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End to free Certificate of Residency in Chiang Mai?


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I have avoided paying the 500 baht bribe for the CR in the past by telling the clerk I was in no hurry. This meant returning in 10 days instead of one. No problem.

Today, the clerk took me to an immigration officer. This was a first. Officer wanted 500 baht. I politely told him I did not need "VIP service"

He rejected my photos as "too old." (They weren't) Wanted me to have new photos taken in the Immigration Office for a charge of guess what? 500 baht.

I went to a nearby copy shop and had photos taken. On return, the Immigration Officer said "This is the last time you get a free one." He told me to come back in 31 days.

I'm betting my CR will be expired before I get it (dated today, delivered in 31 days).

My Thai SO wants me to report the officer. I know that's a terrible idea.

Next time, I will play the game and pay the bribe. Ironic, as there is a big sign on the outside of the building saying that only official fees will be charged and receipts will be issued.

Absolute <deleted>.

I need the CR to buy a new truck. Well over a million baht. Dealer can hold it for 30 days, no longer. This officer may cause an honest merchant to lose a big sale. Sigh.

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So sorry, it was always free and still is. That's what the law says. "Tipping" someone for "VIP" service may be a grey area, but a government official who demands a bribe is committing a crime. In some countries, such as the US, the person who gives the bribe is also a criminal.

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It's not the principle it's the money.

It's over 2000 baht for the same thing at the British Consul in Chiang Mai. The only difference is that they have no idea where you live.

So paying 2,000 baht for a non proof of residence is all straight and above board and in no way illegal, but paying 500 baht to the people who do have proof of where you live is criminal and scandalous. Life is strange.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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It's not the principle it's the money.

It's over 2000 baht for the same thing at the British Consul in Chiang Mai. The only difference is that they have no idea where you live.

So paying 2,000 baht for a non proof of residence is all straight and above board and in no way illegal, but paying 500 baht to the people who do have proof of where you live is criminal and scandalous. Life is strange.

Wow I thought the 1600 at the US Consulate was high

2k eh?

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It's not the principle it's the money.

It's over 2000 baht for the same thing at the British Consul in Chiang Mai. The only difference is that they have no idea where you live.

So paying 2,000 baht for a non proof of residence is all straight and above board and in no way illegal, but paying 500 baht to the people who do have proof of where you live is criminal and scandalous. Life is strange.

Wow I thought the 1600 at the US Consulate was high

2k eh?

But the Consuls happily gives you a receipt!... So one can just consider this a cheap knockoff that also provides a shiny new truck for some underpaid bureaucrat... Edited by sfokevin
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It's not the principle it's the money.

It's over 2000 baht for the same thing at the British Consul in Chiang Mai. The only difference is that they have no idea where you live.

So paying 2,000 baht for a non proof of residence is all straight and above board and in no way illegal, but paying 500 baht to the people who do have proof of where you live is criminal and scandalous. Life is strange.

It is indeed........3,020 baht two weeks ago!

I had to get it there as it was a bank requirement.

OP pay the bloody 500 baht, how often do you need a COR anyway?

Edited by uptheos
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It's not the principle it's the money.

It's over 2000 baht for the same thing at the British Consul in Chiang Mai. The only difference is that they have no idea where you live.

So paying 2,000 baht for a non proof of residence is all straight and above board and in no way illegal, but paying 500 baht to the people who do have proof of where you live is criminal and scandalous. Life is strange.

2000 baht at the consul is WYSIWYG - the stated, legal, accepted by dmv, policy. At immigration the stated policy is that there is no charge.

As Midzo says, a government official who demands a bribe is committing a crime. Not strange, corrupt.

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Query the charge with the lieutenant. One of those daft uni jollies in the old reporting office got on her high horse when I politely questioned her about something years ago, threatening she had the power to take away my visa... quiet word with lieutenant, never saw her again.

Caveat to above: if they are on the take, dosh is likely being shoveled upstream and you might get a mark on your name. You know how it is here, and just think yourselves lucky they haven't been charging 500 baht for reports for all these years!

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Pay the THB 500 and be done with it before your strict principles and baiting of Immigration staff translate into upset for everyone as various rules and behaviors get modified. If you would have said you couldn't afford the THB 500 I might have had some sympathy and support for you but since you need the certificate to spend THB 1 mill. on a truck, clearly, poverty is not a concern.

Finally: this is Thailand, you know these issues exist, live with them or leave.

