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World leaders join Paris march of 'millions' for attack victims

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I find your answer sleazy and disingenuous as if you don't even want to acknowledge the Islamic Jihadist inspired antisemitic murders at the grocery which the march was ALSO about. That was big a part of Netanyahu's role in the march, it was not only about free press (something that the democracy in Israel also values as do the French), it was also about Islamic Jihadists murdering Jews in Europe just for being Jews.

Speaking of antisemitism to suggest that it would be hard to find humanitarians among the millions of Jews in Israel is a good example of that flavor of hate speech rhetoric. So I can be offended by your offensive POV, but no, that does not justify murder.

And there it is. The anti-semitic smear so beloved by Hasbara trolls. Didn't take you long. I was referring to Israel's leaders. His presence is an offence to decency. As was your reply. When it comes to being disingenuous you don't get more 'sleazy' than trying to deflect criticism of a 'war criminal' leader, onto Jewish victimhood.

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I find your answer sleazy and disingenuous as if you don't even want to acknowledge the Islamic Jihadist inspired antisemitic murders at the grocery which the march was ALSO about. That was big a part of Netanyahu's role in the march, it was not only about free press (something that the democracy in Israel also values as do the French), it was also about Islamic Jihadists murdering Jews in Europe just for being Jews.

Speaking of antisemitism to suggest that it would be hard to find humanitarians among the millions of Jews in Israel is a good example of that flavor of hate speech rhetoric. So I can be offended by your offensive POV, but no, that does not justify murder.

And there it is. The anti-semitic smear so beloved by Hasbara trolls. Didn't take you long. I was referring to Israel's leaders. His presence is an offence to decency. As was your reply. When it comes to being disingenuous you don't get more 'sleazy' than trying to deflect criticism of a 'war criminal' leader, onto Jewish victimhood.

I was referring to your speech, not you, which was indeed blatantly antisemitic in not understanding the importance of the most powerful Jewish political leader in the world attending a rally related to Islamic Jihadist murders of Jews in Europe. You just called me a personally insulting name. Interesting.

(BTW, no I am not a huge fan of Netanyahu either, but he is the PM of Israel and thus the PM of Israel, whoever she was, was the proper person to attend.)


Great to see the humanitarian Netenyahu leading the March. Should have been in chains.

So no comment about the innocent Jews murdered at the grocery just for being Jews?

Sorry. I should have said ball and chains.

I guess you did answer the question. No problem with civilian French Jews being able to shop without getting murdered, eh?

Off topic at best... Palestinian children are civilians too, no? Do you really see any difference? I know I don't...

Given the fact that you are an avid supporter of the Obama administration, how do you, as a Jew, feel about his lack of respect for your Jewish brothers that died in these attacks?


Off topic at best... Palestinian children are civilians too, no? Do you really see any difference? I know I don't...

Given the fact that you are an avid supporter of the Obama administration, how do you, as a Jew, feel about his lack of respect for your Jewish brothers that died in these attacks?

Nope, the murders at the Kosher market are totally on topic to the Paris march.

You're other stuff, too personal a bait to be worthy of a response.

"World leaders join Paris march of 'millions' for attack victims"

Not the first attack that happened on this planet, isn't it? (something happened in Pakistan recently, or did it?)

How does things work?

"World leaders join Paris march of 'millions' for attack victims"
Not the first attack that happened on this planet, isn't it? (something happened in Pakistan recently, or did it?)
How does things work?

Maybe the French don't want to devolve into a country where such incidents are regularly expected. Maybe it's not too late to prevent that. Just maybe.


I still think the absence of a high profile American, like at least Kerry or Biden, was weird.


Fareed Zakaria, host of CNN's "Global Public Square," called the absence of top U.S. officials a mistake.

France is the United States' "deepest ideological ally," he said, and it would have been a meaningful image to have a senior administration member, or the President, standing shoulder to shoulder with other leaders.

Zakaria noted that security concerns didn't dissuade Netanyahu or Abbas or other leaders from showing up. But Obama's absence did show that the struggle against radical Islam is "not all about America," Zakaria said.

"Many people have tended to think that Islamic terrorism wouldn't exist without America," Zakaria said. "This is really a struggle between the civilized world and a band of extremists. Even if you take the U.S. out of it ... the civilized world is up in arms."

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Eric Portheault survivor of the attack and new chief editor of Charlie Hebdo: "Charlie will not back down, Charlie will stay Charlie"


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I still think the absence of a high profile American, like at least Kerry or Biden, was weird.

In the grand scheme of things, it didnt really matter. There were enough people there making their point.

The politicians cheapened the event in my opinion. It appeared staged and desperate on their part.

Netanyahu didn't add any significant political statement as he's not a nice person and nobody outside of Israel trusts him. I haven't forgotten what went on last year and the amount of children that died. I wasn't born yesterday.

And his brush over was the worst I've ever seen.


I still think the absence of a high profile American, like at least Kerry or Biden, was weird.


Fareed Zakaria, host of CNN's "Global Public Square," called the absence of top U.S. officials a mistake.

France is the United States' "deepest ideological ally," he said, and it would have been a meaningful image to have a senior administration member, or the President, standing shoulder to shoulder with other leaders.

Zakaria noted that security concerns didn't dissuade Netanyahu or Abbas or other leaders from showing up. But Obama's absence did show that the struggle against radical Islam is "not all about America," Zakaria said.

"Many people have tended to think that Islamic terrorism wouldn't exist without America," Zakaria said. "This is really a struggle between the civilized world and a band of extremists. Even if you take the U.S. out of it ... the civilized world is up in arms."

