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At least 20 sleeper cells ready to strike Europe


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At least 20 sleeper cells ready to strike Europe

Intel document warns mosques helping to recruit

TEL AVIV – Algeria’s intelligence services passed information to several European countries indicating there are at least 20 sleeper cells with a combined total of 120 to 180 jihadists ready to act in France, Germany and Belgium, WND has learned.

Many members of the cells were trained in Tunisia, according to an Algerian intelligence report that was shared with WND by a European official. The report was provided to European interior ministers.

The document also deals with the issue of European citizens traveling to Iraq and Syria to join Islamic terrorist organizations. The Algerian report fingers Saudi-financed mosques in Europe as helping to lead the recruitment of European jihadists to fight in Syria and Iraq.

The Algerians identified by name more than 100 clerics in Western Europe as leaders of the recruitment campaign, which the Algerian report says is coordinated with Salafists mostly located in Tunisia, Yemen and Libya.

On Sunday, French law enforcement officers were directed to carry their weapons at all times “because terror sleeper cells have been activated over the last 24 hours in the country,” according to a French police source who attended a briefing Saturday and spoke to CNN terror analyst Samuel Laurent.

Amedy Coulibaly, the terrorist suspect killed on Friday after holding citizens hostage in a kosher market, made phone calls about targeting police officers in France, the source told CNN.

Hostages inside the market also reported hearing Coulibaly speaking on the phone about the targeting of police officers in France.

According to reports, the hostages said Coulibaly told them “militants are going to come – there are going to be more and more.”

Source: http://www.wnd.com/2015/01/at-least-20-sleeper-cells-ready-to-strike-europe/

-- WND 2015-01-16

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Algerian intelligence services (?!?) shared this information with an unnamed "European official" who passed it along to the website, "WorldNetDaily".

I just checked the WorldNetDaily website (which I'd never heard of before), and they also have an exclusive story entitled "22 verified Islamic Terror Camps" located in the US.


Indeed. Very surprising that this is used.



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Algerian intelligence services (?!?) shared this information with an unnamed "European official" who passed it along to the website, "WorldNetDaily".

I just checked the WorldNetDaily website (which I'd never heard of before), and they also have an exclusive story entitled "22 verified Islamic Terror Camps" located in the US.


Indeed. Very surprising that this is used.



Yes, it's something of a give away when they cite o'Reilly in the sidebar

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I think I'm safer staying in Thailand......even after all I read on TVF.

How right you are. When this sort of sh*t is happening elsewhere, the problems we encounter in the Kingdom seem minor. Pretty good "safe house" I think most expats would agree. smile.png

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Things are starting to cook.Perhaps boil over. Anybody's guess, but I believe the nest of hornets has been opened. Containment is not an option. Buying into peace will not work. My guess is, the hardliners are gearing up for a decisive run. Perhaps acting out the play now, while the rest of the world is relatively benevolent. Best possible scenario is the polarization within the muslim community, itself. However, it is a religion that demands submission...even from within. Smoke on the horizon.

honest, its a religion of love and peace (pukes into the toilet bowl)

I worked in Saudi for 15 years and its definitely not. bow down and convert or bend down and get your head lopped off if you don't want to convert.

its about peace and love to your fellow muslim but no tolerance if you aren't a muslim. even now, theres no tolerance to non-radical muslims. ask the French muslim policeman executed on the footpath

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Algerias intelligence service shares information about sleeper cells and a specific amount of jihadists in... Europe. *coughs*

Impossible that the Algerian intelligence service exclusively had all this information.

Real news/information or not, I dont know.

Edited by BKKBobby
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That the Algerian government is the source of this intelligence should indicate to the idiots that the Islamic terrorists do, in fact, have nothing to do with Islam; except in their own perverted minds and the minds of those like the self publicist Condell cited earlier and the gullible who swallow such pony.

Intelligence services in Europe, the US etc. obviously garner much of their intelligence from within the Muslim community; it is within that community that the terrorists are hiding.

How much longer will that be the case if the Islamaphobes get their way?

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(CNN)[breaking news update, posted at 11:50 p.m. ET]

A Western Intelligence source tells CNN that the ongoing terror threat appears to involve up to 20 sleeper cells of between 120 to 180 people ready to strike in France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

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militants are going to come – there are going to be more and more.”

The end of the carefree life of relative safety in Europe, US, Canada, and Australia...

The end-game is always the same with these mindless militants...destroy the freedom to move about and congregate in large groups of people...intimidate the population...and destroy their peaceful way of life...

I have something just for you big guy...come and get it...a taste of your own medicine...Americans will not go down without a fight...

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militants are going to come – there are going to be more and more.”

The end of the carefree life of relative safety in Europe, US, Canada, and Australia...

The end-game is always the same with these mindless militants...destroy the freedom to move about and congregate in large groups of people...intimidate the population...and destroy their peaceful way of life...

I have something just for you big guy...come and get it...a taste of your own medicine...Americans will not go down without a fight...

Do you sleep with a gun and a bible beside the bed?

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militants are going to come – there are going to be more and more.”

The end of the carefree life of relative safety in Europe, US, Canada, and Australia...

The end-game is always the same with these mindless militants...destroy the freedom to move about and congregate in large groups of people...intimidate the population...and destroy their peaceful way of life...

I have something just for you big guy...come and get it...a taste of your own medicine...Americans will not go down without a fight...

Dumb Europeans just had to step into the same boat with US.

I have something just for you big guy...come and get it...a taste of your own medicine...Americans will not go down without a fight... What are you? Cartoon character?

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