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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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Just read in a french media that police got their names... because one of them forgot his ID in the car !

Brilliant jihadists, real smart scums.



Yet the media is still, as of minutes ago, claiming these guys were expert, experienced commandos.

(For those of you who don't know it, real commandos don't take their ID with them.)

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By the centuries same crap in the name of different gods.

"Zydeco" in this forum mentioned rasism against muslim ...(???) he must be completely blinded by the media. (Nobody pushed those from other countries to stay in France ......they begged to be part of it)

Open your eyes ...and maybe try it for yourself and go to muslim country with your woman and try to say that you are not even religious....( non religious are treated even worst from different religion )

Question is...: would you do the same they did in the name of .....(any name...)

They were shouting slogan as old as humanity ; "God is great "

All those fanatics thru the centuries are using gods for the same thing ; to possess and kill in the name of own religion .

This even was just barbaric step against free speach and free media .

Yes we are living in modern but still barbaric world of many with mobile phone in one hand and matchete in other............

Nothing really changed.....

Still same old mixed sh...t poor fanatics and their religion .....it does not matter what kind.coffee1.gif

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Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too? Ah, the bigotry of TV...

Ah, the stupidity of the far-left.

Yes, it's their fault. rolleyes.gif

Of all the ignorant, biased, apologetic and plain scummy comment from the apologists, that quote takes the cake.

Nothing to do with left, apologism, etc.

I've seen your comments and they're about as bigoted as they can get.

Others have pointed out that your avatar uses the same symbolism that Breivik did. Same hate, different religion/ethnicity/culture. You're in the same camp as Islamist scum.

Hardly! :lol:

My avatar is more an intention of future crusades that are needed against this evil cult, not past ones. But read into it whatever you like if it makes you feel easier about throwing around words like 'bigot' to total strangers on an Internet forum. Personally I think you're hilarious when posting stuff like this-

Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too? Ah, the bigotry of TV...

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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When you invite the wolf onto your farm don't start complaining when it slaughters your chickens.

Religion is the root of so much evil on this planet.

Some Religions, I am a Southern Baptist, and I have not seen any of them Rioting, Killing, Raping, maybe I missed something. Are the Buddhist in the South killing, burning Muslims ?

This is not the same World I was born into 79 years ago !!

Don't forget the crusades in the name of the cross.

And don't forget "Protestant ethics", the religious legitimation for capitalism.

And Capitalism is wrong you say !!! I thought it was freedom to persue a way to make money. And the Crusades - as to who started the problem has been in dispute for hundreds of years AND Christians beginning a long time ago ... ceased pursuing war in the name of religion or as a way to expand religion. Christianity has evolved -- Islam has remained static - stuck in the Crusades.

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I posted yesterday that the world needs to wake up.

I agree MRTOAD "Another Bunch of murdering Muslims. Religion of peace, my ass"

Now who is going to do something to change or end this destructive religion?.........SOUND OF CRICKETSwhistling.gif

Now who is going to do something to change or end this destructive religion?

No one because the French people are unarmed. This incident proves that the police can't always handle everything. Europe has sold its soul to the PC brainwashers.

France is already 20% Muslim.


20% certainly not it would be 12,000,000 Muslims, probably not far 10%, Yes and it's too much alreadysad.png

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Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too? Ah, the bigotry of TV...

Ah, the stupidity of the far-left.

Yes, it's their fault. rolleyes.gif

Of all the ignorant, biased, apologetic and plain scummy comment from the apologists, that quote takes the cake.

Nothing to do with left, apologism, etc.

I've seen your comments and they're about as bigoted as they can get.

Others have pointed out that your avatar uses the same symbolism that Breivik did. Same hate, different religion/ethnicity/culture. You're in the same camp as Islamist scum.

Hardly! :lol:

My avatar is more an intention of future crusades that are needed against this evil cult, not past ones. But read into it whatever you like if it makes you feel easier about throwing around words like 'bigot' to total strangers on an Internet forum. Personally I think you're hilarious when posting stuff like this-

Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too? Ah, the bigotry of TV...

"Future crusades on evil cult" ?

Did you escape from a mental hospital in Scandinavia or what?

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Muslims segregated from French society in growing Islamist mini-states

A backdrop to the massacre in Paris on Wednesday by self-professed al Qaeda terrorists is that city officials have increasingly ceded control of heavily Muslim neighborhoods to Islamists, block by block.


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When you invite the wolf onto your farm don't start complaining when it slaughters your chickens.

Religion is the root of so much evil on this planet.

Some Religions, I am a Southern Baptist, and I have not seen any of them Rioting, Killing, Raping, maybe I missed something. Are the Buddhist in the South killing, burning Muslims ?

