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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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Start actively investigating all activitsts, trying them for treason against the state and imprisoning or deporting them back to their countries of origin.

Much like the mess that they got into with the stupid Imam in London and his right to a family life in the UK. He was inciting hatred, and as such is an enemy of the British state and forgives his right to stay active in British society. It took how long and how many appeals to get rid of him?

Then make is a 10 year prison sentence for not reporting to authorities that one knows about extremists in the community. By remaining silent, you are complicit. Now please don't tell me that no one knew about what these 3 guys were up to. Not one person from a mosque? Lock them up and keep locking them up until the muslim part of society understands that living in a liberal country comes with certain obligations to freedom of thought and speech. if they do not wish to comply then they are free to depart anytime at the tax payers expense. if I know my neighbour is having a meeting with a bunch of known criminals next door and they intend to rob a bank and I do nothing, well, I am complicit. The same thing goes for knowing that your brother, father, mother or sister is about to carry out a terrorist attack.

I would also from a British perspective retain the right to remove the right of citizenship given to all immigrants if they subsequently prove themselves to be a danger to society, beyond this, if you come to the UK and abuse our hospitality by pedalling hate and also choose to bring an immigrant wife with you and produce children, sorry, but your family can depart with you and be refused access to public funds. I would put a very simple statement on anyones' ILR request, "have you ever been part of, associated with, or suported any organisation which can be deemed to be a terrorist or extremist organisation under the description of the British government."

Simple lie and automatic deportation.

I think you start to lead us down a dangerous path to some Orwellian or soviet style repression. While not in the same league as the 'kill them all' which I see again repeated on this thread, I wonder if this is not following a similar route? I do agree that a consequence of the Paris attacks may well be more active roles for intelligence agencies. The very nature of the way these type of organisations work fills me with dread at this potential development. Hard line responses such as you propose may appeal but once you start pushing the boundaries of basic freedoms, where do you draw the line?

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...........I know we have freedom of the Press, but Charlie Hebdo had been doing some very foolish things and was asking for trouble................................

It cannot be denied that they were provoking and knew it, but the next step from there is where people differ in opinion.

Last night my father came out with a similar line that offending the revered in a religion only stokes fires of unrest. On the one hand, he was correct because we already know (and have known for centuries) how the ummah goes berkserk about any blasphemy regarding Muhammad. Monty Python's ditty - "Never be rude to an Arab!"? comes to mind, and there has been murders of satorists in Europe in recent years by Islamists too so my response at the time that they were testing the boundaries of what freedoms are still left in Europe, only applies partly. We know the result.

In their own countries, Muslim locals best flee for their lives before they are strung for at the slightest questioning of the integrity of Muhammad. On the other hand, European nations are currently 'not' Muslim majority nations. Muslims are minorities in our nations, and should understand that surely? Do Muslims demand that European culture shows the sort of reverence to Muhammad that can be found in Iran, Saudi, etc? Overt militant ones absolutely demand it, and when we don't cow tow to that demand, we saw the result yesterday. Of the quiet bulk of Muslims in Europe, I say it is also demanded by them too but in a different way. Our own Governments sought to keep the peace by bringing in Acts like the one in Britain called - "Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006" which was well meaning and applies ( without overtly saying it) to Islamist literature doing the rounds for exampe, but as is often the case with such acts, can be a double edged sword and satirists have voiced concern for their field of work too.

It is the ambiguity of such acts in law which may explain why we generally don't get the same kind of satire about Islam in Britain. I suspect that cartoonists / comedians / novelists / film makers are concerned first and foremost that they'll get a knock on the door one day from authorities because the authorities decide one day to pull this act out of the hat and declare that the tweeter / cartoonist / comedian has breached this law. Either that, or they are simply afraid for themselves and their family, understandably, and self censor for self preservation. Maybe a mixture of both.

In regard to how to deal with the overt militants trying to impose their conditions physically within Europe, it should be clear as day that these people just don't fear death. Therefore, I suspect the only way to deal with these types before, or after we catch them, is to make them fear life in some way.

In what form that should take, I am currently unsure, but that is where I'm thinking right now. Cartoonist's gamble is that if they continue creating works that mock the nutters in this cult, then eventually the nutters will give up and will stop kililng creators in Europe. Unfortunately I suspect that is wishfull thinking because overt militant Islamists can go on killing and killing ad nauseam to defend their 'honour' or the honour of somebody else .