Not just weird, a national disgrace more like.


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Israeli media is reporting that the French specifically asked Netanyahu not to attend the march, so that the focus could be on French solidarity. But Netanyahu defied their request.

Nothing like a good photo-op with an election coming up, eh?

Hopefully this additional piece of information is being reported in Israel: Netanyahu pushed himself to the front row of the march (he was given a spot in the second row), so that he could be better seen by the cameras.

French President Hollande was so disgusted by Netanyahu's revolting behavior that he stood up and walked out when Netanyahu approached the podium to give a speech.


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Yes it's all being reported in the Israeli media.

What ... did you think not?facepalm.gif

Of course Israel is a democracy with a very free press and lots of criticism of the government.

But you didn't tell the entire story of the visit of Netanyahu to France.

Hollande was good enough to join Netanyahu here:




Yes it's all being reported in the Israeli media.

What ... did you think not?facepalm.gif

Of course Israel is a democracy with a very free press and lots of criticism of the government.

But you didn't tell the entire story of the visit of Netanyahu to France.

Hollande was good enough to join Netanyahu here:



Holland does not want more jews to leave

And Valls said france would no be france without its jews

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Well, more Jews will leave.

The only question is how many.

News today ... the Charlie terrorists had maps of Jewish schools.

They are all targets.

Aren't those Islamic Jihadists charming?

The good news for the French Jews is that unlike the last time France became unsafe for Jews there is now a nation ready and willing to harbor them if they need to escape.


Denying the so called armenian genocide is a crime in France, but when you mock the prophet of islam its called freedom of speech. The amount of hypocricy going on in Europe disgusts me.

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Such a full of crap post!

The French organized their marches in France. I'm sorry it's not up to the French to organize the marches in Nigeria, Pakistan or wherever. Got it?

Or may be you don't like when French citizen express their feelings and when citizens of the world support them? Shame on you!

Where is the march for the 2000 victims of terrorism in Nigeria? Was there a march for the 200+ murdered in Peshawar? Does anyone know why 100.000's march for 12 deaths and not for 100's or 1000's of deaths?

Lol, aye, shame on me for exposing the hypocricy of the west! 17 Frenchmen are murdered for ridiculing the prophet of a billion people and the Western world is in moarning but they don't give 2 s_hits about the 100's of thousands(if not millions) who have died in the name of the fake operation 'War on Terror'

Just ridiculous.

French do not have to organise protest in Nigeria. It's responsibility of the Nigerians to make it happen in Nigeria.

BTW, it is not funny

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In defense of Obama on this, at least within the USA, there are not the same social issues with American Muslims as there are in Europe. Demonizing all Muslims is not helpful. But I think the enemy must be called out -- ISLAMIC JIHAD. That is not all Muslims. But it is SOME Muslims.

"SOME" or "MANY"... That's the question...


Denying the so called armenian genocide is a crime in France, but when you mock the prophet of islam its called freedom of speech. The amount of hypocricy going on in Europe disgusts me.

Armenian genocide did happen

France is NOT under charia law, as far as I know...

Btw, nobody forces you to buy Charlie Hebdo and nobody forces you to live in France.

So on which side is hyprocrisy?

And if you feel so sick in Europe plse don't come or stay


"World leaders join Paris march of 'millions' for attack victims"

Not the first attack that happened on this planet, isn't it? (something happened in Pakistan recently, or did it?)

How does things work?

People can organise protest in Pakistan in the same way that French did in France.

Or, if I understood you well French were / are responsible for what happened in Pakistan... interesting concept...


In defense of Obama on this, at least within the USA, there are not the same social issues with American Muslims as there are in Europe. Demonizing all Muslims is not helpful. But I think the enemy must be called out -- ISLAMIC JIHAD. That is not all Muslims. But it is SOME Muslims.

"SOME" or "MANY"... That's the question...

That's easy.

Actual Islamic Jihadist violent actors -- not many

Muslims who are supportive of the violent ones and/or think their victims "had it coming" -- MANY


Well, more Jews will leave.

The only question is how many.

News today ... the Charlie terrorists had maps of Jewish schools.

They are all targets.

Aren't those Islamic Jihadists charming?

The good news for the French Jews is that unlike the last time France became unsafe for Jews there is now a nation ready and willing to harbor them if they need to escape.

And last time they did not have 4 millions people marching in the street against what happened.

Last time the victims were not made "Chevaliers de la Legion d'honneur"

Last time Netanyahu was not invited

Last time, our prime minister did not say "Without its Jews France would not be France"

Last time we did not sent a representative to Israel

Last time we did not put police forces in every Jewish school

What more do you need?


In defense of Obama on this, at least within the USA, there are not the same social issues with American Muslims as there are in Europe. Demonizing all Muslims is not helpful. But I think the enemy must be called out -- ISLAMIC JIHAD. That is not all Muslims. But it is SOME Muslims.

"SOME" or "MANY"... That's the question...

That's easy.

Actual Islamic Jihadist violent actors -- not many

Muslims who are supportive of the violent ones and/or think their victims "had it coming" -- MANY

Sources please

And no Fox News does not count :)


Some news from Egypt, Mauritania and Saudi Arabia... Sorry not sure French want that! whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1SW1

1. Egypt student gets 3-year jail term for atheism


2. Mauritania issues first apostasy death sentence


3. Building snowmen is forbidden by Saudi Arabian cleric, who calls them anti-Islamic


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