM responsible for farmers, millers, etc. who were taking advantage of the situation. If there are cases of illegal activity prosecute those who were responsible.

No it was not a subsidy, a subsidy you budget for and you take money from the national budget. Here they said it would pay for itself. Bully and prosecute anyone who came out with figures that showed that it was making a loss.

That is the part what they have to hold YL responsible for knowingly going on with a program that cost 700 billion without putting it in the budget thereby going over all the limits set for budget deficits. Had they budgeted for it it would have been ok, but then they could not have done the other vote-buying projects (not enough money in the budget)


They hoped that they could form a OPEC style cartel with Vietnam, Cambodia, & influence the price. It didn't work, and the scheme was undoubtedly ill-conceived, but it still doesn't change the fact that this was simply an agricultural subsidy, the same as is used all around the world. Corruption and bureaucracy in government schemes is also a given around the world, in particular in the developing world. With a scheme of this proportion, in a country with ingrained corruption in all institutions, it is an unreasonable to expect it to be free of irregularities, and certainly not reasonable to hold the PM responsible for farmers, millers, etc. who were taking advantage of the situation. If there are cases of illegal activity prosecute those who were responsible.

No it was not a subsidy, a subsidy you budget for and you take money from the national budget. Here they said it would pay for itself. Bully and prosecute anyone who came out with figures that showed that it was making a loss.

That is the part what they have to hold YL responsible for knowingly going on with a program that cost 700 billion without putting it in the budget thereby going over all the limits set for budget deficits. Had they budgeted for it it would have been ok, but then they could not have done the other vote-buying projects (not enough money in the budget)

In addition, a subsidy would be fully audited. Any public official handing out tax payers money to a group of farmers, without keeping records of how much was paid and to who, would be open to charges of criminal negligence, at the least. Any leader of such a subsidy scheme who, despite being warned that this was happening, did nothing to change or stop this, is also guilty as an accessory. The point that the pro-Yingluck side conveniently forget is that, had the figures showing who got what actually existed, there would be no case against her. The fact that her legal team can't produce clear documentation showing this - and it would be expected that in her role as chairperson of the scheme she would have full access to these, points to her negligence in supervising the scheme.

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They hoped that they could form a OPEC style cartel with Vietnam, Cambodia, & influence the price. It didn't work, and the scheme was undoubtedly ill-conceived, but it still doesn't change the fact that this was simply an agricultural subsidy, the same as is used all around the world. Corruption and bureaucracy in government schemes is also a given around the world, in particular in the developing world. With a scheme of this proportion, in a country with ingrained corruption in all institutions, it is an unreasonable to expect it to be free of irregularities, and certainly not reasonable to hold the PM responsible for farmers, millers, etc. who were taking advantage of the situation. If there are cases of illegal activity prosecute those who were responsible.

No it was not a subsidy, a subsidy you budget for and you take money from the national budget. Here they said it would pay for itself. Bully and prosecute anyone who came out with figures that showed that it was making a loss.

That is the part what they have to hold YL responsible for knowingly going on with a program that cost 700 billion without putting it in the budget thereby going over all the limits set for budget deficits. Had they budgeted for it it would have been ok, but then they could not have done the other vote-buying projects (not enough money in the budget)

Technically it was a price floor, which have been used frequently by governments all over the world. And no, these schemes can't be 'budgeted' for as they depend on the price elasticity of demand and supply and other external factors, such as the weather. The full effects of the policy are far too complex to discuss here. You must take into consideration the increase in domestic consumption, changes in inequality, peripheral industries, .... Your simplistic arguments are tantamount to a witch hunt. Anything to remove the popular YL from the equation.


So who is responsible for the US Farm bill or EU CAP debts?

Were those schemes positioned and defended as 'self-financing' ?

I doubt Ms. Yingluck will compare her RPPS with the USA or EU subsidies. Her scheme was (supposed to be) that much better.

They hoped that they could form a OPEC style cartel with Vietnam, Cambodia, & influence the price. It didn't work, and the scheme was undoubtedly ill-conceived, but it still doesn't change the fact that this was simply an agricultural subsidy, the same as is used all around the world. Corruption and bureaucracy in government schemes is also a given around the world, in particular in the developing world. With a scheme of this proportion, in a country with ingrained corruption in all institutions, it is an unreasonable to expect it to be free of irregularities, and certainly not reasonable to hold the PM responsible for farmers, millers, etc. who were taking advantage of the situation. If there are cases of illegal activity prosecute those who were responsible.