This is not the same World I was born into 79 years ago !!

Don't forget the crusades in the name of the cross.

And don't forget "Protestant ethics", the religious legitimation for capitalism.

And Capitalism is wrong you say !!! I thought it was freedom to persue a way to make money. And the Crusades - as to who started the problem has been in dispute for hundreds of years AND Christians beginning a long time ago ... ceased pursuing war in the name of religion or as a way to expand religion. Christianity has evolved -- Islam has remained static - stuck in the Crusades.

Capitalism is the freedom to sacrifice everything in the name of money.

Without "Arabic numbers" (Indian, in fact) you would not be able even to count your tea money. Left alone architecture, poetry etc.

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Let us hope the authorities catch and punish these bastards quickly and severely.

What is "quickly and severely" ?

Spend millions of euros on a trial? To have some c@ck suck1ng lawyer defend them, earn millions and find them "mentaly unbalanced" or some other bull shyt, so that they can live in a prison for the rest of their misirable lives.

The world have to stop and smell the roses. Show the same "human rights" they do.

A very quick trial, no fancy lawyers, and a very s-l-o-w and painful death

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I condone freedom of the press and freedom of speech, and I condone fighting for it if necessary.

But what if satirising their religion is considered by some to be a form of racism?

Racist? Ignorant. Arabs are Caucasian. White French are Caucasian. I'm Caucasian.

Please explain your thinking AFTER you get out of the way of the real men who can deal with these bastards.

Please explain my thinking? huh.png

Well the world in which we live seems appallingly hypocritical because some parties that cheerlead freedom of expression on this forum are the first ones to cry foul when it affects their own " group ".rolleyes.gif

Racism consists of both prejudice and discrimination based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. It often takes the form of social actions, practices or beliefs "


So you are saying that a satirical cartoon is just as bad as killing 12 people and injuring 11 more and that they deserved it because you view what they did as racist? Looney, frickin tunes.

Edited by F430murci
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Let us hope the authorities catch and punish these bastards quickly and severely.

We will hunt them forever and will expose their racist and religous bigotry. After that we will put them on Devil's Island again making impossible to escape. Everyday they will be retold what they did to the innocent people of a free country.Their families will pay reparations to the families of the murdered. There is no punishment too unkind for them.

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My condolence to the families of the victims, too, they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

War is an ugly thing, and brutality is contagious.

Sadly, so-called Christians made Money their God, and now complain about a lack of humanity when they get paranoid.

Yes, paranoia, that's the mental state created by capitalism.

The amount of people killed by traffic accidents is far higher than the amount of people killed by bomb attacks (just one example), but a car is a status symbol - well, for some it's a licence to kill.

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We shall not let ourselves be terrorised


I take it you will be consistent and publically label these people as bigots and neo-nazis today, Mrs Merkel..

From what has been currently reported, this spontaneous demonstration of support for the tragically slain artists included muslims. Further, in the reports I have seen, commentators indicated that no anti-immigrant or anti-muslim sentiments were expressed or advocated by the gathering. This is a demonstration of solidarity for the freedoms of a liberal democracy. You choose this to attack another posters to support some anti-immigrant bigotry as expressed on that other referenced thread?

For the avoidance of doubt, your posted picture has a rather large sign that speaks to the intent and objective of the gathering. My support is fully with them.

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"Future crusades on evil cult" ?

Did you escape from a mental hospital in Scandinavia or what?

And the eastern world surely does not need you.

Two personal attacks while ignoring the subject being discussed.

Are you Muslim by any chance? Or just a wannabe like some others here?

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Simple to me: They are heavily-armed psychopaths. Any questions?

Ummm maybe was too simple? The question was more to do with immigration reactions wink.png

Too simple, huh? How about this for simplicity?: Kill or be killed. What, exactly, justifies a massacre of unarmed civilians? I'm personally labeling it Islamic Derangement Syndrome (IDS), an obviously virulent type of psychopathy.

Note: Recommend including the entire reply dialog set unless the nesting is too deep or voluminous (and there are methods for dealing with even those situations without losing pertinent content)

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And please leave Mrs. Angela Merkel out of the game.

Germany is the only country in the world that divides people into categories like "German by blood" and "German by immigration", and then takes away the passports from immigrants if they want German nationality.

I'm German, yes.

My Thai gf happens to be a perfect globetrotter, and she was never accepted as an equal human being in Germany. I was kicked out of Germany before they generously allowed" me to emigrate. But of course, they kept as much of my money back there, as much as they could grab, and they still keep it there, speculating on a biological solution (ie my death)

That's how terrorists are made.

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