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My free one took 33 days, but was dated only 1 day old when I picked it up. I was also told "last time; next time you go to Consulate." I've been in the process of getting a Yellow Book. 12 visits to various entities, so far, and only have the Blue. Passport translation was only 300 THB, I took a chance and didn't get the Preamble to the US Constitution translated, and that was OK, but the wind has been blowing again. Also they didn't put my room number on the letter, even though it was on four pieces of proof I gave them, but he said "cannot," so I guess that is their procedure/format.

As far as your million THB truck....talk to the dealership sales-manager...tell him they have to help you get the letter, since you've been solicited, or you will go elsewhere. That's real money...the million and the 500....Shiite. tell them when they can come pick you up in the truck and take you to get the letter; you'll hand them the million. They seem to know how to overcome a lot of hurdles at the land offices.

Edited by bangmai
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On average, how many COR does one need during a period of living here?

One every five years to renew a driving licence.

One every......years to buy a car/truck

One every......years to buy a motorbike

Add other reasons as necessary and the cost still won't be as much as just one from British Consulate.

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It's not the principle it's the money.

It's over 2000 baht for the same thing at the British Consul in Chiang Mai. The only difference is that they have no idea where you live.

So paying 2,000 baht for a non proof of residence is all straight and above board and in no way illegal, but paying 500 baht to the people who do have proof of where you live is criminal and scandalous. Life is strange.

2000 baht at the consul is WYSIWYG - the stated, legal, accepted by dmv, policy. At immigration the stated policy is that there is no charge.

As Midzo says, a government official who demands a bribe is committing a crime. Not strange, corrupt.

Yes, I would quite happily pay more than 3000 baht at The British Consulate, which is the official, legal, accepted rate set by Her Majesty's government and be proud to do so, rather than pay the corrupt, criminal 500 baht bribe at immigration. It's a matter of conscience and principles, after all. Okay, so the British Consulate doesn't know or care where I live, certainly won't do any checks, and are quite happy to take my word for it, so long as they get their fee, but what's that got to do with it? Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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On average, how many COR does one need during a period of living here?

One every five years to renew a driving licence.

One every......years to buy a car/truck

One every......years to buy a motorbike

Add other reasons as necessary and the cost still won't be as much as just one from British Consulate.

Since some people are quite happy to fill the coffers of Her Majesty's government at a much higher rate, rather than Chiang Mai immigration, then I can only assume that they really do believe that it is the Principle and not the Money. Assuming that they will actually cough up the 3,000b, of course. Talk is cheap, after all. Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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On average, how many COR does one need during a period of living here?

One every five years to renew a driving licence.

One every......years to buy a car/truck

One every......years to buy a motorbike

Add other reasons as necessary and the cost still won't be as much as just one from British Consulate.

A work permit is accepted as proof of residence for a driving licence and maybe other things.

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On average, how many COR does one need during a period of living here?

One every five years to renew a driving licence.

One every......years to buy a car/truck

One every......years to buy a motorbike

Add other reasons as necessary and the cost still won't be as much as just one from British Consulate.

Since some people are quite happy to fill the coffers of Her Majesty's government at a much higher rate, rather than Chiang Mai immigration, then I can only assume that they really do believe that it is the Principle and not the Money. Assuming that they will actually cough up the 3,000b, of course. Talk is cheap, after all.

Here! Here! or is it ? Hear! Hear!

Quite right!

It's the principle of the thing, not the price.

If we all really object to the CM Immigration office practices with the CORs, then we should simply go to our consulates or embassies to obtain them. That'll show 'em!

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At the end of the day, don't know who is laughing........you or the immigration officer............

It was always 500Baht and you knew it.

Now be patient and wait for 30 days...................

i got mine for free last time i applied,did give the guy a tip though.
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At the end of the day, don't know who is laughing........you or the immigration officer............

It was always 500Baht and you knew it.

Now be patient and wait for 30 days...................

i got mine for free last time i applied,did give the guy a tip though.

Was it a 500Baht tip?giggle.gif

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Dial 111 and lets stop this if everyone reported these incidents faster investigation would follow.

It won't stop until everyone acts. Or set and charge an official fee with an official receipt.

I agree.

This same THUG has been bulling farang out of 500 baht long enough. I politely turned down the 500 baht expedient service as the sign indicates 7-10 days and I should not pay money. He also told me 30 days and next time I should go to the US Consulate.

When I returned and picked it up, I asked him if he was punishing me for not paying him the bribe...he just closed the window... I laughed and walked away.

The next time I need a COR I will go to him again, this time with my thai friend and I will video him and post on youtube... in the end I will happily go to my consulate and pay the $50 rather than pay him an extortion fee.

It's a shame others pay him.

Edited by Nowisee
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