Question is, are European and American creators also equally willing to continue to create and die one after another like a line of dominos? Such a course is an admirable and heroic one, but how realistic right now? Unlike Islamist nutters, most of us love life and rarely hold views that we are actually willing to die for (or to put our loved ones life at risk over). Islamists know this. Understandably everyone in Europe (and the wider modern non Muslim world) wants to send a clear clear message that we will NOT be dictated to by the violent threats of Islamists about what we can or cannot do in our own countries, but how far are people actually wililng to go to make that clear as a bell to them? If we are serious about starting this course, we'd better be damn prepared to finish it, whatever the cost. Have we got what it takes? Will Governments be on our side, on that course?

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Jihadist flags and molotov cocktails were found in the first abandoned car yesterday !

Around 10:30 this morning they robbed a gas station in Villers-Côtterets city, the police are on their trail and the noose tightens...


Hope it comes to a shoot-out and the Muslim scum goes straight to hell!!

Fanatic extremists like them don't deserve a trial provided by a system they despise.

Sure the French Police will only be too happy to help the cowards to a another life after their killing of two of their colleagues!!

I am not one for capital punishment, nor do I hope these cretins die in a police shoot out, that would be to easy a way out for them, I hope they rot in a hell hole of a French Prison for eternity.

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Just to make this clear for all of you who are already mixing Islam with Islamist :

The guys who died in France would have spit on your face for such comments.

The guys who died hated the kind of people who mixed a minority of a group to make the whole group look bad whatever the group is.

Yes they hated religion, yes they hated the islamists, as much as they hated the israelian settlers, as much as they hated the catholic church and its wealth and secrets about children abuses by their priest.

Charb, Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous and all the staff at the Charlie Hebdo were mostly ...be ready guys.... communists or far left winged and nothing, not even such carnage would have changed their way of living.

Oh and another thing, just remember YOU are the <deleted> foreigners here, and i can read a lot from you speaking about how the thais try daily to con farangs, to kill them or rob them, and still you re here.... just think of what may happen if one day two lunatics farang start to kill 12 people in Bangkok, how would you like them to react? understand the difference or just kick all of us from thailand?

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As an atheist turk, I don't feel sorry for these attacks after seeing this pic.

They are basically supporting PKK, a terrorist organization usually seen as "freedom fighters" by liberals like these. PKK has claimed lives of thousands of innocent people in Turkey

I'm against all forms of terror, not just right-wing, but also left-wing which has claimed thousands of lives in Turkey.

Now Europe knows what real terror is like. PKK has carried out similar attacks like these, they even blew up a school building, killing innocent students.

As the famous saying goes, what goes around comes around. You support terrorists, and one they the same terrorists comes to your building and puts an ak-47 bullet through your head.


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I'm clueless? but its you that doesn't understand why Muslims are offend by cartoons depicting their Prophet.

well played fella.

So they're offended. We understand perfectly. To be honest, our hard won freedoms trump their feelings of being offended. If it wasn't cartoons, it'd be something else. Gays, lack of Halal food, immodest dress etc. It'd never end.

This is the west, not some goat shagging shit hole in Pakistan. I'm offended by Islam but I don't grab an AK and visit a local mosque, do I?

The west isn't going to surrender their freedoms to the barrel of a gun not matter how many 'refugees' in the west celebrate the attack.


Maybe not surrender to the barrel of a gun, but to a barrel of oil.

None of your Farang values counts anything anymore when it comes to money.

I don't know what is "farang values"..

Respect and decency are, for sure, parts of my values.

Obviously, you don't get it.

Your appreciated values are sacrosanct?

Then you will respect Thai women and their families at least as much as your women and families at home? Yes or No?

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Jihadist flags and molotov cocktails were found in the first abandoned car yesterday !

Around 10:30 this morning they robbed a gas station in Villers-Côtterets city, the police are on their trail and the noose tightens...


Hope it comes to a shoot-out and the Muslim scum goes straight to hell!!

Fanatic extremists like them don't deserve a trial provided by a system they despise.

Sure the French Police will only be too happy to help the cowards to a another life after their killing of two of their colleagues!!

Using terrorists methods and kill them would be making martyrs of them and losing our democracy.

If we want to keep a democracy we have to take them to court

Sometimes political correctness makes me wanna puke!!

They killed 11 innocent people, most of those only used their pencil as a weapon, and you still think they deserve a fair trial??

No shoot them as the dogs they are and let the bodies disappear, so there will be no place for their families and fellow fanatics to visit in their "honor" !

Sometimes enough is enough!! No more turning the other cheek, if we want them stop pissing on us and our values!!

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This whole thing is not about anything economic, it's not about who controls the flow of energy, it's not about power, it's not about banking and who is rich and who is dirt poor.

It is about free speech and religion

And if you can believe that, I've got got some of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction to sell you.