The Yingluck Govvernment positioned and defended their RPPS as 'self-financing' scheme which only required a 'revolving funds' to pay out from and to deposit back revenue from sales. They used that reasoning to defend not needing to make a reservation in the National Budget (which would result in a higher deficit).

They 'hoped' for a cartel maybe, but government is not about hoping, but arranging. That would require co-operation, negotiations, fights with the WTO and so. You suggest they were that over confident they already started the hoarding without any other work done. Surely that's negligent to the point of criminal.

So, we have a PM who was told regularly by many organisations that the RPPS lost huge amounts of money rather than being a 'self-financing' scheme. WE have a PM, cabinet and other Pheu Thai members voicing they are listening, correcting, arrange financing, nothing to worry about and suddenly after two and a half years the by now caretaker government has run out of its 'non-revolving funds' which had been extended a bit already and they want to borrow another 130 billion Baht. It would seem a good number of lies had been told as well then.

So, a charge of 'negligence'. Somehow I think we could charge the NACC with the same negligence as the correct charge for Ms. Yingluck c.s. might have to be 'criminal intention to deceive'

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They hoped that they could form a OPEC style cartel with Vietnam, Cambodia, & influence the price. It didn't work, and the scheme was undoubtedly ill-conceived, but it still doesn't change the fact that this was simply an agricultural subsidy, the same as is used all around the world. Corruption and bureaucracy in government schemes is also a given around the world, in particular in the developing world. With a scheme of this proportion, in a country with ingrained corruption in all institutions, it is an unreasonable to expect it to be free of irregularities, and certainly not reasonable to hold the PM responsible for farmers, millers, etc. who were taking advantage of the situation. If there are cases of illegal activity prosecute those who were responsible.

No it was not a subsidy, a subsidy you budget for and you take money from the national budget. Here they said it would pay for itself. Bully and prosecute anyone who came out with figures that showed that it was making a loss.

That is the part what they have to hold YL responsible for knowingly going on with a program that cost 700 billion without putting it in the budget thereby going over all the limits set for budget deficits. Had they budgeted for it it would have been ok, but then they could not have done the other vote-buying projects (not enough money in the budget)

Technically it was a price floor, which have been used frequently by governments all over the world. And no, these schemes can't be 'budgeted' for as they depend on the price elasticity of demand and supply and other external factors, such as the weather. The full effects of the policy are far too complex to discuss here. You must take into consideration the increase in domestic consumption, changes in inequality, peripheral industries, .... Your simplistic arguments are tantamount to a witch hunt. Anything to remove the popular YL from the equation.

Of course you put these things in the national budget, wanna bet agricultural subsidies are in the European budget and not off budget.

Learn a few things in life accounting might be one of them. You need to budget for it if you for-see cost, everyone told her it would cost money. Reports came out of huge cost, but still nothing was put in the budget. They did this because they were already at the max deficit and otherwise they had to scrap other programs.


Will the government also take action against yellow shirt/Suthep protesters if there will be no impeachment?

They probably will but it depends on if you obey the rules of law, something that the PTP and the Red Shirts were never very good at.


You make me laugh, "are you really that slow"

I'll tell ya what mate, Look in any of my post's and you will see I have always condemned any violence regardless of faction,

Now I think as do many others think Yingluk showed amazing fortitude in the situation when previous PM's have no problem letting loose bullets,

"Extremist's" - "paid thugs" Yu'p have them on both sides and should be thrown in gaol,

such as the men attacking a man wishing to vote pic in Washington post, the grand mother attacked and pulled to the ground for trying to vote, These peoples picturs are very ez to see and are they in gaol??? I think not...

The police sitting not engaging and grenade thrown at them leg blown apart,

A nurse helping injured people in a temple shot dead, was she posing any threat?

kids at a protest killed.

the thing is mate there is violence on both sides but it seems that some think it ok if it's not their faction that's being attacked.

Or "are you really that slow?"

Yingluck showed amazing fortitude allowing the redshirts to murder anti-government protesters in cold blood, putting the RTP on a leash and allowing these murderous thugs to do PTP's dirty work, while all the while acting like the innocent victim, the noble stateswoman..

I cannot understand for the life of me why anyone in their right mind would defend any of the hideous actions of the Shin regime, no matter what the opposition did, two wrongs don't make a right !

So if you are going to act so righteous regarding the actions of the "yellows", the Democrats, Suthep and the junta, at least have a bit of consistency and admit to the wrongs committed by the Shins and their army of terrorists.

And change your name will ya, I am now telling people I am Austrian.

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