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At least 20 sleeper cells ready to strike Europe


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It was meaningful in as much as the Rabbi in question is himself Orthodox. If he was affiliated with another school of thought of modern day Judaism, his notion may have sounded more reasonable. Some Jews do carry arms in Israel, but discounting military and security personnel, nothing as widespread as the USA. One cannot legally get a gun, or even a permit without jumping though some hurdles.

The Muslim "side", in Europe at least, is not on the whole armed. Doubt there is a firearm in each and every Muslim house hold.

The issue of terrorists getting weapons easily is more to do with Europe's open borders policy, which makes it not too difficult to smuggle arms, mostly originating from East Europe. An assault rifle would come at about 2000 Euro on the black market, not that expensive, really.

Mass arming of untrained civilians during times of tensions is probably not a good idea. There are other ways to increase security at relevant points and, of course, many measures which could be applied to make acquisition of weapons by terrorists much harder.

The Jews in Europe are not attempting to kill Muslim families so why would you mention Muslim side being armed? It's only the Jews that need to be armed against the Muslim terrorists.

You are the one who brought up the "Muslim side" bring armed, I was merely responding to your post (which you failed to quote):

The whole thing is another religious war and since the Muslim side is armed don't you think the Jewish side should be armed too?


The Jews in Europe do not need to be armed against anyone. They are for the most part citizens, and their safety is a matter for their respective countries. In the same way, relevant authorities and law enforcement agencies are tasked with curbing Islamic terrorism threat. Making things even messier by arming untrained civilians will not necessarily result in greater security.

I never said Muslim families were armed. I said Muslim terrorists are trying to kill Jewish families. The Muslim terrorists are armed but not the Jewish families.

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If the Jews of Europe actually DID need to carry firearms on them everywhere they go, I'd say it's maybe time for them to leave Europe, as some indeed are doing already. It's bad enough that Jewish schools and gatherings need armed guards. Of course immigration isn't for everyone or even possible for everyone and Israel is not the only choice. I have read many French Jews are preferring to move to QUEBEC Canada which of course makes a lot of sense as it's a French speaking region. Personally I hope most European Jews can stick it out and stay there. Of course that's much easier for the totally assimilated ones.

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If the Jews of Europe actually DID need to carry firearms on them everywhere they go, I'd say it's maybe time for them to leave Europe, as some indeed are doing already. It's bad enough that Jewish schools and gatherings need armed guards. Of course immigration isn't for everyone or even possible for everyone and Israel is not the only choice. I have read many French Jews are preferring to move to QUEBEC Canada which of course makes a lot of sense as it's a French speaking region. Personally I hope most European Jews can stick it out and stay there. Of course that's much easier for the totally assimilated ones.

Aren't a lot of Jews in Israel armed? What's the difference? The terrorists are making war on them all over so why not be armed all over?

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What is wrong with all the countries ,,,, they say that they know 20 sleeper cells and they have sooooo many names,,,,Get your shit together and exterminate all of them,,,Nip it in the but before it gets worse,,,So far all talk and no action,,you wait to long they will take over every country ,,,,,WARNING,,, they are already well on their way. post-4641-1156694005.gif.pagespeed.ce.gy

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Islam is the reason muslims believe in some form of paradise after death which means they do no longer care about their life on earth, which makes them willing to risk their own life in a terrorist attack. This is why most suicide bombers are muslim. If you do not believe in paradise after death it makes no sense to kill yourself for any reason or cause.

This is partly why these terrorist attacks have everything to do with Islam.

You would think they would run out of "Teachers".

Imagine, being a teacher at one of these "Suicide Bombing Classes". You strap on your body explosives, walk up to the front of the class...and then say,

"Pay attention class....because I am only go to show you this one time". (boom)

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Let's try and put a happy slant on this thread.


What a nice human being who truly deserves his French citizenship.

Good man indeed, but personally I would have been wary as hell had I been someone caught up in that very event.

It could just as easily have been someone embedded as staff, gathering them straight into one place for a massacre.

One fictional example below details what I'm getting at.

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Some things have always bugged me. If someone comes from a muslim nation to live in mine (UK), we will accomodate them and let them get on with their lives. They can practice their religion, open mosques, eat what they want (and slaughter the animals according to their religion) and wear what they want. I have no issue with that. Live and let live.

However, if I were to go and move to Saudi...

I've got no issues with muslims on the whole, just their double standards gets on my nerves. Many of them demand everyone allows them to behave according to their religion in non muslim nations, but are completely intolerant as to the needs of non muslims within muslim nations.