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Just to make this clear for all of you who are already mixing Islam with Islamist :

The guys who died in France would have spit on your face for such comments.

The guys who died hated the kind of people who mixed a minority of a group to make the whole group look bad whatever the group is.

Yes they hated religion, yes they hated the islamists, as much as they hated the israelian settlers, as much as they hated the catholic church and its wealth and secrets about children abuses by their priest.

Charb, Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous and all the staff at the Charlie Hebdo were mostly ...be ready guys.... communists or far left winged and nothing, not even such carnage would have changed their way of living.

Oh and another thing, just remember YOU are the <deleted> foreigners here, and i can read a lot from you speaking about how the thais try daily to con farangs, to kill them or rob them, and still you re here.... just think of what may happen if one day two lunatics farang start to kill 12 people in Bangkok, how would you like them to react? understand the difference or just kick all of us from thailand?

Oh great our first apologist.

The guys who died in France would have spit on your face for such comments.

I wont insult them by saying gawd rest their souls.

Yes they hated religion, yes they hated the islamists, as much as they hated the israelian settlers, as much as they hated the catholic church and its wealth and secrets about children abuses by their priest.

As an atheist I agree with everything they said and printed.

just remember YOU are the <deleted> foreigners here

Where is here?

You have no clue where I or other members are posting from.

Vive la difference, next time you clear customs in Jeddah or Riyadh, please make sure to have a bible or rosary beads at the top of your baggage.

Please let me know where in the land of the prophet wehre the followers of the religion of peace will allow my wife to pray at a temple of her chosing?

Charb, Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous and all the staff at the Charlie Hebdo were mostly ...be ready guys.... communists or far left winged

Please pray tell me why that makes them bad guys, sounds more like fellow travellers to me.

You should get down on your kness and pray to whatever diety you pray to, that these guys were allowed to express their views.

What do you suggest, Nth Korea, Saudi and Iran are nice this time of year.

If the above are too liberal for you, head of and join ISIS, I feel sure they will accomodate your view.

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Just to make this clear for all of you who are already mixing Islam with Islamist :

The guys who died in France would have spit on your face for such comments.

The guys who died hated the kind of people who mixed a minority of a group to make the whole group look bad whatever the group is.

Yes they hated religion, yes they hated the islamists, as much as they hated the israelian settlers, as much as they hated the catholic church and its wealth and secrets about children abuses by their priest.

Charb, Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous and all the staff at the Charlie Hebdo were mostly ...be ready guys.... communists or far left winged and nothing, not even such carnage would have changed their way of living.

Oh and another thing, just remember YOU are the <deleted> foreigners here, and i can read a lot from you speaking about how the thais try daily to con farangs, to kill them or rob them, and still you re here.... just think of what may happen if one day two lunatics farang start to kill 12 people in Bangkok, how would you like them to react? understand the difference or just kick all of us from thailand?

You are wrong

Charb when asked what he would say if he met one of the terrorists who were trying to kill him, said: " I would give him the Coran to read, because most of them are clueless and have not even read it".

Charb did not hate religion, he mocked extremists.

They did not hate Islamists they made fun of salafists.

They were people of love not hatred....

Wolinski said: " The fanatics are never going to pin us down because we never hated anyone, we are all love"

Sorry but you sound like someone uneducated who does not get the message behind their cartoons

Edited by metisdead
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Lol @ people bitchin at the thai police for not finding the koh tao murderers immediately. They raided a magazine in the middle of paris and the killers are still at large lol. Yet no one is bashing the french police. Yet the murders that took place in Thailand was in some secluded island, and there were no witnesses.

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Lol @ people bitchin at the thai police for not finding the koh tao murderers immediately. They raided a magazine in the middle of paris and the killers are still at large lol. Yet no one is bashing the french police. Yet the murders that took place in Thailand was in some secluded island, and there were no witnesses.

it's 30 hours only

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Lol @ people bitchin at the thai police for not finding the koh tao murderers immediately. They raided a magazine in the middle of paris and the killers are still at large lol. Yet no one is bashing the french police. Yet the murders that took place in Thailand was in some secluded island, and there were no witnesses.

it's 30 hours only

I don't care, people here started complaining about the lack of skill of the thai police 12 hours into the incident. A much more violent crime occurred in middle of paris, the killers are loose, they even robbed a petrol station while they were at it.

You have armed men running around crazy, the paris police is much more incompetent than their Thai counterparts.

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I do not agree with your comments about 'winding up the Muslims' through promoting political satire. I do not think that this is the core argument of the Jones article, which I do think is both pertinent and prescient. The use of these terrorist incidents to incite irrational, hate based responses is a plausible argument. But I do not correlate this with your comments on the cartoons. It has already been pointed out to you that Charlie Hebdo satirises all religions. They are ecumenical in their irreverence. Political satire is also not hate speech or bigotry. It is a tool of the powerless against the powerful. Political satirists are a rare and sensitive breed. These mild mannered artists need protection and support. Western liberal democracies need them.

These are principles worth fighting for. If people are offended by political satire, they have every right to object. They can make counter arguments. They can even draw their own cartoons. They cannot kill the satirist. For that they must be jailed. Censoring political speech because of the potential for offence is entirely antithetical to the whole idea of political satire.

I encourage you to look at the history of political satire, particularly some of the early stuff in the UK and 19thC US. You will see how it is an integral part of the development of liberties and freedoms for the masses, we ordinary folk.

Tep, maybe you misunderstood what is was I was objecting too

Just to be clear: I fully support satirists in all their forms. There is nothing better than humbling ones self by taking a fresh look at your self through someone else's eyes..

I do no read French publications, but I fully support their right to publish however they see fit.. even if its against what ever I happen to believe at the time.

I love satire in all its forms and I support their right to publish. I need no encouragement to observe satire. I've always enjoyed it!

My point was that certain posters suggesting that in order to maintain some sort of balance we should all be posting the pictures on every newspaper\magazine\rag.

Sorry, I do not see how that helps Hebdo, satire or anything else.. other than a deliberate attempt to "wind up muslims". perhaps you only read part of what I wrote-

I do not see that creating ever more hatred in the world solves anything.

and for the record, I posted several satire cartoons depicting the reality of situation, but apparently these were deemed "inappropriate"

If you DM me I'll send you a copy ;-)

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Jihadist flags and molotov cocktails were found in the first abandoned car yesterday !

Around 10:30 this morning they robbed a gas station in Villers-Côtterets city, the police are on their trail and the noose tightens...


Hope it comes to a shoot-out and the Muslim scum goes straight to hell!!

Fanatic extremists like them don't deserve a trial provided by a system they despise.

Sure the French Police will only be too happy to help the cowards to a another life after their killing of two of their colleagues!!

Using terrorists methods and kill them would be making martyrs of them and losing our democracy.

If we want to keep a democracy we have to take them to court

Sometimes political correctness makes me wanna puke!!

They killed 11 innocent people, most of those only used their pencil as a weapon, and you still think they deserve a fair trial??

No shoot them as the dogs they are and let the bodies disappear, so there will be no place for their families and fellow fanatics to visit in their "honor" !

Sometimes enough is enough!! No more turning the other cheek, if we want them stop pissing on us and our values!!

Rats better shut up!

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I think unless the Muslim communities of France and for that matter other countries play a far more pro-active role in eradicating Islam fundamentalism from among them then things will get worse, because the liberal attitude is still in play. Below is an interesting article


Quote; This would be a departure for the West, which too often has responded to jihadist violence with appeasement. We appease the Muslim heads of government who lobby us to censor our press, our universities, our history books, our school curricula. They appeal and we oblige. We appease leaders of Muslim organizations in our societies. They ask us not to link acts of violence to the religion of Islam because they tell us that theirs is a religion of peace, and we oblige. end Quote

So until we stop appeasing Muslim organisations (who even have fanatics among themselves) and Say that this is the west, we have freedoms which we will not give up for any faith, because our freedoms protects all faiths. If you don't like living in a free western democracy then please go somewhere where you can live the way you want, in Peace!

Well, since all you really believe in its your freedom to make money, and since you sacrifice everything else under it, you make yourself a perfect target for blackmailing.

So you think it is about just making money, you sound like an Islamic fundamentalist! I do not think people sacrifice other freedoms just for money. If that is your impression then I think it is wrong. Just how you think that leave us open to blackmail, is beyond me!

Still at last you are free to make such comparisons, even if they don't make sense, not to me anyway.

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Just to make this clear for all of you who are already mixing Islam with Islamist :

The guys who died in France would have spit on your face for such comments.

The guys who died hated the kind of people who mixed a minority of a group to make the whole group look bad whatever the group is.

Yes they hated religion, yes they hated the islamists, as much as they hated the israelian settlers, as much as they hated the catholic church and its wealth and secrets about children abuses by their priest.

Charb, Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous and all the staff at the Charlie Hebdo were mostly ...be ready guys.... communists or far left winged and nothing, not even such carnage would have changed their way of living.

Oh and another thing, just remember YOU are the <deleted> foreigners here, and i can read a lot from you speaking about how the thais try daily to con farangs, to kill them or rob them, and still you re here.... just think of what may happen if one day two lunatics farang start to kill 12 people in Bangkok, how would you like them to react? understand the difference or just kick all of us from thailand?