The main reason salaries are so high in Saudi for westerners isn't due to the nation being oil rich. It's due to the fact that you can't get a beer, look at a female, get a girlfriend, watch most movies, sit/walk/talk with a female in public, wear what you want, eat pork, eat non Halal meat, go shopping in malls alone or simply take a stroll outside your guarded compound without the fear of being attacked due to inadvertently offending someone (well according to two pals of mine who spent a year or so there anyway).

The reason they pay so well is that they have to. The money is great, but it seems almost a prison sentence living there.

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. Many of them demand everyone allows them to behave according to their religion in non muslim nations, but are completely intolerant as to the needs of non muslims within muslim nations.

I think you answered your own question when understanding that western cultural ways are contained in compound / hotels.

It is galling enough that we are there in the first place on what they see as sacred land, particularly in what is now Saudi Arabia, but practical nescessities demand it.

Others living there are not even happy about these compounds in the first place, hence why they view the House of Saud as corrupted by financial greed.

Although some may disagree, Muslims in the Western world are not confined to compounds, therefore no clear limiting lines have been set.

Perhaps the lack of clear limits was the mistake of the west, but then again we advertised to be lands of equality for all. We made our bed.

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If you were wondering when WW 3 was going to start...it started long ago, it'll be known as the shadow war.

Who knows where evil lurks in the hearts of men, only the shadow knows...

As evil gears up again, we are reminded for the millionth time, that the world is still trapped in the Dark Ages...like a cornered rat, it lashes out in fury..

Unabated since time immemorial..

When Moses was just a twinkle in his Daddy's eye..and even before that too..


The more things change, the more they stay the same..

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20 sleeper cells, eh? cheesy.gif

People do have short memories. Hey. If it worked the first time, why not?...


'Neighbours were certainly fooled by the agents' efforts to fit in. One told The New York Times: "But they couldn't have been spies! Look what she did with the hydrangeas."

The Pentagon propaganda budget is approximately $1 billion. There have been enough revelations to know the CIA control anyone of influence in the media. And PR companies we also know are heavily involved in supporting the 'official narrative', using mass media. When you're launching mass psychogical operations (psyops), it's important to drive home your message, when your audience is emotionally upset. They suck it up more readily. Hence utter nonsense stories about Internet Caliphates and Muslim sleeper cells, which, like ISIS itself, appear like magic from Aladdin's lamp.


Someone WANTS a Muslim-Christian war because they are certainly doing their best to promote it. 5 million dead in the Congo and the media silence is deafening.

I'm surprised they haven't picked up on this one yet...

Afghanistan's dirty little secret


'...why are American and NATO forces fighting and dying to defend tens of thousands of proud paedophiles, certainly more per capita than any other place on Earth?'

Good question.

Though as Mr Condell explains these terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.

Mr Condell is a frightened old man, reflecting the decade of TERROR boogah-boogah he's been subjected to. Pakistanis in the UK raping girls is a CRIMINAL act, not a religious one. There are plenty of cultures where men dominate and abuse women, including Asia. Nip down to Patpong and Nana or research paedophilia and incest in Thai villages.

All 3 Abrahamic religions have used their texts to promote war and ALL 3 are still doing it. On every British warship, they rousingly singing 'Onward Christian Soldiers' led by state-authorized 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' Christian priests, every Sunday. AFAIK the Lord's Resistance Army aren't Muslims. Nor are the State 'terrorists', the IDF, whose daily murder, ethnic-cleansing and land theft has been ongoing for nearly 70 years.

There is undoubtedly a problem with Islam and violence but why worry? The despots WE installed have been murdering, incarcerating and repressing them for decades, throughout the Middle East. Now we are turning Shia and Sunni against each other. You think they don't know WE did that to them? That THEY aren't suffering? (They 'deserve' it though, don't they?)

The tormented Mr Condell, seething with rage, ignores that which has been nurtured and encouraged by Imperial powers.

The attitude of the pro-Israelis on this forum is curious. You get used to them defending the indefensible. However, why aren't they supporting moderate Muslims instead of vilifying them? Jews constantly complain about the rise in 'anti-Semitism' and that the world is awash with 'Jew-hatred' (ignoring its cause), yet when they see the same phenomenon taking place with Muslims, they are in the front lines encouraging it. A bit like accusing the Nazis of persecuting the Jews, then turning Gaza into a giant concentration camp.


'Throughout history, Judaism's religious texts or precepts have been used to promote[3][4][5] as well as oppose violence'

'Yeah. But their violence is worse than our violence.'

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Just 'lone wolves', not organized or anything to do with Iislam. Relax and have another beer.

Will we ever take this seriously or learn anything?

What do we learn? A Muslim guy went into a Kosher grocery store in France and shot Jews. What am I supposed to learn?