You are wrong

Charb when asked what he would say if he met one of the terrorists who were trying to kill him, said: " I would give him the Coran to read, because most of them are clueless and have not even read it".

Charb did not hate religion, he mocked extremists.

They did not hate Islamists they made fun of salafists.

They were people of love not hatred....

Wolinski said: " The fanatics are never going to pin us down because we never hated anyone, we are all love"

Sorry but you sound like someone uneducated who does not get the message behind their cartoons

The naivete of the cartoonists seems staggering.

Delusional liberals as always.

They will 'pin you down' alright.

If not by words, then by swords.

it's not naivety.

it's the only way to fight.

If you use their methods, you lose democracy which is what you are fighting for

Edited by metisdead
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Jihadist flags and molotov cocktails were found in the first abandoned car yesterday !

Around 10:30 this morning they robbed a gas station in Villers-Côtterets city, the police are on their trail and the noose tightens...


Hope it comes to a shoot-out and the Muslim scum goes straight to hell!!

Fanatic extremists like them don't deserve a trial provided by a system they despise.

Sure the French Police will only be too happy to help the cowards to a another life after their killing of two of their colleagues!!

Using terrorists methods and kill them would be making martyrs of them and losing our democracy.

If we want to keep a democracy we have to take them to court

Sometimes political correctness makes me wanna puke!!

They killed 11 innocent people, most of those only used their pencil as a weapon, and you still think they deserve a fair trial??

No shoot them as the dogs they are and let the bodies disappear, so there will be no place for their families and fellow fanatics to visit in their "honor" !

Sometimes enough is enough!! No more turning the other cheek, if we want them stop pissing on us and our values!!

They have a right to free trial, just like the anders guy in Norway. Just because they are islamist terrorists is not a reason to reject them a free trial. Anders killed more than 50 people, yet he was given a decent trial.

Let me guess, you don't want them to get a trial because the killers are muslim?

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I do not agree with your comments about 'winding up the Muslims' through promoting political satire. I do not think that this is the core argument of the Jones article, which I do think is both pertinent and prescient. The use of these terrorist incidents to incite irrational, hate based responses is a plausible argument. But I do not correlate this with your comments on the cartoons. It has already been pointed out to you that Charlie Hebdo satirises all religions. They are ecumenical in their irreverence. Political satire is also not hate speech or bigotry. It is a tool of the powerless against the powerful. Political satirists are a rare and sensitive breed. These mild mannered artists need protection and support. Western liberal democracies need them.

These are principles worth fighting for. If people are offended by political satire, they have every right to object. They can make counter arguments. They can even draw their own cartoons. They cannot kill the satirist. For that they must be jailed. Censoring political speech because of the potential for offence is entirely antithetical to the whole idea of political satire.

I encourage you to look at the history of political satire, particularly some of the early stuff in the UK and 19thC US. You will see how it is an integral part of the development of liberties and freedoms for the masses, we ordinary folk.

Tep, maybe you misunderstood what is was I was objecting too

Just to be clear: I fully support satirists in all their forms. There is nothing better than humbling ones self by taking a fresh look at your self through someone else's eyes..

I do no read French publications, but I fully support their right to publish however they see fit.. even if its against what ever I happen to believe at the time.

I love satire in all its forms and I support their right to publish. I need no encouragement to observe satire. I've always enjoyed it!

My point was that certain posters suggesting that in order to maintain some sort of balance we should all be posting the pictures on every newspaper\magazine\rag.

Sorry, I do not see how that helps Hebdo, satire or anything else.. other than a deliberate attempt to "wind up muslims". perhaps you only read part of what I wrote-

I do not see that creating ever more hatred in the world solves anything.

and for the record, I posted several satire cartoons depicting the reality of situation, but apparently these were deemed "inappropriate"

If you DM me I'll send you a copy ;-)

I have seen calls for the mass publication of anti-muslim related material as a retaliatory measure. If this is the basis of your concern, then I would probably agree. I don't think that is the way it should work. Political satirists should go about their business of poking fun and our societies should demand that its citizens respect free speech. Using cartoonists now as part of the arsenal to attack islam or islamists or whatever is a different matter entirely. While it would provide some satisfaction to retaliate in such a manner, I believe that the best thing is for Charlie Hebdo to dust itself off and go about business as usual as soon as possible and as soon as is respectful. I read that the City of Paris will honour the surviving staff on Friday. These are responses that I think are more effective and in many ways, demonstrate more strength, than trying to batter people over their heads.

I now understand your correlation between your position and the Guardian article. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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