Here's some of what I've learned. You've a group of people from various nations whose antecedents never went through an Age Of Reason, Enlightenment or Reformation. You've got a religion/ideology that has no hierarchical structure accountable for the actions of its followers or even its so called leaders. Various "leaders" may speak out against the actions of some of the adherents to its ideology but its meaningless as they have no standing to speak for the religion/ideology. It's only lip service.

During the Middle Ages Islam was ahead of Europe in science, mathematics and art, for example our numbering system is Arabic. Then the radicals seem to have taken over and held the people back for their own purposes of control, extremism of Saudi arabia is behind it. A bunch of hypocrites, just see what Saudis buy when they hit the duty free shops in Dubai airport

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God will pity the terrorists, who head down south to Arkansas, Louisianna, and Texas....not to mention about a dozen other states.

There are about 5 guns in every house. They people all look like the guys on that series " Duck Hunters".

Rest of those European Countries will be frantically dialing for the police, to show up. A luxury that they cannot afford.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Yet again, those with nothing but ignorance to back up their prejudice try to convince us that because some terrorists use Islam to justify their terrorism then those terrosists represent Islam and all Muslims and all Muslims must be supporters of, if not practising, terrorists.

Using that logic, they must also believe that because the Lord's resistance Army, and other groups, use Christianity to justify their acts, then they mujst represent Christianity and all Christians must be supporters of, if not practising, terrorists!

Both attitudes are, of course, as ridiculous as each other.

As would be blaming all Jews for the hate attacks carried out against Christians and Muslims in Israel; Jewish Hate Groups Carry Out ‘Price Tag’ Attacks on Christians in Israel

Because of the upcoming scheduled visit by Pope Francis to Israel, the issue has finally popped up in the US media yesterday. The Washington Post reports:

“Catholic leaders in Jerusalem are increasingly concerned that an apparent uptick in nationalistic hate crimes by Jewish extremists against Christians and Muslims could mar the upcoming visit of Pope Francis.

On Friday, for the second time this week, anti-Christian graffiti was discovered on a church in Jerusalem. It follows a similar incident Monday at the Notre Dame Center, a complex in Jerusalem owned by the Vatican. The defacements come after more than 20 major hate crimes in the past few months have targeted Christian and Muslim communities here.”

Do these people represent Judaism? As much as ISIS and similar represent Islam, as much as the LRA and similar represent Christianity. That is; not at all except in their own minds.

Some posters have also made much of the fact that people in some Islamic countries do not enjoy the same freedoms we in the West do. Is that a reason for abandoning those freedoms in the West?

Of course not; such an idea is as ridiculous as saying that because one of the world's major economic powers, China, is not a democracy then we in the West should abandon democracy as well.

How can we hope to convince countries with oppressive regimes to change their ways if we, ourselves become oppressive?

Edited by 7by7
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That the Algerian government is the source of this intelligence should indicate to the idiots that the Islamic terrorists do, in fact, have nothing to do with Islam; except in their own perverted minds and the minds of those like the self publicist Condell cited earlier and the gullible who swallow such pony.

Intelligence services in Europe, the US etc. obviously garner much of their intelligence from within the Muslim community; it is within that community that the terrorists are hiding.

How much longer will that be the case if the Islamaphobes get their way?

Why are you an expert on Algeria now as well as Islam?

Did you actually read the OP? "Algeria’s intelligence services passed information to several European countries...."

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There are never any problems with the Muslim community in Japan but that might have something to do with the strict controls placed on them and the laws that prevent proliferation of mosques.

We have seen years of radical preachers such as Abu Hamza given a free reign to peddle his evil doctrine along with others from the South London Mosque and there is plenty of evidence to link that place with terrorism.

I don't seem large groups of Muslims taking to the streets to condem that place or indeed support the rights we have to free speech.

The mayor of Rotterdam had the right idea when he told his fellow Muslims to 'F*** of back to where they came from if the did not like the ways of Holland.


Edited by Jay Sata
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I'm quite surprised that this information is 'shared' before action is being taken. Shouldn't the 'targetted countries' act on this info i.e. go in and take out/neutralise the cells, instead of 'broadcasting' the info this way, alerting these cells and push them deeper underground? An honest question based on curiosity - I'm no military expert nor do I know anything about 'operations' beyond what I see in Hollywood films which I believe are grossly exaggerated and dramatised so I'm on the edge of my seat for 90 - 120 minutes of my life.

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God will pity the terrorists, who head down south to Arkansas, Louisianna, and Texas....not to mention about a dozen other states.

There are about 5 guns in every house. They people all look like the guys on that series " Duck Hunters".

Rest of those European Countries will be frantically dialing for the police, to show up. A luxury that they cannot afford.

Yee haw! Thank <deleted> we've got team America, world police to save us all!

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